Results, _作

そうさsousa Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • operation; management; handling
  • manipulating (to one's benefit); manipulation; influencing

このkonoコンピューターKONPYUUTAAno操作sousaha難しいmuzukashii Operation of this computer is tricky.

ポールPOORUha会計報告kaikeihoukokuno裏面rimen操作sousaについてnitsuite知識chishikigaあったattaのでnodeそのsono隠れたkakureta才能sainouwo発揮hakkiしてshite必要なhitsuyounaものmonowo全てsubete手に入れていたteniireteita Paul's knowledge of creative bookkeeping has been the secret of his ability to get all the staffing he needs.

せいさくseisaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • work (film, book)
  • production; creation; turning (something) out; development

彼のkareno次のtsugino制作seisakuha非常にhijouni意欲的なiyokutekinaミュージカルMYUUJIKARUだったdatta His next production was a very ambitious musical.

せいさくseisaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • manufacture; production

このkono工場koujoudeha自動車jidoushano部品buhinwo製作seisakuしているshiteiru This factory manufactures automobile parts.

そうさくsousaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • creativity; creation; original work (novel, movie, etc.)

それsoreha彼女のkanojono創作sousakuだろうdarou I think she made up that story.



  • masterpiece

このkono映画eigahaまさしくmasashiku不朽のfukyuuno名作meisakuであるdearu This movie is indeed a timeless masterpiece.

どうさdousa Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • action; movements; motions; bearing; behaviour; behavior; execution; actuation; operation; manners

kareha動作dousagaぎこちないgikochinai He is awkward in his movements.

けっさくkessaku Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • masterpiece; best work
  • amusing blunder; funny mistake; boner - with sarcastic tone

そのsono偉大なidaina画家gakano傑作kessakugakabeniさかさまにsakasamaniかかっているkakatteiruwo見てmitekareha驚いたodoroita He was surprised to find the great artist's masterpiece hung on the wall upside down.

わはははwahahahaそりゃsorya傑作kessakuda A-ha-ha-ha! What a blunder!

こうさくkousaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • handicraft
  • work; construction; manufacturing
  • maneuvering; manoeuvering

kareha工作kousakuni熟練jukurenしているshiteiru He is skilled in handicraft.

会計係kaikeigakariga逮捕taihoされたsaretaga原因gen'inhakareno裏帳簿urachoubo工作kousakudaというtoiuuwasagaあったatta When the accountant was arrested, rumour had it that it was for his creative bookkeeping.


noun / ~の noun:

  • original work

そのsonoドラマDORAMAha原作gensakuto違っているchigatteiru The drama differs from the original story.

ほっさhossa Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • fit; spasm; attack; seizure - Medicine term

狭心症kyoushinshouno発作hossaga起きましたokimashita I had an angina attack.


noun / ~の noun:

  • bad harvest; poor crop

昨年sakunenha異常なijouna冷夏reikade稲作inasakuha10年ぶりnenburino凶作kyousakuだったdatta It was exceptionally cold last summer, and the rice crop was the worst in 10 years.



  • abundant harvest; bumper crop

米作beisakuha今年kotoshi豊作housakuda The rice crop is large this year.

こうさくkousaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • cultivation; farming

300年間nenkan彼らkareraha周囲shuuino土地tochiwo耕作kousakuしてshiteきたkita For three hundred years they have farmed the surrounding land.



  • poor piece of work; rubbish; trash

どうせdouse駄作dasakuだろうdarouto思っていたomotteitanoだけどdakedoどっこいdokkoiなかなかnakanakaいいiihonだったdatta I was expecting it to be a bad book, but damn me if it wasn't quite good after all.

しんさくshinsaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • new work; new production

そのsono作家sakkaha来月raigetsu新作shinsakuwo発表happyouするsuru The writer is bringing out a new book next month.

ちょさくchosaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • writing; book

ホームページHOOMUPEEJIwoつくるtsukurunomoいいiiけどkedo著作chosakukenno侵害shingaiになるninaruようなyounaことkotohaしてshitehaいませんimasen It's fine to set up a web page, just be sure you don't infringe anybody's copyright.



  • large-scale work; voluminous work
  • monumental work; great work; masterpiece


  • rice cultivation; rice crop

台風taifuude稲作inasakuha大きなookina被害を受けたhigaiwouketa The typhoon did great damage to the rice crop.

じさくjisaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • one's own work; making by oneself

karehaそのsono少女shoujonoためにtameni自作jisakunokyokuwo一曲弾いたhiita He played a tune for the girl that he'd written himself.

げきさくgekisaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • play writing


  • poor crop; bad harvest; crop failure
  • low quality (e.g. of literary works)

洪水kouzuinoためtamekomeha不作fusakuだったdatta The rice crop was poor, owing to the floods.



  • good piece of work
  • honourable mention (honorable) - abbreviation

青河aogashiha講談社koudansha児童jidou文学bungaku新人shinjinshou佳作kasakuwo受賞jushouするsuru Aoga receives an honourable mention at the Kodansha Award for New Writers of Children’s Literature.

しさくshisaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • trial manufacture; experiment; test piece; prototype
がっさくgassaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • collaboration; joint work


  • tour de force; painstaking piece of work; achievement

今回konkai発売hatsubaiされたsaretaアルバムARUBAMUhaストーリーSUTOORII仕立てshitateになっていてninatteite力作rikisakuda Her latest album is a tour de force. It even has a storyline.


サクSAKUSAつくtsuku.ruつくtsuku.ri~づく zuku.ri

make; production; prepare; build

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