


  • that (indicating something distant from both speaker and listener (in space, time or psychologically), or something understood without naming it directly) 何れ此れ其れ
  • that person (used to refer to one's equals or inferiors)
  • over there - archaism
  • down there (i.e. one's genitals) あれ - colloquialism
  • period; menses あれ - colloquialism


  • hey (expression of surprise, suspicion, etc.); huh?; eh?


  • that (something mentioned before which is distant psychologically or in terms of time)

あれaregaこのkonomachino大通りoodoorida That is the main street of this city.

あれareならnara絶対zettai大丈夫daijoubu Yeah, she must be the sure thing!

あれarenaniだろdaroパフォーマンスPAFUOOMANSUでもdemoやってるyatterunoka Hello, what's that? Somebody doing street theatre or something?



  • ah; oh - expression of surprise, recollection, etc.
  • hey! - used to get someone's attention


  • I; me
  • oneself われ・わ
  • you われ・わ - archaism


  • prefix indicating familiarity or contempt - also 和 - archaism


  • à la carte - From French


  • a cappella; unaccompanied choir or choral work - Music term - From Italian
アプリオリAPURIORIア・プリオリA/PURIORI Inflection

adjectival noun:

  • a priori - From Latin


  • a la mode - From French


  • muteness; speech impairment
  • mute; deaf-mute おし・おうし - sensitive

ninno職場shokubahe、一ninno少女shoujoga黙々mokumokuとしてtoshite近づいchikazuitekita黙々mokumokuとしてtoshite――といったtoittanoha実はjitsuhaそのsono少女shoujohaoshinanoda A girl quietly approached the pair's workplace. The girl did so quietly — though to be accurate, she was a mute.



  • sub-
  • -ous (indicating a low oxidation state); -ite


  • son of a bitch


  • a tempo - Music term - From Italian


  • recorder; flûte à bec - From French


Partial results:



  • foot - esp. 足
  • leg - esp. 脚,肢
  • gait
  • pace
  • bottom structural component (i.e. radical) of a kanji - usu. 脚
  • means of transportation
  • money; coin - archaism お足

またmataashigaしびれたshibireta My foot's asleep again!

n~、イマイチIMAICHIなんだnandayoねえneeこのkonoashinoあたりatarinosenとかtokaさぁsaaなんとかなんないnantokanannaino This drawing is less than great. He needs to do something with the line here at the back of the leg.

終わったowattaあとatomoashiga軽いkarui感じkanjigaしましたshimashita I felt very light on my feet afterwards.


noun / ~の noun:

  • behind; rear 後ずさり
  • after; later その後
  • after one's death
  • remainder; the rest
  • descendant; successor; heir

adverbial noun:

  • more (e.g. five more minutes); left
  • also; in addition

noun / ~の noun:

  • past; previous - archaism

私のwatashinonochide音がしたotogashita I heard a noise behind me.

雨天utennonochiにはniha晴天seitenga来るkuru After rain comes fair weather.

あとato2通手紙tegamiwo書かkakaなくてはならないnakutehanaranai I have another two letters to write.

藤さんfujisangaあとatoni4人nokowo残してnokoshite死にましたshinimashita Mr. Fuji died, leaving 4 children behind him.

jiまでmadeあとatofunda It wants five minutes to nine.

あげるageru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to raise; to elevate 手を挙げる
  • to do up (one's hair) 髪を上げる
  • to fly (a kite, etc.); to launch (fireworks, etc.); to surface (a submarine, etc.)
  • to land (a boat)
  • to deep-fry 揚げる
  • to show someone (into a room)
  • to summon (for geishas, etc.) 揚げる - usually written using kana alone
  • to send someone (away)
  • to enrol (one's child in school); to enroll
  • to increase (price, quality, status, etc.); to develop (talent, skill); to improve
  • to make (a loud sound); to raise (one's voice) 声を上げる
  • to earn (something desirable)
  • to praise
  • to give (an example, etc.); to cite - usu. 挙げる
  • to summon up (all of one's energy, etc.) - usu. 挙げる
  • to arrest 挙げる
  • to nominate 挙げる
  • to give 上げる - polite language
  • to offer up (incense, a prayer, etc.) to the gods (or Buddha, etc.) 上げる
  • to bear (a child)
  • to conduct (a ceremony, esp. a wedding) - usu. 挙げる

