JLPT N1 Words
🌏 public list
- 唱える【となえる】 to recite; to chant / to cry; to yell; to shout / to advocate; to advance; to preach; to insist
- 証【あかし】 proof; evidence; sign; testimony; vindication / certificate; license; membership card / to testify (usu. Christian religious context) / enlightenment / symptoms (in Chinese medicine); patient's condition
- 嬢【じょう】 unmarried woman / Miss / -ess; -ette
- 申し入れる【もうしいれる】 to propose; to suggest
- 真っ二つ【まっぷたつ】 in two equal parts
- 真上【まうえ】 just above; right overhead
- 神殿【しんでん】 temple; sacred place; shrine; sanctuary; tabernacle
- かろうじて《辛うじて》 barely; narrowly; only just; with difficulty
- 進み【すすみ】 progress
- 水気【みずけ】 water content; moisture; juiciness; dampness / water vapor (vapour); steam / dropsy; edema; oedema
- 生育【せいいく】 birth and growth; giving birth and raising; development; breeding
- 精巧【せいこう】 elaborate; delicate; exquisite
- 製法【せいほう】 manufacturing method; recipe; formula
- 先代【せんだい】 previous generation (e.g. one's parents); family predecessor / predecessor / previous age
- 潜水【せんすい】 diving; submerging; going underwater
- 膳【ぜん】 small dining table (usu. for a single person); serving tray (with legs) / meal; food; serving / counter for bowlfuls of rice; counter for pairs of chopsticks
- 造り【つくり】 make-up; structure; physique
- 即座に【そくざに】 immediately; right away; on the spot
- 多数決【たすうけつ】 majority decision; majority vote; majority rule
- 打ち切る【うちきる】 to stop; to abort; to discontinue; to close
- 帯びる【おびる】 to wear (sword, decoration, etc.); to carry / to be entrusted (e.g. with a mission); to take on / to have a trace of; to be tinged with
- 怠慢【たいまん】 negligence; neglect; carelessness; procrastination
- 大空【おおぞら】 heavens; firmament; sky
- 第【だい】 prefix for forming ordinal numbers
- 達者【たっしゃ】 in good health; healthy; well; robust; strong / skilled; clever; proficient
- 脱する【だっする】 to escape from; to get out
- たどり着く【たどりつく】 to arrive at (after a struggle); to finally reach; to find one's way to; to finally hit on (e.g. an idea)
- 断面【だんめん】 cross-section
- 張り紙【はりがみ】 paper patch; paper backing; poster; sticker; label
- 頂【いただき】 crown (of head); summit (of mountain); spire / easy win for one / something received
- 通【つう】 connoisseur; authority / counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.
- 殿様【とのさま】 feudal lord; daimyo
- 渡り鳥【わたりどり】 migratory bird; bird of passage
- 投げ出す【なげだす】 to throw down; to throw out; to stretch out (one's legs) / to abandon; to resign / to give freely; to give generously; to sacrifice (e.g. one's life) / to start to throw
- 盗み【ぬすみ】 stealing
- 独創【どくそう】 originality
- 読み上げる【よみあげる】 to read out; to read aloud; to call out / to finish reading; to read through
- 内乱【ないらん】 civil war; insurrection; rebellion; domestic conflict
- 微塵【みじん】 particle; atom; little piece / not at all; not the slightest
- 微量【びりょう】 minuscule amount; extremely small quantity
- 不評【ふひょう】 bad reputation; disgrace; unpopularity
- 富豪【ふごう】 wealthy person; millionaire
- 布告【ふこく】 edict; ordinance; proclamation
- 赴く【おもむく】 to go in the direction of; to proceed toward; to proceed according to; to repair to; to betake oneself to / to become; to face (facts, circumstances, etc.) / to abide by; to agree to; to consent to; to obey
- 風習【ふうしゅう】 custom
- 物議【ぶつぎ】 public discussion; public criticism; controversy
- 分【ふん】 minute (unit of time) / fun (one tenth of a monme, 5.787 grains)
- 噴出【ふんしゅつ】 spewing; gushing; spouting; eruption; effusion
- 奮闘【ふんとう】 hard struggle; strenuous effort
- 編【へん】 compilation (of a text); editing / volume (of a text) / completed literary work
- 暴風【ぼうふう】 storm; windstorm; gale
- 没収【ぼっしゅう】 forfeiture; seizure; confiscation; impounding
- 民宿【みんしゅく】 pension; guesthouse; bed and breakfast; private home providing lodging for travelers (travellers)
- 優美【ゆうび】 grace; refinement; elegance; daintiness
- 遊牧【ゆうぼく】 nomadism
- 揺さぶる【ゆさぶる】 to shake; to jolt; to rock; to swing; to sway / to shake (e.g. the political world); to disturb; to shock; to upset / to put off a batter (by varying one's type of pitch)
- 溶液【ようえき】 solution (liquid)
- 利潤【りじゅん】 profit; returns
- ああ《嗚呼》 ah!; oh!; alas! / yes; indeed; that is correct / aah; gah; argh / hey!; yo! / uh huh; yeah yeah; right; gotcha
- 卯【う】 fourth sign of the Chinese zodiac (The Hare, 5am-7am, east, February)
- 天地【てんち】 heaven and earth; the universe; nature; top and bottom; realm; sphere; world / top and bottom / gods of heaven and earth
- 売り出し【うりだし】 (bargain) sale
- 云々【うんぬん】 and so on; and so forth; et cetera; and such; and the like / comment; criticism
- 切れ目【きれめ】 gap; break; rift / pause; interval; interruption / cut; incision; notch; score / end
- 何気ない【なにげない】 casual; unconcerned; nonchalant
- はまる《嵌まる》 to fit; to get into; to go into / to be fit for (a job, etc.); to be suited for; to satisfy (conditions) / to fall into; to plunge into; to get stuck; to get caught / to be deceived; to be taken in; to fall into a trap / to be addicted to; to be deep into; to be crazy about; to be stuck on
- 隔週【かくしゅう】 every other week; every two weeks
- がる to show signs of being; to feel; to think / to behave as if one were; to pretend; to act as if / to want; to desire; to be anxious to; to be eager to
- 蜜【みつ】 nectar / honey / honeydew / treacle; molasses / sorbitol (when visible as dark patches inside an apple)
- 織り【おり】 weave; weaving; woven item
- 壕【ごう】 moat; fosse; trench; ditch / underground air-raid shelter; dugout
- アクセル accelerator / accelerator pedal; gas pedal / Axel (figure skating jump); axel
- アプローチ approach / approach shot
- アラブ Arab
- アワー hour
- アンコール encore
- イエス Jesus / yes
- インターナショナル international
- インフォメーション information
- エレガント elegant
- エンジニア engineer
- オートマチック automatic
- オリエンテーション orientation
- オンライン online
- カクテル cocktail
- カット cut; cutting / haircut / shuffle (cards); shuffling / scene; shot (in a movie)
- カムバック comeback
- カルテ patient's chart; clinical records / record (e.g. student, equipment maintenance, etc.)
- ガイドブック guidebook
- キャッチ catch; catching; obtaining (e.g. information); receiving (e.g. radio transmission or phone call) / catch / shop tout; puller-in / catching (in swimming and boating); catching the water / catcher / call waiting
- キャリア career / carrier (disease, signal, warship, etc.) / career government employee
- クラブ nightclub / clubs (card suit) / crab / golf club
- クレーン crane
- グレー grey (gray) / gray (SI unit of absorbed dose of radiation)
- ゲスト guest
- コメント comment / (blog) comment
- コンタクト contact / contact lens
- コントラスト contrast
- コントロール control
- コンパス pair of compasses; compass (for drawing circles, etc.) / (mariner's) compass / legs; step; gait
- サイクル cycle
- サンキュー thank you
- サンタクロース Santa Claus
- シック chic / sick / thick
- ショー show
- ジャンパー (short) jacket; blouson; windbreaker; jumper / ski jumper; jumping event athlete / jumper lead; jumper wire
- ジャンボ jumbo
- ジャンル genre
- スチーム steam
- ストロー drinking straw / straw
- ストロボ stroboscope; strobe lamp; stroboscopic lamp / (camera) flash
- スプリング spring
- スペース space (room, area, outer space)
- スポーツカー sports car
- スラックス slacks
- セール sale
- セクション section
- セレモニー ceremony
- ゼリー jello; gelatin dessert; jelly / gel; jelly
- ソックス socks
- ソロ solo
- タイトル title
- タイピスト typist
- タイマー timer; clock register
- タイムリー timely / clutch hit; run-scoring hit; RBI hit
- タイル tile
- ダンプ dump / dump truck
- チームワーク teamwork
- チャイム chime; bell (e.g. doorbell)
- ティッシュペーパー tissue paper; tissue; facial tissue; facial tissues
- テレックス telex; teletypewriter exchange
- デコレーション decoration
- デッサン rough sketch
- デモンストレーション demonstration; protest / (giving a) demo; demonstration; presentation
- トーン tone
- トランジスタ electrical transistor
- ドライバー driver (of a vehicle) / screwdriver / driver (golf) / driver; device driver
- ナイター game under lights (e.g. baseball); night game
- ナプキン (table) napkin; serviette / sanitary napkin; sanitary pad
- ナンセンス nonsense
- ニュー new / newly purchased item
- ネガ (photographic) negative
- ハンガー (aircraft) hangar / (coat) hanger / hunger
- バー bar / VAR
- ファイト fight / fighting spirit / fight!; do your best; go for it; keep at it
- ファイル file
- フィルター filter (esp. camera)
- フェリー ferry
- フォーム foam / form
- ブーツ boots
- ブザー buzzer; personal alarm (loud buzzer to attract attention in case of attack)
- ブルー blue (colour, color) / sad; down (in the dumps)
- ベース base / bass
- ベストセラー bestseller
- ペア pair / pair-oared boat / pear
- ホース hose / horse
- ボイコット boycott
- ポーズ pose / pause
- ポイント point / points (of a railway); switch
- ポジション position
- ポンプ pump
- マッサージ massage
- モニター (computer) monitor / consumer who comments on products, television programs, etc. (programmes) / program or utility that monitors a program or activity
- ヤング young
- ユニーク unique; individual; original; unusual
- ユニフォーム uniform
- ライス rice (esp. when served on a plate)
- ラベル label (i.e. sticker) / label (i.e. record label)
- ランプ lamp; light / ramp / rump
- ルーズ loose (e.g. belt) / slovenly; careless; slack
- レース race / lace / lathe
- レッスン lesson
- レディー lady / ready
- レバー lever; joystick / liver
- レンジ range; stove; cooker / microwave oven
- レンタカー rental car; rent-a-car; hired auto / car rental agency; car hire agency; hire car agency
- 観覧【かんらん】 viewing
- 私物【しぶつ】 private property; personal effects
- 等級【とうきゅう】 grade; class; degree; rank; rating; order; points / magnitude
- 年鑑【ねんかん】 yearbook; almanac; annual
- 兼業【けんぎょう】 perusing as a side business; doing in addition to one's main work; running (businesses) simultaneously / side business; job on the side
- 隠居【いんきょ】 retirement / retired person
- 家来【けらい】 retainer; retinue; servant
- 果てる【はてる】 to end; to be finished; to be exhausted / to die; to perish / to do utterly; to do completely
- 華美【かび】 splendor; splendour; gorgeousness; pomp; magnificence / showiness; gaudiness; extravagance; luxury
- 回送【かいそう】 forwarding; sending on; redirecting (e.g. mail) / deadheading (e.g. train)
- 回覧【かいらん】 circulation (esp. documents); sending round
- 海路【かいろ】 sea route
- 概略【がいりゃく】 outline; summary; gist; in brief
- 隔たる【へだたる】 to be distant
- 勘弁【かんべん】 pardon; forgiveness; forbearance
- 窮乏【きゅうぼう】 poverty; destitution; privation; indigence; penury
- 碁盤【ごばん】 Go board
- 語句【ごく】 words; phrases
- 口述【こうじゅつ】 dictation; verbal statement
- 高尚【こうしょう】 high; noble; refined; advanced
- 仕える【つかえる】 to serve; to work for; to attend
- 諮る【はかる】 to consult with; to discuss; to confer; to deliberate
- 字体【じたい】 type; font; lettering
- 磁器【じき】 porcelain (esp. hard-paste porcelain); china; chinaware
- 首飾り【くびかざり】 necklace; choker
- 庶務【しょむ】 general affairs
- 召す【めす】 to call; to invite; to send for; to summon / to eat; to drink / to put on; to wear / to ride / to catch (a cold); to take (a bath); to tickle (one's fancy); to put on (years); to commit (seppuku) / to do / used to show respect
- 小銭【こぜに】 small change; coins / small sum of money
- 上回る【うわまわる】 to exceed (esp. figures: profits, unemployment rate, etc.); to surpass; to be more than; to be better than
- 進呈【しんてい】 presentation (e.g. of a gift)
- 据え付ける【すえつける】 to install; to equip; to mount
- 澄ます【すます】 to clear; to make clear / to be unruffled; to look unconcerned; to feign indifference / to look demure; to look prim; to put on airs / to strain (one's ears); to listen carefully
- 西日【にしび】 westering sun; setting sun
- 跡継ぎ【あとつぎ】 heir; successor
- 潜入【せんにゅう】 infiltration; sneaking in
- 善良【ぜんりょう】 goodness; excellence; virtue
- 短波【たんぱ】 short wave
- 恥じらう【はじらう】 to feel shy; to be bashful; to blush
- 茶の湯【ちゃのゆ】 tea ceremony
- 宙返り【ちゅうがえり】 somersault; looping-the-loop
- 昼飯【ひるめし】 lunch; midday meal
- 挑む【いどむ】 to challenge to (a fight, game, etc.); to throw down the gauntlet; to contend for / to tackle (e.g. a problem); to attempt; to go after (a prize, record, etc.) / to pressure (someone) for sex; to make advances to
- 朝寝坊【あさねぼう】 oversleeping; late riser
- 転任【てんにん】 change of post
- 逃す【のがす】 to miss (e.g. a chance); to lose; to let get away / to set free; to let go / to fail to ...
- 拝借【はいしゃく】 borrowing
- 領地【りょうち】 territory; dominion; grounds (e.g. school)
- 和文【わぶん】 Japanese text; sentence in Japanese
- 愛憎【あいぞう】 love and hate
- 鈍る【にぶる】 to become blunt; to grow dull / to become less capable; to weaken; to falter
- 免れる【まぬがれる】 to escape (disaster, death, etc.); to be saved from; to be rescued from / to avoid (e.g. punishment); to evade (e.g. responsibility); to avert; to elude; to be exempted from
- 生ける【いける】 to arrange (flowers); to plant / living; live
- 滅ぼす【ほろぼす】 to destroy; to overthrow; to wreck; to ruin
- 教職【きょうしょく】 the teaching profession / education of laity (in Christianity)
- 産休【さんきゅう】 maternity leave
- 産後【さんご】 postpartum; after childbirth
- 申し分【もうしぶん】 objection; shortcomings
- 伝来【でんらい】 ancestral; hereditary; imported; transmitted; handed down
- 両極【りょうきょく】 both extremities / North and South Poles / positive and negative poles
- 風車【かざぐるま】 windmill / pinwheel (toy); windmill (toy) / Clematis patens (species of climbing plant)
- あし《葦》 common reed (Phragmites australis)
- 会【え】 gathering (esp. Buddhist, festive, etc.)
