Results, *落

atejiしゃれshareシャレSHARE Inflection


  • joke; pun; jest; witticism; wordplay

adjectival noun:

  • smartly dressed; stylish; fashion-conscious; refined お洒落

非常にhijouniうまいumai洒落sharakuだったdattaのでnode満場manjou爆笑bakushouしたshita It was such a nice joke that everybody burst out laughing.

おしゃれoshareオシャレOSHARE Inflection

adjectival noun / ~の noun:


  • someone smartly dressed

~する noun:

  • to dress up; to be fashionable

彼女kanojohaオシャレOSHAREda She's fashionable.

ついらくtsuiraku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • fall; crash (e.g. aircraft)

uehe昇ればnoboreba昇るnoboruほどhodoそれだけsoredake墜落tsuirakuno程度teidoha大きくookikuなるnaru The higher you climb, the greater the fall.

てんらくtenraku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • fall; tumble; spill; plunge; dive
  • degradation; comedown; demotion; slump

阪神hanshin三日天下mikkatenkaあっと言う間にattoiumani首位shuiからkara転落tenrakushiちゃったchattayo Hanshin's moment of glory didn't last. They fell out of first place in a hurry.

ぼつらくbotsuraku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • ruin; fall; collapse

商売shoubaideそんなsonna失敗shippaiwoしたらshitaraどんなdonna会社kaishaでもdemo没落botsurakuするsuru Such a business failure would sink any company.

しゃらくsharaku Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • free and easy; open-hearted; relaxed; not fussy; frank

非常にhijouniうまいumai洒落sharakuだったdattaのでnode満場manjou爆笑bakushouしたshita It was such a nice joke that everybody burst out laughing.

げらくgeraku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • depreciation; decline; fall; slump

株式市場kabushikishijouha今日kyou下落gerakuしたshita The stock market has dropped today.



  • settlement; village; community; town
  • (bacterial) colony しゅうらく - Biology term

それからsorekaraまもなくmamonaku幾人kano測量士sokuryoushito自称するjishousuru変なhenna服装fukusouwoしたshita人たちhitotachiga集落shuurakuniやってきてyattekite祖母sobono小屋koyanomaewo測ってhakatteいきましたikimashita Pretty soon along came to the village some strangely dressed people who called themselves surveyors; and they surveyed a line in front of my grandmother's little house.

ぼうらくbouraku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • slump; crash; heavy fall; sudden decline

アメリカAMERIKA経済keizaiha1987nennodai暴落bourakuからkaraいち早くichihayaku回復kaifukuしていますshiteimasune The U.S. economy shrugged off the '87 Crash.

いちだんらくichidanrakuひとだんらくhitodanrakuひとだんらくhitodanraku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • reaching a stopping place; settling down (before the next stage); getting to a point where one can rest; completing the first stage (of the work)


  • one paragraph

今回konkainoプロジェクトPUROJEKUTOga終わってowatteやっとyatto一段落ichidanrakuしたshitaってtte感じkanjidane Now that the project has come to an end, I feel like I've finally come to a resting-place.

きゅうらくkyuuraku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • sudden fall; sharp fall; sudden drop; sharp drop

経済回復keizaikaifukuno遅れokureha自動車jidoushano売り上げuriagewo急落kyuurakuさせましたsasemashita Slow economic recovery has sent auto sales plummeting.



  • slip; omission
  • outcome; final result; the end
  • punch line (of a joke) - often オチ - usually written using kana alone

落ちochihaしないshinaikaというtoiu恐怖kyoufudekareha立ちすくんだtachisukunda Fear of falling caused him to freeze.

だつらくdatsuraku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • loss; dropping out; falling by the wayside
  • omission; lacuna; gap; hiatus
  • desertion; defection
  • apostasy

kareha半分hanbun行ったokonattatokorodeレースREESUからkara脱落datsurakuしてshiteしまったshimatta He dropped out half way into the race.

だらくdaraku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • depravity; corruption; degradation

kareha道徳的にdoutokutekini堕落darakuしたshita He lapsed morally.

かんらくkanraku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • fall; sinking; surrender; capitulation

パリPARIha1940nenni陥落kanrakuしたshita Paris fell in 1940.



  • hamlet; subunit of village - sensitive
  • burakumin area - sensitive

移住者ijuushano部落burakuga野蛮人yabanjinによってniyotte征服seifukuされsare移住者ijuushano希望kiboumo生活seikatsumo土壇場dotanbaniきたkitatoki長いnagai歳月saigetsuwoかけてkaketeno不幸fukoutonoたたかいtatakaini終止符shuushifugaうたれたutareta Years of resistance to misfortune ended when the settlers' village was overcome by the savages and their hopes and lives came to the bitter end.



  • paragraph
  • end; stopping place; conclusion

別のbetsuno段落danrakudekarehaコンマKONMAwo1つhitotsu入れたireta In another paragraph, he put in a comma.

ほうらくhouraku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • collapse; break; cave-in; crash; (market) decline


  • result (of an election); success or defeat (in an election)
  • winning or losing (a lottery, raffle, etc.)
はんらくhanraku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • reactionary fall (e.g. in stock prices)
ていらくteiraku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • fall; decline; slump

ドルDORUno価値kachiha最近saikin低落teirakuしたshita The value of the dollar has fallen recently.



  • village; hamlet; settlement

そのうちsonouchi小さなchiisana村落sonrakuno真上mauewo高架線koukasenga行ったり来たりokonattarikitariするsuruようになりましたyouninarimashita Pretty soon, there was an elevated train going back and forth just above the small village.



  • oversight; omission; something overlooked; thing left unnoticed
ぞくらくzokuraku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • continued fall (in market price)


  • many communities (villages); cluster of plants



fall; drop; come down; village; hamlet

© Based on JMdict, KANJIDIC2, and JMnedict, property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, used in conformance with the Group's licence. Example sentences from the Tatoeba project (CC BY 2.0). Kanji stroke order data from the KanjiVG project by Ulrich Apel (CC BY-SA 3.0). See comprehensive list of data sources for more info.

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