


  • slip; omission
  • outcome; final result; the end
  • punch line (of a joke) - often オチ - usually written using kana alone

落ちochihaしないshinaikaというtoiu恐怖kyoufudekareha立ちすくんだtachisukunda Fear of falling caused him to freeze.

Kanji definition:


fall; drop; come down; village; hamlet

艹艸䒑 grass
락 [rag]
luò / là / lào
Stroke order:
Example words:
depreciation; decline; fall; slump
calm; composed; cool; / settled; fixed; established; / unobtrusive; quiet; subdued; low-key (color)
fall; crash (e.g. aircraft)
to fall down; to drop; to fall (e.g. rain); to sink (e.g. sun or moon); to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze); to be used in a certain place (e.g. money); / to be omitted; to be missing; / to decrease; to sink; / to fail (e.g. exam or class); to lose (contest, election, etc.); / to crash; to degenerate; to degrade; to fall behind; / to become indecent (of a conversation); / to be ruined; to go under; / to fade; to come out (e.g. a stain); to come off (e.g. makeup); to be removed (e.g. illness, possessing spirit, name on a list); / to fall (into someone's hands); to become someone's possession; / to fall (into a trap); to fall (for a trick); / to give in; to give up; to confess; to flee; / to fall; to be defeated; to surrender; / to come to (in the end); to end in; / to fall (in love, asleep, etc.); / to swoon (judo); / to consent; to understand; / to crash; to freeze; / to die; / to move to the depths
rakugo; traditional Japanese comic storytelling; comic story (told by a professional storyteller)

Partial results:

おちるochiruirr. Inflection

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to fall down; to drop; to fall (e.g. rain); to sink (e.g. sun or moon); to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze); to be used in a certain place (e.g. money)
  • to be omitted; to be missing
  • to decrease; to sink
  • to fail (e.g. exam or class); to lose (contest, election, etc.)
  • to crash; to degenerate; to degrade; to fall behind
  • to become indecent (of a conversation)
  • to be ruined; to go under
  • to fade; to come out (e.g. a stain); to come off (e.g. makeup); to be removed (e.g. illness, possessing spirit, name on a list) 狐が落ちる【きつねがおちる】
  • to fall (into someone's hands); to become someone's possession
  • to fall (into a trap); to fall (for a trick)
  • to give in; to give up; to confess; to flee
  • to fall; to be defeated; to surrender
  • to come to (in the end); to end in
  • to fall (in love, asleep, etc.) 恋に落ちる【こいにおちる】眠りに落ちる【ねむりにおちる】
  • to swoon (judo)
  • to consent; to understand 腑に落ちない【ふにおちない】
  • to crash; to freeze - IT term
  • to die - of animals
  • to move to the depths - of fish when it gets cold

kareha試験shikenni落ちるochiruto思っていましたomotteimashita He expected to fail the exam.

ゴムGOMUwoするsuruto確かにtashikani性感seikanga落ちるochiruのでnode出来ればdekirebanamadeしたいshitaiですdesu The sensitivity certainly drops if I use a condom, so if possible I'd like to do it bareback.

tsukuenoueni寝かせてnekasete置くokuto転がってkorogatte落ちるochiruことがあるkotogaaruのでnode試験管立てshikenkandateni立ててtateteおくoku If you leave them lying on the desk they may roll off, so stand them in the test-tube rack.

おとすotosu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to drop; to lose; to let fall; to shed (light); to cast (one's gaze); to pour in (liquid); to leave behind
  • to clean off (dirt, makeup, paint, etc.); to remove (e.g. stains or facial hair); to lose; to spend money at a certain place; to omit; to leave out; to secretly let escape
  • to lose (a match); to reject (an applicant); to fail (a course); to defeat (in an election)
  • to lower (e.g. shoulders or voice); to lessen (e.g. production or body weight); to worsen (quality); to reduce (e.g. rank or popularity); to speak badly of; to make light of; to fall into straitened circumstances
  • to fall into (e.g. a dilemma or sin); to make one's own; to have one's bid accepted; to force surrender; to take (e.g. an enemy camp or castle); to forcefully convince; to press for a confession; to deal with
  • to download; to copy from a computer to another medium - IT term
  • to make someone swoon (judo) - Martial Arts term
  • to finish a story (e.g. with the punch line)
  • to finish (a period, e.g. of fasting)

kurumano速度sokudowo落とすotosu装置souchiハンプHANPUya狭さくkyousakuについてnitsuite意見ikengaあったらattara書いてkaiteくださいkudasai If you have any opinions concerning traffic calming devices (humps, curb extensions, etc.) please write them.

しみshimiwoこすりkosuri落とすotosuことができなかったkotogadekinakatta I couldn't scrub the stain out.

日本語nihongonoソフトSOFUTOwo落とすotosuコツKOTSUいいiiサイトSAITOありませんarimasenka Are there any knacks, or good sites, for downloading Japanese software?



  • lost property; something dropped and left behind
らくだいrakudai Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • failure (in an examination); failing to advance (to the next year) Antonym: 及第
  • falling short of the standard; not making the grade

karehaいつもitsumo遊んでいたasondeitaためtame落第rakudaiしたshita He failed by playing all the time.

おちつくochitsuku Inflection

godan ~く verb / intransitive verb:

  • to calm down; to compose oneself; to regain presence of mind
  • to calm down; to settle down; to die down; to become stable; to abate
  • to settle down (in a location, job, etc.); to settle in
  • to be settled; to be fixed; to have been reached - of an arrangement, conclusion, etc.
  • to harmonize with; to harmonise with; to match; to suit; to fit
  • to be unobtrusive; to be quiet; to be subdued - usu. used pronominally as 落ち着いた 落ち着いた【おちついた】

bokuhakareni身を引いてmiwohiite事態jitaiga落ち着くochitsukunowo待つmatsuようにyouni勧めたsusumeta I urged him to get away and cool down.