- きまり悪い【きまりわるい】 feeling awkward; being ashamed; being bashful
- ど忘れ【どわすれ】 lapse of memory; forgetting for a moment something one knows well; (something) slipping one's mind
- しかしながら《併し乍ら》 however; nevertheless
- 報ずる【ほうずる】 to inform; to report
- あつらえる《誂える》 to give an order; to place an order; to have made to order
- ねじれる《捻じれる》 to twist; to wrench; to screw
- 寄りかかる【よりかかる】 to lean against; to recline on; to lean on / to rely on; to depend on
- ずれ gap; slippage
- 押し寄せる【おしよせる】 to advance on; to close in; to march on; to descend on (the enemy); to move towards; to surge forward (crowd, wave of nostalgia, wave, etc.); to rush for (the door); to inundate; to overwhelm; to push aside
- 気品【きひん】 elegance; refinement; grace; dignity / aroma
- 記名【きめい】 signature; register / to put one's name on; to sign / stamped name; typed name
- 旧知【きゅうち】 old friend; old acquaintance
- 生身【なまみ】 living flesh; flesh and blood / physical body of Buddha or a bodhisattva
- 大部【たいぶ】 lengthy (of a book, etc.); voluminous / most (e.g. most part); greater; fairly; a good deal; much
- 痛切【つうせつ】 keen; acute; heartfelt
- 刷り【すり】 printing
- 暗算【あんざん】 mental arithmetic
- 案じる【あんじる】 to be anxious or concerned about; to ponder (anxiously); to fear / to investigate; to consider; to plan / to pat; to rub; to take a sword in one's hand
- 映写【えいしゃ】 projection
- 遠回り【とおまわり】 detour; roundabout way
- 下取り【したどり】 trade in; part exchange
- 下心【したごころ】 secret intention; ulterior motive / kanji "heart" radical at bottom
- 化する【かする】 to change into; to convert into; to transform; to be reduced; to influence; to improve (someone)
- 課外【かがい】 extracurricular
- 改悪【かいあく】 deterioration; changing for the worse
- 概説【がいせつ】 general statement; outline
- 慣用【かんよう】 customary use; common usage; general usage
- 甘口【あまくち】 sweet flavour; sweet flavor; mildness / flattery / stupidity
- 眼球【がんきゅう】 eyeball
- 幾多【いくた】 many; numerous
- 期【き】 period; time / age / term (e.g. in office); period / session (e.g. of parliament) / stage (e.g. disease)
- 気風【きふう】 character; traits; ethos
- 気流【きりゅう】 atmospheric current; air current; airflow
- 球根【きゅうこん】 (plant) bulb
- 給仕【きゅうじ】 waiting on a table; serving (at dinner) / waiter; waitress; waitperson; server; cabin boy; bellboy; page; pageboy / office boy; office girl
- 興じる【きょうじる】 to amuse oneself; to make merry
- 継ぎ目【つぎめ】 joint; seam; joining point
- 決行【けっこう】 doing (with resolve); carrying out (e.g. a plan)
- 結び付ける【むすびつける】 to combine; to join; to tie on; to attach with a knot; to bind (e.g. an address)
- 兼用【けんよう】 multi-use; combined use; combination; serving two purposes
- 見世物【みせもの】 show; exhibition; spectacle
- 原典【げんてん】 original (text)
- 呼び止める【よびとめる】 to challenge; to call somebody to halt
- 口ずさむ【くちずさむ】 to hum (a tune); to sing to oneself; to croon
- 国定【こくてい】 state-sponsored; national
- 雑木【ざつぼく】 various kinds of small trees; assorted trees
- 山腹【さんぷく】 hillside; mountainside
- 産出【さんしゅつ】 production; output; turning out
- 残金【ざんきん】 remaining money
- 仕切る【しきる】 to partition; to divide; to mark off; to itemize / to direct; to take control; to manage; to take responsibility / to settle accounts / to toe the mark
- 持ち切り【もちきり】 hot topic; talk of the town
- 自転【じてん】 rotation (usu. on an axis); turning; spin
- 失調【しっちょう】 lack of harmony; lack of balance; lack of coordination; malfunction / ataxia
- 取り調べる【とりしらべる】 to investigate; to examine
- 取り立てる【とりたてる】 to collect (debts); to dun; to exact; to extort / to appoint; to promote; to give patronage / to emphasize; to focus on; to call attention to
- 手近【てぢか】 near; close by; within reach; handy / familiar
- 手芸【しゅげい】 handicrafts
- 首輪【くびわ】 (animal) collar / necklace; choker
- 修学【しゅうがく】 learning
- 出くわす【でくわす】 to happen to meet; to come across
- 初耳【はつみみ】 something heard for the first time; hearing something for the first time
- 消去【しょうきょ】 elimination; erasure; dying out; clearing; purge; melting away
- 照合【しょうごう】 collation; comparison
- 城下【じょうか】 land near a castle / castle town
- 真下【ました】 right under; directly below
- 整然【せいぜん】 orderly; regular; systematic; well-organized; well-organised; trim; tidy; accurate
- 清純【せいじゅん】 purity; innocence
- 静的【せいてき】 static
- 切開【せっかい】 incision; operation; section
- 絶版【ぜっぱん】 out of print
- 宣教【せんきょう】 religious mission; religious proclamation
- 他意【たい】 ill will; malice; another intention; secret purpose; ulterior motive; fickleness; double-mindedness
- 対して【たいして】 for; in regard to; per
- 滞る【とどこおる】 to stagnate; to be delayed; to be left undone / to be overdue (of a payment); to fall into arrears; to be outstanding
- 退化【たいか】 degeneration; retrogression
- 大柄【おおがら】 large build / large pattern
- 聴診器【ちょうしんき】 stethoscope
- 釣鐘【つりがね】 temple bell; hanging bell; funeral bell
- 転回【てんかい】 revolution; rotation
- 転校【てんこう】 changing schools
- 統率【とうそつ】 command; lead; generalship; leadership
- 動的【どうてき】 dynamic; kinetic
- 同い年【おないどし】 the same age
- 特派【とくは】 send specially; special envoy
- 熱量【ねつりょう】 quantity of heat; heat value; calorific value; calories
- 悩ましい【なやましい】 seductive; carnal; enchanting / troubling; difficult; thorny; hard / anxious; uneasy
- 反り【そり】 warp; curvature; curve; arch
- 甕【かめ】 earthenware pot
- 浮力【ふりょく】 buoyancy; floating power
- 封建【ほうけん】 feudalistic
- 片言【かたこと】 prattle; broken language; halting language; baby talk; imperfect speech; smattering
- 片付け【かたづけ】 tidying up; finishing
- 名産【めいさん】 noted product; local specialty
- 優越【ゆうえつ】 supremacy; predominance; being superior to
- 余興【よきょう】 side show; entertainment
- 用法【ようほう】 directions; rules of use
- 立方【たちかた】 way of standing / dancer (in a Japanese dance performance)
- 難い【かたい】 difficult; hard
- 来場【らいじょう】 attendance
- 粉々【こなごな】 in very small pieces
- そっけない《素っ気ない》 cold; short; curt; blunt
- 長々【ながなが】 long; drawn-out; very long
- 座標【ざひょう】 coordinate; coordinates
- 利根【りこん】 intelligence; cleverness; innate aptitude
- 泊【はく】 counter for nights of a stay
- あからさま《明白》 plain; frank; candid; open; direct; straightforward; unabashed; blatant; flagrant
- あくどい《悪どい》 gaudy; showy; excessive / crooked; vicious
- いざ now; come (now); well
- いやに《嫌に》 awfully; terribly
- えい《鱝》 ray (any fish of superorder Batoidea)
- おっかない frightening; scary / extreme; exaggerated; huge
- お宮【おみや】 Shinto shrine
- お供【おとも】 attendant; companion
- きっかり exactly; just; precisely / punctually; exactly on time
- ぐっと suddenly; at once; in one go; with a jerk; with a gulp / considerably; very much; a lot / firmly; with an effort; tightly; exerting pressure / completely (e.g. at a loss) / deeply (e.g. moved)
- げっそり being disheartened; being dejected / losing a lot of weight; becoming very thin
- しぶとい tenacious; tough; enduring; dogged; headstrong; stubborn; obstinate; unyielding
- すばしこい nimble; smart; quick
- すんなり slim; slender; lithe; supple / smoothly; without resistance; without trouble; without difficulty; without dissent; easily; readily
- ずぶ濡れ【ずぶぬれ】 dripping wet; soaked; drenched
- ずらっと in a line; in a row
- そこら《其処ら》 everywhere; somewhere; approximately; that area; around there
- ちやほや to pamper; to make a fuss of; to spoil; to fawn over
- てんで (not) at all; altogether; entirely
- ネジ回し【ネジまわし】 screwdriver
- ひいては《延いては》 not only ... but also; in addition to; consequently
- ひょっと possibly; perhaps; perchance / unintentionally; accidentally
- ビリ last on the list; at the bottom
- ふんだん plentiful; abundant; lavish
- ぼつぼつ gradually; little by little; in a breezy manner / soon; before long / here and there; scattered / spots; dots; pimples; rash
- ぼやく to grumble; to complain
- もろに《諸に》 completely; all the way; altogether; bodily
- インターチェンジ interchange; service interchange
- インターフォン intercom; interphone
- ダブる to be duplicated; to be repeated / to overlap; to fall together (of dates, etc.); to coincide / to repeat (a failed course, school year, etc.) / to make a double play / to make a double fault (in tennis)
- ドライクリーニング dry cleaning
- ドライブイン drive-in (bank, cinema, etc.) / roadside restaurant; rest stop
- モーテル motel / drive-in love hotel
- 亜科【あか】 subfamily
- 宛てる【あてる】 to address
- 尉【じょう】 inspector (third highest of the four administrative ranks of the ritsuryo system) / (noh) old man / white ash (of charcoal)
- 異見【いけん】 different opinion; objection
- しなびる《萎びる》 to shrivel (e.g. cut vegetables, skin); to wilt; to fade; to wither; to be wizened
- 違える【ちがえる】 to change; to alter / to mistake; to make a mistake / to fail to keep (e.g. one's promise) / to dislocate (e.g. one's neck)
- ひところ《一頃》 once; some time ago
- 一別【いちべつ】 parting
- 稲光【いなびかり】 (flash of) lightning
- 印【いん】 stamp; seal; chop / seal impression; seal; sealing; stamp; mark; print / mudra (symbolic hand gesture) / ninja hand sign / India
- 引っ掻く【ひっかく】 to scratch; to claw
- おいて《於て》 at; in; on
- 汚らわしい【けがらわしい】 filthy; unfair; dirty; untouchable; disgusting; nasty; foul; odious; repulsive
- 汚れ【けがれ】 disgrace; shame; stain; blot; corruption; depravity / uncleanness; impurity; defilement
- 汚れる【けがれる】 to be violated; to be corrupted; to be polluted; to be stained
- 下番【かばん】 going off duty
- 下吏【かり】 lower official
- 何なり【なんなり】 any; anything; whatever
- 佳句【かく】 beautiful passage of literature
- 画期【かっき】 transition from one epoch to another; change of era
- 介抱【かいほう】 nursing; looking after
- なつく《懐く》 to become emotionally attached (to); to take (to)
- あく《灰汁》 lye / harsh taste; astringency / scum (formed when cooking some foods) / (excessive) strength of will
- そっぽ《外方》 the other way
- 噛み切る【かみきる】 to bite off; to gnaw through
- 干し【ほし】 drying; dried
- 干し物【ほしもの】 things dried in the sun (esp. clothes, dyed cloth, etc.)
- 感無量【かんむりょう】 deep emotion; being filled with emotion
- 貫禄【かんろく】 presence; dignity
- 館【やかた】 mansion; palace; manor house; castle / nobleman; noblewoman; dignitary / cabin (on a boat, carriage, etc.)
- 機【はた】 loom
- かぶれる《気触れる》 to develop a rash or inflammation (e.g. in response to a skin irritant); to react to (something) / to be strongly influenced (usu. negative or critical nuance)
- 気立て【きだて】 disposition; nature
- 鞠【まり】 ball (for sport, games, etc.) / kemari; type of football played by courtiers in ancient Japan
- なじる《詰る》 to rebuke; to scold; to tell off; to find fault; to harp on; to reprove / to question persistently (in order to criticize or find fault with somebody)
- 朽ちる【くちる】 to rot; to decay / to die in obscurity / to be forgotten with time
- 給う【たまう】 to do / to give
- 供する【きょうする】 to offer; to present; to submit; to supply / to serve (food and drink) / to offer (to the gods); to set up (before an alter)
- 恐れ入る【おそれいる】 to be sorry; to beg pardon; to be much obliged; to feel small / to be grateful / to be amazed; to be filled with awe; to be surprised / to be disconcerted; to be embarrassed
- 凝らす【こごらす】 to freeze; to congeal / to concentrate one's attention on; to devote oneself to something; to ponder; to meditate
- 凝る【こごる】 to congeal; to freeze
- 局限【きょくげん】 limit; localize; localise
- 僅少【きんしょう】 (a) few; (a) little; trifling; insignificant; small (amount); scarce (stocks)
- 勤まる【つとまる】 to be fit for; to be equal to; to function properly
- 契る【ちぎる】 to pledge; to vow; to promise; to swear / to have sexual intercourse (esp. between husband and wife); to share a bed
- くだん《件》 the aforementioned; the said; (man, incident, etc.) in question; the above-mentioned; the aforesaid / the usual
- 圏【けん】 sphere; circle; range / category (in the context of category theory)
- やり遂げる【やりとげる】 to accomplish; to finish; to carry through; to follow through
- 遣り通す【やりとおす】 to carry through; to achieve; to complete
- 原【げん】 original; primitive; primary; fundamental; raw
- 言伝【ことづて】 (oral) message; declaration; hearsay; rumour; rumor
- 故【こ】 the late (deceased)
- 御覧なさい【ごらんなさい】 (please) look / see / (please) try to do
- 構え【かまえ】 structure; construction; appearance / posture (e.g. in martial arts); pose; stance / readiness; determination; preparedness / kanji enclosure type radical (must enclose at least two sides of the kanji)
- 溝【こう】 10^32; hundred nonillion
- 講読【こうどく】 reading; translation
- 合わせ【あわせ】 joint together; opposite; facing
- こつ《骨》 knack; skill; trick; secret; know-how; the ropes; hang
- 骨董品【こっとうひん】 curio; antique
- 差し引く【さしひく】 to deduct; to take away; to dock / to make allowances for something; to bear something in mind / to ebb and flow
- 細やか【こまやか】 tender; warm; caring; thoughtful / meticulous; detailed; attentive / deep (of a colour); thick (e.g. fog)
- 際【きわ】 edge; brink; verge; side / time; moment of
- 作物【さくぶつ】 literary work
- すれ違い【すれちがい】 passing each other; crossing paths without meeting; being at cross purposes
- 参上【さんじょう】 calling on; visiting
- しつける《仕付ける》 to be used to; to get accustomed to; to be in the habit of doing / to train; to discipline; to teach manners / to tack (in needlework); to baste / to plant (esp. rice seedlings)
- 氏【うじ】 family name; lineage; birth / clan
- 賜る【たまわる】 to be given; to be granted; to be honored with; to be honoured with / to give; to bestow; to confer; to honor; to honour
- 自尊心【じそんしん】 self-esteem; self-respect; self-importance; conceit; pride
- 自動詞【じどうし】 intransitive verb
- 湿気る【しける】 to be damp; to be moist
- 社【やしろ】 shrine (usually Shinto)
- 謝絶【しゃぜつ】 refusal
- 取り混ぜる【とりまぜる】 to mix; to put together
- 手回し【てまわし】 turning by hand; hand-turned; hand-cranked / preparations; arrangements
- 手はず【てはず】 arrangement; plan; programme; program
- 種【しゅ】 kind; variety / (biological) species / (logical) species
- 周【しゅう】 Zhou (dynasty of China); Chou / perimeter / counter for laps or circuits
- 修飾【しゅうしょく】 ornamentation; embellishment; decoration; adornment; polish up (writing) / modification; qualification
- 蹴飛ばす【けとばす】 to kick away; to kick off; to kick hard / to refuse curtly; to reject outright
- 10分【じっぷん】 10 minutes
- 重【え】 -fold; -ply
- 出切る【できる】 to be out of; to have no more at hand
- 助【じょ】 help; rescue; assistant
- 助動詞【じょどうし】 auxiliary verb
- 梢【こずえ】 treetop; tip of a branch
- こげ茶【こげちゃ】 dark brown; olive brown
- 照り返す【てりかえす】 to reflect; to throw back light
- 蒸留【じょうりゅう】 distillation
- 植わる【うわる】 to be planted
- 新入生【しんにゅうせい】 new student; freshman; first-year student
- 真ん丸い【まんまるい】 perfectly round; perfectly circular
- 真ん前【まんまえ】 right in front; just opposite; under the nose
- 進度【しんど】 progress
- 震わせる【ふるわせる】 to (make something) quiver; to shake; to tremble; to vibrate
- 吹奏【すいそう】 playing (a wind instrument); blowing
- かさむ《嵩む》 to mount up; to pile up; to accumulate; to increase
- かさばる《嵩張る》 to be bulky; to be unwieldy; to grow voluminous
- 数詞【すうし】 numeral
- 世辞【せじ】 flattery; compliment
- なるたけ《成る丈》 as much as possible; if possible
- まさしく《正しく》 surely; no doubt; evidently
- 清濁【せいだく】 good and evil; purity and impurity / voiced and unvoiced consonants
- 生【き】 pure; undiluted; raw; crude
- 生真面目【きまじめ】 too serious; person who is too serious; honesty; sincerity
- 盛る【さかる】 to prosper; to flourish / to copulate (animals)
- 盛装【せいそう】 dressing up in fine clothes; splendid clothes; one's best clothes
- 赤らむ【あからむ】 to become red; to redden; to blush
- 接ぐ【つぐ】 to join; to piece together; to set (bones) / to graft (onto a tree)
- 接続詞【せつぞくし】 conjunction
- 仙【せん】 hermit; wizard
- 浅ましい【あさましい】 wretched; miserable; shameful; mean; despicable; abject
- さも《然も》 really; extremely / in that way
- さほど《然程》 not so; not particularly; not very; not that much
- 相【あい】 together; mutually; fellow
- それゆえ《それ故》 therefore; for that reason; so
- 揃い【そろい】 set; suit; uniform collection; matching items / entirely; all; every one; nothing but
- 他動詞【たどうし】 transitive verb
- 駄作【ださく】 poor piece of work; rubbish; trash
- 体【てい】 appearance; air; condition; state; form
- 退ける【しりぞける】 to repel; to drive away; to repulse; to reject
- 代【しろ】 substitution / material / price / margin (e.g. for stapling, etc.); area required for something / shiro (unit of land area equal to one-fiftieth of a tan; ~19.83 m.sq.)
- たるみ《弛み》 slack; slackening; sagginess; flabbiness (skin, etc.) / dullness; letdown; depression; ennui
- 遅くとも【おそくとも】 at the latest
- 中ほど【なかほど】 (about) middle; midway
- 中っ腹【ちゅうっぱら】 anger (held in check); irritation; rage
- 沈澱【ちんでん】 precipitation; deposition; settlement (e.g. of sediment)
- 諦め【あきらめ】 resignation; acceptance; consolation
- 天津【あまつ】 heavenly; imperial
- まとまり《纏まり》 unity; coherence; consistency; coordination / settlement; conclusion; completion
- 点線【てんせん】 dotted line; perforated line
- 殿【しんがり】 rear; rear unit guard / anchor (man)
- 奴【やっこ】 servant (esp. a samurai's attendant) / chivalrous man (c. Edo period) / cubed tofu (often served cold) / kite shaped like a footman / Edo-period hairstyle worn by samurai's attendants / enslavement (of a woman; Edo-period punishment for her own or her husband's crime) / he; she; him; her
- 東【あずま】 eastern Japan (esp. Kamakura or Edo, from perspective of Kyoto or Nara); eastern provinces / east / six-stringed Japanese zither / my spouse
- 棟【とう】 large building; building with a long roof / counter for buildings, apartments, etc.
- 当て字【あてじ】 kanji used as a phonetic symbol, instead of for the meaning; phonetic-equivalent character; substitute character / kanji used for their meaning, irrespective of reading
- 日当【にっとう】 daily allowance; daily wages
- したためる《認める》 to write (e.g. a letter); to draw up (a document); to take down (e.g. notes) / to have (lunch, dinner, etc.); to eat
- ばかばかしい《馬鹿馬鹿しい》 absurd; ridiculous; silly; ludicrous; nonsensical; asinine; foolish
- 廃れる【すたれる】 to go out of use; to become obsolete; to die out; to go out of fashion
- 反【たん】 variable measure of fabric (28.8 cm in width); for kimonos: at least 10 m in length; for haori: at least 7.27 m in length; for other clothes: at least 6.06 m in length / 300 tsubo (991.74 meters square, 0.24506 acres) / six ken (10.91 m)
- 腹立ち【はらだち】 anger
- 仏【ふつ】 France
- 焚き火【たきび】 open-air fire (e.g. for garden refuse); bonfire / open fire (e.g. in a kitchen)
- 偏【へん】 left-hand radical of a character
- 歩【ふ】 pawn
- あっけない《呆気ない》 unsatisfying; disappointing; abrupt; not enough; too quick; too short; over too soon
- 呆然【ぼうぜん】 dumbfounded; overcome with surprise; in blank amazement; in a daze
- 放り込む【ほうりこむ】 to throw into; to toss into
- 放り出す【ほうりだす】 to throw out / to drop; to toss; to dump / to abandon; to neglect; to leave behind; to give up / to dismiss; to fire; to expel
- しもべ《僕》 servant; manservant; menial
- 埋め込む【うめこむ】 to bury; to embed; to implant
- 末【うら】 top end; tip
- 万【ばん】 many; all
- 目論見【もくろみ】 plan; scheme; plot; design; project; intention; aim
- 役【えき】 war; campaign; battle / unpaid work (ritsuryo system); forced labor
- 優【やさ】 gentle; affectionate
- 溜まり【たまり】 pile; pool; collection / gathering spot / waiting place for a wrestler beside the ring / liquid runoff from miso preparation / tamari; variety of rich soy sauce (used for sashimi, etc.)
- 輪【りん】 counter for wheels and flowers
- とっさ《咄嗟》 moment; instant
- あざ笑う【あざわらう】 to laugh at; to ridicule; to mock; to make fun of; to sneer at
- し尿【しにょう】 excreta; raw sewage; human waste; night soil
- つねる《抓る》 to pinch
- こじれる《拗れる》 to get complicated; to grow worse; to turn sour
- 毟る【むしる】 to pluck; to pick; to tear
- 洒落【しゃらく】 free and easy; open-hearted; relaxed; not fussy; frank
- 涸れる【かれる】 to dry up (spring, pond, etc.); to run out
- 煌々【こうこう】 brilliant; bright; dazzling
- きしむ《軋む》 to jar; to creak; to grate
- 辟易【へきえき】 to be stumped; to be nonplussed; to be disconcerted; to dumbfounded / to be fed up with; to be tired of; to find unable to bear / to wince; to shrink back; to cringe
- 霰【あられ】 hail (esp. hailballs under 5 mm); graupel / dicing; small cubes / roasted mochi pieces (usu. flavoured with soy sauce, etc.)
- 悪日【あくにち】 unlucky day
- 乾【けん】 qian (one of the trigrams of the I Ching: heaven, northwest)
- 敵【かたき】 rival; opponent; adversary; competitor; enemy (esp. one with which there is longstanding enmity); foe / revenge / spouse
- 旧事【きゅうじ】 past events; bygones
- 金蔵【かねぐら】 treasure house; treasury / financial supporter; patron; financier; backer
- 次【じ】 next / hypo- (i.e. containing an element with low valence) / order; sequence; time; times
- できもの《出来物》 tumour; tumor; growth; boil; ulcer; abscess; rash; pimple
- 瞬き【まばたき】 blink (of eyes); wink / twinkling (of stars); flicker (of light); blink (of light)
- 上手【うわて】 upper part / upper stream; upper course of a river / right side of the stage (audience's or camera's POV); stage left (actor's POV) / skillful (only in comparisons); dexterity (only in comparisons) / over-arm grip on opponent's belt
- 丈夫【じょうふ】 hero; manly person; warrior
- すすぐ《濯ぐ》 to rinse; to wash out / to have one's revenge; to wipe out a disgrace
- 等【とう】 class; order; rank / et cetera; etc.; and the like / equal; iso-
- ぶち《斑》 spots; speckles; mottles
- 奉る【たてまつる】 to offer; to present / to set someone up in a high position; to revere at a distance / to do respectfully
- 夜中【やちゅう】 during the night; at night
- 倅【せがれ】 son / punk; brat / penis
- 吝嗇【りんしょく】 stinginess; miser; miserliness; selfishness
- いやいや《嫌々》 unwillingly; grudgingly; reluctantly / shaking head in refusal (to children) / no!; no no!; not at all
- 虚ろ【うつろ】 cavity; hollow; void / hollow (voice, smile, etc.); blank (eyes, look, etc.); vacant (expression, stare, etc.); empty (words, heart, etc.)
