Jōyō Kanji Grade 3

🌏 public list

The jōyō kanji is the guide to kanji characters announced officially by the Japanese Ministry of Education. Current jōyō kanji are those on a list of 1,945 characters issued on October 10, 1981. It is a slightly modified version of the tōyō kanji, which was the initial list of secondary school-level kanji standardized after World War II.

  • 列【れつ】 row; line; file; column; queue; rank; procession / company (of someone); group; ranks / sequence / counter for rows
  • 道【みち】 road; path; street; lane; passage / route; way / distance; journey / road (e.g. to victory); course / way (of living, proper conduct, etc.); moral principles / teachings (esp. Confucian or Buddhist); dogma / field (e.g. of medicine); subject; speciality / means; way; method
  • 和【わ】 sum / harmony; peace / Japan; Japanese-style
  • 緑【みどり】 green / greenery (esp. fresh verdure)
  • 礼【れい】 thanks; gratitude / manners; etiquette / bow / reward; gift / ceremony; ritual
  • 日【ひ】 day; days / sun; sunshine; sunlight / case (esp. unfortunate); event
  • 落ち【おち】 slip; omission / outcome; final result; the end / punch line (of a joke)
  • 流【りゅう】 fashion; way; style; manner / school (of thought) / class; rank; rate / current (electrical, water, etc.); flow; stream
  • 旅【たび】 travel; trip; journey
  • 両【りょう】 both (e.g. both shoulders, etc.) / ryo (obsolete unit of currency) / 41-42 g (one sixteenth of a kin) / 2 tan (measure of fabric size) / counter for carriages (e.g. in a train); counter for vehicles
  • 羊【ひつじ】 sheep (Ovis aries)
  • 葉【は】 leaf; blade (of grass); (pine) needle
  • よう《様》 appearing ...; looking ... / way to ...; method of ...ing / form; style; design / like; similar to / thing (thought or spoken)
  • 灘【なだ】 open sea
  • 余【よ】 over; more than / I; me
  • 有【ゆう】 existence / possession; having / limited company
  • 由【よし】 reason; significance; cause / piece of information that one has heard; I hear that ...; it is said that ...
  • 油【あぶら】 oil
  • 薬【くすり】 medicine; pharmaceuticals; (legal) drugs; pill; ointment; salve / efficacious chemical (gunpowder, pesticide, etc.) / (pottery) glaze / small bribe
  • 問い【とい】 question; query
  • 役【やく】 use; service; role / post; position / scoring combination (e.g. in mahjong, card games, etc.); hand
  • 命【いのち】 life; life force / lifetime; lifespan / most important thing; foundation; core / paired tattoos of the "life" kanji on the upper arms of a man and woman (indicating unwavering love) / fate; destiny; karma
  • 面【めん】 face / mask; face guard / (in kendo) striking the head / surface (esp. a geometrical surface) / page / aspect; facet; side / chamfer / counter for broad, flat objects, levels or stages, e.g. in a video game
  • 味【あじ】 flavor; flavour; taste / charm; style / experience / smart; clever; witty; strange
  • 平【ひら】 something broad and flat / common; ordinary; plain; rank-and-file / low-ranking employee; freshman; novice; private
  • 部【ぶ】 department (in an organization); division; bureau / club / part; component; element / category / counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine
  • 服【ふく】 clothes (esp. Western clothes) / counter for doses of medicine, gulps of tea, drags of a cigarette, etc.
