Results, *方


adverbial noun / temporal noun:

ひょっとするとhyottosuruto夕方yuugatamaeniameになるninaruかもしれないkamoshirenai It might rain before evening.



  • that way (direction distant from both speaker and listener); over there; yonder 何方【どちら】此方【こちら】其方
  • that one (something physically distant from both speaker and listener, or something not visible but known by both speaker and listener); that
  • that person (someone physically distant from both speaker and listener, or someone not present but known by both speaker and listener) - あちら is pol.
  • there (place distant from both speaker and listener); over there; foreign country (esp. a Western nation)


  • direction; way - also ほう
  • person; lady; gentleman - honorific language

noun / suffix noun:

  • method of; manner of; way of

suffix noun:

  • care of ...
  • person in charge of ... - also がた
  • side (e.g. "on my mother's side") - also がた

審判shinpannohouwoちらりとchirarito睨むniramuga審判shinpanha涼しいsuzushiikaoしてshite鼻クソhanaKUSOwoほじっていhojitteiやがったyagatta。「ちくしょうchikushou八百長yaochoukayo・・・」 I glared briefly in the referee's direction but he was putting on a calm face while picking his nose. "Dammit, the fight's a fixup!?"

グリーンGURIIN夫人fujinha私のwatashino子供たちkodomotachigautawo習っているnaratteiruhouですdesuga今度kondono日曜nichiyouni独唱会dokushoukaiwo開くhiraku予定yoteiですdesu Mrs. Green, from whom my children have lessons in singing, is to have a recital next Sunday.

そのsono少年shounenhaカーブKAABUno投げnagekatawo知っているshitteiru The boy knows how to throw a curve.



  • that way (direction distant from the speaker, close to the listener) 何方【どちら】此方【こちら】彼方【あちら】
  • there (place distant from the speaker, close to the listener)
  • that one (something close to the listener)
  • you; your family; your company
  • that person (someone close to the listener)


  • you (referring to someone of equal or lower status) - 貴女 refers only to females and 貴男 refers only to males - polite language
  • dear (what a wife calls a husband) 貴方・貴男


  • this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker); this direction 何方【どちら】其方彼方【あちら】
  • here (place close to the speaker or where the speaker is)
  • this one (something physically close to the speaker)


  • I; me; we; us
  • this person (someone physically close to the speaker and of equal or higher status)

こちらkochiraheやってくるyattekuru少年shounentoそのsonoinuwoごらんなさいgorannasai Look at the boy and his dog that are coming this way.

shiowoこちらkochirahe取ってtotteもらえますmoraemasuka Could you pass me the salt, please?

こちらkochiranohougaこちらkochiraよりyori値段nedanga高いtakai This costs more than that.

こちらkochiraアヤAYAこちらkochiraアヤAYA応答outouお願いしますonegaishimasu This is Aya, this is Aya. Please respond.

叔母さんobasanこちらkochirahaトムTOMUkunですdesu Aunt, this is Tom.





  • who? - honorific language

どなたdonataですかdesuka」「お母さんokaasanyo "Who is it?" "It's your mother."



  • way; method; means; resource; course

あなたanatahaチェスCHESUno仕方shikatawo知っていますshitteimasuka Do you know how to play chess?


noun / ~の noun:

  • both; both sides; both parties 片方

このkono手袋tebukuroha両方ryouhougaそろっていないsorotteinai Their gloves are not in pairs.



  • way of swimming

kimini泳ぎ方oyogikatawo教えようoshieyou I'll tell you how to swim.


noun / ~の noun:

kareha今年kotoshinonatsu東北touhoku地方chihouwo旅行ryokouしたshita He traveled through the Tohoku district this summer.

そのsono地方chihouha大規模にdaikiboni開発kaihatsuされるsareruだろうdarou It seems the rural area will be developed on a large scale.



  • one (esp. of two); the other; one way; the other way; one direction; the other direction; one side; the other side; one party; the other party


  • on the one hand; on the other hand 他方
  • whereas; although; but at the same time; meanwhile; in turn

adverbial noun / suffix noun:

  • just keeps; being inclined to ...; tending to be ...; tending to do ...; continuously ...; just keeps on; only - after noun, adjective-stem or plain verb

yukaha緑色にryokushokuni塗られていたnurareteitaga一方ippoukabeha黄色kiiroだったdatta The floor was painted green, while the walls were yellow.

しかしshikashiそのsono一方ippouラテン語ratengohaそのsonoときtokiまでmadeni死語shigoとなっていたtonatteita But, then again, Latin was already a "dead language" by that time.

本屋hon'yade英語eigo関係kankeinohonwo見つけるmitsukeruto次々tsugitsugini買ってkatteしまってshimatte読まずyomazuniいるiruのでnodeたまるtamaru一方ippouですdesu I always buy the English-language books I come across at bookstores. But since I never read them, all they do is pile up.



