Results, tori



  • bird
  • bird meat (esp. chicken meat); fowl; poultry

karehamorinonakawo歩いたaruita頭上zujoudehatoriga楽しくtanoshikuさえずっていたsaezutteita He walked in the forest, with birds singing cheerfully above his head.

toriha料理人ryourijingaほどよくhodoyoku焼いたyaita The fowls were well roasted by the cook.



  • (domestic) chicken
  • chicken (meat) 鶏肉

肥えたkoetaniwatorihatamagowo産まないumanai Fat hens lay few eggs.

このkononiwatorino唐揚げtouagewoそのままsonomamaにしておくnishiteokuのですnodesuka Are you going to let this fried chicken go begging?



  • tenth sign of the Chinese zodiac (The Bird, 5pm-7pm, west, August)


  • in the heart

noun / suffix noun:

  • taking; taker; collecting; collector; remover; removal


  • last performer of the day (usu. the star performer); last performance of the day
  • active partner (e.g. in judo demonstration)


  • emphatic or formal prefix - before a verb

小学校shougakkounotokiよくyoku椅子isu取りtoriゲームGEEMUwoshite遊びasobiましmashita We used to play musical chairs in elementary school.

Possible inflected words:

とるtoru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

  • to take; to pick up; to harvest; to earn; to win; to choose
  • to steal 盗る
  • to eat; to have (a meal) 摂る
  • to remove (one's glasses, etc.) - also written as 脱る
  • to compete (in sumo, cards, etc.); to play

watashihaよいyoisekiwoとるtoruことができたkotogadekita I got a good seat.

彼女kanojohaiede昼食chuushokuwoとるtoru She has lunch at home.

とるtoru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

  • to take (a photo) - esp. 撮る
  • to record (video, audio, etc.); to make (a film) - esp. 録る

肖像画shouzougawo書くkaku準備junbiとしてtoshite私のwatashino友達tomodachiha対象taishouwoよくyoku観察kansatsuするsuruためtameno写真shashinwo沢山takusan撮るtoru In preparation for painting a portrait, my friend takes many photographs in order to study the subject closely.

とるtoru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

  • to take; to catch; to capture

suha複雑fukuzatsuそうsouni見えるmierugaクモKUMOgasuwo作ってtsukutte昆虫konchuuwo捕るtoruのにnoni時間jikanhaほとんどhotondoかからないkakaranai And though a web looks complicated, it takes a spider little time to make one and catch insects.

とるtoru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

  • to adopt (method, proposal, etc.); to take (measure, course of action, etc.); to decide on
  • to pick (e.g. flowers); to gather (e.g. mushrooms); to catch (e.g. insects)
  • to extract (e.g. juice); to take (e.g. a sample)
  • to assume (an attitude)
  • to take on (workers, students); to employ; to hire
  • to draw in (e.g. water); to let in (e.g. light from a window)
とるtoru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

  • to take (trouble); to attend (to business); to command (army)
とるtoru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

  • to have (e.g. lunch); to take (e.g. vitamins) 取る

watashihaいつもitsumojini夕食yuushokuwoとるtoru I usually have dinner at seven.

とるtoru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

とるtoru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

  • to harvest (a crop) 採る
とるtoru Inflection

godan ~る verb:

  • to be ...-ing - equiv. of -ている indicating continuing action as a verb ending

Partial results:



  • chicken meat

このkono鶏肉keinikuhaよくyoku揚げらけれているagerakereteiru This chicken is fried well.

とりかえるtorikaeruirr. Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to exchange; to replace

流れnagarewo渡っているwatatteirumaniumawo取り替えるtorikaeruna Don't change horses in midstream.

とりあげるtoriageru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to pick up
  • to adopt (e.g. a proposal); to accept; to take up (a topic, complaint, etc.); to listen to; to deal with; to feature
  • to take away; to confiscate; to deprive (someone) of; to revoke
  • to deliver (a baby)
  • to collect (taxes)

彼のkareno提案teianhahanashiniとりあげるtoriageruほどhodonoことkotomoないnai His proposal is not worth talking about.

電話denwaga鳴るnaruスーザンSUUZANha受話器juwakiwo取り上げるtoriageru The telephone rings. Susan picks it up.

とりだすtoridasu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to take out; to produce; to pick out
  • to fetch; to retrieve

ishiからkarachiwo取り出すtoridasuことはできないkotohadekinai You cannot get blood out of a stone.

とりけすtorikesu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to cancel; to withdraw; to retract; to take back (words, etc.); to revoke

ごめんgomen取り消すtorikesuyo I'm sorry. I take back my words.

とりいれるtoriireru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to harvest; to reap
  • to take in; to gather in
  • to adopt (e.g. idea); to accept (e.g. advice); to introduce; to borrow (e.g. word)

私達watashitachihaいつもitsumo彼のkareno忠告chuukokuwo取り入れるtoriirerutoいうiuわけではないwakedehanai We do not always take his advice.