- 主なる【おもなる】 main; principal; important
- 箇条書き【かじょうがき】 itemized form; itemised form; itemization; itemisation
- 来る【きたる】 next (e.g. "next April"); forthcoming; coming / to come; to arrive; to be due to
- 些事【さじ】 something small; something petty; trifle
- さらう《攫う》 to carry off; to run away with; to sweep away; to snatch; to kidnap; to abduct / to take entirely for oneself; to monopolize
- しきたり《仕来り》 custom; convention; tradition; mores; conventional practice
- 仕舞い【しまい】 end; close; finish; termination / noh dance in plain clothes
- 擦れる【すれる】 to rub; to chafe / to wear out; to become worn / to lose one's innocence; to become sly
- たぐい《類い》 kind; sort; type / equal; match; peer
- 丁々【ちょうちょう】 clashing of swords; felling of trees; ringing of an ax
- 取り替え【とりかえ】 swap; exchange
- とろける《蕩ける》 to melt (to a liquid) / to be enchanted with; to be charmed; to be bewitched
- 不憫【ふびん】 poor; pitiful; piteous; pitiable
- へりくだる《謙る》 to deprecate oneself and praise the listener; to abase oneself
- 間々【まま】 occasionally; now and then; sometimes
- よって《因って》 therefore; consequently; accordingly; because of
- 艶【えん】 charming; fascinating; voluptuous
- かする《掠る》 to graze (e.g. bullet); to scratch; to touch lightly / to take a percentage; to exploit; to squeeze
- 対辺【たいへん】 opposite side
- 戸【こ】 counter for houses, households, apartments, etc.
- 空き間【あきま】 vacancy; room for rent or lease
- 金棒【かなぼう】 metal rod; metal bar; iron rod; crowbar / iron club; iron staff with rings on top (traditionally used by night watchmen)
- 捕吏【ほり】 constable; policeman
- 土産【どさん】 product of the land / present; souvenir
- 一見【いちげん】 first visit to inn, restaurant, etc. without an introduction
- 宝器【ほうき】 treasured article or vessel; outstanding individual
- つり革【つりかわ】 strap (to hang onto)
- 鉄片【てっぺん】 iron scraps
- 豪儀【ごうぎ】 great; grand / obstinate; stubborn
- 嘆【たん】 sigh / grief; lamentation
- 玉【ぎょく】 precious stone (esp. jade) / egg (sometimes esp. as a sushi topping) / stock or security being traded; product being bought or sold / position (in finance, the amount of a security either owned or owed by an investor or dealer) / geisha / time charge for a geisha / king (of the junior player)
- 館【かん】 house; hall; building
- 魂【こん】 Yang energy; spirit
- 頃【けい】 qing (Chinese unit of land area equal to 100 mu)
- 基【もとい】 basis; foundation / cause
- 箇【か】 counter for the ichi-ni-san counting system (usu. directly preceding the item being counted); a noun read using its on-yomi
- 校【こう】 school / proof (of a book, document, etc.); counter for proofs
- 甲【きのえ】 first sign of the Chinese calendar
- 秭【し】 10^24; septillion
- とばり《帳》 curtain; hanging; bunting
- ごと《共》 including...; with ...; inclusive of; ...and all
- 長【おさ】 head; chief; leader; elder / the greatest of all; the most excellent
- 例【ためし】 precedent; example
- 華奢【かしゃ】 lavish; luxurious; showy; gaudy
- ことによると《事によると》 possibly; maybe; perhaps
- 地方【じかた】 person in charge of music (in a Japanese dance performance) / person singing ballads (in noh) / coast (esp. as seen from the water); shore / the country; countryside; the provinces; rural area
- 含嗽【がんそう】 gargling; rinsing one's mouth
- 一目【いちもく】 look; glance / stone (in the game of go)
- 予言【かねごと】 promise; prediction
- 大事【おおごと】 serious matter; major incident; matter of grave concern; crisis
- 流行り【はやり】 fashion; fad; vogue; craze / prevalence (e.g. of a disease)
- 懸賞【けんしょう】 offering a prize; prize competition; prize; reward
- 権【けん】 right (to do something) / authority; power
- 見せびらかす【みせびらかす】 to show off; to flaunt
- 見苦しい【みぐるしい】 unsightly; ugly; unseemly; indecent; deplorable; disgraceful; shameful
- 見合い【みあい】 formal marriage interview; marriage meeting
- 見合わせる【みあわせる】 to exchange glances; to look at each other / to postpone; to put off; to withhold; to abandon / to contrast; to compare
- 見晴らし【みはらし】 view; prospect; outlook / viewing platform
- 見渡す【みわたす】 to look out over; to survey (scene); to take an extensive view of
- 見落とす【みおとす】 to overlook; to fail to notice; to miss (seeing)
- 軒並み【のきなみ】 row of houses / every house; each house; every door / all; totally; altogether; across the board
- 元来【がんらい】 originally; essentially; naturally; by nature; really; actually / in the first place; to begin with
- 原っぱ【はらっぱ】 open field; empty lot; plain
- 原書【げんしょ】 original document (not a copy or adaptation); book in its original language (esp. a European language)
- 厳か【おごそか】 solemn (ceremony, atmosphere, etc.); austere; grave; majestic; dignified; stately; impressive
- 減点【げんてん】 subtract; give a demerit
- 玄人【くろうと】 expert; professional; master; connoisseur / woman in the nightlife business; demimondaine; geisha and prostitutes
- 現像【げんぞう】 developing (film)
- 古【いにしえ】 antiquity; ancient times
- 固体【こたい】 solid (body); solid matter; solid-state
- 戸締まり【とじまり】 locking up (doors and windows); fastening the doors
- 股【また】 crotch; crutch; groin; thigh / fork (in a tree, road, river, etc.); tines (of a fork)
- 誇る【ほこる】 to boast of; to be proud of
- 誇張【こちょう】 exaggeration
- 顧みる【かえりみる】 to look back on (the past); to reflect on; to reminisce about / to look behind (at); to turn round (and look); to look over one's shoulder / to consider; to concern oneself about; to take notice of; to pay attention to; to take into consideration
- 後回し【あとまわし】 putting off; postponing
- 後悔【こうかい】 regret; repentance; remorse
- 悟る【さとる】 to perceive; to sense; to discern / to understand; to comprehend; to realize / to attain enlightenment
- 語源【ごげん】 word root; word derivation; etymology
- 語彙【ごい】 vocabulary; lexicon; lexis; terminology
- 誤る【あやまる】 to make a mistake; to err / to mislead; to misguide
- 誤差【ごさ】 measurement error; calculation error
- 交わる【まじわる】 to cross; to intersect; to join; to meet / to associate with; to mingle with; to consort with / to have a sexual relationship; to copulate
- 光熱費【こうねつひ】 cost of fuel and lighting; cost of heat and electricity; energy bill; utility cost
- 公然【こうぜん】 open; public; official; overt
- 巧妙【こうみょう】 ingenious; skillful; clever; deft
- 広まる【ひろまる】 to spread; to be propagated
- 荒っぽい【あらっぽい】 wild; violent; rough-mannered; rude / rough (e.g. work); crude; coarse; careless
- 荒らす【あらす】 to lay waste; to devastate; to damage / to invade; to break into / to troll (e.g. web forums); to spam
- 購買【こうばい】 procurement; purchase; buying / school store; co-op; school canteen; tuck shop
- 鉱業【こうぎょう】 mining industry
- 降水【こうすい】 rainfall; precipitation
- 降伏【こうふく】 capitulation; surrender; submission / yield
- 合わす【あわす】 to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) / to join together; to unite; to combine; to add up / to face; to be opposite (someone) / to compare; to check with / to cause to meet (e.g. an unpleasant fate) / to place together; to connect; to overlap / to mix; to combine / to put blade to blade; to fight
- 告げる【つげる】 to tell; to inform; to announce / to indicate; to signal; to mark
- 告白【こくはく】 confession; acknowledgement; acknowledgment / profession of love / confession of sins (e.g. the confessional)
- 根気【こんき】 patience; perseverance; persistence; tenacity; energy
- 混血【こんけつ】 mixed race; mixed parentage
- 混同【こんどう】 confusion; mixing; merger
- 差し掛かる【さしかかる】 to come near to; to approach
- 差し支える【さしつかえる】 to interfere; to hinder; to become impeded
- 差し出す【さしだす】 to present; to submit; to tender; to hold out
- 座談会【ざだんかい】 symposium; round-table discussion
- 催す【もよおす】 to hold (an event); to give (a dinner, party, etc.) / to feel (sensation, emotion, call of nature, etc.); to show signs of
- 採集【さいしゅう】 collecting; gathering
- 済ます【すます】 to finish; to get it over with; to conclude / to settle; to pay back / to get along (without something); to make do with (without)
- 錯覚【さっかく】 optical illusion; hallucination / misapprehension; delusion
- 錯誤【さくご】 mistake; error; discrepancy / discrepancy between one's actions and intentions
- 冊【さつ】 counter for books / volume
- 察する【さっする】 to guess; to sense; to presume; to judge / to sympathize with; to sympathise with
- 雑【ざつ】 rough; crude; sloppy; messy / miscellaneous
- 雑談【ざつだん】 chatting; idle talk
- 山脈【さんみゃく】 mountain range
- 桟橋【さんばし】 wharf; bridge; jetty; pier
- 賛美【さんび】 praise; glorification; extolment
- 仕上がり【しあがり】 finish; end; completion
- 仕上げる【しあげる】 to finish up; to complete; to finish off; to get through; to polish off
- 仕入れる【しいれる】 to lay in stock; to replenish stock; to procure / to learn; to find out; to take in
- 仕立てる【したてる】 to tailor; to make (clothing) / to train; to bring up / to make it seem like; to pass off / to turn into a play or movie / to prepare; to send; to despatch
- 使い道【つかいみち】 purpose; utility; objective / way to use something
- 使用人【しようにん】 employee; servant
- 始発【しはつ】 first departure (of the day: train, bus, etc.); first train; first bus / departing one's home station (of a train, bus, etc.)
- 始末【しまつ】 management; dealing with; settlement; cleaning up; disposal / course of events; circumstances; particulars / end result (usu. bad); outcome / economizing; economising; frugality; being thrifty
- 志す【こころざす】 to plan; to intend; to aspire to; to set aims (sights on)
- 指図【さしず】 directions; instructions; orders; command
- 施す【ほどこす】 to give (time, money, goods); to donate / to do; to perform; to conduct / to apply (processing, makeup, etc.); to add (e.g. ornamentation, annotation) / to sow; to seed; to scatter (e.g. fertilizer); to sprinkle / to spread far and wide
- 私有【しゆう】 private ownership
- 私用【しよう】 personal use / private business
- 試みる【こころみる】 to try; to attempt; to have a go (at something)
- めす《雌》 female (animal)
- 事柄【ことがら】 matter; thing; affair; circumstance
- 似通う【にかよう】 to resemble closely
- 侍【さむらい】 warrior (esp. of military retainers of daimyos in the Edo period); samurai / man in attendance (on a person of high standing); retainer
- 次いで【ついで】 next; secondly; subsequently
- 治まる【おさまる】 to die down (storm, anger, conflict, etc.); to calm down; to cool off; to abate; to be settled; to be brought under control / to be at peace; to be governed well / to subside (of pain, symptoms, etc.); to be alleviated; to get better; to ease off
- 耳鼻科【じびか】 otolaryngology; ear, nose, and throat department
- 自我【じが】 self; the ego
- 自首【じしゅ】 surrender (to the authorities); giving oneself up; turning oneself in
- 失格【しっかく】 disqualification; elimination; incapacity (legal)
- 嫉妬【しっと】 jealousy; envy
- 質素【しっそ】 simple; plain / modest; frugal; reserved
- 実費【じっぴ】 actual expense; cost price
- 社交【しゃこう】 social life; social intercourse
- 遮る【さえぎる】 to interrupt; to obstruct (a view, someone's way, etc.); to block (light, wind, etc.); to intercept; to cut off
- 借り【かり】 borrowing; debt; loan
- 弱まる【よわまる】 to abate; to weaken; to be emaciated; to be dejected; to be perplexed
- 弱める【よわめる】 to weaken
- 弱る【よわる】 to weaken; to grow weak; to wane; to decline (of one's health) / to be downcast; to be dejected; to be dispirited / to be troubled; to be at a loss; to be perplexed; to be annoyed
- 主観【しゅかん】 subjectivity; subject (philosophical); ego / one's personal opinion; one's own idea
- 取り扱う【とりあつかう】 to handle; to operate (a machine, etc.); to use / to deal with (an issue); to manage / to treat (someone); to deal with (someone) / to deal in; to carry; to sell
- 取り寄せる【とりよせる】 to order; to send away for; to have (something) sent to one / to pull (something) closer
- 取り次ぐ【とりつぐ】 to act as an agent for; to intermediate / to announce (someone's arrival); to answer (the door, the phone); to receive (a guest at reception); to usher in (a guest) / to convey (a message)
- 取り組む【とりくむ】 to grapple with; to wrestle with; to engage in a bout; to be matched against / to tackle (e.g. a problem); to come to grips with; to work hard on
- 取り締まる【とりしまる】 to manage; to control; to supervise; to oversee; to command / to crack down on; to keep under strict control; to enforce; to regulate
- 取り戻す【とりもどす】 to take back; to regain; to get back; to recover
- 守衛【しゅえい】 security guard; doorkeeper
- 手際【てぎわ】 performance; execution; skill; dexterity; tact
- 手錠【てじょう】 handcuffs; manacles
- 手数【てすう】 trouble; bother / number of moves (in go, shogi, etc.) / number of punches (in boxing)
- 手遅れ【ておくれ】 being too late; losing one's final chance
- 手配【てはい】 arrangement; preparations / search (by police)
- 手分け【てわけ】 division of labour; division of labor; splitting into groups (e.g. to search)
- 趣【おもむき】 meaning; tenor; gist / effect; influence / appearance; aspect / taste / grace; charm; refinement
- 受かる【うかる】 to pass (examination)
- 受け継ぐ【うけつぐ】 to inherit; to succeed; to take over
- 受け付ける【うけつける】 to accept; to receive (an application); to take up / to withstand; to tolerate; to bear
- 授ける【さずける】 to grant; to award; to teach
- 収まる【おさまる】 to fit into (a box, frame, category, etc.); to be contained within; to fall within (e.g. a budget) / to settle down (into); to be installed (in one's rightful place); to be returned (to one's original position) / to settle into (one's position); to take up (a post); to occupy (a role) / to be delivered; to be paid (e.g. taxes) / to be settled (dispute, conflict, etc.); to be sorted; to subside (e.g. wind); to calm down; to abate / to be satisfied (e.g. with an answer); to consent; to agree
- 周期【しゅうき】 cycle; period
- 修士【しゅうし】 master's (academic degree)
- 十字路【じゅうじろ】 crossroads; intersection
- 渋い【しぶい】 astringent; bitter; puckery; rough; harsh; tart / austere; elegant (and unobtrusive); refined; quiet (and simple); sober; sombre; subdued; tasteful (in a quiet way); understated / sour (look); glum; grim; sullen; sulky / stingy; tight-fisted
- 重んじる【おもんじる】 to respect; to honor; to honour; to esteem; to prize
- 縮まる【ちぢまる】 to shorten; to narrow; to close
- 出題【しゅつだい】 setting a question (for an exam) / setting a theme (for composition of poetry)
- 潤う【うるおう】 to be moist; to be damp; to get wet; to be watered / to profit by; to receive benefits; to receive favors (favours) / to become rich; to become at ease financially
- 諸君【しょくん】 you (people) / gentlemen; ladies and gentlemen; my friends; everyone
- 助詞【じょし】 particle; postpositional word in Japanese grammar that functions as an auxiliary to a main word
- 徐行【じょこう】 going slowly
- 除外【じょがい】 exception; exclusion
- 小児科【しょうにか】 pediatrics
- 焦る【あせる】 to be in a hurry; to be impatient; to be flustered; to lose one's presence of mind; to be surprised
- 称する【しょうする】 to take the name of; to call oneself / to pretend; to feign; to purport
- 象【しょう】 phenomenon
- 乗っ取る【のっとる】 to take over; to capture; to seize; to commandeer; to occupy; to usurp / to hijack (vehicle, account, etc.)
- 乗り込む【のりこむ】 to board; to embark on; to get into (a car); to man (a ship); to help (someone) into / to march into; to enter
- 情け【なさけ】 pity; sympathy; compassion; mercy / affection; love
- 杖【つえ】 cane; walking stick; staff; wand
- 織る【おる】 to weave
- 織物【おりもの】 textile; fabric
- 食い違う【くいちがう】 to cross each other; to run counter to; to differ; to clash; to go awry
- 侵す【おかす】 to invade; to raid; to violate (airspace, etc.); to intrude; to trespass / to infringe; to encroach / to harm; to afflict; to affect
- 寝かせる【ねかせる】 to put to bed / to lay down lengthwise; to put a thing on its side / to set something aside unused; to let lie idle / to ferment; to lay down (wine)
- 心強い【こころづよい】 heartening; reassuring
- 心細い【こころぼそい】 helpless; forlorn; hopeless; unpromising; lonely; discouraging; disheartening
- 心中【しんじゅう】 double suicide; lovers' suicide
- 心得【こころえ】 knowledge; understanding / rules; regulations; guideline; directions / deputy; acting
- 浸す【ひたす】 to soak; to dip; to steep; to immerse / to moisten; to wet
- 申し出る【もうしでる】 to report to; to tell; to suggest; to submit; to request; to make an offer; to come forward with information
- 真珠【しんじゅ】 pearl
- 真心【まごころ】 sincerity; true heart; devotion
- 神聖【しんせい】 holiness; sacredness; sanctity; dignity
- 神秘【しんぴ】 mystery; mysteriousness; secret
- 身なり【みなり】 dress; attire; clothing; getup; outfit; personal appearance
- 身近【みぢか】 near oneself; close to one; familiar
- 身振り【みぶり】 gesture; gesticulation; motion
- 辛抱【しんぼう】 patience; endurance
- 刃【は】 edge (of a knife or sword) / prong (of an electrical plug)
- はなはだ《甚だ》 very; greatly; exceedingly
- 尽きる【つきる】 to be used up; to be run out; to be exhausted; to be consumed; to come to an end
- 尽くす【つくす】 to exhaust; to run out / to devote; to serve (a person); to befriend / to do to exhaustion
- 垂れる【たれる】 to hang; to droop; to dangle; to sag; to lower; to pull down / to leave behind (at death); to give; to confer / to drip; to ooze; to trickle; to drop
- 推測【すいそく】 guess; conjecture
- 推理【すいり】 reasoning; inference; deduction / mystery or detective genre
- 水源【すいげん】 source of river; fountainhead
- 水洗【すいせん】 rinsing with water; flushing
- 粋【いき】 chic; smart; stylish; tasteful; refined; sophisticated; worldly (esp. in terms of being familiar with the red light district, geishas and actors) / considerate; understanding; sympathetic / essence; the best; the cream
- 衰える【おとろえる】 to become weak; to decline; to wear; to abate; to decay; to wither; to waste away
- 遂げる【とげる】 to accomplish; to achieve; to carry out / to arrive at (a certain outcome); to come to; to end with
- 崇拝【すうはい】 worship; adoration; admiration; cult
- ひよこ《雛》 young bird; chick / hina doll; doll displayed during the Girls' Festival / green; wet behind the ears; juvenile
- 据える【すえる】 to place (in position); to fix; to set (e.g. table); to lay (foundation) / to install; to seat (someone) / to settle (upon something); to fix (e.g. one's gaze) / to apply (moxa)
- 裾【すそ】 hem; (trouser) cuff; shirttail / bottom edge / foot (of a mountain) / tips (of hair) / downstream
- 姓名【せいめい】 full name
- 征服【せいふく】 conquest; subjugation; overcoming
- 成り立つ【なりたつ】 to consist of; to be made up of; to be composed of / to be concluded (e.g. of an agreement); to hold true (e.g. of a theory); to be valid / to be viable (of a business, lifestyle, etc.); to carry on; to keep going
- 成年【せいねん】 adult age; majority
- 整列【せいれつ】 standing in a row; forming a line; alignment
- 星座【せいざ】 constellation; star sign; zodiac sign
- 晴天【せいてん】 fine weather (i.e. little or no clouds); fair weather; clear weather; clear sky; fair skies
- 正解【せいかい】 correct; right; correct interpretation (answer, solution)
- 清らか【きよらか】 clean; pure; chaste
- 生やす【はやす】 to grow; to cultivate; to wear a beard
- 生まれつき【うまれつき】 by nature; by birth; naturally; natural; innate
- 生ぬるい【なまぬるい】 lukewarm; tepid / half-hearted; vague; weak / lenient; mild; soft
- 生計【せいけい】 livelihood; living
- 生死【せいし】 life and death / samsara (cycle of death and rebirth) / death
- 生臭い【なまぐさい】 smelling of fish; fishy; smelling of blood; bloody / degenerate (of a monk); depraved; corrupt; fallen / worldly; mundane; secular; common; ordinary / fishy; suspicious; questionable
- 生理【せいり】 physiology / menstruation; one's period; menses
- 盛り上がる【もりあがる】 to swell; to rise; to bulge; to be piled up / to rouse; to get excited
- 盛大【せいだい】 grand; magnificent; lavish; large scale; prosperous; thriving; lively / forceful; powerful; vigorous
- 製鉄【せいてつ】 iron manufacture
- 税務署【ぜいむしょ】 tax office
- 惜しむ【おしむ】 to be frugal; to be sparing / to value; to hold dear / to regret (e.g. a loss); to feel sorry (for) / to be unwilling; to be reluctant
- 折り返す【おりかえす】 to turn up (hem, sleeves, etc.); to fold back (e.g. page) / to turn back; to double back; to return / to loopback (a signal, message, etc.)
