Results, 上*

あげるageru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to raise; to elevate 手を挙げる
  • to do up (one's hair) 髪を上げる
  • to fly (a kite, etc.); to launch (fireworks, etc.); to surface (a submarine, etc.)
  • to land (a boat)
  • to deep-fry 揚げる
  • to show someone (into a room)
  • to summon (for geishas, etc.) 揚げる - usually written using kana alone
  • to send someone (away)
  • to enrol (one's child in school); to enroll
  • to increase (price, quality, status, etc.); to develop (talent, skill); to improve
  • to make (a loud sound); to raise (one's voice) 声を上げる
  • to earn (something desirable)
  • to praise
  • to give (an example, etc.); to cite - usu. 挙げる
  • to summon up (all of one's energy, etc.) - usu. 挙げる
  • to arrest 挙げる
  • to nominate 挙げる
  • to give 上げる - polite language
  • to offer up (incense, a prayer, etc.) to the gods (or Buddha, etc.) 上げる
  • to bear (a child)
  • to conduct (a ceremony, esp. a wedding) - usu. 挙げる

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • (of the tide) to come in

ichidan verb / intransitive verb / transitive:

  • to vomit

auxiliary verb / ichidan verb:

  • to do for (the sake of someone else) - after the -te form of a verb - usually written using kana alone - polite language
  • to complete ... - after the -masu stem of a verb 作り上げる
  • to humbly do ... - after the -masu stem of a humble verb to increase the level of humility - humble language 申し上げる

調節chousetsuレバーREBAAwoueni上げるageruto座面zamenno高さtakasawo調節chousetsuできますdekimasu You can adjust the seat height by moving the adjustment lever up.

たこtakowo上げるageruことkotoga危険なkikennaことkotomoあるaru Flying a kite can be dangerous.

彼らkareraha給料kyuuryouwo上げるageruようにyouni要求youkyuuしたshita They made a claim for higher pay.

彼女kanojoha小さなchiisana驚きodorokino悲鳴himeiwo上げるageruto浴室yokushitsuni逃げてnigete行ったitta She gave a small cry of alarm and fled to the bathroom.

零細reisai小売店kouritenなどnadohashin年度nendoにはniha利益riekiwo上げるageruでしょうdeshou Mom-and-pop stores will turn a profit in the new fiscal year.

fuyunoソナタSONATAworeini挙げるageruまでもなくmademonakuいまやimaya時ならぬtokinaranu韓流kanryuuブームBUUMUであるdearu You don't need to bring up "A Winter Sonata" to show that South Korean culture is having an unexpected boom in Japan.

watashihakareniペンPENwoあげるageruつもりtsumoriですdesu I'll give him a pen.

解き方tokikatawo教えてoshieteあげるageruyo I will show you how to solve it.

じょうずjouzuじょうてjouteobs.じょうしゅjoushuobs. Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:


  • flattery

あなたanataha上手にjouzuniバスケットボールBASUKETTOBOORUgaできますdekimasuka Do you play basketball well?



  • coat; tunic; jacket; outer garment

男性danseinohouha上着uwagiwo着用chakuyouしてshiteくださいkudasai Jackets are requested for men.

のぼるnoboruold Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to ascend; to go up; to climb
  • to ascend (as a natural process, e.g. the sun); to rise - usu. 昇る
  • to go to (the capital)
  • to be promoted
  • to add up to
  • to advance (in price)
  • to swim up (a river); to sail up
  • to come up (on the agenda)

kareha簡単にkantannikiniのぼるnoboru He has no trouble climbing trees.

そのsonoときtoki太陽taiyougaのぼるnoboruところtokoroだったdatta The sun was coming up then.

彼のkareno借金shakkinha総計soukei2000ドルDORUniのぼるnoboru His debts amount to $2,000.


noun / ~の noun / adverbial noun / suffix noun:

  • above; up; over; elder (e.g. daughter)
  • top; summit
  • surface; on
  • before; previous
  • superiority; one's superior (i.e. one's elder)
  • on top of that; besides; what's more
  • upon (further inspection, etc.); based on (and occurring after)
  • matters concerning...; as concerns ...
  • since (i.e. "for that reason") - as ...上は

suffix noun:

  • suffix indicating higher social standing - honorific language 父上
  • place of one's superior (i.e. the throne) - archaism
  • emperor; sovereign; shogun; daimyo - archaism
  • noblewoman (esp. the wife of a nobleman) - archaism

osekino上のuenotananonakani入ってhaitteおりますorimasu It's in the overhead compartment.