  • they (of people); gentlemen (of the ...) - honorific language
  • you (usu. plural) - honorific language


  • various

貴社kishano社員shainno方々katagataniお会いoaiできdekiとてもtotemoうれしくureshiku思いましたomoimashita It was a great pleasure for me to meet many associates of your company.

みかたmikataatejiateji Inflection

noun / ~の noun:

noun / ~する noun:

  • taking sides with; supporting; standing by; backing up

watashiha民主主義minshushugino味方mikatada I am on the side of democracy.



  • direction; way; side; area (in a particular direction)
  • side (of an argument, etc.); one's part
  • type; category
  • field (of study, etc.)
  • indicates one side of a comparison
  • way; method; manner; means
  • length (of each side of a square)

審判shinpannohouwoちらりとchirarito睨むniramuga審判shinpanha涼しいsuzushiikaoしてshite鼻クソhanaKUSOwoほじっていhojitteiやがったyagatta。「ちくしょうchikushou八百長yaochoukayo・・・」 I glared briefly in the referee's direction but he was putting on a calm face while picking his nose. "Dammit, the fight's a fixup!?"

グリーンGURIIN夫人fujinha私のwatashino子供たちkodomotachigautawo習っているnaratteiruhouですdesuga今度kondono日曜nichiyouni独唱会dokushoukaiwo開くhiraku予定yoteiですdesu Mrs. Green, from whom my children have lessons in singing, is to have a recital next Sunday.

ジョンJONnohouga二人noうちuchide背が高いsegatakai John is the taller of the two.

あちこちachikochiあちらこちらachirakochiraあっちこっちatchikotchiかなたこなたkanatakonataあなたこなたanatakonataobs.アチコチACHIKOCHI Inflection

adverb / pronoun:

  • here and there; all around; everywhere; throughout; all over

~する noun:

  • to get things in the wrong order (back to front); to become muddled up あちこち・あちらこちら・あっちこっち・アチコチ

あちこちachikochideそれsorewo捜したsagashita I have looked for it up and down.


adverbial noun / noun:

  • here and there; this way and that way; everywhere; all over

観光kankou名所meishowoほうぼうhoubou訪ねtazune歩いたaruitaのでnodeすっかりsukkari疲れ果ててtsukarehateteしまったshimatta Visiting all the tourist sights really wore me out.


adverbial noun / temporal noun:

そのsono事故jikoha明け方akegatani起こったokotta The accident occurred at dawn.



  • viewpoint; point of view
  • way of understanding; way of appreciating; how to look at something (e.g. noh, train schedule) - esp. 〜の見方

karehaいつもitsumo彼女のkanojono見方mikatawoするsuru He always takes sides with her.


noun / ~の noun:

  • one (esp. of two); the other; one way; the other way; one direction; the other direction; one side; the other side; one party; the other party


どちらかdochirakaga他方tahouよりyoriいいii、と,toいうiunoではないdehanai One way is not better than the other.

そのsono仕事shigotohaあまりamariおもしろくomoshirokuなかったnakattaga他方tahoude報酬houshuuga良かったyokatta That job was not very interesting, but on the other hand it was well paid.


noun / ~の noun:

  • large part; greater part; majority
  • people in general; general public; public at large


  • mostly; for the most part; almost; nearly
  • probably; maybe; perhaps

実のところminotokoroいかなるikanaruスピードSUPIIDOde移動idouするsuruにせよniseyo北極熊hokkyokugumaha他のtanoおおかたookatano哺乳動物honyuudoubutsuno2倍noエネルギーENERUGIIwo消費shouhiするsuru In fact, to move at any speed the polar bear uses twice as much energy as do most other mammals.

kareno言っているitteiruことkotono大方ookataniwatashiha同感doukanであるdearu I am in agreement with most of what he says.



  • square (e.g. metre)

縦横juuouフィートFYIITOno部屋heyano面積mensekiha64平方heihouフィートFYIITOであるdearu The area of an 8-foot square room is 64 square feet.


noun / ~の noun:

  • long way; distant place

遠方enpounishiroga見えたmieta We saw a castle in the distance.



  • Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; Ms. - after a person's name (or position, etc.) - honorific language
  • makes words more polite (usu. in fixed expressions) - usu. after a noun or na-adjective prefixed with お- or ご- - polite language お粗末さまでした


  • state; situation; appearance

彼女kanojoha王女oujosamaになったninatta夢を見たyumewomita She dreamed that she was a princess.

どうもdoumogo親切shinsetsuさまsama That's very kind of you.

フラフラとFURAFURAto歩き回るarukimawaruyouhaあまりにamariniデンジャラスDENJARASUda The way she dizzily moves around is far too dangerous.


ホウHOUかたkata~かた kata~がた gata

direction; person; alternative

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