- 折衷【せっちゅう】 compromise; cross; blending; eclecticism
- 設ける【もうける】 to prepare ahead of time / to create; to establish
- 雪崩【なだれ】 avalanche; snowslide
- 絶える【たえる】 to die out; to peter out; to become extinct / to cease; to be stopped; to be discontinued; to be cut off
- 先だって【せんだって】 the other day; some time ago; recently / prior to; in advance of
- 先天的【せんてんてき】 inborn; innate; inherent; congenital; hereditary / a priori
- もっぱら《専ら》 wholly; solely; entirely; exclusively; devotedly; fixedly / principally; mostly; chiefly; mainly
- 専修【せんしゅう】 specialization; specialisation
- 戦災【せんさい】 war damage
- 染まる【そまる】 to be dyed / to be tainted; to be infected; to be stained; to be steeped
- しみる《染みる》 to pierce; to penetrate; to soak in; to permeate / to sting (wound or sensitive area, etc.); to smart; to twinge / to be infected (with vice); to be steeped (with prejudice); to be influenced / to feel keenly; to make a deep impression
- 染める【そめる】 to dye; to colour; to color
- 前置き【まえおき】 preface; introduction; preamble
- 全滅【ぜんめつ】 annihilation; total destruction; complete destruction; crushing defeat
- 禅【ぜん】 dhyana (profound meditation) / Zen (Buddhism)
- 操る【あやつる】 to operate (e.g. a machine); to handle; to manage; to control; to maneuver; to steer / to have a good command of (a language); to play proficiently (of a musical instrument) / to work (a puppet); to pull the strings of a puppet / to manipulate (a person, public opinion, etc.); to pull the strings; to control from the shadows; to mastermind
- 相応【そうおう】 suitable; appropriate; befitting; becoming; adequate; reasonable; proper
- 相対【あいたい】 confrontation; facing; between ourselves; no third party; tete-a-tete
- 葬る【ほうむる】 to bury; to inter; to entomb / to cover up; to hush up; to shelve
- 遭難【そうなん】 disaster; accident; shipwreck; distress
- 憎しみ【にくしみ】 hatred
- 促す【うながす】 to urge; to encourage; to press; to prompt; to draw (attention to) / to stimulate (e.g. growth); to hasten (e.g. development); to quicken; to accelerate; to promote
- 束縛【そくばく】 restraint; restriction; fetters; yoke; shackles / binding; confinement with rope
- 足し算【たしざん】 addition
- 多忙【たぼう】 being very busy; busyness
- 唾【つば】 saliva; spit; sputum
- 体格【たいかく】 physique; constitution
- 体裁【ていさい】 (outward) appearance / (proper) format (e.g. of an essay); form; style / appearances; decency; show; display / lip-service; insincere words; glib talk
- 対比【たいひ】 contrast; comparison
- 対面【たいめん】 interview; meeting / opposing (traffic, etc.); facing; confronting
- 待ち遠しい【まちどおしい】 looking forward to; anxiously awaited
- 待ち合わせ【まちあわせ】 appointment
- 待ち望む【まちのぞむ】 to wait eagerly for; to look forward to
- 滞納【たいのう】 falling behind (with a payment); being in arrears; non-payment; default; delinquency
- 退学【たいがく】 dropping out of school; withdrawing from school / expulsion from school; dismissal / leaving school (university, etc.) after completing a course
- 退治【たいじ】 extermination (e.g. of pests, demons, bandits); elimination; eradication; destruction; suppression / making someone renounce worldly desires in order to concentrate on Buddha's teachings / curing illness
- 代弁【だいべん】 speaking by proxy; speaking for (someone else); acting as spokesman (for); representing (the views, feelings, etc. of) / payment by proxy; compensation by proxy; paying on behalf (of) / acting for (someone else); carrying out (on someone's behalf)
- 代用【だいよう】 substitution
- 台無し【だいなし】 mess; spoiled; spoilt; (come to) nothing; ruin
- 大水【おおみず】 flood
- 単調【たんちょう】 monotony; monotone; dullness / monotone; monotonic
- 担架【たんか】 stretcher; litter
- 旦那【だんな】 master (of a house, shop, etc.) / husband (informal) / sir; boss; master; governor; word used to address a male patron, customer, or person of high status / patron of a mistress, geisha, bar or nightclub hostess; sugar daddy / alms; almsgiving; almsgiver
- 短気【たんき】 quick temper; short temper
- タンパク質【タンパクしつ】 protein
- 鍛える【きたえる】 to forge; to temper / to drill; to train; to discipline
- 壇【だん】 platform; podium; rostrum; pulpit / (ceremonial) mound / world (of haiku, art, etc.); (literary) circles / mandala
- 弾む【はずむ】 to spring; to bound; to bounce / to be stimulated; to be encouraged; to get lively / to treat oneself to; to splurge on / to breathe hard; to pant; to be out of breath
- 断然【だんぜん】 firmly; absolutely; flatly; resolutely; decisively; definitely / by far; far and away; by a long shot; hands down
- 値打ち【ねうち】 value; worth; price; dignity
- 知性【ちせい】 intelligence
- 恥じる【はじる】 to feel ashamed
- 窒息【ちっそく】 suffocation; choking; asphyxia
- 茶の間【ちゃのま】 living room (Japanese-style)
- 着手【ちゃくしゅ】 to start work (on); to undertake / to start committing a crime / embarkation; launch
- 着飾る【きかざる】 to dress up
- 着色【ちゃくしょく】 colouring; coloring; colorant
- 着席【ちゃくせき】 taking a seat; sitting down (in one's seat)
- 中傷【ちゅうしょう】 slander; libel; defamation; calumny; smear
- 中和【ちゅうわ】 neutralizing; neutralising; counteracting / neutral; unbiased
- 仲人【なこうど】 matchmaker / go-between; intermediary; middleman; mediator; intercessor
- 忠告【ちゅうこく】 advice; warning
- 著しい【いちじるしい】 striking; remarkable; considerable
- 丁目【ちょうめ】 district of a town; city block (of irregular size)
- 懲りる【こりる】 to learn by experience; to learn one's lesson; to learn the hard way / to have enough (of); to be disgusted with
- 聴覚【ちょうかく】 the sense of hearing
- 聴講【ちょうこう】 lecture attendance; auditing
- 腸【ちょう】 guts; bowels; intestines
- 蝶【ちょう】 butterfly
- 鳥居【とりい】 torii; Shinto shrine archway
- 直感【ちょっかん】 intuition; instinct; insight; hunch; immediacy
- 沈没【ちんぼつ】 sinking; foundering; going down; submersion / getting dead drunk / having too much fun (esp. in a red-light district, etc.) and missing work or neglecting one's duties / staying in one place for a long time
- 陳列【ちんれつ】 exhibition; display; putting on show
- 追い出す【おいだす】 to expel; to drive out
- 堤防【ていぼう】 bank; weir; embankment; levee
- 定まる【さだまる】 to become settled; to be fixed
- 定める【さだめる】 to decide; to establish; to determine
- 定食【ていしょく】 set meal; special (of the day)
- 邸宅【ていたく】 mansion; residence
- 滴【しずく】 drop (e.g. of water); drip
- 適宜【てきぎ】 suitable; appropriate / appropriately
- 適性【てきせい】 aptitude; aptness; suitability
- 天災【てんさい】 natural calamity; disaster
- 転居【てんきょ】 moving; changing residence
- 点火【てんか】 ignition; lighting; set fire to
- 電線【でんせん】 electric line; electric cable; power cable / telephone line; telegraph wire
- 賭ける【かける】 to wager; to bet; to risk; to stake; to gamble
- 途上【とじょう】 en route; half-way / on the road; in the street
- 途絶える【とだえる】 to stop; to cease; to come to an end
- 土手【どて】 embankment; bank / beef sinew stewed in miso and mirin
- 冬眠【とうみん】 hibernation; winter sleep; torpor
- 当て【あて】 aim; object; purpose; end / expectations; prospects; hopes / something that can be relied upon / snack served with alcoholic drink / pad; guard / blow; strike / addressed to / per
- 当人【とうにん】 the person concerned; the person in question; the said person
- 筒【つつ】 pipe; tube; cylinder / gun barrel / gun; cannon / well lining; well curb
- とうてい《到底》 by no means; not at all; (cannot) possibly; utterly; absolutely
- 逃げ出す【にげだす】 to run away; to flee; to make off; to take to one's heels; to escape / to start to run away
- 逃れる【のがれる】 to escape
- 逃走【とうそう】 flight; desertion; escape
- 陶器【とうき】 porcelain (esp. soft-paste porcelain); china; chinaware; earthenware; pottery; ceramics; crockery
- 動力【どうりょく】 power; motive power; dynamic force / three-phase electricity
- 同【どう】 the same; the said; ibid.
- 同感【どうかん】 agreement; same opinion; same feeling; sympathy; concurrence
- 同調【どうちょう】 sympathy; agreement with; alignment; conformity; tuning
- 同等【どうとう】 equality; equal; same rights; same rank; equivalence
- 同封【どうふう】 enclosing (e.g. with a letter)
- 憧れ【あこがれ】 yearning; longing; aspiration
- 胴【どう】 trunk; torso; body; abdomen; waist / plastron (in kendo); touching the plastron (kimari-te in kendo) / frame (of a drum, etc.); sound box (of a shamisen, etc.); hull (of a ship)
- 道場【どうじょう】 dojo (hall used for martial arts training) / manda (place of Buddhist practice or meditation, esp. the place under the bodhi tree where Buddha attained enlightenment)
- 特技【とくぎ】 special skill
- 突如【とつじょ】 suddenly; all of a sudden
- 鈍感【どんかん】 thickheaded; insensitive; dull; thick-skinned
- 内臓【ないぞう】 internal organs; intestines; viscera
- 日向【ひなた】 sunny place; in the sun
- 熱湯【ねっとう】 boiling water
- 年号【ねんごう】 name of an era; year number
- 年長【ねんちょう】 senior; older
- 年輪【ねんりん】 annual tree ring; growth ring / experience in life
- 粘る【ねばる】 to be sticky; to be adhesive / to persevere; to persist; to stick to; to hold out; to linger
- 農耕【のうこう】 farming; agriculture; cultivation
- 破棄【はき】 tearing up and discarding (e.g. documents); disposal (e.g. weaponry); destruction / annulment; cancellation; abrogation; voiding; breaking (e.g. treaty) / reversal (of an original ruling)
- 破損【はそん】 damage
- 破裂【はれつ】 explosion; rupture; break off
- 拝啓【はいけい】 Dear (so and so); Dear Sir; Dear Madam; To Whom It May Concern
- 杯【さかずき】 sake cup; cup for alcoholic beverages
- 配列【はいれつ】 arrangement; disposition / array (programming)
- 梅干し【うめぼし】 umeboshi; pickled dried ume; pickled dried plum
- 売り出す【うりだす】 to put on the market; to put out for sale; to put on sale; to begin selling; to market / to become popular
- 白状【はくじょう】 confession
- 薄弱【はくじゃく】 feebleness; weakness; weak
- 漠然【ばくぜん】 vague; obscure; indistinct; hazy; ambiguous
- 発育【はついく】 (physical) growth; development
- 発芽【はつが】 germination; sprouting; budding
- 発病【はつびょう】 attack (disease)
- 抜かす【ぬかす】 to omit; to leave out; to skip / to overtake; to pass / to say; to speak
- 抜け出す【ぬけだす】 to slip out; to sneak away; to break free; to get through (a difficult situation) / to break into the lead; to get ahead / to begin to fall out (e.g. hair) / to break out (of a loop)
- 伴う【ともなう】 to accompany; to go hand in hand with; to be consequent upon / to be accompanied by; to bring with; to take with; to be involved in
- 半端【はんぱ】 remnant; fragment; incomplete set; incompleteness / fraction; odd sum / halfway; half-hearted; perfunctory / irresponsible; foolish
- 反する【はんする】 to be contrary to; to be inconsistent with; to contradict / to act contrary to (rules or guidelines); to violate; to transgress / to oppose; to rebel; to revolt
- 反感【はんかん】 antipathy; antagonism; animosity; revulsion; ill feeling
- 反射【はんしゃ】 reflection; reverberation / reflex; reflexes
- 氾濫【はんらん】 overflowing; flood; inundation; deluge / oversupply; plethora
- 犯す【おかす】 to commit (e.g. crime); to perpetrate; to make (e.g. mistake) / to break (e.g. rule); to violate; to transgress; to contravene / to rape; to violate; to ravish; to deflower
- 繁盛【はんじょう】 prosperity; flourishing; thriving
- 煩わしい【わずらわしい】 troublesome; annoying; complicated
- 費やす【ついやす】 to spend; to expend; to consume / to waste; to squander; to throw away / to devote
- 非行【ひこう】 delinquency; misconduct
- 微笑【びしょう】 smile
- 眉【まゆ】 eyebrow; eyebrows
- 必修【ひっしゅう】 required (subject)
- 必然【ひつぜん】 inevitable; necessary; certain; sure / inevitability; necessity
- 標語【ひょうご】 motto; slogan; catchword
- 漂う【ただよう】 to drift; to float / to waft (e.g. a scent); to hang in the air / to be in the air (e.g. a feeling or mood) / to wander; to walk around aimlessly / to be unsteady; to be unstable / to falter; to flinch; to wince / to live in unreliable circumstances
- 病む【やむ】 to fall ill; to suffer from; to have something wrong with
- 浜辺【はまべ】 beach; foreshore
- 貧弱【ひんじゃく】 poor; meagre; meager; feeble; scanty; shabby; insubstantial
- 貧乏【びんぼう】 poverty; destitute; poor
- 不意【ふい】 sudden; abrupt; unexpected; unforeseen
- 不吉【ふきつ】 ominous; sinister; unlucky; inauspicious
- 不順【ふじゅん】 irregularity; unseasonableness
- 付け加える【つけくわえる】 to add (one thing to another); to add (a few more words, an explanation, etc.)
- 富む【とむ】 to be rich in; to abound in; to be abundant in; to be full of / to be rich; to be wealthy
- 扶養【ふよう】 support (e.g. of one's dependents); maintenance
- 浮気【うわき】 extramarital sex; affair; fooling around / infidelity; wantonness; unfaithfulness; inconstancy; fickleness; caprice
- 侮辱【ぶじょく】 insult; affront; slight; contempt (e.g. of court)
- 舞う【まう】 to dance (orig. a whirling dance) / to flutter about; to revolve
- 封【ふう】 seal
- 覆面【ふくめん】 mask; veil; disguise / anonymous; unmarked; incognito
- 沸騰【ふっとう】 boiling; seething / becoming heated (e.g. debate); excitement; agitation; fermentation / soaring (prices); shooting up
- 仏像【ぶつぞう】 statue of Buddha; image of Buddha; Buddhist statue; Buddhist image
- 物好き【ものずき】 (idle) curiosity; fancifulness; whimsy; (having) strange tastes
- 物足りない【ものたりない】 unsatisfied; unsatisfactory; insufficient
- 物体【ぶったい】 body; object
- 分業【ぶんぎょう】 division of labor; division of labour; specialization; specialisation; assembly-line production
- 分母【ぶんぼ】 denominator
- 憤慨【ふんがい】 indignation; resentment
- 粉末【ふんまつ】 fine powder
- 紛らわしい【まぎらわしい】 confusing; misleading; equivocal; ambiguous; easily mixed up (e.g. similar words)
- 紛れる【まぎれる】 to disappear into; to be lost in; to slip into; to get mixed in among / to do something under the cover of (confusion, etc.) / to be almost indistinguishable; to be confusingly similar / to be diverted from (negative emotions, etc.); to forget about / to be distracted by; to be too absorbed in
- 紛失【ふんしつ】 loss; going missing
- 文語【ぶんご】 written language; literary language / formal (or archaic) written style based on Heian-period Japanese
- 聞き取り【ききとり】 listening comprehension; aural comprehension / hearing what others say; gathering information, opinions, etc.; public hearing
- 平たい【ひらたい】 flat; even; level; simple / plain (speech, etc.); simple
- 平常【へいじょう】 normal; usual; ordinary; everyday
- 平方【へいほう】 square (e.g. metre)
- 並びに【ならびに】 and (also); both ... and; as well as
- 並列【へいれつ】 arranging in a line; standing in a row / parallel (electronics, computing, etc.)
- 閉口【へいこう】 dumbfounded; stumped; at one's wits' end; nonplussed / annoyed
- 返答【へんとう】 reply; answer
- 弁解【べんかい】 explanation (e.g. for one's actions); excuse; justification; defense; defence
- 弁償【べんしょう】 reimbursement; compensation; reparation; indemnity
- 弁論【べんろん】 discussion; debate; argument
- 保つ【たもつ】 to keep; to preserve; to hold; to retain; to maintain; to sustain / to last; to endure; to keep well (food); to wear well; to be durable
- 保温【ほおん】 retaining warmth; keeping heat in; heat insulation
- 保養【ほよう】 health preservation; recuperation; recreation
- 舗装【ほそう】 pavement; road surface
- 歩む【あゆむ】 to walk; to go on foot
- 補充【ほじゅう】 replenishment; supplementation; supplement; replacement; refilling
- 補足【ほそく】 supplement; complement
- 慕う【したう】 to yearn for; to long for; to pine for; to miss; to love dearly; to adore / to follow (someone) / to idolize (for virtue, learning, status, etc.)
