Results, 夏至線
Kanji definition:
- 夏
- 常用2年JLPTN4
- ➜
- 夓
- Strokes:
- 10
- Radical:
- 夊 winter
- 2-7-3
- UTF:
- 590f
- JIS208:
- 18-38
- Hangul:
- 하 [ha]
- Pinyin:
- xià / jiǎ
- Example words:
- 至
- 常用6年JLPTN1
climax; arrive; proceed; reach; attain; result in
- Strokes:
- 6
- Radical:
- 至 arrive
- 2-3-3
- UTF:
- 81f3
- JIS208:
- 27-74
- Nanori:
- のぶ・のり・みち・よし
- Hangul:
- 지 [ji]
- Pinyin:
- zhì
- Example words:
- 至って【いたって】
- very much; exceedingly; extremely
- 至上【しじょう】
- supremacy
- 夏至【げし】
- summer solstice
- 至る【いたる】
- to arrive at (e.g. a decision); to reach (a stage); to attain; / to lead to (a place); to get to; / in the extreme case of; / to come; to arrive; to result in
- 至急【しきゅう】
- urgent; pressing; immediate; prompt; express; / urgently; promptly; at once; right away; without delay; as soon as possible
- 線
- 常用2年JLPTN2
line; track
- ➜
- 綫
- Strokes:
- 15
- Radical:
- 糸糹 silk, thread
- 1-6-9
- UTF:
- 7dda
- JIS208:
- 32-94
- Hangul:
- 선 [seon]
- Pinyin:
- xiàn
- Example words:
- 路線【ろせん】
- route; line; alignment
- 新幹線【しんかんせん】
- Shinkansen; bullet train
- 線【せん】
- line; stripe; stria; / line (e.g. telephone line); wire; / ray (e.g. X-ray); beam; / line (e.g. of a railroad); track; route; lane; / outline; contours; form; / level; / division; / line (of action); position; approach; policy; principle; / impression one leaves; air one gives off
- 打線【だせん】
- batting lineup (line-up)
- 戦線【せんせん】
- (war) front
© Based on JMdict, KANJIDIC2, and JMnedict, property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, used in conformance with the Group's licence. Example sentences from the Tatoeba project (CC BY 2.0). Kanji stroke order data from the KanjiVG project by Ulrich Apel (CC BY-SA 3.0). See comprehensive list of data sources for more info.
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