Results, #jinmeiyo
Showing results 426-450:
- 灼
- 人名用
- Strokes:
- 7
- Radical:
- 火灬 fire
- 1-4-3
- UTF:
- 707c
- JIS208:
- 28-62
- Hangul:
- 작 [jag] ・ 사 [sa]
- Pinyin:
- zhuó
- Example words:
- 灼熱【しゃくねつ】
- becoming red hot; red heat; scorching heat; incandescence; / running high (of emotions); burning (with passion, enthusiasm, etc.)
- 灼ける【やける】
- to burn; to be roasted; to be heated; to be sunburnt; to fade (in the sun); to glow red (i.e. of the sky at sunset); / to be jealous; to be envious
- 胸灼け【むねやけ】
- heartburn; sour stomach
- 焼灼【しょうしゃく】
- cautery; cauterization
- 灼た【あらた】
- clear; vivid; brilliant; / prominent; obvious; evident
- 惹
- 人名用
attract; captivate
- Strokes:
- 12 or 13
- Radical:
- 心忄⺗ heart
- 2-4-9
- UTF:
- 60f9
- JIS208:
- 28-70
- Hangul:
- 야 [ya]
- Pinyin:
- rě
- Example words:
- 惹かれる【ひかれる】
- to be charmed by; to be attracted to; to be taken with; to be drawn to
- 惹き起こす【ひきおこす】
- to cause; to induce; to bring about; to provoke; / to pull upright; to help up (e.g. a fallen person)
- 惹き付ける【ひきつける】
- to fascinate; to attract; to charm; / to have a convulsion
- 惹句【じゃっく】
- catchphrase (esp. in advertising)
- 惹起【じゃっき】
- bringing about; cause; provocation
- 蒐
- 人名用
- Strokes:
- 13 or 14
- Radical:
- 艹艸䒑 grass
- 2-4-10
- UTF:
- 8490
- JIS208:
- 29-15
- Hangul:
- 수 [su]
- Pinyin:
- sōu
- Example words:
- 蒐集【しゅうしゅう】
- collecting; accumulating; gathering; / collection (of art, stamps, insects, etc.); / garbage collection; waste collection
- 蒐荷【しゅうか】
- collection of cargo (esp. produce, etc.); cargo booking
- 切手蒐集【きってしゅうしゅう】
- philately; stamp collecting
- 蒐集癖【しゅうしゅうへき】
- collecting mania; mania for collecting; collectionism
- 輯
- 人名用
gather; collect; compile
- Strokes:
- 16
- Radical:
- 車 car
- 1-7-9
- UTF:
- 8f2f
- JIS208:
- 29-20
- Hangul:
- 집 [jib] ・ 즙 [jeub]
- Pinyin:
- jí
- Example words:
- 竣
- 人名用JLPTN1
end; finish
- Strokes:
- 12
- Radical:
- 立 stand
- 1-5-7
- UTF:
- 7ae3
- JIS208:
- 29-55
- Hangul:
- 준 [jun] ・ 전 [jeon]
- Pinyin:
- jùn
- Example words:
- 楯
- 人名用
shield; buckler; pretext
- Strokes:
- 13
- Radical:
- 木 tree
- 1-4-9
- UTF:
- 696f
- JIS208:
- 29-61
- Hangul:
- 순 [sun]
- Pinyin:
- shǔn
- Example words:
- 楯突く【たてつく】
- to defy; to disobey; to rebel against; to oppose; to resist
- 楯【たて】
- shield; buckler; escutcheon; pretext
- 後ろ楯【うしろだて】
- backing; support; backer; supporter; patron; sponsor; / shield that protects one's back
- 楯籠る【たてこもる】
- to barricade oneself in; to hold (a fort, etc.); to shut oneself up; to be besieged; to dig in
- 楯状【たてじょう】
- shield shape
- 醇
- 人名用
pure sake'; purity; affection
- ➜
- 醕
- Strokes:
- 15
- Radical:
- 酉 wine
- 1-7-8
- UTF:
- 9187
- JIS208:
- 29-70
- Hangul:
