Results, 立入禁止柵
Kanji definition:
- 立
- 常用1年JLPTN4
stand up; rise; set up; erect
- Strokes:
- 5
- Radical:
- 立 stand
- 4-5-2
- UTF:
- 7acb
- JIS208:
- 46-9
- Nanori:
- たち・たっ・たつ・だて・つい
- Hangul:
- 립 [rib]
- Pinyin:
- lì
- Example words:
- 立場【たちば】
- position; situation; / viewpoint; standpoint; point of view
- 連立【れんりつ】
- coalition; alliance; union; / standing side-by-side
- 対立【たいりつ】
- confrontation; opposition; antagonism
- 独立【どくりつ】
- independence (e.g. Independence Day); self-support
- 成立【せいりつ】
- formation; establishment; materialization; coming into existence; / conclusion (e.g. of a deal); approval; completion; arrangement; / being valid (of a theory, argument, etc.); holding; applying
- 入
- 常用1年JLPTN5
enter; insert
- Strokes:
- 2
- Radical:
- 入𠆢 enter
- 3-1-1
- UTF:
- 5165
- JIS208:
- 38-94
- Nanori:
- いり・いる・に・の・りり
- Hangul:
- 입 [ib]
- Pinyin:
- rù
- Example words:
- 禁
- 常用5年JLPTN2
prohibition; ban; forbid
- Strokes:
- 13
- Radical:
- 示礻 spirit, altar
- 2-8-5
- UTF:
- 7981
- JIS208:
- 22-56
- Hangul:
- 금 [geum]
- Pinyin:
- jìn / jīn
- Example words:
- 禁止【きんし】
- prohibition; inhibition; ban
- 禁煙【きんえん】
- abstaining from smoking; quitting smoking; / No Smoking!; Smoking Prohibited!
- 解禁【かいきん】
- lifting a ban; raising an embargo; opening a season (hunting, fishing, etc.); / publishing contents; revealing information
- 独禁法【どっきんほう】
- antitrust law; Antitrust Act
- 禁止法【きんしほう】
- negative statute; law against something
- 止
- 常用2年JLPTN4
stop; halt
- Strokes:
- 4
- Radical:
- 止 stop
- 4-4-2
- UTF:
- 6b62
- JIS208:
- 27-63
- Nanori:
- どめ
- Hangul:
- 지 [ji]
- Pinyin:
- zhǐ
- Example words:
- 停止【ていし】
- suspension; interruption; stoppage; ban; standstill; halt; hang-up; deadlock; stalemate; abeyance; / suspension of music, dance, etc. as a sign of mourning for a prominent person
- 防止【ぼうし】
- prevention; check
- 禁止【きんし】
- prohibition; inhibition; ban
- 廃止【はいし】
- abolition; repeal
- 中止【ちゅうし】
- suspension; stoppage; discontinuance; interruption
- 柵
- 常用中学校
stockade; fence; weir; entwine around
- Strokes:
- 9
- Radical:
- 木 tree
- 1-4-5
- UTF:
- 67f5
- JIS208:
- 26-84
- Nanori:
- ませ・やな
- Hangul:
- 책 [chaeg]
- Pinyin:
- zhà
- Example words:
© Based on JMdict, KANJIDIC2, and JMnedict, property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, used in conformance with the Group's licence. Example sentences from the Tatoeba project (CC BY 2.0). Kanji stroke order data from the KanjiVG project by Ulrich Apel (CC BY-SA 3.0). See comprehensive list of data sources for more info.
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