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • (of the tide) to come in

ichidan verb / intransitive verb / transitive:

  • to vomit

auxiliary verb / ichidan verb:

  • to do for (the sake of someone else) - after the -te form of a verb - usually written using kana alone - polite language
  • to complete ... - after the -masu stem of a verb 作り上げる
  • to humbly do ... - after the -masu stem of a humble verb to increase the level of humility - humble language 申し上げる

調節chousetsuレバーREBAAwoueni上げるageruto座面zamenno高さtakasawo調節chousetsuできますdekimasu You can adjust the seat height by moving the adjustment lever up.

たこtakowo上げるageruことkotoga危険なkikennaことkotomoあるaru Flying a kite can be dangerous.

彼らkareraha給料kyuuryouwo上げるageruようにyouni要求youkyuuしたshita They made a claim for higher pay.

彼女kanojoha小さなchiisana驚きodorokino悲鳴himeiwo上げるageruto浴室yokushitsuni逃げてnigete行ったitta She gave a small cry of alarm and fled to the bathroom.

零細reisai小売店kouritenなどnadohashin年度nendoにはniha利益riekiwo上げるageruでしょうdeshou Mom-and-pop stores will turn a profit in the new fiscal year.

fuyunoソナタSONATAworeini挙げるageruまでもなくmademonakuいまやimaya時ならぬtokinaranu韓流kanryuuブームBUUMUであるdearu You don't need to bring up "A Winter Sonata" to show that South Korean culture is having an unexpected boom in Japan.

watashihakareniペンPENwoあげるageruつもりtsumoriですdesu I'll give him a pen.

解き方tokikatawo教えてoshieteあげるageruyo I will show you how to solve it.


temporal noun:

  • autumn; fall

akiにはniha木の葉konohaga落ちるochiru Leaves fall in the autumn.



  • rain

amenoためにtameni彼らkareraha気力kiryokuwoそがれたsogareta The rain damped their spirits.


noun / ~の noun:

  • blue; azure
  • green - mostly in compound words and in ref. to fruits, plants and traffic lights


  • green light (traffic) - abbreviation 青信号
  • black (horse coat color) 青毛


  • immature; unripe; young

信号shingougaaoni変わったkawatta The light turned green.

彼女kanojoha濃いkoiaonoスカーフSUKAAFUwoしていたshiteita She wore a dark blue scarf.

あるaru Inflection

godan ~る verb (irregular) / intransitive verb:

  • to be; to exist; to live - usu. of inanimate objects 居る【いる】
  • to have
  • to be located
  • to be equipped with
  • to happen; to come about

失礼shitsureidaga上記のjoukino記事kijiniあるaru3つmittsuno誤りayamariwo指摘shitekiしてshiteおきokiたいtai Excuse me. I'd like to point out three errors in the above article.

悪いwaruiけどkedoほかにhokani用事youjigaあるaruno I'm sorry, I have another engagement.


temporal noun:

  • tomorrow
  • near future あす

選挙senkyono結果kekkaha明日ashita発表happyouされるsareru The result of the election will be announced tomorrow.



  • elder brother; older brother - humble language

私のwatashinoaniha技師gishiになったninatta My brother became an engineer.



  • older sister; elder sister - humble language

ahaはいhai・・・ごめんgomenreiane」「コラKORA幾らikura親戚shinsekiとはいえtohaiewatashiha先輩senpai医師ishiyo院内innaidehaちゃんとchantoケジメをつけKEJIMEwotsukeなさいnasai "Ah, y-yes ... Sorry, Coz." "Hey! You might be my relative but here I'm your senior and a doctor. Keep things straight while you're in the hospital!"

あたらしいatarashiiirr. Inflection


  • new; novel; fresh; recent; latest; up-to-date; modern

あなたanatano新しいatarashiikurumaha調子choushiよくyoku動いていますugoiteimasuka Is your new car behaving well?


adverbial noun / temporal noun:

  • morning

6月rokugatsuにしてはnishiteha寒いsamuiasada It is a cold morning for June.

