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ふとうfutou Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • injustice; impropriety; unreasonableness; undeserved; unfair; invalid

彼らkarerahawatashiwo不当futouni扱ったatsukatta They did me a great wrong.


noun / ~の noun:

  • absence

suffix noun:

watashiha彼女kanojoga不在fuzaiなのでnanode失望shitsubouしたshita I was disappointed that she was not at home.

ふりょうfuryou Inflection

~の noun / adjectival noun / noun:

  • bad; poor; inferior

noun / ~の noun / adjectival noun:

  • delinquent; hoodlum; hooligan

kareha不良furyou仲間nakamatoぐるguruになっていたninatteita He fell into bad company.

ふかけつfukaketsu Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • indispensable; essential

ピョンヤンPYON'YANtoワシントンWASHINTONnomade何らかのnanrakano妥協dakyouni至るitaruことkotoga不可欠fukaketsuda It is essential that some kind of compromise be reached between Pyongyang and Washington.

調ふちょうfuchou Inflection

adjectival noun / noun / ~の noun:

  • bad condition; not to work out (i.e. a deal); disagreement; break-off; disorder; slump; out of form

商売shoubaiha先月sengetsuちょっとchotto不調fuchouだったdatta Business was a little slow last month.

ふしんfushin Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • incomplete understanding; doubt; question; distrust; suspicion; strangeness; infidelity

kimiga挙動kyodou不審fushindeいるiruからkara観察kansatsushiteitanosa You were acting suspicious, so they had you under surveillance.

ふふくfufuku Inflection

noun / adjectival noun:

  • dissatisfaction; discontent; disapproval; objection; complaint; protest; disagreement

kareha不服fufukuそうにsounikuchiwoとがらせたtogaraseta He pouted with dissatisfaction.

ふけいきfukeiki Inflection

noun / adjectival noun:

  • economic slump; hard times; recession; depression

adjectival noun / noun:

  • poor (business); dull; slack; inactive
  • gloomy; cheerless; dismal

不景気fukeikiになってninatteきているkiteiruみたいmitaine We're in store for a recession.

ふいfui Inflection

adjectival noun / noun / ~の noun:

  • sudden; abrupt; unexpected; unforeseen

不意fuiwo打たれてutaretewatashiha返事henjini困ったkomatta Taken by surprise, I was at a loss for what to answer.

ふじゅんfujun Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • irregularity; unseasonableness

今年kotoshiha天候tenkou不順fujunだったdatta The weather has been unusual this year.

ふきつfukitsu Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • ominous; sinister; unlucky; inauspicious

ha日本nippondeha不吉fukitsuna数字suujida Four is an unlucky number in Japan.


noun / ~の noun:

  • bad reputation; disgrace; unpopularity

国会kokkaiha多分tabunこのkono不評fuhyouno法律houritsuwo改正kaiseiするsuruだろうdarou The Diet is likely to amend this unpopular law.

ふびんfubin便 Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • poor; pitiful; piteous; pitiable


  • distrust; mistrust; disbelief; discredit
  • insincerity
  • impiety; faithlessness

花子hanakoha不信fushinni思ってomotte本当hontouかどうかkadouka問いただしたtoitadashita Hanako questioned his sincerity.

ふとうめいfutoumei Inflection

adjectival noun:

  • opaque; obscure; murky; turbid


  • opacity; obscurity

adjectival noun:

  • unclear; unpredictable; uncertain
ふじゅうぶんfujuubun Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • insufficient; inadequate; imperfect; shortage

これらのkorerano2つfutatsuno分子bunshiga異なったkotonattaスピードSUPIIDOde動いているugoiteiruことkotowo示すshimesuだけdakedeha不十分fujuubunであるdearu It is not enough to show that these two particles are moving at different speed.

ふほうfuhou Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • unlawful; illegal
  • unreasonable; outrageous; unjust; unwarranted

そのsonoしわ寄せshiwayosega不法fuhou就労shuurouno外国人労働者gaikokujinroudoushani及んでいるoyondeiru The serious job shortage is also affecting those illegal foreign workers.

ふぜんfuzen Inflection

adjectival noun / noun / ~の noun:

  • partial; incomplete; imperfect

システムSHISUTEMUnoこのkono予測yosokuされなかったsarenakatta機能kinou不全fuzenha不適切なfutekisetsuna配線haisen系統keitouによってniyotte引き起こされたhikiokosareta This unexpected malfunctioning of the system was caused by improper wiring.



  • scandal; deplorable event

相次ぐaitsugu不祥事fushoujiにも関わらずnimokakawarazu警察keisatsuhaオメオメOMEOME違反ihan切符kippuwo切っているkitteiru Despite their own scandals, the police continue to make arrests as though nothing had happened at all.

ふあんていfuantei Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • instability; insecurity; crankiness

日本人nipponjinからkaragaアメリカ人AMERIKAjinha不安定fuanteide自由jiyuu奔放honpouni見えるmieru Americans appear unsettled and uncontrolled to Japanese.



  • non-confidence; lack of confidence
ふかのうfukanou Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • impossible

回復kaifukuhaほとんどhotondo不可能fukanouだったdatta Recovery was almost impossible.

ふようfuyou Inflection

adjectival noun / noun / ~の noun:

  • unnecessary; unneeded 不用

参加sankano会費kaihiha不要fuyouda There's no membership fee for joining.


~の noun / noun:

  • immovable; motionless; firm; unwavering; unshakable; steadfast


  • Acala (Wisdom King); Fudō; fierce Buddhist deity - abbreviation - Buddhism term 不動明王

karega引き受けるhikiukeruべきbekidatoいうiu私のwatashino考えkangaeha不動fudouda I am adamant that he undertake it.

ふきんこうfukinkou Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • imbalance; lack of balance; lopsidedness; disproportion; inequality; disparity


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