Results, 入*


noun / ~の noun:

  • entrance; entry; gate; approach; mouth 出口

1台nokurumaga入り口irikuchini止まったtomatta A car stopped at the entrance.

はいるhairu Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to enter; to go into Antonym: 出る
  • to break into
  • to join; to enroll
  • to contain; to hold; to accommodate
  • to have (an income of)
  • to get; to receive; to score

わたしwatashihamorinonakani入ってhaitteyamani駆け上がったkakeagattaことkotowo後悔koukaiしていないshiteinai。」tootoutoha答えたkotaeta "I do not regret having gone into the forest and up the mountain," replied the younger brother.

お宅otakuga休暇kyuukade出かけているdekaketeirumani泥棒dorobouga入りましたhairimashita A burglar broke into your house while you were away on vacation.

18saidatoごまかしてgomakashitemo通るtoorunoならnarakareha軍隊guntaini入りhairiたいtaiのだnodaga If he could pass for eighteen years old, he'd join the army.

18sai以下ikanohitohaアルコールARUKOORUno入ったhaitta飲み物nomimonowo買ってkattehaいけないikenaiことになっていますkotoninatteimasu People under eighteen aren't supposed to buy alcoholic drinks.

kareha月収gesshuu2000ドルDORUnokinga入るhairu He has a monthly income of 2,000 dollars.

いれるireru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to put in; to let in; to take in; to bring in; to insert; to set (a jewel, etc.); to ink in (e.g. a tattoo)
  • to admit; to accept; to employ; to hire
  • to accept; to comply; to grant; to adopt (a policy, etc.); to take (advice, etc.); to listen to; to pay attention to - esp. 容れる
  • to include
  • to pay (one's rent, etc.)
  • to cast (a vote)
  • to make (tea, coffee, etc.) 淹れる
  • to turn on (a switch, etc.)
  • to send (a fax); to call

留学生ryuugakuseimo入れるirerunoかしらkashira I wonder if exchange students can join this club.

彼女kanojohaお茶ochawo入れるirerumaeniお湯oyuga沸くwakuまでmade待ったmatta She waited until the water boiled before making the tea with it.

コンタクトKONTAKUTOwo入れるireruというtoiunohaいかがikagaでしょうdeshou How about wearing contact lenses?

にゅういんnyuuin Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • hospitalization; hospitalisation

入院nyuuinno受付uketsuke窓口madoguchihaどこdokoですかdesuka Where is the admission's office?

にゅうがくnyuugaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • entry to school or university; matriculation; enrolment (in university, etc.) (enrollment)

私のwatashino息子musukoha高校koukouni入学nyuugakuしたshita My son entered high school.

にゅうじょうnyuujou Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • entrance; admission; entering

このkono切符kippudemei入場nyuujouできますdekimasu Two people can enter with this ticket.

にゅうしゃnyuusha Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • joining a company; getting a job with a company; entering a company

kareha高校koukou卒業sotsugyou直後chokugoni入社nyuushaしたshita He joined the company right after he got through high school.



  • container; case; receptacle
  • coffin; casket - euph.
にゅうしょうnyuushou Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • winning a prize or place (in a contest)

そのsono少女shoujohaリサイタルRISAITARUdenoすばらしいsubarashii踊りodoride入賞nyuushouしたshita The girl took the cake for her wonderful dancing at the recital.

にゅうしゅnyuushu Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • acquisition; obtaining; coming to hand

これらのkorerano品目hinmokuha入手nyuushugaかなりkanari困難konnanda These items are rather hard to obtain.

にゅうよくnyuuyoku Inflection


  • bathing

~する noun:

  • to bathe; to take a bath; to enter a bath

watashiha1日おきにokini入浴nyuuyokuするsuru I take a bath every other day.

いるiru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

watashihaお風呂ofuroni入っているhaitteiruんだnda I'm taking a bath.

にゅうさつnyuusatsu Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • bid; tender; bidding

hashino建設kensetsuno入札nyuusatsuga募られたtsunorareta Bids were invited for building the bridge.


noun / suffix noun:

  • entering
  • setting (of the sun)
  • containing; content; audience サイン入り
  • income
  • beginning

funeha改装kaisounoためtame目下mokkaドックDOKKU入りiriしているshiteiru The ship is now in dock for a refit.

hakoha20hon入りiriであるdearu Each package contains a score of cigarettes.


noun / ~の noun:

入試nyuushi制度seidono改革kaikakuカリキュラムKARIKYURAMUno改革kaikakuha着々とchakuchakuto進んでいるsusundeiruga歩みayumiha遅いosoi The reform of both entrance examination system and curriculum makes slow progress.

にゅうこくnyuukokuにゅうごくnyuugokuirr. Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • entry to a country

入国nyuukokuno目的mokutekihananiですかdesuka What's the purpose of your visit?

にゅうせんnyuusen Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • chosen (in a competition)

彼のkarenoeha二科展nikatenni入選nyuusenshita His picture was accepted for the Nika Exhibition.

にゅうしょくnyuushoku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • settlement; immigration

学者gakushanonakaにはnihaアメリカAMERIKA入植nyuushokuwo西ヨーロッパnishiYOOROPPAno社会shakai不安fuannoせいにするseinisurumonomoいるiru Some scholars ascribe the settlement of America to social unrest in Western Europe.

にゅうきょnyuukyo Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • moving into (house)
にゅうもんnyuumon Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • entering an institution; beginning training

noun / ~の noun:

  • primer; manual; introduction (to)
にゅうだんnyuudan Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • joining (a group, team, etc.); enrollment; enrolment Antonym: 退団
にゅうかくnyuukaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • joining the cabinet


  • admission ticket; entrance ticket
  • platform ticket; ticket allowing a non-traveller access to a railway station platform

watashihaそのsono試合shiaino入場券nyuujoukenwo2枚持っているmotteiru I have two passes to the game.

にゅうしょnyuusho Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • admission (e.g. to a training institution, research establishment, social welfare facility, etc.); entrance
  • imprisonment; internment; confinement
にゅうりょくnyuuryoku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • input; (data) entry

大量tairyouno文書bunshowo入力nyuuryokushiなきゃならないnakyanaranai I have to type in a really big document.


ニュウNYUUジュいい i.riれるi.reru~い i.reはい

enter; insert

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