あびるabiru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to dash over oneself (e.g. water); to take (e.g. shower); to bask in (e.g. the sun); to bathe in; to be flooded with (e.g. light); to be covered in
  • to suffer (e.g. an attack); to draw (e.g. criticism, attention, praise); to have heaped upon; to be showered with

疲れたtsukaretaときtokihaひとhito風呂furo浴びるabirunogaいちばんichibanda When you feel tired, there is nothing like having a bath.

あかるいakaruiirr. Inflection


  • light; well-lit; well-lighted
  • bright (of a colour); brightly-coloured; brightly-colored
  • cheerful; bright; spirited; sunny (e.g. disposition)
  • encouraging (for the future of a project, etc.); promising; of fair prospects
  • familiar (with); knowledgeable (about); well versed (in) - as 〜に明るい
  • fair (e.g. politics); clean; impartial

彼等kareraha自宅jitakuwo明るいakarui黄色kiironi塗ったnutta They painted their house bright yellow.

明るいakaruiiroga私たちwatashitachino目を引いたmewohiita The bright colors arrested our eyes.

あのano子供kodomoha明るいakarui微笑bishoudeみんなminnawoひきつけるhikitsukeru The child captivates everyone with his sunny smile.

kimihaなかなかnakanaka地理chirini明るいakaruina You're pretty good with the lay of the land.

あかいakaioldoldoldold Inflection


  • red; crimson; scarlet; vermilion; vermillion - 紅い is esp. for scarlet
  • Red; communist
  • beautiful - archaism

中央chuuouにはnihatsukuega据えられていてsuerareteite赤いakai革張りkawabarino回転椅子kaiten'isugaそえてsoeteあったatta A desk stood in the centre, with a red leather swivel-chair.

あついatsui Inflection


  • hot (thing) Antonym: 冷たい
  • passionate (feelings, etc.); ardent; hot (e.g. gaze) Antonym: 冷たい
  • hot (e.g. temper)
  • zealous; enthusiastic; fired up
  • intense; severe; extreme
  • hot (topic); of interest

スープSUUPUha熱いatsuiうちuchini召し上がってmeshiagatte下さいkudasai Eat your soup while it is hot.

ima欲しいhoshiinoha熱いatsui一杯noコーヒーKOOHIIですdesu What I want now is a hot cup of coffee.

亡き母nakihahano写真shashinwo見るmiruたびにtabinimuneni熱いatsuiものmonoga込み上げてkomiageteくるkuru Every time I see that picture of my late mother, I feel a lump in my throat.

あおいaoiold Inflection


  • blue; azure
  • green - mostly arch. or in ref. to fruits, vegetables and traffic lights, etc.
  • pale; gray; grey 青い・蒼い - in ref. to facial colour
  • unripe; inexperienced 青い・蒼い

なぜnazesoraga青いaoika知っているshitteiruka Do you know why the sky is blue?

彼女kanojoga青いaoi顔色kaoirowoしていたshiteitanoga気になったkininatta It worried me that she looked pale.

お前omaehaまだmada青いaoi You're still young.

あそぶasobuあすぶasubuobs. Inflection

godan ~ぶ verb / intransitive verb:

  • to play; to enjoy oneself; to have a good time
  • to mess about (with alcohol, gambling, philandery, etc.)
  • to be idle; to do nothing; to be unused
  • to go to (for pleasure or for study) - as 〜に遊ぶ
  • to intentionally throw a ball to lower the batter's concentration - Baseball term

2人no子供kodomoga通りtooride遊んでいたasondeita There were two children playing on the street.

そのsono機械kikaihaima遊んでいるasondeiru The machine is lying idle.

あまりamariあんまりanmariold Inflection

noun / ~の noun:

  • remainder; remnant; rest; balance; surplus; remains (of a meal); leftovers あまり


adjectival noun / ~の noun:

  • extreme; great; severe; tremendous; terrible

suffix noun:

  • more than; over あまり

ぎょうざgyouzanogunoあまりamariha餃子gyouzawoiede作りましたtsukurimashitagakawaga少なかったsukunakattaせいかseikaguga少しsukoshi余ってamatteしまいましたshimaimashita Gyoza stuffing? I made some gyoza at home but, possibly because I didn't have enough dough, I had some of the filling left over.