- 報じる【ほうじる】 to inform; to report
- 捧げる【ささげる】 to lift up; to hold up; to hold above eye level / to give; to offer; to consecrate / to devote; to sacrifice; to dedicate
- 放置【ほうち】 leaving as is; leaving alone; leaving to chance; neglecting; abandoning
- 褒美【ほうび】 reward; prize
- 訪れる【おとずれる】 to visit; to call on / to arrive; to come; to appear
- 豊作【ほうさく】 abundant harvest; bumper crop
- 飽和【ほうわ】 saturation; satiation
- 望ましい【のぞましい】 desirable; hoped for; preferable; advisable
- 紡績【ぼうせき】 spinning (textiles) / spun yarn
- 防火【ぼうか】 fire prevention; fire fighting; fire proof
- 没落【ぼつらく】 ruin; fall; collapse
- 本館【ほんかん】 main building
- 本能【ほんのう】 instinct
- 埋蔵【まいぞう】 burying in the ground / having underground deposits
- 枚【まい】 counter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper)
- 満月【まんげつ】 full moon
- 満場【まんじょう】 whole house; whole audience
- 味覚【みかく】 taste; palate; sense of taste
- 未開【みかい】 uncivilized; uncivilised; primitive; savage / undeveloped (land); unexplored (territory, field, etc.) / unbloomed (flower)
- 未熟【みじゅく】 unripe; green / inexperienced; immature; unskilled
- 未練【みれん】 lingering attachment; lingering affection; regret; reluctance; ruefulness
- 密集【みっしゅう】 crowd; close formation; dense
- 脈【みゃく】 pulse / vein / chain (of mountains, etc.) / hope / thread (of an argument)
- 無意味【むいみ】 nonsense; no meaning; meaningless
- 無口【むくち】 reticence; taciturnity; silent person / reticent; taciturn; silent
- 無邪気【むじゃき】 innocent; simple-minded
- 無駄遣い【むだづかい】 waste (of money, time, etc.); squandering; frittering away
- 無知【むち】 ignorance; innocence; stupidity
- 無茶【むちゃ】 absurd; unreasonable; excessive; rash / very; extremely; excessively
- 無難【ぶなん】 safe (e.g. choice); secure; innocuous; inoffensive / acceptable; passable; satisfactory; adequate; faultless; without flaw
- 無能【むのう】 incompetence; inefficiency; inability; incapacity / incompetent person
- 無礼【ぶれい】 impolite; rude
- 無論【むろん】 of course; certainly; naturally
- 婿【むこ】 husband; groom / (one's) son-in-law
- 名高い【なだかい】 famous; noted; renowned; celebrated; well-known
- 名札【なふだ】 name plate; name tag; label
- 名残【なごり】 remains; traces; vestiges; relics / (the sorrow of) parting / end
- 名付ける【なづける】 to name; to call; to christen; to term
- 命中【めいちゅう】 (direct) hit; hitting the mark
- 明かす【あかす】 to pass (the night); to spend / to reveal; to divulge; to disclose; to expose / to prove; to verify
- 明瞭【めいりょう】 clear; plain; distinct; obvious; evident; articulate
- 明朗【めいろう】 cheerful; bright / clear; clean; honest; fair
- 滅亡【めつぼう】 downfall; ruin; collapse; destruction
- 面する【めんする】 to face on; to look out on to
- 面目【めんぼく】 face; honour; honor; reputation; prestige; dignity; credit / appearance; look
- 模範【もはん】 exemplar; model; example; pattern
- 模倣【もほう】 imitation; copying
- 盲点【もうてん】 blind spot
- 目覚める【めざめる】 to wake up; to awake / to awaken to (instinct, ability, perception, etc.); to become aware of; to become conscious of; to realize / to come to one's senses
- 目録【もくろく】 catalogue; catalog; inventory; index; list / certificate indicating an impending gift
- 問い合わせる【といあわせる】 to enquire; to inquire; to seek information
- 役場【やくば】 town hall
- 役立つ【やくだつ】 to be useful; to be helpful; to serve the purpose
- 油絵【あぶらえ】 oil painting
- 勇敢【ゆうかん】 brave; heroic; gallant
- 幽霊【ゆうれい】 ghost; specter; spectre; apparition; phantom
- 有する【ゆうする】 to own; to be endowed with
- ありのまま《有りのまま》 the truth; fact; as it is; as you are; frank; bare plain
- 有様【ありさま】 state; condition; circumstances; sight; spectacle / the way things should be; ideal state / truth
- 有益【ゆうえき】 beneficial; profitable; useful; helpful; instructive
- 誘惑【ゆうわく】 temptation; allurement; lure; enticement; seduction
- 夕焼け【ゆうやけ】 evening glow; red sunset; afterglow (of sunset)
- 夕暮れ【ゆうぐれ】 evening; dusk; twilight
- 予感【よかん】 presentiment; premonition; hunch / to have a premonition; to have a hunch
- 揺らぐ【ゆらぐ】 to swing; to sway; to shake; to tremble / to waver; to feel shaken; to become unstable
- 洋風【ようふう】 Western style
- 用件【ようけん】 business; thing to be done; something that should be performed; information that should be conveyed
- はるか《遥か》 far; far away; distant; remote; far off
- 養う【やしなう】 to support; to maintain; to provide for / to bring up; to raise; to rear; to feed / to adopt (a child) / to cultivate (a habit, a quality, etc.); to develop; to build up; to foster / to recuperate (from injury, illness, etc.)
- 浴室【よくしつ】 bathroom
- 絡む【からむ】 to entangle; to entwine / to pick a quarrel; to find fault / to be involved with; to be influenced by; to develop a connection with
- 落下【らっか】 fall; drop; descent; coming down
- 酪農【らくのう】 dairy farming
- 乱す【みだす】 to throw out of order; to disarrange; to disturb
- 乱れる【みだれる】 to be disordered; to be disarranged; to be disarrayed; to be disheveled; to be dishevelled / to be discomposed; to be upset; to get confused; to be disturbed / to lapse into chaos (due to war, etc.)
- 履歴【りれき】 personal history; background; career / log; record / hysteresis
- 理性【りせい】 reason; reasoning power; (one's) sense
- 裏返し【うらがえし】 inside out; upside down / flip side; opposite; contrary; reverse
- 率いる【ひきいる】 to lead; to spearhead (a group); to command (troops)
- 立ち寄る【たちよる】 to stop by; to drop in for a short visit
- 略語【りゃくご】 abbreviation; acronym
- 両立【りょうりつ】 compatibility; coexistence; standing together
- 良識【りょうしき】 good sense
- 良質【りょうしつ】 good quality; fine quality; superior quality; high quality
- 臨む【のぞむ】 to look out on; to overlook; to front onto / to face (a situation, crisis, etc.); to meet (e.g. death); to be confronted by / to deal with (an issue) / to attend (e.g. a function); to appear (e.g. in court); to be present at; to take part in
- 類推【るいすい】 analogy / analogical reasoning; analogical inference / analogy
- 冷やかす【ひやかす】 to banter; to make fun of; to jeer at / to cool; to refrigerate / to window-shop; to look at without buying
- 冷酷【れいこく】 cruelty; coldheartedness; relentless; ruthless
- 冷蔵【れいぞう】 cold storage; refrigeration
- 冷淡【れいたん】 cool; indifferent; apathetic; half-hearted / cold; cold-hearted; heartless; unkind
- 励ます【はげます】 to encourage; to cheer; to raise (the voice)
- 励む【はげむ】 to strive; to endeavour; to endeavor; to make an effort; to be zealous
- 練る【ねる】 to knead; to thicken into a paste (stirring over a flame) / to polish (a plan, etc.); to refine; to elaborate; to work out / to train; to drill; to exercise / to gloss (silk); to soften; to degum / to tan (leather) / to temper (steel) / to walk in procession; to parade; to march
- 連なる【つらなる】 to extend; to stretch out; to stand in a row / to attend; to participate in / to enrol; to enroll; to join / to have a connection; to be related; to be linked
- 連ねる【つらねる】 to line up; to put in a row / to add (to a group); to accept (as a member of an organization, etc.); to join (e.g. a list) / to link; to put together; to string together (e.g. compliments); to enumerate / to take along with; to bring with
- 労力【ろうりょく】 labour; labor; effort; toil; trouble
- 浪費【ろうひ】 waste; extravagance
- 老いる【おいる】 to age; to grow old
- 和やか【なごやか】 mild; calm; gentle; quiet; congenial; amicable; amiable; friendly; genial; harmonious; peaceful
- 和らげる【やわらげる】 to soften; to moderate; to relieve
- 賄う【まかなう】 to supply (goods, money, etc.); to cover (costs); to pay; to finance; to maintain (e.g. a family) / to give board; to provide meals
- 腕前【うでまえ】 ability; skill; facility
- 炒める【いためる】 to fry; to saute; to stir-fry
- しわ《皺》 wrinkle; crease / ripple
- 蕾【つぼみ】 (flower) bud / promising young person; budding beauty
- 愛想【あいそう】 amiability; friendliness; affability; sociability / fondness (of someone); affection; liking / compliments; civilities; courtesies; flattery / hospitality; special treatment; entertainment / bill (at a restaurant); check
- 音色【ねいろ】 tone color; tone colour; tone quality; timbre
- 寄贈【きぞう】 donation; presentation; gift
- 偽物【にせもの】 spurious article; forgery; counterfeit; imitation; sham
- 行き違い【いきちがい】 crossing without meeting (e.g. letters in the post, people on the road); going astray / difference of opinion; misunderstanding; estrangement; disagreement
- 三味線【しゃみせん】 shamisen; samisen; three-stringed Japanese lute
- 重複【ちょうふく】 duplication; repetition; overlapping; redundancy; restoration
- 重宝【ちょうほう】 convenient; useful; handy; helpful / priceless treasure / valuing highly; prizing
- 手のひら【てのひら】 palm (of one's hand)
- 人目【ひとめ】 public gaze; public notice; attention
- 打ち込む【うちこむ】 to drive in (e.g. nail, stake); to hammer in / to hit (a ball, etc.); to drive; to smash / to fire into (e.g. a crowd); to launch (e.g. missiles); to lob (e.g. grenades) / to input (data); to enter / to devote oneself to; to go heart and soul into; to throw oneself into; to go head over heels for / to practice hitting (baseball, tennis, etc.) / to hit (an opponent in kendo, boxing, etc.); to get a blow in / to invade one's opponent's territory (in the game of go); to place a stone in an opponent's formation / to pour (concrete, etc.) into a form
- 伝言【でんごん】 verbal message; word (from someone)
- 乏しい【とぼしい】 meagre; meager; scarce; limited; destitute; hard up; lacking; scanty; poor
- 埋まる【うまる】 to be buried; to be covered; to be surrounded / to overflow; to be crowded; to be filled / to be repaid (e.g. debt); to be replenished / to be filled (e.g. vacancy, schedule)
- 万人【ばんにん】 all people; everybody / ten thousand people
- 万能【ばんのう】 all-purpose; utility; universal / all-powerful; almighty; omnipotent; all-round (e.g. athlete)
- 融通【ゆうずう】 lending (money); finance; loan / adaptability; versatility; flexibility; accommodation
- 落ち葉【おちば】 fallen leaves; leaf litter; falling leaves / leaf fall; dropping leaves; defoliation / deciduous
- 言い訳【いいわけ】 excuse / explanation
- 戦【いくさ】 war; battle; campaign; fight / troops; forces
- 打ち消し【うちけし】 negation; denial; negative
- 生む【うむ】 to give birth; to bear (child); to lay (eggs) / to produce; to yield; to give rise to; to deliver
- 襟【えり】 collar; lapel; neckband; neck / nape of the neck; scruff of the neck
- 温和【おんわ】 gentle; mild; moderate
- 賭け【かけ】 bet; wager; stake; gamble
- 片思い【かたおもい】 unrequited love
- 傍ら【かたわら】 side; edge; beside; besides; nearby / while (doing); in addition to; at the same time
- 花壇【かだん】 flower bed
- 完璧【かんぺき】 perfect; complete; flawless
- 効き目【ききめ】 effect; virtue; efficacy; impression / one's dominant eye
- 傷つく【きずつく】 to be wounded; to get injured / to get hurt feelings / to get damaged; to get chipped; to get scratched
- 気まぐれ【きまぐれ】 whim; caprice; whimsy; fickle; moody; uneven temper
- 元素【げんそ】 chemical element
- 執着【しゅうちゃく】 attachment; adhesion; tenacity; fixation; obsession
- 種々【しゅじゅ】 variety
- 損なう【そこなう】 to harm; to hurt; to injure; to damage; to spoil; to mar / to fail to ...; to miss one's opportunity to ...
- 備わる【そなわる】 to be furnished with; to be provided with; to be equipped with / to be possessed of; to be endowed with; to be gifted with / to be among; to be one of
- 断つ【たつ】 to sever; to cut off / to suppress; to eradicate; to exterminate / to abstain (from); to give up
- たとえ《仮令》 even if; no matter (what); if; though; although; supposing; supposing that; -ever
- つまむ《摘む》 to pinch; to hold (between one's fingers); to pick up (with chopsticks, tweezers, etc.) / to pick up and eat; to snack on / to pick out (the main point); to summarize; to sum up / to bewitch; to possess; to fascinate
- 徹する【てっする】 to penetrate; to sink in / to devote oneself (to); to do intently and exclusively / to do throughout (e.g. the night)
- 手引き【てびき】 guidance; lead; acting as guide / guide; primer; guidebook; handbook; manual / influence; connections; introduction; good offices
- 尊い【たっとい】 precious; valuable; priceless; noble; exalted; sacred
- 貴ぶ【たっとぶ】 to value; to prize; to esteem; to respect
- 途切れる【とぎれる】 to break off; to come to an end; to be interrupted; to be cut short; to pause
- 研ぐ【とぐ】 to sharpen; to hone; to whet; to grind / to wash (rice) / to scour; to polish; to burnish
- 留める【とどめる】 to stop; to stay (e.g. the night); to cease; to put an end to / to contain; to keep (in position, in place); to limit / to record (e.g. a fact); to retain
- とりあえず《取り敢えず》 first of all; at once; right away / for now; for the time being
- とりわけ《取り分け》 especially; above all / inter alia; among others
- 担う【になう】 to carry on shoulder; to shoulder (gun) / to bear (burden, responsibility, etc.)
- 飲み込む【のみこむ】 to gulp down; to swallow deeply / to understand; to take in; to catch on to; to learn; to digest / to engulf; to swallow up / to be filled with (people); to be crowded / to hold back from saying something; to swallow (one's words)
- 華々しい【はなばなしい】 brilliant; splendid; glorious; magnificent; spectacular
- 暴露【ばくろ】 disclosure; exposure; revelation
- 引き上げる【ひきあげる】 to pull up; to drag up; to lift up / to increase; to raise (e.g. taxes) / to withdraw; to leave; to pull out; to retire / to promote (someone to a higher position) / to return home / to expedite the schedule
- 引き下げる【ひきさげる】 to pull down; to lower; to reduce; to withdraw
- 左利き【ひだりきき】 left-handedness; left-hander / drinker; wine lover
- 日焼け【ひやけ】 sunburn; suntan; tan / becoming discolored from the sun (e.g. paper); yellowing
- 滅びる【ほろびる】 to go to ruin; to go under; to fall; to be destroyed; to die out; to become extinct; to perish
- 前もって【まえもって】 in advance; beforehand; previously
- 麻酔【ますい】 anaesthesia; anesthesia
- 麻痺【まひ】 paralysis; palsy; numbness; stupor
- 丸々【まるまる】 plump; rotund; chubby / entirely; completely; wholly
- 見積もり【みつもり】 estimate; estimation; valuation; quotation
- 見逃す【みのがす】 to miss; to overlook; to fail to notice / to let pass (a matter); to overlook (e.g. a wrongdoing); to turn a blind eye to / to pass up (e.g. an opportunity) / to let (a good ball) go by
- 目覚ましい【めざましい】 remarkable; striking; brilliant; splendid; spectacular; wonderful
- 目盛り【めもり】 gradations (on a ruler, thermometer, etc.); division; scale
- 漏らす【もらす】 to let leak; to reveal / to wet one's pants / to give utterance; to vent; to express / to omit; to leave out
- 夜更かし【よふかし】 staying up late; keeping late hours; sitting up late at night; nighthawk
- 割り込む【わりこむ】 to cut in; to thrust oneself into; to wedge oneself in; to muscle in on; to interrupt; to disturb
- 値する【あたいする】 to be worth; to deserve; to merit
- 害する【がいする】 to injure; to damage; to harm; to hurt / to kill / to hinder; to obstruct
- くぐる《潜る》 to go under; to pass under; to go through; to pass through / to dive (into or under the water) / to evade; to get around; to slip past / to survive; to surmount
- 恋する【こいする】 to fall in love with; to love
- 長大【ちょうだい】 long and large; tall and large; grand; huge
- 突っ張る【つっぱる】 to support; to become stiff; to become taut; to thrust (one's opponent); to stick to (one's opinion); to insist on
- 間違う【まちがう】 to make a mistake; to be incorrect; to be mistaken
- 平行【へいこう】 parallelism; running parallel (to, with) / running concurrently; occurring at the same time; keeping pace with
- 省みる【かえりみる】 to reflect on (oneself, past conduct, etc.); to contemplate; to examine; to think over; to introspect
- お使い【おつかい】 errand; mission; going as envoy / messenger; bearer; errand boy; errand girl / familiar spirit
- アップ increasing / upload / close-up / finishing shooting (of a film, etc.) / upswept hairstyle / being up (i.e. leading in sports) / warming up / being over; being finished
- アマチュア amateur
- アルカリ《亜爾加里》 alkali
- アルミ aluminum (Al); aluminium
- アンケート questionnaire; survey
- インテリ intellectual; egghead / intelligentsia
- インフレ inflation
- ウイルス virus / viral
- オープン opening (a new store, golf course, runway, etc.) / open; frank; approachable; open-hearted / open (car, collar, tournament, etc.)
- オレンジ orange (fruit, colour)
- カーペット carpet
- カメラマン cameraman; photographer; cinematographer
- カンニング cheating (on an examination); cribbing
- ガイド guide; tour guide; conductor; guiding; leading
- ガレージ garage (at house)
- クイズ quiz
- グラフ graph
- コーナー corner / segment (within a radio or TV program); session; column (newspaper, etc.) / area; department; section
- コマーシャル commercial (e.g. TV)
- コミュニケーション communication
- コンテスト contest
- サイズ size
- シート seat / sheet
- システム system
- シナリオ script; screenplay / scenario
- ショック shock (psychological) / shock (physical, mechanical) / shock (e.g. due to lack of blood flow)
- ジーパン《Gパン》 jeans; dungarees
- ジャズ jazz
- ジャンプ jump
- スタジオ studio
- ストライキ strike (i.e. industrial action)
- ストレス stress
- スピード speed
- セックス sex; sexual intercourse / (one's) sex; gender
- センス taste (in fashion, music, etc.); sense (e.g. of humour); flair
- ソース sauce (esp. Worcestershire sauce) / source
- タイミング timing
- タイム time / thyme / time out (e.g. in sport)
- タイヤ tire; tyre
- タレント star (esp. television); personality / talent; skill / talent; unit of currency in ancient Greece and Israel
- タワー tower
- ダース《打》 dozen
- ダウン down (opposite of up); becoming lower; being brought down; bringing down / being down (e.g. with a cold) and unable to continue (work) / down (e.g. a system); not running (e.g. servers) / download; downstream / down (feathers)
- チェンジ change
- チャネル channel
- データ data; datum
- デザート dessert / desert
- デザイン design
- トラブル trouble
- ドライ dry (esp. as in not wet or as in dry humour)
- ドリル drill bit; drill / drill (practice) / drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus)
- ニュアンス nuance
- ノイローゼ neurosis; nervous breakdown; mental problem; identity crisis; obsession
- バッジ badge
- バット bat (in baseball, cricket, etc.) / bat (animal) / vat; tray
- パジャマ pajamas; pyjamas
- パチンコ pachinko; mechanical gambling game superficially resembling pinball / slingshot; catapult / pistol
- パトカー patrol car
- パンク puncture; flat tyre (tire); bursting / punk
- ヒント hint
- ビジネス business
- ファン fan; enthusiast; lover / fan (e.g. electric) / fun
- フロント front (aspect, weather, war-front, etc.) / reception (hotel, etc.); front desk / front office; team management
- ブーム boom; rage; fad / boom; cross-arm
- ベスト best / vest
- ホール hall (dance, concert, etc.) / hole / whole / dining area of a restaurant
- ポット pot (esp. teapot, coffee-pot) / vacuum bottle; thermos flask
- マーク mark; symbol; insignia; logo; label; emblem / to mark; to put a mark on / trademark / paying attention to; focusing on; watching; guarding; marking / registering a record (in sport, etc.) / Mach (OS kernel)
- マスコミ mass communication; mass media
- ミセス Mrs
- ミュージック music
- ムード mood
- メーカー manufacturer; maker
- メッセージ message
- メディア media
- メロディー melody / chime
- ルール rule
- レギュラー regular / regular member (e.g. of football team, etc.) / regular (petrol, gasoline)
- レントゲン X-ray / roentgen (unit of ionizing radiation)
- ロープ rope
- ロマンチック romantic
- ワット watt
- 一息【ひといき】 one breath; pause; rest / one go (i.e. in a short time) / small amount of effort
- 一敗【いっぱい】 one defeat
- 応急【おうきゅう】 emergency; first-aid
- 何卒【なにとぞ】 please; kindly; I beg of you; if it pleases you / by all means; without fail
- 加味【かみ】 seasoning; flavoring; flavouring / addition; inclusion; taking into account
- 果て【はて】 the end; the extremity; the limit; the limits; the result
- 階層【かいそう】 class; level; stratum; layer; hierarchy
- 感慨【かんがい】 deep emotion; strong feelings
- 危ぶむ【あやぶむ】 to fear; to doubt; to have misgivings about; to worry about; to be anxious about; to be apprehensive about
- 享受【きょうじゅ】 reception; acceptance; enjoyment; being given
- 興業【こうぎょう】 industrial enterprise
- 虚しい【むなしい】 empty; void; vacant / vain; fruitless; futile; ineffective / lifeless
- 結びつき【むすびつき】 connection; relation
- 耕作【こうさく】 cultivation; farming
- 香辛料【こうしんりょう】 spices; condiment
- 刺繍【ししゅう】 embroidery
- 思いつき【おもいつき】 plan; idea; suggestion
- 時刻表【じこくひょう】 timetable; schedule
- 社宅【しゃたく】 company owned house
- 手がける【てがける】 to handle; to manage; to deal with; to work with; to have experience with / to rear; to look after
- 出社【しゅっしゃ】 going to work (e.g. in the morning); coming to work
- 増進【ぞうしん】 promoting; increase; advance
- 即する【そくする】 to conform to; to agree with; to be adapted to; to be based on
- つかの間【つかのま】 moment; brief space of time
- 体つき【からだつき】 body build; figure
- 畜産【ちくさん】 animal husbandry; livestock industry
- 長編【ちょうへん】 long (e.g. novel, film)
- 痛める【いためる】 to hurt; to injure; to cause pain / to harm; to damage; to spoil / to worry; to bother; to be grieved over; to afflict / to cause financial loss; to hurt one's pocket
- 壺【つぼ】 jar; pot; vase / dice cup / depression (i.e. the basin of a waterfall) / target (when aiming an arrow) / (figurative) bull's-eye / key point (of a conversation, etc.) / acupuncture point; moxibustion point / nodes on a fingerboard (of a shamisen, etc.)