とりひきtorihiki Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • transactions; dealings; business

ぜひzehi取引torihikiさせていただきsaseteitadakiたいtaito思いますomoimasu We would love to work with you.



  • treatment; service; handling; management

先生senseiha彼女kanojoni正当なseitouna取り扱いtoriatsukaiwoしなかったshinakatta The teacher didn't do her justice.



  • control; management; supervision

警察keisatsuha違法ihou駐車chuushano取り締まりtorishimariwo始めたhajimeta The police began a crackdown on illegal parking.



  • first of all; at once; right away
  • for now; for the time being

とりあえずtoriaezuこれkorewoやってyatteしまおうshimaou Let's do this first of all.



  • torii; Shinto shrine archway

鳥居toriito言うiuto階段kaidanwo上がったagattaところtokoroniあったatta赤いakaiオブジェOBUJE By 'Torii' you mean that red objet d'art at the top of the steps?

とりしまるtorishimaru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

  • to manage; to control; to supervise; to oversee; to command
  • to crack down on; to keep under strict control; to enforce; to regulate

暴力bouryokuwo取り締まるtorishimarunoha政府seifuno責任sekininであるdearu It is up to the government to take action on violence.

とりよせるtoriyoseru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to order; to send away for; to have (something) sent to one
  • to pull (something) closer

インターネットINTAANETTOde願書ganshowo取り寄せるtoriyoserutoいいiiyo Have them send you an application form over the Internet.

とりもどすtorimodosu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to take back; to regain; to get back; to recover

karehaatsusade卒倒sottoushi気を失ってkiwoushinatteしまったshimattaga奥さんokusanno辛抱強いshinbouzuyoi看病kanbyounoおかげでokagede正気shoukiwo取り戻すtorimodosuことができたkotogadekita He fainted from the heat, but his wife's patient nursing brought him to.

とりつぐtoritsuguirr.irr. Inflection

godan ~ぐ verb / transitive:

  • to act as an agent for; to intermediate
  • to announce (someone's arrival); to answer (the door, the phone); to receive (a guest at reception); to usher in (a guest)
  • to convey (a message)


  • especially; above all
  • inter alia; among others

とりわけtoriwake子供たちkodomotachiha愛情aijouwo必要とするhitsuyoutosuru Above all, children need love.

watashihataにもnimoいろいろiroiro理由riyuugaあるarugaとりわけtoriwakekingaないnaiからkara行かないikanai I am not going, because, among other reasons, I don't have money.

とりあつかうtoriatsukau Inflection

godan ~う verb / transitive:

  • to handle; to operate (a machine, etc.); to use
  • to deal with (an issue); to manage
  • to treat (someone); to deal with (someone)
  • to deal in; to carry; to sell

算数sansuuhakazuwo取り扱うtoriatsukau Arithmetic deals with numbers.

統計学toukeigakuha事実jijitsuwo表すarawasukazuwo取り扱うtoriatsukauものであるmonodearu Statistics deals with collected numbers representing facts.

とりくむtorikumu Inflection

godan ~む verb / intransitive verb:

  • to grapple with; to wrestle with; to engage in a bout; to be matched against
  • to tackle (e.g. a problem); to come to grips with; to work hard on

そろそろsorosoro本気honkide仕事shigotoni取り組むtorikumuころkorodayo It is time you get down to work.

とりまくtorimaku Inflection

godan ~く verb / transitive:

  • to surround; to encircle; to enclose

繊維sen'i産業sangyouwoとりまくtorimaku状況joukyouha変化henkaしたshita Circumstances surrounding the textile industry have changed.

とりのぞくtorinozoku Inflection

godan ~く verb / transitive:

  • to remove; to deinstall; to take away; to set apart

ottoga協力kyouryokuしてshiteくれkureさえすればsaesureba彼女kanojoha家庭kateiからkara大半taihanno悩みnayaminotanewo取り除くtorinozokuことができるkotogadekiruだろうdarou If only her husband helped her, most of her problems at home would disappear.

とりたてるtoritateru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to collect (debts); to dun; to exact; to extort
  • to appoint; to promote; to give patronage
  • to emphasize; to focus on; to call attention to 取り立てて
調とりしらべるtorishiraberu調 Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to investigate; to examine

事件jikenno原因gen'inwo取り調べるtorishiraberuためにtameni実情調査委員会jitsujouchousaiinkaiga作られたtsukurareta A fact-finding committee was set up to determine the cause of the incident.



  • swap; exchange
とりまぜるtorimazeru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to mix; to put together


  • company director; board member

代表取締役daihyoutorishimariyakuha取締役torishimariyakuno職務shokumuno執行shikkouwo監督kantokuするsuruものmonoda The Representative Director supervises Directors' performance of duties.



bird; chicken

シュSHUto.ruto.riり~to.ri とりtori~ど do.ri

take; fetch; take up

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