Results, 描く
- 描く☆【えがく・かく】画く Inflection
godan ~く verb / transitive:
- to draw; to paint; to sketch ➜ 書く
- to depict; to describe [えがく]
- to picture in one's mind; to imagine
- to form a certain shape (e.g. path of an action, appearance of an object, etc.)
マネがこの絵を描くまで、女性の裸像は女神に限られていました。 Until Manet painted this picture, his female nudes were limited to goddesses.
2.ペンで厚紙にブーメランの形を描く。描いたブーメランを切り取る。 2. Draw a boomerang shape on the card with a pen. Cut out the boomerang you've drawn.
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