  • 福【ふく】 good fortune
  • 物【もの】 thing; object; article; stuff; substance / one's things; possessions; property; belongings / things; something; anything; everything; nothing / quality / reason; the way of things / used to emphasize emotion, judgment, etc.; used to indicate a common occurrence in the past (after a verb in past tense); used to indicate a general tendency; used to indicate something that should happen / item classified as ...; item related to ...; work of ... / cause of ...; cause for ... / somehow; somewhat; for some reason / really; truly
  • 負【ふ】 negative; minus
  • 箱【はこ】 box; case; chest; package; pack; crate / car (of a train, etc.) / shamisen case; shamisen / public building; community building / man who carries a geisha's shamisen / receptacle for human waste; feces (faeces) / counter for boxes (or boxed objects)
  • 畑【はたけ】 field (for fruits, vegetables, etc.); cultivated land; vegetable plot; kitchen garden; plantation / field (of specialization); sphere; area / womb; birth; birthplace
  • 発【はつ】 departure; departing (from ...); departing (at time ...) / sending; sent (by ...); sent (at ...) / engine / counter for gunshots, bursts of gas, etc.; counter for bullets, bombs, etc.; counter for blows (punches)
  • 反【たん】 variable measure of fabric (28.8 cm in width); for kimonos: at least 10 m in length; for haori: at least 7.27 m in length; for other clothes: at least 6.06 m in length / 300 tsubo (991.74 meters square, 0.24506 acres) / six ken (10.91 m)
  • 板【いた】 board; plank / sheet (of metal); plate (of glass); pane; slab / cutting board; chopping board / chef (esp. of high-end Japanese cuisine); cook / stage (i.e. at a theatre)
  • 悲【ひ】 karuna (compassion)
  • 皮【かわ】 skin; hide; pelt; fur / rind; peel; husk; bark / shell; sheath; wrapping / mask (hiding one's true nature); seeming
  • 美【び】 beauty
  • 鼻【はな】 nose
  • 筆【ふで】 writing brush
  • 氷【こおり】 ice / shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup)
  • 表【おもて】 surface / face (i.e. the visible side of an object) / front (of a building, etc.); obverse side (i.e. "head") of a coin / outside; exterior / appearance / public / first half (of an inning); top (of an inning) / cover (for tatami mats, etc.) / foreground
  • 病【やまい】 illness; disease / bad habit; weakness; fault
  • 秒【びょう】 second (unit of time)
  • 品【しな】 article; item; thing; goods; stock / quality / flirtatiousness; coquetry
  • 農【のう】 farming; agriculture
  • 波【なみ】 wave
  • 倍【ばい】 twice; double / times; -fold
  • 動【どう】 motion; change; confusion
  • 童【わらべ】 child
  • 豆【まめ】 legume (esp. edible legumes or their seeds, such as beans, peas, pulses, etc.); beans; peas / soya bean (Glycine max); soybean; soy / female genitalia (esp. the clitoris) / kidney / miniature; tiny / child
  • 島【しま】 island / territory (of a prostitute, organized crime gang, etc.); turf
  • 投【とう】 pitching ability / counter for pitches
  • 湯【ゆ】 hot water / hot bath; hot spring / molten iron
  • など《等》 et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth / or something / the likes of
  • 都【と】 metropolitan; municipal
  • 度【たび】 time (three times, each time, etc.); times
  • とばり《帳》 curtain; hanging; bunting
  • 調【ちょう】 pitch; tone; key / time; tempo / mood; tendency; style / tax paid in kind (ritsuryo period); first a tax on rice fields and households, then on individuals
  • さだ《定》 certainly; truly
  • 庭【にわ】 garden; yard; courtyard / field (of action); area
  • 笛【ふえ】 flute; fife; pipe; recorder; flageolet; shakuhachi; clarinet / whistle
  • 鉄【てつ】 iron (Fe) / strong and hard (as iron) / railway / railway enthusiast
  • くるり《転》 turning around (once) / suddenly; abruptly / completely (wrapped in something); quickly (unwrapping something) / beautiful, round (eyes) / flail (for threshing grain)
  • 丁【ちょう】 counter for sheets, pages, leaves, etc. / counter for blocks of tofu; counter for servings in a restaurant / counter for long and narrow things such as guns, scissors, spades, hoes, inksticks, palanquins, candles, jinrikishas, shamisen, oars, etc. / even number / 109.09 m
  • 注【ちゅう】 annotation; explanatory note; comment
  • 柱【はしら】 pillar; post / support; prop; mainstay / counter for buddhas, gods, nobles, etc.
  • 談【だん】 talk; story; conversation
  • 着【ちゃく】 counter for suits of clothing / arriving at ...
  • 炭【すみ】 charcoal / charred remains
  • 短【たん】 fault; defect; weak point / minor
  • 世【よ】 world; society; age; generation
  • 第【だい】 prefix for forming ordinal numbers
  • 題【だい】 title; subject; theme; topic / problem (on a test); question / counter for questions (on a test)
  • 対【つい】 pair; couple; set / antithesis / counter for items that come in pairs / counter for sets (of clothes, small furniture, utensils, etc.)