- 逃亡【とうぼう】 escape; flight; running away; elopement; fleeing
- 同級【どうきゅう】 the same grade; same class
- かねて《予て》 previously; already; for some time; for quite a while
- 嗜好【しこう】 taste; liking; preference
- くじ引き【くじびき】 lottery; drawn lot
- 良し悪し【よしあし】 right or wrong; good or bad; quality; suitability / having both merits and demerits; having both advantages and disadvantages
- 行い【おこない】 deed; act; action; conduct; behavior; behaviour; asceticism
- 切り替える【きりかえる】 to change; to exchange; to convert; to renew; to throw a switch; to replace; to switch over
- 映える【はえる】 to shine; to glow / to look attractive; to look nice; to be set off (by)
- 保母【ほぼ】 childcare worker; kindergarten teacher
- またがる《跨がる》 to straddle; to sit astride; to mount / to extend over; to spread over; to span; to extend into
- 見かける【みかける】 to (happen to) see; to notice; to catch sight of
- にもかかわらず《にも拘らず》 in spite of; nevertheless; although; despite; no matter the; regardless of
- あっさり easily; readily; quickly; flatly (refuse) / lightly (seasoned food, applied make-up, etc.); plainly; simply
- あべこべ contrary; opposite; inverse; reverse; back-to-front
- あやふや uncertain; vague; ambiguous
- あら oh; ah
- いかにも《如何にも》 indeed; really; phrase indicating agreement
- オドオド timidly; nervously; hesitantly; trembling (with fear)
- がっしり firmly; solidly; sturdily; strongly; toughly
- がっちり solid; robust; well-built / tight; taut / shrewd; calculating; astute
- きっちり exactly; precisely; punctually; on the dot / closely; tightly; (fitting) perfectly / properly; without fail
- きっぱり clearly; plainly; distinctly; decisively; flatly; definitely; resolutely
- くすぐったい《擽ったい》 ticklish / embarrassing
- こだわる《拘る》 to fuss over; to be particular about / to be obsessive about; to be fixated on / to obstruct; to hinder
- ことごとく《悉く》 altogether; entirely
- さっと《颯と》 quickly (esp. actions) / suddenly (esp. wind, rain, etc.)
- さん Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; Ms.; -san / politeness marker
- しくじる to fail; to blunder; to mess up; to screw up / to be dismissed; to be fired
- しょっちゅう always; constantly; frequently; often
- じっくり deliberately; carefully; thoroughly; without rushing
- ずばり decisively; decidedly; boldly; once and for all; unreservedly; frankly / precisely; exactly
- ずるずる (dragging a large or heavy item) slowly / (falling) little by little; (slipping) gradually; (drawing back) slowly; with a slither / on and on; while putting off; slovenly; interminably / with a slurp; with a sniffle / loose; lax; inconclusive; unresolved
- ずれる to slide; to slip off; to get dislocated; to be out of alignment; to get dislodged; to deviate; to shift (position); to be out of sync.; to be slightly off; to be off-point
- ぞんざい rough; careless; slovenly; slipshod; rude; impolite
- だぶだぶ loose (of clothing); baggy / flabby; saggy / sloshing; slopping; overflowing / plenty (of pouring a liquid); drowning (e.g. in a sauce)
- だらけ full of (e.g. mistakes); riddled with / covered all over with (blood, mud, etc.)
- だるい《怠い》 sluggish; languid; listless; heavy (heart, legs, etc.); dull / bothersome; tiresome
- ちょくちょく often; frequently; now and then; occasionally
- てっきり surely; certainly; without doubt
- でかい huge; big; gargantuan
- とんだ unthinkable; unimaginable; inconceivable; unexpected / terrible; awful; serious / very
- どうにか in some way or other; one way or another; somehow; only just; barely
- どうやら it seems like; it appears that / somehow or other
- バテる to be exhausted; to be worn out
- ひたすら《只管》 intently; single‐mindedly; devotedly; solely; earnestly; with all one's heart
- びっしょり wet through; drenched
- ぶかぶか too large (clothing); baggy; loose-fitting / bulging; warping / parp; toot; blast
- ぶらぶら dangling heavily; swaying to and fro; swinging / strolling; rambling; roaming; wandering / idly; lazily; leisurely; aimlessly / persisting (of an illness)
- ペコペコ very hungry; starving; famished / fawning; bowing and scraping; being obsequious; being servile; kowtowing; bowing repeatedly; cringing / giving in; being dented
- ぼやける to become dim; to become blurred
- まごつく《間誤付く》 to be confused; to be flustered; to be at a loss
- もがく《藻掻く》 to struggle; to writhe; to wriggle; to squirm / to act franticly; to make desperate efforts
- ややこしい puzzling; tangled; complicated; complex
- ゆとり elbowroom; leeway; room; reserve; margin; allowance; latitude; time
- エアメール air mail
- サボる to be truant; to play hooky; to skip school; to skip out; to be idle; to sabotage by slowness
- ミスプリント misprint
- 安っぽい【やすっぽい】 cheap-looking; tawdry; insignificant
- もって《以て》 with; by / by means of; because; in view of
- やすい《易い》 easy / likely to ...; have a tendency to ... / easy to ...
- 逸らす【そらす】 to turn away (one's eyes, face, etc.); to avert; to divert (e.g. one's attention); to evade (e.g a question); to change (e.g. the subject) / to displease; to annoy; to offend; to upset / to miss (the target, ball, etc.)
- 員【いん】 member
- 渦【うず】 whirlpool; swirl; eddy; vortex; maelstrom
- 嘘つき【うそつき】 liar (sometimes said with not much seriousness); fibber
- 煙たい【けむたい】 smoky / awkward; ill at ease
- 煙る【けむる】 to smoke (e.g. fire); to billow smoke; to smoulder; to smolder / to be hazy; to look dim
- 化合【かごう】 chemical combination
- 化繊【かせん】 synthetic fiber; synthetic fibre; chemical fiber; chemical fibre
- 仮【かり】 temporary; provisional; interim / fictitious; assumed (name); alias / hypothetical; theoretical
- どれどれ《何れ何れ》 which / let me see; well now
- こたつ《炬燵》 kotatsu; table over an electric heater (orig. a charcoal brazier in a floor well) with a hanging quilt that retains heat
- ヶ月【かげつ】 months (period of)
- 過密【かみつ】 overcrowding; crowded; congestion
- かすむ《霞む》 to become misty; to become hazy / to get blurry; to grow dim / to be overshadowed; to be upstaged; to be outshone
- 雅致【がち】 artistry; good taste; elegance; grace
- 街【がい】 ... street; ... quarter; ... district
- 各種【かくしゅ】 every kind; all sorts
- 角【かく】 angle / square (or cube) / bishop / third degree (of the Japanese & Chinese pentatonic scale) / Chinese "horn" constellation (one of the 28 mansions) / jiao (monetary unit of China; one-tenth of a yuan)
- 叶う【かなう】 to come true (of a wish, prayer, etc.); to be realized; to be fulfilled / to suit (e.g. a purpose); to meet (wishes, ideals, etc.); to conform to (standards, rules, etc.); to be consistent with / to match (implies competition); to rival; to bear (e.g. the heat)
- 叶える【かなえる】 to grant (request, wish); to answer (prayer) / to fulfill (conditions); to meet (requirements)
- 寛容【かんよう】 tolerance; open-mindedness; forbearance; generosity; magnanimity
- あえて《敢えて》 purposely (of something needless, unexpected or seemingly counterproductive, etc.); daringly (doing something); deliberately; intentionally / not necessarily; not particularly; not especially / definitely not
- 緩める【ゆるめる】 to loosen; to slacken / to relax (attention, efforts, etc.); to let down (one's guard); to relieve (tension) / to relax (a rule); to ease (e.g. restrictions); to loosen (control) / to reduce (speed); to slow down; to ease up / to make more gradual (of a slope)
- 観【かん】 look; appearance / spectacle; sight / observation meditation / outlook on ...; view of ...
- 貫く【つらぬく】 to go through; to pierce; to penetrate / to run through (e.g. a river through a city); to pass through / to stick to (opinion, principles, etc.); to carry out; to persist with; to keep (e.g. faith); to maintain (e.g. independence)
- 間柄【あいだがら】 relationship; relation; terms (good, friendly, etc.)
- まるっきり《丸っきり》 completely; absolutely; totally; (not) at all
- 既婚【きこん】 married
- きざ《気障》 affected; smug; pompous; conceited; snobby; pretentious
- 起点【きてん】 starting point; origin
- よろしく《宜しく》 well; properly; suitably / best regards; please remember me; please treat me favorably (favourably); please take care of; please do / just like ...; as though one were ... / by all means; of course
- 欺く【あざむく】 to deceive; to delude; to trick; to fool / to be as ... as ... (e.g. "as bright as day", "as beautiful as a rose")
- 議案【ぎあん】 legislative bill; measure / agenda item
- すくう《掬う》 to scoop; to ladle out
- 休める【やすめる】 to rest; to suspend; to give relief
- 急かす【せかす】 to hurry (up); to urge on; to press; to rush
- 強いて【しいて】 by force
- ねだる《強請る》 to beg; to pester; to plead; to coax; to hound; to importune
- 教習【きょうしゅう】 training; instruction
- 橋渡し【はしわたし】 bridge building; mediation; go-between; intermediary; (through the) good offices (of someone)
- まして《況して》 still more; to say nothing of; not to mention / still less
- 極めて【きわめて】 exceedingly; extremely; decisively
- 近眼【きんがん】 nearsightedness; shortsightedness; myopia
- 傾ける【かたむける】 to incline; to lean; to tip; to tilt; to slant; to bend; to list / to devote oneself to; to concentrate on; to pour one's energy into / to ruin; to squander; to empty / to drink (alcohol)
- 恵む【めぐむ】 to bless; to show mercy to / to give (money, etc.)
- 敬具【けいぐ】 Yours sincerely; Yours truly; Sincerely yours
- 系【けい】 system; lineage; group / corollary / system (range of strata that correspond to a particular time period) / (taxonomical) series
- 欠く【かく】 to chip; to nick; to break; to crack / to lack
- 月賦【げっぷ】 monthly installment (instalment); monthly payment
- まくる《捲る》 to turn up; to roll up (e.g. sleeves) / to do over and over again; to do relentlessly; to do with reckless abandon / to stage a comeback (against) (in mahjong, horse racing, etc.); to come from behind
- みすぼらしい《見窄らしい》 shabby; seedy
- ご《御》 honorific/polite/humble prefix / honorific suffix
- ごまかす《誤魔化す》 to deceive; to falsify; to misrepresent; to cheat; to swindle; to tamper; to juggle; to manipulate / to dodge; to beg the question (issue, difficulties) / to varnish over; to gloss over
- 交える【まじえる】 to mix; to combine / to exchange (words, fire, etc.) / to cross (e.g. swords); to join together
- 公【おおやけ】 official; governmental; formal / public (use, facility, etc.); common / public (matter, place, etc.); (out in the) open
- 公用【こうよう】 government business; official business / public; official; governmental
- 向け【むけ】 intended for ...; oriented towards ...; aimed at ...
- 垢【あか】 dirt; filth; grime / account (e.g. online service)
- いい加減【いいかげん】 irresponsible; perfunctory; careless / lukewarm; half-baked; halfhearted; vague / reasonable; moderate / considerably; quite; rather; pretty
- 好況【こうきょう】 prosperous conditions; healthy economy
- 構える【かまえる】 to set up (a house, store, etc.); to build; to establish; to run; to maintain / to have at the ready (e.g. a gun); to hold in preparation (e.g. a camera); to prepare in advance (e.g. a meal) / to adopt a posture; to assume a stance; to stand ready; to be poised for / to put on an air; to assume an attitude / to stiffen; to tense up; to become formal / to fabricate in order to deceive; to make up; to feign / to plan; to scheme
- 込める【こめる】 to load (a gun, etc.); to charge / to put into (e.g. emotion, effort) / to include (e.g. tax in a sales price) / to hang over; to shroud; to enshroud; to envelop; to screen
- 今更【いまさら】 now (after such a long time); at this late hour (i.e. it is too late for something); at this point of time / afresh; anew; again
- 再【さい】 re-; again; repeated; deutero-; deuto-; deuter-
- もはや《最早》 already; now / no longer; not any more
- 裁く【さばく】 to judge
- 冴える【さえる】 to be clear (of a sight, sound, colour, etc.); to be bright; to be vivid; to be crisp / to be clear-headed; to be alert; to be on the ball; to be wide awake / to look upbeat; to be perky; to be cheerful / to master (a skill); to excel at; to cleanly execute / to be satisfying / to become frigid; to become intensely cold
- 指差す【ゆびさす】 to point at
- 持てる【もてる】 to be able to possess (hold, get, etc.) / to be well liked; to be popular; to be pampered (spoiled, doted upon, etc.); to be welcomed / to endure (the tests of time, the elements, etc.); to last / possessed; held / rich; wealthy; affluent
- もてなす《持て成す》 to entertain; to make welcome
- おのずから《自ずから》 naturally; as a matter of course
- うぬぼれ《自惚れ》 pretension; conceit; hubris
- 室【しつ】 room / wife (of someone of high rank) / scabbard / Chinese "Encampment" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
- もしくは《若しくは》 or; otherwise
- 弱【じゃく】 little less than; fewer than; under / weakness; the weak
- 取り巻く【とりまく】 to surround; to encircle; to enclose
- 取り除く【とりのぞく】 to remove; to deinstall; to take away; to set apart
- 殊に【ことに】 especially; particularly; unusually; above all / additionally
- 腫れる【はれる】 to swell (from inflammation); to become swollen
- 重んずる【おもんずる】 to honor; to honour; to respect; to esteem; to prize
- 準急【じゅんきゅう】 semi-express train; local express train; sub-express train; slower than an express (more stops)
- 書き取る【かきとる】 to write down (what someone says); to take down dictation; to take notes (e.g. of a lecture) / to copy out (a text)
- 諸【しょ】 various; many; several
- なおさら《尚更》 still more; even more; all the more / still less; even less
- 障る【さわる】 to be harmful to; to hinder; to interfere with; to irritate
- 上下【うえした】 top and bottom; up and down; high and low; above and below; upper and lower ends / upside-down
- 状【じょう】 shape; state / letter; correspondence
- 畳【じょう】 counter for tatami mats / measure of room size (in mat units)
- 新【しん】 new; neo- / Gregorian calendar / Xin (dynasty of China)
- 人【じん】 -ian (e.g. Italian); -ite (e.g. Tokyoite) / -er (e.g. performer, etc.); person working with ... / man; person; people
- ちり取り【ちりとり】 dustpan
- 整える【ととのえる】 to put in order; to arrange; to tidy up; to straighten; to adjust; to fix / to get ready; to prepare; to arrange; to supply; to assemble; to buy / to work out (e.g. business deal); to arrange (e.g. marriage); to settle
- 製【せい】 -made; make
- もろい《脆い》 brittle; fragile; weak; frail / tender-hearted; sentimental; easily moved
- 切ない【せつない】 painful; heartrending; trying / oppressive; suffocating; miserable
- 説く【とく】 to explain; to advocate; to preach; to persuade
- おだてる《煽てる》 to flatter; to soft-soap; to sweet talk; to cajole; to instigate
- 前【ぜん】 the last (i.e. immediately preceding) (e.g. "the last mayor"); previous; one-time; former / pre- (e.g. "premodern") / before; earlier
- 全快【ぜんかい】 complete recovery of health
- 繕う【つくろう】 to mend; to patch up; to repair; to fix; to darn / to fix (hair, clothes, appearance etc.); to adjust; to tidy up; to groom / to keep up appearances; to cover up (e.g. a mistake); to gloss over / to treat (illness, injury, etc.)
- おろそか《疎か》 negligent; neglectful; careless; remiss
- 組み合わせる【くみあわせる】 to join together; to combine; to join up
- 掻き回す【かきまわす】 to stir up; to churn; to ransack; to disturb
- こぐ《漕ぐ》 to row; to scull; to paddle / to pedal (e.g. bicycle) / to swing (on a swing) / to operate a hand pump / to push through (deep snow, the jungle, etc.)
- ふさわしい《相応しい》 appropriate; adequate; suitable; fitting; worthy
- 総【そう】 whole; all; general; gross; entire; overall
- 大概【たいがい】 in general; almost all / mainly; mostly; most likely / moderately; suitably
- 大便【だいべん】 feces; excrement; shit
- たどる《辿る》 to follow (road); to pursue (course); to follow up; to follow (hyperlink)
- 嘆く【なげく】 to lament; to grieve; to regret / to deplore
- ほころびる《綻びる》 to come apart at the seams; to be ripped; to be torn / to begin to open; to begin to bloom / to smile broadly; to break into a smile
- うちわ《団扇》 uchiwa; type of traditional Japanese handheld fan
- はじく《弾く》 to flip; to snap; to flick / to repel / to use (an abacus); to calculate / to strum; to pluck the strings (of a guitar, etc.)