このkono踏台fumidaiwo使えばtsukaebaクローゼットKUROOZETTOnoueni手が届くtegatodokuyo If you stand on this stool, you can reach the top of the closet.

tsukuenoueniペンPENgahonありますarimasuka Are there any pens on the desk?

寒かったsamukattaうえuenikazega強かったtsuyokatta It was cold, and, in addition, it was windy.

彼らkareraha合意gouinouede敏速なbinsokuna行動koudouwoとったtotta They acted immediately by agreement.

あがるagaruirr. Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to rise; to go up; to come up; to ascend; to be raised Antonym: 下がる
  • to enter (esp. from outdoors); to come in; to go in
  • to enter (a school); to advance to the next grade
  • to get out (of water); to come ashore
  • to increase - also written as 騰る in ref. to price
  • to improve; to make progress
  • to be promoted; to advance
  • to be made (of profit, etc.)
  • to occur (esp. of a favourable result)
  • to be adequate (to cover expenses, etc.) - often as 〜で上がる
  • to be finished; to be done; to be over
  • (of rain) to stop; to lift
  • to stop (working properly); to cut out; to give out; to die
  • to win (in a card game, etc.)
  • to be arrested 挙がる
  • to turn up (of evidence, etc.) 挙がる
  • to be deep fried 揚がる
  • to be spoken loudly
  • to get stage fright
  • to be offered (to the gods, etc.)
  • to go; to visit - humble language
  • to eat; to drink - honorific language
  • to be listed (as a candidate) - esp. 挙がる
  • to serve (in one's master's home)
  • to go north - in Kyoto

suffix / godan ~る verb:

  • to be complete; to finish - after the -masu stem of a verb 出来上がる

3月sangatsu1日からkara鉄道tetsudou運賃unchinga1割あがるagaruto発表happyouされたsareta It has been announced that railway fares will be raised by 10 percent starting on the first of March.

amegaすぐsuguあがるagaruでしょうかdeshouka」「あがらないagaranaito思うomouyo "Will it stop raining soon?" "I'm afraid not."

やがてyagateameha上がるagaruwo思うomou I hope it will clear up soon.

watashiha演説enzetsuwoするsuruto決まってkimatteあがるagaru I never make a speech without being nervous.

じょうきょうjoukyou Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • proceeding to the capital (Tokyo)

kareha商用shouyoude上京joukyouしたshita He came up to Tokyo on business.

じょうとうjoutou Inflection

~の noun / adjectival noun / noun:

  • superior; first-class; excellent; top quality


  • (that's) just fine!; bring it on!

どうしてdoushiteこんなkonna上等joutounoぶどう酒budoushuwo今までimamade取って置いたtotteoitanoka Why have you kept such an excellent wine back till now?

じょうたつjoutatsu Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • improvement (e.g. in skill, ability); advance; progress
  • communication of opinions of the general populace to those of high rank Antonym: 下達 上通

君のkimino英語eigoha上達joutatsuしているshiteiru Your English is improving.



  • upper reaches (of a river); upper stream Antonym: 下【しも】
  • top; upper part; upper half (of the body)
  • long ago
  • beginning; first
  • person of high rank (e.g. the emperor) - honorific language 御上
  • government; imperial court
  • imperial capital (i.e. Kyoto); capital region (i.e. Kansai); region (or direction of) the imperial palace 上方【かみがた】
  • head (of a table)
  • wife; mistress (of a restaurant) - honorific language

suffix noun:

  • from the standpoint of; as a matter of (e.g. fact); in the field of; being of the type of
  • aboard (a ship or vehicle); on top of; on; above


noun / prefix:

  • superior quality; best; top; high class
  • going up
  • governmental; imperial
  • presenting; showing


  • ana- (medical, biol.)

会社kaishaha税金zeikinjouno目的mokutekide本社honsha所在地shozaichiwo香港honkonni移したutsushita The company moved its corporate domicile to Hong Kong for tax purposes.

あなたanataにはnihawazawaino前兆zenchouであるdearukabejouno書きものkakimonoga読めるyomeruかもしれないkamoshirenaigawatashiにはnihaちんぷんかんぷんchinpunkanpunda You may be able to read the handwriting on the wall, but it is Greek to me.

理論rironjou理論rironto実行jikkounomanihananino違いchigaimoないnaiga実際jissaiue違いchigaihaあるaruものmonoda In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.

