Results, 正*



  • soy sauce; shoyu - しょゆ, しょゆう are dial.

同社doushaha醤油shouyuその他sonotano食品shokuhinwo生産seisanするsuru The company produces soy sauce and other food products.

ただしいtadashii Inflection


  • right; correct
  • proper; righteous; just; honest; truthful; lawful

これkorega正しいtadashiiかどうかkadouka自信jishingaないnai I'm not sure if this is correct.

せいしきseishiki Inflection

adjectival noun / ~の noun / noun:

  • due form; official; formality

彼女kanojohaottoto正式seishikini離婚rikonしたshita She has legally divorced her husband.


adverbial noun / temporal noun:

  • noon; mid-day

私たちwatashitachiha普通futsuu正午shougoni昼食chuushokuwo食べますtabemasu We usually have lunch at noon.


noun / ~の noun:

  • (logical) true; regular


  • 10^40; ten thousand undecillion

noun / ~の noun:

seihaやさしいyasashiikoewoしているshiteiru Tadashi has a soft voice.

しょうじきshoujiki Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • honest; frank; candid; straightforward


  • honestly; frankly

正直shoujikiga聞いて呆れるkiiteakireruyo Him, honest? What a joke!

正直shoujiki言ってittewatashihaクラシック音楽KURASHIKKUongakuga好きsukiじゃないjanaiかたやkataya、モリー,MORIInohouga完全にkanzenniはまっているhamatteiru To tell the truth, I don't like classical music. On the other hand, Molly is really into it.



  • exactly; surely; certainly; just - esp. 正に when in kanji
  • right then; just then; at that moment
  • just (about to); on the verge (of doing or happening) - esp. 将に when in kanji
  • duly; naturally - esp. 当に when in kanji

DTPdehonwo作ればtsukureba安いyasuishi早いhayaishiまさにmasani一挙両得ikkyoryoutokuda Desktop publishing lets you produce books quickly and cheaply. It's like killing two birds with one stone.

あなたanatano電話denwaga鳴ったnattaときtokiまさにmasani出かけようdekakeyouとするtosuruところtokoroだったdatta I was about to leave when you telephoned.

せいかくseikaku Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • accurate; correct; precise; exact 精確

このkono時計tokeino時間jikanha正確seikakuda This watch keeps correct time.


noun / ~の noun / prefix:

  • front; frontage; facade; main

正面のshoumennoドアDOAha鍵がかかったkagigakakattaままmamaだったdatta The front door remained locked.



  • main gate; main entrance

kurumaga正門seimonnoところtokoroheきてkite止まったtomatta A car drew up at the main gate.


noun / ~の noun:

  • square

正方形seihoukeiha4つyottsuno同じonajinagasanoatariwoもつmotsu A square has four equal sides.



  • net weight
  • useful part; actual content

noun or verb acting prenominally:

  • real; effective; full
せいじょうseijou Inflection

noun / adjectival noun / ~の noun:

  • normalcy; normality; normal Antonym: 異常

福祉fukushi予算yosanwo犠牲giseiniしてshite打ち上げられたuchiagerareta人工衛星jinkoueiseiha正常seijouni動作dousaしなかったshinakatta The artificial satellite launched at the cost of the welfare budget did not work properly.



  • justice; right; righteousness; correct meaning

最後saigoにはniha正義seigiha勝つkatsuものmonoda Justice will prevail in the end.

せいとうseitou Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • just; justifiable; right; due; proper; equitable; reasonable; legitimate; legal; lawful

あなたanatagaメールMEERUdeおっしゃるossharuことkotoha全てsubete正当seitouですdesu価格kakakuwo除いてnozoiteha Everything you said in your mail is just right - except the price.

せいきseiki Inflection

~の noun / adjectival noun / noun:

  • regular; normal; formal; legal; established; legitimate

正規seiki表現hyougendeヌルNURUhaどのdonoようyouni表さarawasaれるrerunoでしょdeshouka How is Null expressed as a regular expression?

せいかいseikai Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • correct; right; correct interpretation (answer, solution)

正解seikaiwoまるでmarude囲みkakomiなさいnasai Please circle the right answer.



  • surely; no doubt; evidently

彼女kanojohaまさしくmasashiku支払わされたshiharawasaretaのだnoda She was jolly well made to pay.



  • New Year (esp. first three days)
  • the first month of the year; January

正月shougatsugaすぐそこsugusokoまでmade来ているkiteiru New Year's Day is close at hand.



  • critical moment; do-or-die situation

ボブBOBUha自力jirikideこのkono正念場shounenbawo切り抜けkirinukeなくnakutehaならnaraないnai Bob has to get through this ordeal on his own.

せいじょうかseijouka Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • normalization; normalisation
せいざseiza Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • seiza; kneeling with the tops of the feet flat on the floor, and sitting on the soles

ずっとzutto正座seizaしてたshitetaからkarakaashigaしびれshibireちゃってchatte I've sat on my heels for so long my legs have fallen asleep.

ただすtadasu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to correct; to rectify; to reform; to amend; to redress
  • to straighten (one's posture, collar, etc.); to adjust 襟を正す

社会shakaiwosakini正すtadasuべきbekidaというtoiuhitogaいるirugaそれsoreha順序junjogagyakuであるdearu Some say society should be corrected first, but that is to put the cart before the horse.

せいそうseisou Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • full dress; formal dress; uniform

kareha入浴nyuuyokuしてshite正装seisouしたshita He bathed and dressed.



  • true character; true form; true colors (colours); identity; truth (of a mystery, phenomenon, etc.); origin
  • consciousness; one's senses

ついにtsuini正体shoutaiwo暴露bakuroしたshitana Now you've given yourself away.



correct; justice; righteous; 10**40

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