- たるむ《弛む》 to slacken; to loosen; to relax; to droop (e.g. loose or flabby skin); to sag (ceiling) / to slack off (e.g. one's work, attention); to not put one's heart in
- 遅らす【おくらす】 to retard; to delay
- 築く【きずく】 to build; to construct; to erect / to amass (e.g. fortune); to pile up
- 畜生【ちくしょう】 beast (i.e. any animal other than man) / person reborn into the animal realm / brute (i.e. a contemptible human being) / damn it; damn; Christ; for Christ's sake
- 超【ちょう】 super-; ultra-; hyper-; very; really / over (after a number or counter); more than
- のどか《長閑》 tranquil; calm; quiet; peaceful
- はかどる《捗る》 to make progress; to move right ahead (with the work); to advance
- すぐ《直ぐ》 immediately; at once; right away; directly / soon; before long; shortly / easily; readily; without difficulty / right (near); nearby; just (handy) / honest; upright; frank; straightforward
- 沈める【しずめる】 to sink; to submerge / to floor (an opponent)
- つじつま《辻褄》 coherence; consistency
- 綴じる【とじる】 to bind; to file / to top with egg (e.g. donburi)
- 的【てき】 -like; typical
- 的【まと】 mark; target
- 添う【そう】 to meet (wishes, expectations, etc.); to satisfy; to comply with; to live up to / to accompany; to go with; to stay by one's side / to associate with (someone); to mix with / to marry; to wed / to be added
- まとめ《纏め》 settlement; conclusion; summary
- とかく《兎角》 (doing) various things; (doing) this and that / being apt to; being prone to; tending to / at any rate; anyhow; anyway / all sorts of (negative things); various / things that do not exist; rabbit horns
- つく《吐く》 to breathe out; to breathe / to tell (a lie); to use (foul language) / to vomit; to throw up; to spit up
- 妬む【ねたむ】 to be jealous of; to envy; to begrudge
- 努めて【つとめて】 as much as possible; as far as possible; to the best of one's ability; diligently
- 導く【みちびく】 to guide; to lead; to show the way; to conduct / to derive; to deduce
- つつく《突く》 to poke (repeatedly, lightly); to nudge / to peck at (one's food); to pick at / to peck at (someone's faults, etc.) / to egg on; to put up to
- 馴れ馴れしい【なれなれしい】 over-familiar
- 賑わう【にぎわう】 to be crowded with people; to be bustling with / to prosper; to flourish; to do thriving business
- 入る【いる】 to get in; to go in; to come in; to flow into; to set; to set in
- いかに《如何に》 how; in what way / however much; however (e.g. easy, rich, sad); whatever; how much / hey; oi
- 年頃【としごろ】 approximate age; apparent age / marriageable age (esp. of a woman); age of maturity; age of adulthood / appropriate age (to ...); old enough (to ...) / past few years; for some years
- ないし《乃至》 from ... to; between ... and / or
- 派【は】 clique; faction; school
- 罵る【ののしる】 to abuse (verbally); to curse at; to shout abuse at; to speak ill of
- 背く【そむく】 to run counter to; to go against; to disobey; to infringe
- はげる《剥げる》 to come off; to be worn off / to fade; to discolor; to discolour
- 罰【ばつ】 punishment; penalty
- 判【はん】 seal; stamp; monogram signature / judgment; judgement / size (of paper or books)
- 班【はん】 group; party; team / squad; section
- 番目【ばんめ】 indicates position in a sequence / divisions of a kabuki performance
- 卑しい【いやしい】 lowborn; humble; lowly / vulgar; coarse; crude; mean; base; vile / shabby / greedy; gluttonous; avaricious
- 費【ひ】 cost; expense
- 非【ひ】 fault; error; mistake / going poorly; being disadvantageous; being unfavorable / un-; non-; an-
- 備え付ける【そなえつける】 to provide; to furnish; to equip; to install
- 病【やまい】 illness; disease / bad habit; weakness; fault
- 布巾【ふきん】 tea-towel; dish cloth
- 負かす【まかす】 to defeat
- 部【ぶ】 department (in an organization); division; bureau / club / part; component; element / category / counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine
- 覆す【くつがえす】 to overturn; to capsize; to upset / to overthrow (government etc.) / to reverse (decision etc.); to disprove (an established theory etc.); to overrule
- 変遷【へんせん】 change; transition; vicissitudes
- 放射【ほうしゃ】 radiation; emission
- はちみつ《蜂蜜》 honey
- ほっぺた《頬っぺた》 cheek
- ごと《毎》 each; every
- 未【ひつじ】 eighth sign of the Chinese zodiac (The Ram, 1pm-3pm, south-southwest, June)
- 眠たい【ねむたい】 sleepy; drowsy
- むやみに《無闇に》 thoughtlessly; recklessly; rashly; indiscriminately; indiscreetly; at random / excessively; unreasonably; immoderately; absurdly
- むちゃくちゃ《無茶苦茶》 nonsensical; unreasonable; absurd; unrealistic / awfully; extremely; to excess; senseless; reckless / disorder; confusion; being jumbled; being mixed up / very; extremely; excessively
- 無念【むねん】 regret; chagrin; mortification / freedom from obstructive thoughts
- あくる《明くる》 next (day, morning, etc.); following
- にきび《面皰》 pimple; acne
- 目方【めかた】 weight
- 夜具【やぐ】 bedding; bedclothes
- あらかじめ《予め》 beforehand; in advance; previously
- よそ見【よそみ】 looking away; looking aside
- たやすい《容易い》 easy; simple; light
- 様【さま】 Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; Ms. / makes words more polite (usu. in fixed expressions) / state; situation; appearance
- 裸足【はだし】 barefoot / superior to (a professional, etc. in ability or achievement)
- 流【りゅう】 fashion; way; style; manner / school (of thought) / class; rank; rate / current (electrical, water, etc.); flow; stream
- 凌ぐ【しのぐ】 to endure; to keep out (e.g. rain); to stave off (e.g. starvation) / to pull through; to get over; to survive / to surpass; to outdo; to excel; to eclipse; to defy; to slight
- 料【りょう】 fee; charge; rate / material
- 裂ける【さける】 to split; to tear; to burst; to be separated; to be divided
- 露【つゆ】 dew / tears / (not) a bit; (not) at all
- いたわる《労る》 to pity; to sympathize with; to sympathise with; to treat with sympathy; to console; to be kind to; to appreciate / to tend to (e.g. an injury); to care for; to nurse; to soothe
- いじる《弄る》 to finger; to touch; to play with; to fiddle with; to toy with / to make changes to; to tinker with; to tamper with / to dabble in; to do as a hobby; to play around with / to grope; to feel around (in one's pocket, bag, etc.)
- 漏る【もる】 to leak; to run out
- 老ける【ふける】 to age; to grow old (esp. in appearance); to show marks of age
- 和【わ】 sum / harmony; peace / Japan; Japanese-style
- 詫び【わび】 apology; excuse
- わら《藁》 straw
- 几帳面【きちょうめん】 methodical; precise; meticulous; scrupulous; regular; punctual / wooden post that has been carved to have a rounded corner with grooves running along either side of it
- とがめる《咎める》 to blame; to reproach; to censure; to rebuke; to reprove; to find fault; to take to task; to criticize; to criticise / to question (a suspect); to challenge / to aggravate (an injury); to be aggravated; to get inflamed / to prick (one's conscience)
- つぶやく《呟く》 to mutter; to murmur; to grumble / to tweet (Twitter)
- くちばし《嘴》 beak; bill
- さぞ《嘸》 surely; certainly; no doubt; indeed
- さえずる《囀る》 to sing; to chirp; to twitter
- おびただしい《夥しい》 large number; innumerable; great many; immense; vast; abundant
- おごる《奢る》 to give (someone) a treat / to be extravagant; to live luxuriously / to be proud; to be haughty
- 婉曲【えんきょく】 euphemistic; circumlocutory; roundabout; indirect
- しなやか《嫋か》 supple; flexible; elastic / graceful; elegant; refined
- もめる《揉める》 to disagree; to dispute; to fight (over)
- 檻【おり】 cage; pen; jail cell; gaol cell
- うっとうしい《鬱陶しい》 gloomy (e.g. mood); depressing / irritating; troublesome / heavy (weather); cloudy
- 洒落る【しゃれる】 to dress stylishly / to joke; to play on words
- にじむ《滲む》 to run (of liquid); to spread / to blur; to blot; to be blurred / to ooze; to well up (of tears, etc.) / to show through (of feelings, emotions, etc.); to reveal itself
- ろくに《碌に》 well; enough; properly; sufficiently; satisfactorily
- きらびやか《煌びやか》 gorgeous; gaudy; dazzling; gay; resplendent
- そびえる《聳える》 to rise; to tower; to soar
- 舐める【なめる】 to lick / to taste / to experience (esp. a hardship) / to make fun of; to make light of; to put down; to treat with contempt; to underestimate
- けなす《貶す》 to speak ill of; to disparage
- もたらす《齎す》 to bring; to take; to bring about
- かかと《踵》 heel (of foot, shoe, stocking, etc.)
- しつけ《躾》 discipline; training; teaching manners
- たくましい《逞しい》 burly; strong; sturdy / indomitable; indefatigable; strong-willed; resolute; bold / robust (vitality, appetite, economic growth, etc.); strong
- ばい菌【ばいきん】 germ; germs; bacteria; mold; mould / something harmful; vermin
- いびき《鼾》 snoring; snore
- 誠【まこと】 truth; reality / sincerity; honesty; integrity; fidelity / that's right
- かつて《嘗て》 once; before; formerly; ever; former; ex- / never yet; never before; first time; still not happened
- 側【がわ】 side (of something, or taking someone's side); part / (watch) case
- 店【てん】 -store; -shop
- 剥ぐ【はぐ】 to tear off; to peel off; to rip off; to strip off; to skin; to flay; to bark / to strip of (clothes, rank, etc.); to deprive of; to divest of
- 面【おもて】 face / surface / mask (esp. a noh or kyogen mask)
- 歪む【ゆがむ】 to warp; to swerve; to deflect; to be crooked; to be distorted; to be bent; to incline; to slant; to be perverted; to be gross-grained; to get bent; to be strained
- つぶる《瞑る》 to close (eyes); to shut
- 打ち合わせる【うちあわせる】 to knock together; to strike against each other / to arrange (e.g. a meeting); to discuss (in advance)
- かすか《微か》 faint; dim; weak; slight; vague; indistinct; hazy / poor; wretched; meagre; meager; scanty
- 代わる代わる【かわるがわる】 alternately; by turns
- 群集【ぐんしゅう】 crowd; community; group; herd; gathering; assembly
- こもる《籠もる》 to shut oneself in (e.g. one's room); to be confined in; to seclude oneself; to hide away; to stay inside (one's shell) / to be filled with (emotion, enthusiasm, etc.) / to fill the room (of a gas, smell, etc.); to be heavy with (e.g. smoke); to be stuffy; to be dense / to be muffled (e.g. voice) / to hold (a castle, fortress, etc.) / to confine oneself in a temple to pray
- 退く【しりぞく】 to step back; to move back; to retreat / to withdraw (from the presence of a superior); to leave; to exit / to resign; to retire; to quit / to concede
- 清々しい【すがすがしい】 refreshing (e.g. feeling, scene, wind, morning air); brisk; bracing; fresh; refreshed
- 添える【そえる】 to garnish; to accompany (as a card does a gift) / to add to as support; to prop up / to accompany (as an aid, guide, translator, etc.) / to mimic; to imitate / to draw something near to oneself; to approach nearby
- 情け深い【なさけぶかい】 tender-hearted; compassionate; charitable; good-hearted
- はかない《儚い》 fleeting; transient; short-lived; momentary; ephemeral; fickle; vain / empty (dream, etc.); mere (hope); faint (possibility)
- ばらまく《ばら撒く》 to scatter; to disseminate (e.g. a rumor); to spread (e.g. germs); to broadcast / to distribute widely (e.g. leaflets); to hand out freely; to spend recklessly
- 振り出し【ふりだし】 starting point; beginning; outset / drawing (e.g. of a bill); issuing; draft; draught / shaking out / throw (of dice); toss / infusion
- まちまち《区々》 several; various; divergent; conflicting; different; diverse
- 民俗【みんぞく】 folk customs; folkways; ethnic customs
- 股【もも】 thigh / femoral
- 漏れる【もれる】 to leak out; to escape; to come through; to shine through; to filter out / to find expression; to give vent / to leak out; to be divulged; to be disclosed / to be omitted; to be left out; to be excluded; to be not included
- 憂鬱【ゆううつ】 depression; melancholy; dejection; gloom; despondency
- 養護【ようご】 nursing; (protective) care
- よほど《余程》 very; greatly; much; to a large extent; quite / just about to
- 夜更け【よふけ】 late at night; small hours of the morning
- 略奪【りゃくだつ】 pillage; plunder; looting; robbery
- わざわざ《態々》 expressly; specially; doing something especially rather than incidentally
- 一挙に【いっきょに】 at a stroke; with a single swoop
- 月日【がっぴ】 (the) date
- 欲深【よくぶか】 greedy; avaricious; covetous
- ろくな《碌な》 satisfactory; decent
- 密か【ひそか】 secret; private; surreptitious
- ございます《御座います》 to be; to exist
- おまけ《お負け》 freebie (e.g. with a purchase); something additional; bonus; an extra / price reduction; discount / exaggeration
- 金槌【かなづち】 hammer / hopeless swimmer; complete beginner at swimming; someone who sinks like a stone
- いっそ rather; sooner; preferably
- 修行【しゅぎょう】 ascetic practices / training; practice; discipline; study
- うんざり tedious; boring; being fed up with
- おい hey!; oi!; ahoy! / I; me
- お産【おさん】 (giving) birth; childbirth; delivery; confinement
- お手上げ【おてあげ】 being done for; giving up; being in a hopeless situation; not knowing what to do; being brought to one's knees; throwing up (one's) hands
- がっくり heartbroken; crestfallen; dejected; disappointed
- きちっと exactly; perfectly
- くっきり distinctly (standing out); clearly; in sharp relief; boldly
- だけ《丈》 only; just; merely; simply; no more than; nothing but; alone / as (e.g. as soon as, as much as) / worth
- ちらっと at a glance; by accident
- と if; when / and / with / particle used for quoting (with speech, thoughts, etc.) / promoted pawn / ?
- なんか things like ...; or something like that ...
- ほっと feeling relieved; (sigh of) relief
- もしかして《若しかして》 perhaps; possibly; maybe; by any chance; if I'm not mistaken / if; in case; in the event that
- OK【オッケー】 OK
- カテゴリー category
- ボルト volt / bolt
- くらい approximately; about; around; or so / to (about) the extent that; (almost) enough that; so ... that ...; at least / as ... as ...; like
- 意気込む【いきごむ】 to be enthusiastic about; to be eager; to be keen
- 一心【いっしん】 one mind / wholeheartedness; one's whole heart
- 押し込む【おしこむ】 to push into; to cram into; to stuff into; to crowd into / to break in; to burgle; to burglarize
- 乙【おつ】 second (party to an agreement); the B party (e.g. in a contract); the latter; defendant / stylish; chic; spicy; witty; tasty; romantic / strange; quaint; queer / thank you; good job; goodbye; goodnight
- 下火【したび】 burning low; waning; declining
- 下地【したじ】 groundwork; foundation / inclination; aptitude; elementary knowledge (of); grounding (in) / undercoat; first coat / soy sauce
- なんだかんだ《何だかんだ》 something or other; one thing or another; this or that
- 過多【かた】 excess; surplus; superabundance
- 怪獣【かいじゅう】 monster
- 改訂【かいてい】 revision (of text); alteration; change
- 獲物【えもの】 game; spoils; trophy; prey
- 学士【がくし】 university graduate; bachelor / bachelor's degree
- かつ《且つ》 yet; moreover; and
- 粥【かゆ】 thin rice porridge; watery cooked rice; rice gruel; congee
- 巻【まき】 roll (e.g. of cloth) / winding / volume (of book)
- 感度【かんど】 sensitivity (e.g. of a measuring instrument); reception (radio, TV, etc.) / sensitivity (of film)
- 簡潔【かんけつ】 brevity; conciseness; simplicity
- 還暦【かんれき】 60th birthday
- まるごと《丸ごと》 in its entirety; whole; wholly
- 岩石【がんせき】 rock
- 危害【きがい】 injury; harm; danger
- 寄与【きよ】 contribution; service
- 季刊【きかん】 quarterly (e.g. magazine)
- 起伏【きふく】 undulation / ups and downs; highs and lows
- 議事堂【ぎじどう】 assembly hall; parliament house; diet building; capitol; houses of parliament; congress hall
- 喫茶【きっさ】 tea drinking / teahouse; tearoom; coffee lounge; coffee shop; (rather formal) cafe
- 共学【きょうがく】 coeducation
- 共鳴【きょうめい】 resonance; sympathetic (sound); (being in) sympathy
- 怯える【おびえる】 to become frightened; to be frightened (of); to be scared (of)
- 桐【きり】 paulownia tree; Paulownia tomentosa
- かけっこ《駆けっこ》 (foot) race; sprint
- 君主【くんしゅ】 ruler; monarch; sovereign
- 軍服【ぐんぷく】 military or naval uniform
- 刑罰【けいばつ】 judgement; judgment; penalty; punishment
- 形勢【けいせい】 condition; situation; prospects
- 恵み【めぐみ】 blessing; grace
- 計器【けいき】 meter; gauge
- 結びつく【むすびつく】 to be related; to be connected; to be joined together / to result in; to lead to; to bring about
- 健在【けんざい】 in good health; well; going strong
- 原形【げんけい】 original form; base form
- 原文【げんぶん】 the text; original
- おむつ《お襁褓》 diaper; nappy; napkin
- 交易【こうえき】 trade; commerce
- 光沢【こうたく】 brilliance; polish; lustre; luster; glossy finish (of photographs)
- 荒廃【こうはい】 ruin; destruction; devastation; waste; decay
- 購読【こうどく】 paid subscription (e.g. magazine)
- 合議【ごうぎ】 consultation; conference
- 差異【さい】 difference; disparity; gap
- 砂利【じゃり】 gravel; ballast; pebbles / child; rugrat; ankle-biter
- 採掘【さいくつ】 mining
- 柵【さく】 fence; paling; railing
- 仕掛ける【しかける】 to start; to begin; to commence / to challenge; to pick (a fight); to make (war) / to set (traps); to plant (explosives); to lay (mines) / to make a meld call
- 司る【つかさどる】 to rule; to govern; to administer
- 子息【しそく】 son
- あたし《私》 I; me
- 式場【しきじょう】 ceremonial hall (e.g. wedding, funeral); hall for ceremonies; place of ceremony
- 写し【うつし】 copy; duplicate; facsimile; transcript
- 衆【しゅう】 great numbers (of people); numerical superiority; masses / people; folk; clique; bunch
- 準じる【じゅんじる】 to follow; to conform; to apply to
- 準ずる【じゅんずる】 to apply correspondingly; to correspond to; to be proportionate to; to conform to
- 初版【しょはん】 first edition
- 制定【せいてい】 enactment; establishment; creation
- 設定【せってい】 establishment; creation; posing (a problem); setting (movie, novel, etc.); scene / options setting; preference settings; configuration; setup
- 説得【せっとく】 persuasion
- 先に【さきに】 before; earlier than; first; ahead; beyond; away; previously; recently
- 占領【せんりょう】 occupying; having (an area) all to oneself / military occupation; possession; capture; seizure
- 選考【せんこう】 selection; screening
- 素材【そざい】 ingredient; (raw) material; resource / unprocessed timber; raw timber / subject matter; topic
- 対決【たいけつ】 confrontation; showdown
- 対抗【たいこう】 opposition; antagonism
- 退職【たいしょく】 retirement; resignation
- 単独【たんどく】 sole; single; solo / independence; singleness; singularity
- 著書【ちょしょ】 (written) work; book; writings
- 庁【ちょう】 government office; agency; board
- 調印【ちょういん】 signature; signing; sealing
- 賃金【ちんぎん】 wages / cash payment of rent
- 怒り【いかり】 anger; rage; fury; wrath; indignation
- 統治【とうち】 rule; reign; government; governing
- 得点【とくてん】 scoring; score; points made; marks obtained; goals; runs
- 読者【どくしゃ】 reader
- 日夜【にちや】 day and night; around the clock; always; constantly
- 悩み【なやみ】 trouble; troubles; worry; distress; sorrows; anguish; agony; problem
- 廃棄【はいき】 disposal; abandonment; scrapping; discarding; abolition / annulment; cancellation; abrogation; repeal
- 配分【はいぶん】 distribution; allotment
- 配慮【はいりょ】 consideration; concern; attention; thoughtfulness; making arrangements; care; trouble
- 不振【ふしん】 dullness; slump; stagnation; inactivity; depression
- 復活【ふっかつ】 revival (e.g. musical); come-back / restoration; rebirth; resurrection
- 物資【ぶっし】 goods; materials; commodities; resources; supplies
- 分離【ぶんり】 separation; partition; detachment; segregation; isolation
- 分裂【ぶんれつ】 split; division; break up
- 変動【へんどう】 change; fluctuation
- 返済【へんさい】 repayment; reimbursement; refund; redemption
- 法廷【ほうてい】 court (of law); courtroom
- 暴力【ぼうりょく】 violence; mayhem
- 冒頭【ぼうとう】 beginning; start; outset
- 本格【ほんかく】 original method or procedure / serious; orthodox; classical; genuine
- 本名【ほんみょう】 real name
- 名簿【めいぼ】 register of names; list of names; roll; register
- 要望【ようぼう】 demand for; request
- 抑制【よくせい】 control; restraint; suppression; constraint; curtailment; inhibition; check; curb
- 立法【りっぽう】 legislation; lawmaking
- 枠【わく】 frame; framework / border; box / limit; restriction; quota
- 匹【ひき】 counter for small animals / counter for rolls of cloth (two han in size) / counter for horses / roll of cloth
- 実情【じつじょう】 real condition; actual circumstances; actual state of affairs
- 専用【せんよう】 exclusive use; personal use; dedicated / private (e.g. network)
- 日々【ひび】 every day; daily; day after day; days (e.g. good old days)
- 申し込み【もうしこみ】 application; entry; request; subscription; offer; proposal; overture; challenge
- 了承【りょうしょう】 acknowledgement; acknowledgment; understanding (e.g. "please be understanding of the mess during our renovation"); noting; acceptance
- 共和【きょうわ】 republican; cooperative
- 悪【あく】 evil; wickedness
- 扱い【あつかい】 treatment; service
- 意図【いと】 intention; aim; design
- 移行【いこう】 switching over to; migration; transition
- 加工【かこう】 manufacturing; processing; treatment; machining
- 拡散【かくさん】 scattering; diffusion; spread (e.g. signal across the spectrum)
- 確定【かくてい】 decision; settlement / definition
- 革新【かくしん】 reform; innovation
- 勧告【かんこく】 advice; counsel; remonstrance; recommendation
- 看護【かんご】 nursing; (army) nurse
- 軌道【きどう】 orbit; trajectory / railroad track / (right) track; proper course
- 偽造【ぎぞう】 forgery; falsification; fabrication; counterfeiting
- 犠牲【ぎせい】 sacrifice; victim; scapegoat / sacrifice (to the gods)
- 脚本【きゃくほん】 script; screenplay; scenario
- 共産【きょうさん】 communism / Communist Party
- 強硬【きょうこう】 firm; strong; unbending; unyielding; uncompromising; stubborn; tough; hard-line
- 形成【けいせい】 formation; molding; making up; taking form; giving form to / repair (e.g. plastic surgery); replacement; -plasty
- 経緯【いきさつ】 details; particulars; whole story; sequence of events; chronology; circumstances; how it started; how things got this way / longitude and latitude / warp and weft; warp and woof
- 経過【けいか】 passage (of time); elapsing / progress; development; course (of events) / transit
- 元首【げんしゅ】 ruler; sovereign
- 原点【げんてん】 origin (coordinates); starting point
- 原爆【げんばく】 atomic bomb; A-bomb
- 公立【こうりつ】 public (institution)
- 国産【こくさん】 domestic; domestically-produced; produced within a country
- 詐欺【さぎ】 fraud; swindle; graft; cheating; trick; scam
- 酸化【さんか】 oxidation; oxidization
- 志向【しこう】 intention; aim; preference (for); orientation (towards a goal)
- 死刑【しけい】 death penalty; capital punishment
- 視野【しや】 field of vision; view / one's outlook (e.g. on life); one's horizons
- 実【じつ】 truth; reality / sincerity; honesty; fidelity / content; substance / (good) result
- 主任【しゅにん】 person in charge; senior staff; manager; chief; head
- 手法【しゅほう】 technique; method
- 樹立【じゅりつ】 establish; create
- 収益【しゅうえき】 earnings; proceeds; returns; revenue
- 出産【しゅっさん】 childbirth; (giving) birth; delivery; parturition; confinement / production (of goods)
- 庶民【しょみん】 masses; common people
- なお《尚》 furthermore; still; yet; more; still more; in addition; greater; further
- 症【しょう】 illness
- 衝撃【しょうげき】 shock; impact; crash
- 譲歩【じょうほ】 concession; conciliation; compromise
- 申告【しんこく】 report; return (e.g. tax); statement; declaration; notification; filing
- 真相【しんそう】 truth; real situation
- 診療【しんりょう】 diagnosis and treatment; medical care
- 世帯【せたい】 household; home; family; housekeeping
- 接触【せっしょく】 touch; contact
- 戦術【せんじゅつ】 tactics
- 繊維【せんい】 fibre; fiber; textile
- 訴え【うったえ】 lawsuit; complaint
- 捜索【そうさく】 search (esp. for someone or something missing); manhunt / legally authorized search of a person, building, etc.
