


  • who

adverbial noun / noun / ~の noun:

  • other (esp. people and abstract matters)

nanikatano言い方iikatahaあるaru Can it be phrased in another way?



  • rice field

tamoriha、1945nenすなわちsunawachi第二次世界大戦dai二jisekaitaisenga終わったowattatoshini生まれたumareta Tamori was born in 1945, that is, when World War II ended.


noun / prefix:

  • multi-

noun / suffix noun / counter:

  • distance between outstretched thumb and middle finger (approx. 18 cm) - archaism

auxiliary verb:

  • did; (have) done - だ after certain verb forms; indicate past or completed action
  • (please) do - indicates mild imperative

Partial results:

たいへんtaihen Inflection


  • very; greatly; terribly; awfully

adjectival noun / noun:

  • immense; enormous; great
  • serious; grave; dreadful; terrible
  • difficult; hard


  • major incident; disaster - archaism

1日中歩き回ってarukimawatte大変taihen疲れたtsukareta I am dead tired from walking around all day.

ameくらいkuraide電話denwaga混線konsenしてたらshitetara日本nipponなんてnante大変taihenですdesuyone If rain was enough to get phone-lines crossed then Japan would be in a right mess, wouldn't it?

たいせつtaisetsuたいせちtaisechiobs. Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • important; necessary; indispensable
  • beloved; precious; dear; cherished; valuable
  • careful - usu. adverb, as ~に

大切なtaisetsunaことkotoなんだnandaからkara Now, this is really important.



  • embassy

大使館taishikanha最高裁判所saikousaibanshoni隣接rinsetsuしているshiteiru The embassy is located next to the Supreme Court.



  • building

あそこasokono建物tatemonoga燃えているmoeteiruに違いないnichigainai That building must be on fire.


noun / ~の noun:

  • crowd of people; great number of people

adverbial noun:

  • in great numbers

そこsokoにはniha大勢のtaiseinohitogaいたita There was a large crowd there.



  • eggs; egg; spawn; roe
  • hen egg
  • (an expert) in the making
  • beginning; origin; infancy

tamagowoダースDAASUづつzutsuつめtsumeなさい。nasai. Pack eggs in dozens.

tamagoha硬くkatakuゆでてyudeteくださいkudasai Boil the eggs hard.

kareha医者ishanotamagoda He is a future doctor.



  • food

あのano老人roujinha食べ物tabemononi難しいmuzukashii That old man is a fussy eater.

たのむtanomu Inflection

godan ~む verb / transitive:

  • to request; to beg; to ask
  • to call; to order; to reserve
  • to entrust to
  • to rely on - esp. 恃む

明日ashita電話denwadeトムTOMUni連絡renrakuしてshite手伝ってtetsudatteくれるkureruようにyouni頼むtanomuつもりtsumorida I'm going to call Tom tomorrow and ask him to help.

田中tanakaさんsannoことkotowo頼むtanomuyo Take care of Mr. Tanaka for me!



  • the vertical; height
  • front-to-back; length
  • north-to-south

noun / ~の noun:

  • vertical (relationship); hierarchy


テーブルTEEBURUwotate一列ni並べnarabeなさいnasai Put the tables end to end.

このkonoカーペットKAAPETTOnoサイズSAIZUhatate120センチSENCHIyoko160センチSENCHIですdesu The size of the carpet is 120 by 160 centimeters.

たかいtakaiirr. Inflection


  • high; tall 高い Antonym: 低い
  • expensive; high-priced
  • high (level); above average (in degree, quality, etc.)
  • loud
  • high-pitched; shrill

銀行ginkouhaリスクRISUKUno高いtakai顧客kokyakuhenoローンROONにはniha高いtakai金利kinriwoつけるtsukeru Banks charge higher interest on loans to risky customers.

できたらdekitaraスケッチブックSUKETCHIBUKKUto4Bno鉛筆enpitsumo買ってkatteきてkiteおいてoiteneまだmadaそんなにsonnani高いtakai画材gazaihaいらないiranaiyo If you can, get a sketchbook and a 4B pencil. You don't need such expensive art materials yet.

新しいatarashii製造seizou過程kateiha高いtakai歩留まりbudomariwo可能kanouniするsuru The new production process achieves a high yield.