うまいumai Inflection


  • skillful; skilful; clever; expert; wise; successful - esp. 上手い,巧い
  • delicious; appetizing; appetising; tasty - esp. 旨い,美味い,甘い
  • fortunate; splendid; promising - esp. 旨い

karehaこういうkouiunogaうまいumaiのですnodesu He's good at this sort of thing.

あそこasokono食べ物tabemonohaうまいumaishi値段nedanmo安いyasuiga地の利chinoriga悪いwaruinoga難点nantendane That place's food is delicious and their prices are low. However, their location isn't good.

じょうげjouge Inflection


  • top and bottom; high and low; above and below; upper and lower ends; up and down

noun / ~する noun:

  • going up and down; rising and falling; fluctuating
  • going and coming back


  • upper and lower classes; ruler and ruled; the government and the people
  • first and second volumes

karehahatawo上下jougeni動かしたugokashita He moved the flags up and down.

彼女kanojohaそのsonoewo上下jougeさかさまsakasamaniかえたkaeta She hung the picture upside down.


adverbial noun / temporal noun:

  • first 10 days of month

7月shichigatsuno上旬joujunhaumini行くikunoha早いhayaiかなkana I wonder if the first week or so of July is too early to go to the beach.



  • ascent; climbing; ascending (path); climb
  • up-train (e.g. going to Tokyo) 上り 上り列車

noun / ~の noun:

  • northward (towards Tokyo)

michihaここkokoからkaraゆるやかなyuruyakana上りnoborida The road ascends gently here.



  • advanced level; high grade; senior

このkono辞書jishoha初級shokyuushaniいやiyaそれどころかsoredokoroka上級joukyuushaにもnimo役に立つyakunitatsu This dictionary is useful to beginners, yes, and to advanced learners.

じょうしょうjoushou Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • rising; ascending; climbing

kihakyuu角度kakudode上昇joushoushiそれからsorekara海岸kaiganwo離れるhanareruにつれてnitsurete水平飛行suiheihikouni移ったutsutta The plane rose sharply before leveling off as it left the coast.


noun / ~の noun:

  • superior (in rank); top; ranking


  • higher order (e.g. byte) - IT term
  • host computer (of connected device) - IT term

フォーチューンFUOOCHUUNshi上位joui500shaha新しいatarashii法律houritsude最もmottomo打撃dagekiwo受けましたukemashita Fortune 500 companies were the hardest hit by recent legislation.



  • (one's) superior; (one's) boss; the higher-ups 部下目上

上司joushini残業zangyouさせられたsaseraretandayo My boss made me work overtime.



  • sky; the skies; high-altitude sky; upper air

寒波kanpaga日本nipponno上空joukuuwo通過tsuukaしたshitaのですnodesu A cold wave passed over Japan.

じょうえんjouen Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • performance (of a play, opera, etc.); staging; presentation

そのsono劇場gekijoudehananiga上演jouenされていますsareteimasuka What is playing at the theater?

じょうりくjouriku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • landing; disembarkation; landfall

毎年maitoshi日本nipponにはniha台風taifuuga上陸jourikuしますshimasu Typhoons hit Japan every year.


suffix noun / noun:


  • income; proceeds; return; profit; crop yield
  • freshly-drawn green tea (esp. in sushi shops) - abbreviation 上がり花
  • completion; stop; finish
  • end result (e.g. of crafts like painting, pottery, etc.); how something comes out

suffix / ~の noun:

  • after (rain, illness, etc.)
  • ex- (e.g. ex-bureaucrat)

~の noun:

  • northbound

michihaなだらかなnadarakana上がりagariになっていたninatteita The road climbed gradually.

irono上がりagarigaよいyoi The color has come out well.

o風呂furo上がりagariniジュースJUUSUwo飲みnomiましmashita After taking a bath, I drank some soft drink.

うわきuwakiold Inflection

noun / adjectival noun / ~する noun:

  • extramarital sex; affair; fooling around
  • infidelity; wantonness; unfaithfulness; inconstancy; fickleness; caprice

彼女kanojoha上役uwayakuto浮気uwakiwoしているshiteiru She's having an affair with her boss.



  • top and bottom; up and down; high and low; above and below; upper and lower ends

~の noun / noun:


ジョウJOUショウSHOUシャンSHANうえue~うえ ueうわ~uwa かみkamiげるa.geru~あげる a.geruがるa.garu~あがる a.garuがりa.gari~あがり a.gariのぼnobo.ruのぼnobo.riのぼせるnobo.seruのぼnobo.suたてまつ

above; up

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