  • 想【そう】 conception; idea; thought / samjna (perception)
  • 相【あい】 together; mutually; fellow
  • 息子【むすこ】 son / penis
  • 速【そく】 gear; speed (e.g. 4-speed transmission)
  • 族【ぞく】 tribe; clan; band / (taxonomical) tribe / group (of the periodic table)
  • 他【ほか】 other (place, thing, person); the rest / outside; beyond / nothing except; nothing but; nothing apart from; nothing aside from; no choice (but to) / besides...; in addition to...
  • ダース《打》 dozen
  • 昔【むかし】 olden days; former
  • 全【ぜん】 all; whole; entire; complete; overall / pan-; omni-; toti-
  • 世【よ】 world; society; age; generation
  • 御【み】 august / beautiful
  • 申【さる】 ninth sign of the Chinese zodiac (The Monkey, 3pm-5pm, west-southwest, July)
  • 真【しん】 truth; reality; genuineness / seriousness / logical TRUE / printed style writing / star performer
  • 神【かみ】 god; deity; divinity; spirit; kami / incredible; fantastic / emperor of Japan / thunder
  • 身【み】 body / oneself / one's place; one's position / main part; meat (as opposed to bone, skin, etc.); wood (as opposed to bark); blade (as opposed to its handle); container (as opposed to its lid)
  • ところ《所》 place; spot; scene; site / address / district; area; locality / one's house / point; aspect; side; facet / passage (in text); part / space; room / thing; matter / whereupon; as a result / about to; on the verge of / was just doing; was in the process of doing; have just done; just finished doing
  • 暑【しょ】 heat / midsummer
  • 助【じょ】 help; rescue; assistant
  • 勝【しょう】 win; victory / beautiful scenery; scenic spot / counter for wins
  • 商【しょう】 quotient / dealing; dealer; store / second degree (of the Japanese & Chinese pentatonic scale) / Shang (dynasty of China)
  • 章【しょう】 chapter; section / medal
  • 乗【じょう】 (nth) power / counter for vehicles / multiplication / Buddha's teachings
  • 集【しゅう】 collection; compilation
  • 住【じゅう】 dwelling; living
  • 重【え】 -fold; -ply
  • 宿【やど】 lodging; inn; hotel / house; home; dwelling / home of a servant's parents (or guarantor, etc.)
  • 酒【さけ】 alcohol; sake
  • 受【じゅ】 vedana (sensation)
  • 州【しゅう】 state; province; county; oblast; department (of ancient China) / continent / dear
  • 十【じゅう】 ten
  • 終わり【おわり】 the end
  • 取り【とり】 taking; taker; collecting; collector; remover; removal / last performer of the day (usu. the star performer); last performance of the day / active partner (e.g. in judo demonstration) / emphatic or formal prefix
  • 守り【まもり】 protection; defense; defence / providence / amulet; charm; talisman
  • 主人【しゅじん】 head (of a household); proprietor (of a store); proprietress; landlord; landlady / one's husband / (one's) employer; (one's) master / host; hostess
  • 者【もの】 person
  • 式【しき】 equation; formula; expression / ceremony / style / enforcement regulations (of the ritsuryo)
  • 実【み】 fruit; nut / seed / (in broth) pieces of meat, vegetable, etc. / content; substance
  • 歌【うた】 song / classical Japanese poetry (esp. tanka) / modern poetry
  • 歯【は】 tooth
  • こと《事》 thing; matter / incident; occurrence; event; something serious; trouble; crisis / circumstances; situation; state of affairs / work; business; affair / after an inflectable word, creates a noun phrase indicating something the speaker does not feel close to / nominalizing suffix / pretending to ...; playing make-believe ... / alias; aka; nickname; alternative name; also known as
  • 次【つぎ】 next; following; subsequent / stage; station
  • 指【ゆび】 finger; toe; digit
  • 死【し】 death; decease / death penalty (by strangulation or decapitation) / (an) out
  • 皿【さら】 plate; dish; platter; disc / serving; helping; course / kanji radical 108 (at the bottom)
  • 仕【し】 official; civil service
  • 使【し】 messenger / police and judicial chief (Heian and Kamakura periods) / klesha (polluting thoughts such as greed, hatred and delusion, which result in suffering)
  • 坂【さか】 slope; hill
  • 祭【まつり】 festival; feast
  • 号【ごう】 number; edition; make; model; issue; part of that group / sobriquet; pen-name / suffix attached to names of ships, trains, airplanes, etc.