  • who
たぶんtabun Inflection


  • perhaps; probably

adjectival noun / ~の noun:

  • generous; many; much; great

kimiにはnihaたぶんtabunみんなminnaわかっているwakatteiruことkotoでしょうdeshou I expect you know all about it.

たつtatsu Inflection

godan ~つ verb / intransitive verb:

  • to stand; to rise; to stand up 立つ
  • to find oneself (e.g. in a difficult position) 立つ
  • to depart (on a plane, train, etc.) - usu. 発つ

ああaa明日ashita発つtatsundaってttene Ah, you're leaving tomorrow!

たくさんtakusan Inflection

~の noun / adjectival noun / noun / adverbial noun:

  • a lot; lots; plenty; many; a large number; much; a great deal; a good deal
  • enough; sufficient

suffix noun:

お父さんotousanha煙草tabakonokemurideたくさんtakusanwawo作れるtsukureru Dad can blow many smoke rings.

たのしいtanoshiiirr.irr. Inflection


  • enjoyable; fun; pleasant; happy; delightful

外国gaikokugogaとってもtottemo楽しいtanoshiito分っwakata I find foreign languages very interesting.

たべるtaberuirr. Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to eat
  • to live on (e.g. a salary); to live off; to subsist on

もっとmotto果物kudamonowo食べるtaberuべきbekiですdesu You should eat more fruit.



  • tobacco; cigarette; cigaret; cigar - From Portuguese "tabaco"
  • tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum)

お父さんotousanha煙草tabakonokemurideたくさんtakusanwawo作れるtsukureru Dad can blow many smoke rings.



  • birthday

今日kyouhaimoutono誕生日tanjoubiですdesu Today is my sister's birthday.

たしかtashikairr. Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • sure; certain; positive; definite
  • reliable; trustworthy; safe; sound; firm; accurate; correct; exact


  • If I'm not mistaken; If I remember correctly; If I remember rightly

karega間違っているmachigatteirunoha確かtashikaですdesu It is certain that he is wrong.

これkoreha確かtashika淡水魚tansuigyodato思いますomoimasu I believe this fish is a freshwater fish.



  • for example; for instance; e.g.


  • typhoon; hurricane

台風taifuuga勢いikioiwo増したmashita The typhoon gathered strength.

たのしみtanoshimi Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

水泳suieiga私のwatashino楽しみtanoshimino1つhitotsuですdesu Swimming is one thing I enjoy.

kareto会うaunoga楽しみtanoshimidaなあnaa I'm looking forward to seeing him.

たずねるtazuneru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to visit; to call on; to pay a visit to

明日ashitakarewo訪ねるtazuneruつもりtsumorida I'll call on him tomorrow.



  • good; advantage; benefit; welfare 為に
  • sake; purpose; objective; aim
  • consequence; result; effect
  • affecting; regarding; concerning

あなたanatanoためtameならnara喜んでyorokondeどんなdonnaことkotoでもdemoしますshimasu I am ready to do anything for you.

1月ichigatsu30nichi、31nichiha葬式soushikinoためtame休みますyasumimasu I'm taking bereavement leave on Jan. 30 and 31.

それsorehaおまえomaenokoewoよくyoku聞くkikuためtamedayo It is in order to hear your voice well.

たおれるtaoreru Inflection

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to fall (over, down); to collapse; to take a fall; to topple
  • to be destroyed (in a collapse); to collapse; to cave in; to crumble; to give away
  • to be confined to bed (with an illness); to come down with; to break down (e.g. from overwork)
  • to die; to be killed
  • to go bankrupt (of a company, bank, etc.); to fail; to collapse; to go under
  • to be defeated (in a game); to lose
  • to fall (of a government, dictator, etc.); to be overthrown

watashiha通りtooride老人roujingaあお向けaomukeni倒れるtaorerunowo見たmita I saw an old man fall on his back in the street.

あのano元気なgenkinaotokoga病気byoukide倒れるtaoreruなんてnanteonino霍乱toもっぱらmopparanouwasadayo For a healthy cheerful guy like that to get sick is like the devil getting sunstroke. Everyone is talking about it.

内閣naikakuha倒れるtaoreruだろうdarouということだtoiukotoda They say that the cabinet will fall.


シュSHUZUteて~te ~て teた~ta



rice field; rice paddy

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