Results, 創る
- 作る★【つくる】造る☆・創る☆ Inflection
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct - 造る usu. for large-scale building, manufacturing, etc.; 創る usu. for creating
- to prepare (food); to brew (alcohol)
- to raise; to grow; to cultivate; to train ➜ 野菜を作る
- to till
- to draw up (a document); to make out; to prepare; to write
- to create (an artistic work, etc.); to compose
- to coin (a phrase); to organize; to organise; to establish; to found
- to have (a child)
- to make up (one's face, etc.)
- to fabricate (an excuse, etc.)
- to give a (false) appearance; to feign (a smile, etc.); to put on a show of emotion
- to form (a line, etc.)
- to set (a record)
- to commit (a sin, etc.)
どこへ行っても、彼は必ず友達を作る。 Wherever he may go, he is sure to make friends.
今日のお弁当もだけど、五木さんと田中さんの作るメニューは緑黄色野菜が少ないんじゃない? About today's packed-lunch, the menus prepared by Itsuki and Tanaka are low in beta-carotene-rich vegetables again aren't they?
庶民のなりわいは、米をつくることだった。 The ordinary people had their livelihood in farming rice.
文法的に正しい文章を作るよう心がけるべきだ。 You should try to produce grammatical sentences.
では、CGを作る場合はどのように光源を使用すればよいのであろうか。 Then, when you're making CG, how should you use light sources?
輸入制限は両国間により親密な関係を作る支障になる。 Import restrictions are barriers to closer relations between the two countries.
例外は作るべきではないと思います。 I don't think an exception should be made.
Kanji definition:
© Based on JMdict, KANJIDIC2, and JMnedict, property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, used in conformance with the Group's licence. Example sentences from the Tatoeba project (CC BY 2.0). Kanji stroke order data from the KanjiVG project by Ulrich Apel (CC BY-SA 3.0). See comprehensive list of data sources for more info.
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