  • 根【ね】 root (of a plant) / root (of a tooth, hair, etc.); center (of a pimple, etc.) / root (of all evil, etc.); source; origin; cause; basis / one's true nature / (fishing) reef
  • 港【みなと】 harbour; harbor; port
  • 幸【さち】 good luck; fortune; happiness / harvest; yield
  • 湖【みずうみ】 lake
  • 蔵【くら】 warehouse; storehouse; cellar; magazine; granary; godown; depository; treasury; elevator
  • 軽【けい】 light (e.g. vehicle, aircraft, etc.)
  • 決【けつ】 decision; vote
  • 血【ち】 blood; consanguinity
  • 県【けん】 prefecture (of Japan) / county (of China)
  • 銀【ぎん】 silver (Ag) / silver coin; money / silver medal / silver colour; silver color / bank / silver general
  • 区【く】 ward; district; section
  • 苦【く】 pain; anguish; suffering; distress; anxiety; worry; trouble; difficulty; hardship / duhkha (suffering)
  • 妻【つま】 wife / my dear; dear; honey / garnish (esp. one served with sashimi) / embellishment
  • 君【きみ】 you; buddy; pal / monarch; ruler; sovereign; (one's) master
  • 係【かかり】 charge; duty; person in charge; official; clerk / connection; linking
  • 橋【はし】 bridge
  • 業【ごう】 karma (i.e. actions committed in a former life)
  • 局【きょく】 bureau; department / office (e.g. post, telephone); broadcasting station (e.g. television, radio); channel; exchange / affair; situation / game (of go, shogi, etc.)
  • 曲【きょく】 composition; piece of music; song; track (on a record) / tune; melody; air / enjoyment; fun; interest; pleasure
  • 起こり【おこり】 source; origin; cause; beginning; genesis
  • 客【きゃく】 guest; visitor / customer; client; shopper; spectator; audience; tourist; sightseer; passenger
  • 宮【みや】 shrine / palace; imperial residence / member of the imperial family / headboard (on a bed); headstand / temple
  • 急【きゅう】 sudden; abrupt; unexpected / urgent; pressing / steep; sharp; precipitous / rapid; swift; fast / emergency; crisis; danger / urgency; hurrying; haste / (in gagaku or noh) end of a song
  • 球【きゅう】 sphere / counter for balls
  • 級【きゅう】 class (e.g. school); grade; rank / kyū; kyu; junior rank in martial arts, go, shogi, etc.
  • 期【き】 period; time / age / term (e.g. in office); period / session (e.g. of parliament) / stage (e.g. disease)
  • 館【やかた】 mansion; palace; manor house; castle / nobleman; noblewoman; dignitary / cabin (on a boat, carriage, etc.)
  • 岸【きし】 bank; coast; shore
  • 寒【かん】 midwinter; cold season; coldest days of the year
  • 感【かん】 feeling; sensation; emotion; admiration; impression / interjection
  • 漢【おとこ】 man among men; man's man
  • 境【さかい】 border; boundary / turning point; watershed / area; region; spot; space; environment / psychological state; mental state / cognitive object; something perceptible by the sense organs or mind
  • 品【しな】 article; item; thing; goods; stock / quality / flirtatiousness; coquetry
  • 運【うん】 fortune; luck
  • 駅【えき】 railway station; train station / staging post on a highway (in pre-modern Japan)
  • 央【おう】 middle; centre; center
  • 横【よこ】 horizontal (as opposed to vertical); lying down / side-to-side (as opposed to front-to-back); width; breadth / side (of a box, etc.) / beside; aside; next to / unconnected
  • 屋【や】 (something) shop / somebody who sells (something) or works as (something) / somebody with a (certain) personality trait / house / roof
  • 温【ぬく】 idiot; dummy; slow person
  • 化【か】 action of making something; -ification
  • 荷【に】 load; baggage; cargo; freight; goods / burden; responsibility
  • 悪【あく】 evil; wickedness
  • 安【やす】 cheap / rash; thoughtless; careless; indiscreet; frivolous
  • 意【い】 feelings; thoughts / meaning
  • 医【い】 medicine; the healing art; healing; curing; doctor
  • 員【いん】 member
  • 飲【いん】 drinking (sometimes esp. alcohol); drink; drinking party
  • 院【いん】 house of parliament (congress, diet, etc.) / graduate school; postgraduate school / institution (often medical); institutional building; government office / sub-temple; minor temple building; temple; cloister / imperial palace / title bestowed on empresses, princesses, etc. / former (esp. of emperors, daimyos, etc.); late