Results, 有_

あるaru Inflection

godan ~る verb (irregular) / intransitive verb:

  • to be; to exist; to live - usu. of inanimate objects 居る【いる】
  • to have
  • to be located
  • to be equipped with
  • to happen; to come about

失礼shitsureidaga上記のjoukino記事kijiniあるaru3つmittsuno誤りayamariwo指摘shitekiしてshiteおきokiたいtai Excuse me. I'd like to point out three errors in the above article.

悪いwaruiけどkedoほかにhokani用事youjigaあるaruno I'm sorry, I have another engagement.

ゆうめいyuumei Inflection

adjectival noun:

  • famous


  • fame

先日senjitsu我が家wagayano水質検査suishitsukensawo行いましたokonaimashitaあるaru有名yuumei会社kaishano環境kankyou分析bunsekiセンターSENTAAとかtokaいうiuところtokoroniしてshiteもらいましたmoraimashita The other day, a water quality inspection was carried out at our house. We had it done by a certain famous company's Environment Analysis Center or some such name.

ゆうこうyuukou Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • valid; effective Antonym: 無効


  • yuko (judo) - Martial Arts term

そのsono切符kippuha一週間有効yuukouですdesu The ticket is valid for a week.

ゆうりyuuriirr. Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • advantageous; better; profitable; lucrative 不利

そのsono証拠shoukohakareni有利yuuriであったdeatta The evidence was in his favor.

ゆうのうyuunou Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • able; capable; competent; talented; efficient Antonym: 無能

彼女kanojoha有能yuunoude頼りになるtayorininaru助手joshuda She is an efficient and reliable assistant.


~の noun / noun:

  • fee-charging; paid; not free Antonym: 無料

このkono道路douroha有料yuuryouですdesu We must pay a toll to drive on this road.



  • existence or nonexistence; presence or absence
  • consent or refusal; yes or no

排卵hairanno有無umuwo調べるshiraberu方法houhouhaありますarimasuka Is there some way to check for ovulation?

さすがsasugaateji Inflection

adjectival noun / adverb / ~の noun:

  • as one would expect
  • still; all the same
  • even... (e.g. "even a genius...") - as さすがの〜も

さすがsasugaお嬢様ojousama自由奔放なjiyuuhonpouna生活seikatsuwoしていたshiteitaわけじゃないwakejanaiんだnda Just what you'd expect of a young lady, you certainly weren't left to live as you pleased.

ゆうりょくyuuryoku Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

コカ・コーラkokakouraha清涼飲料水seiryouinryousuidehaいつもitsumosai有力yuuryoku会社kaishada Coke has always been the top dog when it comes to soft drinks.


noun / ~の noun:

  • organic

有機yuukiキウイKIUIですdesuどうぞdouzogo自由jiyuunio採りtori下さいkudasai Organic kiwi fruit. Feel free to help yourself.

ゆうぼうyuubou Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • good prospects; full of hope; promising

彼のkareno前途zentohakimiga思うomouほどhodo有望yuubouではないdehanai His prospects are not so rosy as you suppose.

ゆうえきyuueki Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • beneficial; profitable; useful; helpful; instructive

watashiにはnihaとてもtotemo有益yuuekiだったdatta It was of great benefit to me.



それsorehaさんたんたるsantantaru有様arisamaだったdatta That was a fearful scene.


noun / ~の noun:

  • guilt; culpability Antonym: 無罪

何もかもnanimokamokareno有罪yuuzaiwoしめしているshimeshiteiru Everything points to his guilt.

ゆうがいyuugai Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

煙草tabakoha健康にkenkouni有害yuugaiであるdearu Smoking is harmful to your health.

ゆうすうyuusuu Inflection

adjectival noun / noun / ~の noun / suffix noun:

このkonoyamaha世界sekaiでもdemo有数yuusuuno高いtakaiyamaですdesu This mountain is among the highest in the world.


noun / ~の noun:

  • voluntary; volunteer; sympathizer; sympathiser

そのsono協会kyoukaiha有志yuushiwo求めるmotomeru広告koukokuwoテレビTEREBIni出したdashita The institution advertised on TV for volunteers.



  • emergency

noun / ~の noun:

  • communicate by wire
ゆうげんyuugen Inflection

~の noun / adjectival noun / noun:

  • finite; limited

karadauenoアフィンAFYIN代数daisuuguntoha、kuenoka換多mototamakinokenからkaragunnokenheno表現hyougen可能kanounakyouhensekishude有限yuugen生成seiseina多元tagentamakiによってniyotte表現hyougensaれるreru An affine algebraic group over a field k is a representable covariant functor from the category of commutative algebras over k to the category of groups such that the representing algebra is finitely generated.

ゆうどくyuudoku Inflection

adjectival noun / noun / ~の noun:

  • poisonous; toxic

このkono食品shokuhinha有毒yuudokuであるdearu This food is unhealthy.


noun / ~の noun:

  • salaried; with pay Antonym: 無給



noun / ~の noun:

  • (involving) payment; (involving) compensation; paying a fee
ゆうようyuuyou Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • useful; helpful

正しくmasashiku使用されるshiyousarerutoあるaru毒物dokubutsuha有用yuuyoudatoわかるwakaruだろうdarou Properly used, certain poisons will prove beneficial.


~の noun / noun:

  • manned; occupied; piloted Antonym: 無人



possess; have; exist; happen; occur; approx

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