それsorehaあまりamari価値kachigaないnai It's not worth much.

ひなたぼっこhinatabokkowoしているshiteirutoあまりamarino気持ちよkimochiyosaniウトウトUTOUTOしてshiteしまったshimatta I felt so good as I lazed in the sunshine that I drifted off to sleep.

スイートルームSUIITORUUMUnoあまりamarino豪華さにgoukasaniウットリしたUTTORIshita We were entranced by the fabulous suite.

1か月1kagetsuあまりamari名古屋nagoyani居たitaことがあるkotogaaru I lived in Nagoya for over a month.

あぶないabunai Inflection


  • dangerous; risky; hazardous; perilous; precarious
  • in danger; in jeopardy; critical; grave; at risk
  • uncertain; unreliable; insecure; unsteady; doubtful
  • close (i.e. a close call); narrow

こんなkonna夜更けyofukeni女の子onnanokono一人歩き一nin'arukiha危ないabunai It's not safe for a girl to go out by herself this late at night.

karehainochiga危ないabunai His life is in danger.

危ないabunai空模様soramoyouda The weather is threatening.

間一髪kan'ippatsu危ないabunaiところtokoroでしたdeshita That was a close call.

あらうarau Inflection

godan ~う verb / transitive:

  • to wash; to cleanse; to rinse
  • to inquire into; to investigate
  • to purify (one's heart)
  • to lave (e.g. shore); to wash over (e.g. deck); to sweep

そのsonoバッグBAGGUwo洗うarauときtokiha洗濯機sentakukini入れないでirenaideくださいkudasai When you wash the bag, please do not put it in the washing machine.

今日kyouhaawa洗車senshade愛車aishawo洗うarau I will wash my car in a hand car wash today.

あうau Inflection

godan ~う verb / intransitive verb:

  • to meet; to encounter; to see - 逢う is often used for close friends, etc. and may be associated with drama or pathos; 遭う may have an undesirable nuance
  • to have an accident; to have a bad experience - esp. 遭う when in kanji - usually written using kana alone

両親ryoushinhawatashigaまたmataトムTOMUto会うauことkotowo禁止kinshiしたshita My parents prohibited me from seeing Tom again.

猛吹雪moufubukini遭うauまでmadeha順調junchouni進んだsusunda We made good time until we ran into a blizzard.



  • that way (direction distant from both speaker and listener); over there; yonder 何方【どちら】此方【こちら】其方
  • that one (something physically distant from both speaker and listener, or something not visible but known by both speaker and listener); that
  • that person (someone physically distant from both speaker and listener, or someone not present but known by both speaker and listener) - あちら is pol.
  • there (place distant from both speaker and listener); over there; foreign country (esp. a Western nation)
あついatsui Inflection


  • thick; deep; heavy 厚い
  • kind; cordial; hospitable; warm; faithful
  • serious (of an illness) 篤い
  • abundant 厚い

yaga厚いatsuiitawo貫通kantsuuしたshita The arrow pierced the thick board.

kareha信仰shinkounoあついatsuihitoですdesu He is a man of strong faith.

あまいamai Inflection


  • sweet-tasting; sweet; sugary; sugared
  • fragrant (smelling); sweet (music)
  • lightly salted; light in salt; not spicy
  • naive; overly optimistic; soft on; generous; indulgent; easy-going; lenient 甘く見る
  • half-hearted; not finished properly
  • insufficient; not satisfactory; inadequate; loose
  • mild
  • tempting; enticing; luring 甘い言葉

このkonoチョコレートCHOKOREETOhaとってもtottemo甘くてamakuteおいしいoishii This chocolate is very sweet and tasty.

ゆりyuriha甘いamai香りがするkaorigasuru Lilies smell sweet.

メアリーMEARIIにはnihaついtsui甘くamakuなってnatteしまうshimau I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Mary.

彼女kanojoha彼のkareno甘いamai言葉kotobaniだまされたdamasareta She was beguiled by his sweet words.


GOわれwareわが~waga あ~a

I; my; our; one's own


open one's mouth; bare one's teeth; empty

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