- 순 [sun]
- Pinyin:
- chún
- Example words:
- 醇正【じゅんせい】
- genuine; pure; perfect
- 醇朴【じゅんぼく】
- rustic simplicity; homeliness; unsophisticated; naive; honest; simple
- 醇風美俗【じゅんぷうびぞく】
- good morals and manners; genial manners and laudable customs; pristine way of life
- 芳醇【ほうじゅん】
- mellow (flavor or fragrance, esp. alcohol); rich; full-bodied; superior
- 至醇【しじゅん】
- absolute purity
- 恕
- 人名用JLPTN1
excuse; tolerate; forgive
- Strokes:
- 10
- Radical:
- 心忄⺗ heart
- 2-6-4
- UTF:
- 6055
- JIS208:
- 29-90
- Hangul:
- 서 [seo]
- Pinyin:
- shù
- Example words:
- 嘗
- 人名用
once; before; formerly; ever; never; ex-; lick; lap up; burn up; taste; undergo; underrate; despise
- ➜
- 甞
- Strokes:
- 14
- Radical:
- 小⺌⺍ small
- 2-5-9
- UTF:
- 5617
- JIS208:
- 30-8
- Hangul:
- 상 [sang]
- Pinyin:
- cháng
- Example words:
- 嘗める【なめる】
- to lick; / to taste; / to experience (esp. a hardship); / to make fun of; to make light of; to put down; to treat with contempt; to underestimate
- 臥薪嘗胆【がしんしょうたん】
- going through thick and thin to attain one's objective; enduring unspeakable hardships for the sake of vengeance
- 総嘗め【そうなめ】
- sweeping over (e.g. of a natural disaster); engulfing; / sweeping victory; clean sweep
- 神嘗祭【かんなめさい】
- offering of the year's new rice harvest (imperial festival, October 17)
- 新嘗祭【にいなめさい】
- ceremonial offering by the Emperor of newly-harvested rice to the deities
- 捷
- 人名用JLPTN1
victory; fast
- Strokes:
- 11
- Radical:
- 手扌龵 hand
- 1-3-8
- UTF:
- 6377
- JIS208:
- 30-25
- Nanori:
- かつ
- Hangul:
- 첩 [cheob]
- Pinyin:
- jié
- Example words:
- 捷利【しょうり】
- victory; triumph; conquest; success; win
- 捷い【はやい】
- fast; quick; hasty; brisk; / early (in the day, etc.); premature; / (too) soon; not yet; (too) early; / easy; simple; quick
- 必捷【ひっしょう】
- certain victory
- 捷報【しょうほう】
- news of a victory
- 奇捷【きしょう】
- beauty spot; place with beautiful scenery; / unexpected victory; victory by uncommon stratagem
- 梢
- 人名用JLPTN1
treetops; twig
- Strokes:
- 11
- Radical:
- 木 tree
- 1-4-7
- UTF:
- 68a2
- JIS208:
- 30-31
- Hangul:
- 초 [cho]
- Pinyin:
- shāo / sào
- Example words:
- 菖
- 人名用JLPTN1
- Strokes:
- 11
- Radical:
- 艹艸䒑 grass
- 2-3-8
- UTF:
- 83d6
- JIS208:
- 30-52
- Hangul:
- 창 [chang]
- Pinyin:
- chāng
- Example words:
- 裳
- 人名用
- Strokes:
- 14
- Radical:
- 衣衤 clothes
- 2-3-11
- UTF:
- 88f3
- JIS208:
- 30-56
- Hangul:
- 상 [sang]
- Pinyin:
- cháng / shang
- Example words:
- 鞘
- 人名用
sheath; case; margin; difference; shells (of beans)
- Strokes:
- 16
- Radical:
- 革 leather
- 1-9-7
- UTF:
- 9798
- JIS208:
- 30-68
- Hangul:
- 초 [cho]
- Pinyin:
- qiào / shāo
- Example words:
- 丞
- 人名用JLPTN1
- Strokes:
- 6
- Radical:
- 一 one
- 4-5-1
- UTF:
- 4e1e