彼女kanojohaショックSHOKKUwo受けてukete何もnanimo話しhanashiたがろうtagarouとしませんでしたtoshimasendeshita落ち着くochitsukuまでmadeni時間がかかりjikangakakariそうsouda It gave her quite a shock, and she didn't want to talk about anything for a while. I think it'll be a while before she's back to normal.

kareto一緒isshodato落ち着くochitsukuno I feel comfortable in his company.

おちこむochikomu Inflection

godan ~む verb / intransitive verb:

  • to feel down; to feel sad; to be depressed; to be in low spirits
  • to be in a slump (business, economy, etc.); to be in an unfavourable condition
  • to fall into (e.g. a hole)

落ち込むochikomunayokimiwo傷つけるkizutsukeruつもりtsumoriじゃなかったjanakattaんだnda Come on, I didn't mean to hurt you.

リセッションRISESSHONha一般的傾向ippantekikeikouとしてはtoshiteha経済活動keizaikatsudouga増大zoudaiしているshiteirutokini一時的にichijitekini落ち込むochikomuことkotoであるdearu Recession is a temporary falling off of business activity during a period when such activity is generally increasing.



  • calmness; composure; presence of mind
  • stability; steadiness

karehakokorono落ち着きochitsukiwo失ったushinatta His presence of mind deserted him.

らっかrakka Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • fall; drop; descent; coming down

アダムADAMUha岩登りiwanoboriwoしているshiteirutokini落下rakkaしてshiteあしashiwo折りましたorimashita While Adam was rock-climbing, he fell and broke his leg.

おちばochibaおちばochibaらくようrakuyou Inflection


  • fallen leaves; leaf litter; falling leaves

noun / ~する noun:

  • leaf fall; dropping leaves; defoliation らくよう

~の noun:

  • deciduous らくよう

落葉rakuyouwo取り除いてtorinozoite下さいkudasai Please get rid of the dead leaves.


noun or verb acting prenominally:

  • calm; composed; cool
  • settled; fixed; established
  • unobtrusive; quiet; subdued; low-key (color)

落ち着いたochitsuita雰囲気fun'ikinoサロンSARONdeゆったりとyuttaritoしたshita時間jikanwoお楽しみotanoshimiくださいkudasai Please enjoy a calm time in a relaxed atmosphere beauty salon.



  • rakugo; traditional Japanese comic storytelling; comic story (told by a professional storyteller)
らくさつrakusatsu Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • successful bid; winning a tender


  • difference in elevation (between two points in a body of water); head; drop (e.g. of a waterfall); fall distance
  • difference; gap


  • slip; omission
  • outcome; final result; the end
  • punch line (of a joke) - often オチ - usually written using kana alone

落ちochihaしないshinaikaというtoiu恐怖kyoufudekareha立ちすくんだtachisukunda Fear of falling caused him to freeze.

おちいるochiiru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to fall into (e.g. a hole)
  • to fall into (chaos, depression, dilemma, illness, etc.)
  • to fall into (a trap, etc.)
  • to fall; to surrender; to capitulate

彼らkarerahaきっとkittokoiniおちいるochiiru They are sure to fall in love.

小難shounanwoのがれてnogarete大難dainanni陥るochiiru Jump out of the frying pan into the fire.

らくせんrakusen Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • election loss; rejection

kareha組んだkunda下位kai候補者kouhoshaga悪かったwarukattaのでnode落選rakusenしましたshimashita He was dropped because of his running mate.



  • fallen scraps; scatterings
  • leftovers; remainder; pickings; odds and ends

noun / ~の noun:

  • student who cannot keep up in school; dropout (from school, society, a movement, etc.) - colloquialism - sensitive

タクシーTAKUSHII運転untenshuniなっnata東大toudaisotsuno木村kimuraさんsanhadarekano物指しmonosashide落ちこぼれochikoborenanoかもkamoしれshireないnaiけどkedo運転unten好きsukiならnaraいいiinじゃjaないnaikana Kimura is a Tokyo university graduate who became a taxi driver. According to some people's standards, he might be considered a failure, but I think it's fine as long as he likes driving.

おちあうochiau Inflection

godan ~う verb / intransitive verb:

  • to meet; to meet up; to rendezvous; to get together
  • to join (of roads, rivers, etc.); to flow together

君のkiminoietowatashinoieno中間chuukande落ち合うochiauことにしようkotonishiyou Let's meet halfway between your house and mine.

らくたんrakutan Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • discouragement; despondency; dejection; disappointment

kareha落胆rakutanしたshita気持ちkimochiwo表したarawashita He gave vent to his disappointment.



  • mistake; error; fault; slip; blunder; omission; oversight; lapse

私のwatashinoほうhouni落ち度ochidohaないnai There are no faults on my part.



  • pitfall; trap; pit

このkonoテストTESUTOにはniha落とし穴otoshianagaあるaru This test has a catch.



  • rakugo story teller; comic story teller

私のwatashino息子musukoha落語家rakugokaになろうninarouとしたtoshita My son tried to become a rakugo story teller.

らくがきrakugaki Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • scrawl; scribble; graffiti

そのsonokabeにはniha一面ni落書きrakugakigaあったatta There were scribbles all along the wall.

らくらいrakurai Inflection


  • lightning strike; thunderbolt; bolt of lightning

~する noun:

  • to strike (lightning); to be struck by lightning

野原noharano大木taibokuni落雷rakuraigaあったatta A big tree in the field was struck by lightning.

ひかすhikasu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to redeem debts (e.g. of a geisha)



fall; drop; come down; village; hamlet

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