- JIS208:
- 30-71
- Nanori:
- すけ
- Hangul:
- 승 [seung]
- Pinyin:
- chéng
- Example words:
- 丞相【じょうしょう】
- prime minister (in ancient China)
- 燭
- 人名用
light; candlepower
- Strokes:
- 17
- Radical:
- 火灬 fire
- 1-4-13
- UTF:
- 71ed
- JIS208:
- 31-4
- Hangul:
- 촉 [chog]
- Pinyin:
- zhú
- Example words:
- 訊
- 人名用
request; question; investigate
- Strokes:
- 10
- Radical:
- 言訁 speech
- 1-7-3
- UTF:
- 8a0a
- JIS208:
- 31-54
- Hangul:
- 신 [sin]
- Pinyin:
- xùn
- Example words:
- 訊く【きく】
- to hear; / to listen (e.g. to music); / to ask; to enquire; to query; / to learn of; to hear about; / to follow (advice); to comply with; / to smell (esp. incense); to sample fragrance
- 訊問【じんもん】
- cross-examination; interrogation; questioning
- 訊ねる【たずねる】
- to ask; to enquire; to inquire; / to search; to look for; to look into; to investigate
- 訊き返す【ききかえす】
- to listen repeatedly; to listen again; / to ask a question in return; / to ask again; to ask for a repeated explanation
- 不審訊問【ふしんじんもん】
- police questioning (of a suspicious person)
- 錐
- 人名用
auger; drill; awl; pyramid; cone
- Strokes:
- 16
- Radical:
- 金釒 metal, gold
- 1-8-8
- UTF:
- 9310
- JIS208:
- 31-77
- Hangul:
- 추 [chu]
- Pinyin:
- zhuī
- Example words:
- 錘
- 人名用JLPTN1
weight; plumb bob; sinker; spindle
- Strokes:
- 16
- Radical:
- 金釒 metal, gold
- 1-8-8
- UTF:
- 9318
- JIS208:
- 31-78
- Hangul:
- 추 [chu]
- Pinyin:
- chuí
- Example words:
- 嵩
- 人名用JLPTN1
be aggravated; grow worse; grow bulky; swell
- Strokes:
- 13
- Radical:
- 山 mountain
- 2-5-8
- UTF:
- 5d69
- JIS208:
- 31-83
- Nanori:
- たかし・たか・たけ
- Hangul:
- 숭 [sung]
- Pinyin:
- sōng
- Example words:
- 頗
- 人名用
prejudiced; exceedingly
- Strokes:
- 14
- Radical:
- 皮 skin
- 1-5-9
- UTF:
- 9817
- JIS208:
- 31-92
- Hangul:
- 파 [pa]
- Pinyin:
- pǒ
- Example words:
- 摺
- 人名用
rub; fold; print (on cloth)
- Strokes:
- 14
- Radical:
- 手扌龵 hand
- 1-3-11
- UTF:
- 647a
- JIS208:
- 32-2
- Nanori:
- する・ずり
- Hangul:
- 접 [jeob] ・ 랍 [rab]
- Pinyin:
- zhé
- Example words:
- 手摺り【てすり】
- handrail; railing; banister
- 手古摺る【てこずる】
- to have much trouble; to have a hard time; to not know how to handle
- 足摺【あしずり】
- stamping or scraping one's feet
- 引き摺る【ひきずる】
- to drag along; to pull; / to force someone along; / to prolong; to drag out; / to influence strongly; to seduce
- 摺る【する】
- to print; / to color or pattern fabric using a wooden mold
- 棲
- 人名用
live; dwell
- Example words:
- 栖
- 人名用
nest; rookery; hive; cobweb; den
- Example words:
- 蹟
- 人名用
remains; traces; footprint
- Strokes:
- 18
- Radical:
- 足⻊ foot
- 1-7-11
- UTF:
- 8e5f
- JIS208:
- 32-56
- Hangul:
- 적 [jeog]
- Pinyin:
- jī
- Example words:
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