- 側面【そくめん】 side; flank; profile; sidelight; lateral / aspect; dimension
- 体力【たいりょく】 stamina; endurance; physical strength; resilience; resistance to disease / strength of an organization (e.g. profitability, productivity, economic clout, stability, growth potential)
- 大衆【たいしゅう】 general public; the masses
- 達成【たっせい】 achievement; attainment; accomplishment; realization
- 短大【たんだい】 junior college; vocationally oriented two or three year post-secondary education institution
- 中継【ちゅうけい】 relay; hook-up / relay broadcasting
- 追い込む【おいこむ】 to herd; to corner; to drive
- 追及【ついきゅう】 investigation (e.g. into someone's guilt); questioning; pressing; hounding; pinning down / catching up; overtaking
- 定年【ていねん】 retirement age / years of service in a military rank before eligibility for promotion
- 鉄鋼【てっこう】 iron and steel
- 展示【てんじ】 exhibition; display
- 展望【てんぼう】 view; outlook; prospect
- 倒産【とうさん】 (corporate) bankruptcy; insolvency; commercial failure; failed business
- 討論【とうろん】 debate; discussion
- 入賞【にゅうしょう】 winning a prize or place (in a contest)
- 任務【にんむ】 duty; function; office; mission; task
- 爆弾【ばくだん】 bomb / alcohol with liquor added (esp. wine-based shochu highball, also beer with whiskey)
- 判定【はんてい】 judgement; judgment; decision; adjudication; award; verdict; determination
- 避難【ひなん】 taking refuge; finding shelter; evacuation; escape; seeking safe haven
- 尾【お】 tail (animal, kite, comet, etc.); tail end / slope at the foot of a mountain
- 浜【はま】 beach; seashore / captured pieces (in the game of go); captured stones / Yokohama / riverbank; riverside
- 不当【ふとう】 injustice; impropriety; unreasonableness; undeserved; unfair; invalid
- 復興【ふっこう】 revival; renaissance; reconstruction; restoration
- 閉鎖【へいさ】 closing; closure; shutdown; lockout
- 弁護【べんご】 defense; defence; pleading; advocacy
- 報酬【ほうしゅう】 remuneration; recompense; reward; toll
- 本音【ほんね】 real intention; motive; true opinion; what one really thinks
- 本体【ほんたい】 substance; real form / main part; main unit; body (of a machine) / this machine; this appliance / object of worship (at a shrine, temple, etc.) / noumenon / base price; pre-tax price
- 理論【りろん】 theory
- 連日【れんじつ】 day after day; every day
- 論理【ろんり】 logic / logical
- 早急【さっきゅう】 immediate; prompt; quick; rapid; urgent; pressing
- 収集【しゅうしゅう】 collecting; accumulating; gathering / collection (of art, stamps, insects, etc.) / garbage collection; waste collection
- 侵略【しんりゃく】 aggression; invasion; raid
- 移民【いみん】 emigration; immigration / emigrant; immigrant
- 一面【いちめん】 one face; one surface / the whole surface / one aspect; one side / (on) the other hand / one broad, flat object / front page (e.g. newspaper)
- 運賃【うんちん】 (passenger) fare / freight rates; shipping expenses
- 衛生【えいせい】 hygiene; sanitation; health
- 演習【えんしゅう】 practice; practising / exercises; manoeuvres; maneuvers / seminar (student debates, presentations, etc.); practicum
- 何より【なにより】 most; best; above all
- 過ぎ【すぎ】 past; after / too (much); over- (e.g. eating)
- 介護【かいご】 nursing; care; caregiving; caring
- 外貨【がいか】 foreign currency; foreign money; foreign exchange / foreign goods; imported goods
- 街頭【がいとう】 (on the) street
- 観点【かんてん】 point of view
- 関与【かんよ】 participation; taking part in; participating in; being concerned in
- 気象【きしょう】 weather; climate / disposition; temperament
- 議題【ぎだい】 topic of discussion; agenda
- 給食【きゅうしょく】 provision of lunch (e.g. at office, school, etc.); providing a meal; lunch service
- 居住【きょじゅう】 residence; abode; dwelling
- 漁船【ぎょせん】 fishing boat
- 教員【きょういん】 teacher; instructor; teaching staff; faculty member
- 極端【きょくたん】 extreme; extremity
- 刑【けい】 penalty; sentence; punishment
- 形態【けいたい】 form; shape; figure
- 掲載【けいさい】 publication (e.g. of an article in a newspaper); carrying (e.g. a story); running (e.g. a serial); insertion (e.g. of an advertisement); printing; posting (e.g. on the web)
- 携帯【けいたい】 something carried (in the hand); handheld; portable / mobile telephone; cell phone
- 劇団【げきだん】 troupe; theatrical company
- 健全【けんぜん】 healthy; sound; wholesome
- 権威【けんい】 authority; power; influence
- 原作【げんさく】 original work
- 限定【げんてい】 limit; restriction
- 古代【こだい】 ancient times
- 後退【こうたい】 retreat; falling back; moving backwards; reversing; retrogression; retraction / recession; waning / backspace (key)
- 交付【こうふ】 delivery; issuance; handing over; granting
- 工学【こうがく】 engineering
- 抗争【こうそう】 dispute; resistance
- 控える【ひかえる】 to be temperate in; to refrain; to abstain; to hold back; to restrain oneself from excessive ... / to make notes; to jot down (e.g. phone number) / to be in preparation for; to be in waiting for / to be soon; to be in the offing / to be in a close relationship (e.g. as a backer, etc.)
- 攻め【せめ】 attack; offence; offense / dominant partner of a homosexual relationship / a barrage of; a flood of
- 国土【こくど】 country; territory; domain; realm
- 根本【こんぽん】 root; source; origin; foundation; base; principle
- 栽培【さいばい】 cultivation
- 在庫【ざいこ】 inventory; stock; stockpile
- 参議院【さんぎいん】 House of Councillors (upper house of the National Diet of Japan)
- 残高【ざんだか】 (bank) balance; remainder
- 視察【しさつ】 inspection; observation
- 事項【じこう】 matter; item; facts
- 字【あざ】 section of village
- 質疑【しつぎ】 question / interpellation
- 芝【しば】 lawn; sod; turf
- 主演【しゅえん】 starring; playing the leading part
- 主人公【しゅじんこう】 protagonist; main character; hero(ine) (of a story) / head of household
- 終日【しゅうじつ】 all day; for a whole day
- 象徴【しょうちょう】 symbol
- 上空【じょうくう】 sky; the skies; high-altitude sky; upper air
- 上司【じょうし】 (one's) superior; (one's) boss; the higher-ups
- 色彩【しきさい】 colour; color; hue; tints
- 進路【しんろ】 route; course; path / one's future course (e.g. after graduating high school)
- 正当【せいとう】 just; justifiable; right; due; proper; equitable; reasonable; legitimate; legal; lawful
- 節【せつ】 occasion; time / section (of a literary work); paragraph; verse; stanza; passage / principle; integrity / node (of a plant stem) / clause / (taxonomical) section
- 先行【せんこう】 preceding; going first; leading; going ahead; taking priority
- 創立【そうりつ】 establishment; founding; organization; organisation
- 操縦【そうじゅう】 steering; piloting; flying; control; operation; handling / management; handling; control; manipulation
- 待遇【たいぐう】 treatment; reception; service / working conditions; salary; pay; remuneration
- 大胆【だいたん】 bold; daring; audacious
- 知的【ちてき】 intellectual
- 中立【ちゅうりつ】 neutrality
- 調停【ちょうてい】 arbitration; conciliation; mediation
- 直面【ちょくめん】 confrontation / to face; to confront; to encounter
- 追放【ついほう】 exile; banishment; eviction; deportation; purge; expulsion; ousting / elimination (e.g. of poverty); removal
- 提携【ていけい】 cooperation; tie-up; joint business; link-up; sponsorship
- 登校【とうこう】 attendance (at school); going to school
- 討議【とうぎ】 debate; discussion
- 踏まえる【ふまえる】 to be based on; to have origin in / to have one's feet firmly planted on; to plant oneself on
- 動機【どうき】 motive; incentive / motif
- 同意【どうい】 agreement; consent; approval; assent / same opinion; same view / same meaning
- 特集【とくしゅう】 feature (e.g. newspaper); special edition; report
- 独裁【どくさい】 dictatorship; despotism
- 独占【どくせん】 monopoly; monopolization / hogging; keeping to oneself
- 突破【とっぱ】 breaking through; breakthrough; penetration
- 敗戦【はいせん】 defeat; lost battle; losing a war
- 肺【はい】 lung
- 発【はつ】 departure; departing (from ...); departing (at time ...) / sending; sent (by ...); sent (at ...) / engine / counter for gunshots, bursts of gas, etc.; counter for bullets, bombs, etc.; counter for blows (punches)
- 繁栄【はんえい】 prospering; prosperity; thriving; flourishing
- 非難【ひなん】 criticism; blame; censure; attack; reproach
- 票【ひょう】 vote; ballot / label; ticket; tag; stub
- 不在【ふざい】 absence / disregard; indifference
- 不良【ふりょう】 bad; poor; inferior / delinquent; hoodlum; hooligan
- 富【とみ】 riches; wealth; fortune / resources / lottery
- 複合【ふくごう】 composite; combined; complex
- 変革【へんかく】 change; transformation; innovation; reform; revolution; revolutionizing; upheaval / Reformation
- 保育【ほいく】 nursing; nurturing; rearing; lactation; suckling
- 捕虜【ほりょ】 prisoner (of war)
- 法学【ほうがく】 law; jurisprudence
- 本質【ほんしつ】 essence; true nature; substance; reality
- 未定【みてい】 not yet fixed; undecided; pending
- 無線【むせん】 wireless; radio
- 名称【めいしょう】 name; title
- 矢【や】 arrow / wedge; chock
- 余地【よち】 place; room; margin; scope
- 施行【しこう】 execution; enforcing; carrying out / giving alms; giving food to the poor or monks
- 出生【しゅっしょう】 birth
- 育成【いくせい】 rearing; training; nurture; cultivation; promotion
- 兆し【きざし】 signs; omen; symptoms
- 貯蓄【ちょちく】 savings
- 取り扱い【とりあつかい】 treatment; service; handling; management
- 末期【まっき】 closing years (period, days); last stage; end stage; end-of-life (care, decision making, etc.) / terminal (e.g. cancer, disease, etc.); final
- 世【よ】 world; society; age; generation
- 改定【かいてい】 revision (of a rule, price, etc.); alteration; change
- 契機【けいき】 opportunity; chance
- 孤児【こじ】 orphan
- 作り【つくり】 making; producing; manufacturing; building; construction; make; structure / appearance (attire, make-up, etc.) / build; physique / sashimi / forced (smile, etc.)
- 自立【じりつ】 independence; self-reliance
- 住【じゅう】 dwelling; living
- 戦力【せんりょく】 war potential; military strength; fighting power / ability (to compete); capabilities; valuable asset
- 装備【そうび】 equipment
- 走行【そうこう】 running a wheeled vehicle (e.g. car); running to program, job, etc.; traveling; travelling
- 打開【だかい】 break in the deadlock
- 土俵【どひょう】 (wrestling) ring / forum (e.g. for discussion) / sandbag; gabion
- 念【ねん】 sense; idea; thought; feeling / desire; concern / attention; care
- 福【ふく】 good fortune
- 文【ふみ】 letter; writings
- 捕鯨【ほげい】 whaling; whale fishing
- 募金【ぼきん】 fund-raising; collection of funds
- 野生【やせい】 wild; growing wild; living in the wild / I
- 依存【いぞん】 dependence; reliance
- ほんの《本の》 mere; only; just; slight
- 暗殺【あんさつ】 assassination
- 衣装【いしょう】 clothing; costume; outfit; garment; dress
- 運命【うんめい】 fate; destiny; lot
- 英雄【えいゆう】 hero; heroine; great person / Eroica Symphony (Beethoven, 1804) / Heroic Polonaise (Chopin)
- 沿岸【えんがん】 coast; shore; littoral
- 河川【かせん】 rivers
- 階級【かいきゅう】 (social) class / rank; grade
- 概念【がいねん】 general idea; concept; notion
- 記述【きじゅつ】 description; account
- 技【わざ】 technique; art; skill
- 強烈【きょうれつ】 strong; intense; severe
- 教訓【きょうくん】 lesson; precept; teachings; moral
- 近郊【きんこう】 suburbs; outskirts
- 区間【くかん】 section (of track, etc.); segment; dimension / interval
- 軍備【ぐんび】 armaments; military preparations
- 掲げる【かかげる】 to publish; to print; to carry (an article) / to put up; to hang out; to hoist; to fly (a sail); to float (a flag, kite, etc.) / to tuck up (e.g. sleeves); to roll up / to tout (a principle, plan, etc.); to adopt (a slogan) / to stoke a fire; to fan a flame
- 固定【こてい】 fixing (in place); securing; anchoring; fastening down / fixing (e.g. salary, capital); keeping the same / fixation (histology) / user name (on an online forum like 2ch where the majority of users post anonymously) / user who uses a online handle (instead of posting anonymously)
- 孤立【こりつ】 isolation; being alone; being friendless
- 公団【こうだん】 public corporation / public housing
- 向き【むき】 direction; orientation; aspect; exposure / suited to; suitable for; designed for / tendency; inclination / nature (of a request or desire) / person
- 作【さく】 work (e.g. of art); production / harvest; cultivation; farming; crop; yield / technique
- 使命【しめい】 mission; errand / task; duty; obligation
- 実践【じっせん】 practice; putting into practice; implementation / praxis (philosophy)
- 受け止める【うけとめる】 to catch; to stop the blow / to react to; to take (advice, etc.); to accept; to come to grips with
- 襲う【おそう】 to attack; to assail; to make an assault; to strike; to hunt down / to succeed (someone in a post, role, etc.) / to make a sudden visit
- 昇進【しょうしん】 promotion; advancement; rising in rank
- 上演【じょうえん】 performance (of a play, opera, etc.); staging; presentation
- 植民地【しょくみんち】 colony / colonial
- 職務【しょくむ】 professional duties
- 真実【しんじつ】 truth; reality
- 進行【しんこう】 moving forward (e.g. vehicle); onward movement / advance (work, procedure, etc); advancement; progress / progress (of a disease); disease progression / progression (harmonic, melodic)
- 人質【ひとじち】 hostage
- 水田【すいでん】 (water-filled) paddy field
- 制約【せいやく】 limitation; restriction; condition; constraints
- 青春【せいしゅん】 youth; springtime of life; adolescent
- 鮮やか【あざやか】 vivid; bright; brilliant; clear; fresh; vibrant / skillful; skilful; adept; adroit; deft; brilliant; beautiful; fine; excellent
- 創刊【そうかん】 launching (e.g. newspaper); first issue
- 創造【そうぞう】 creation
- 騒動【そうどう】 strife; riot; rebellion; turmoil / (media) uproar; brouhaha; (public) outcry; scandal; controversy / feud; tussle; quarrel; dispute
- 脱出【だっしゅつ】 escape; break-out / prolapse; proptosis
- 脱退【だったい】 withdrawal (e.g. from an organization); secession; leaving; pulling out
- 短歌【たんか】 tanka; 31-mora Japanese poem
- 短縮【たんしゅく】 shortening; contraction; reduction; curtailment; abbreviation
- 抽選【ちゅうせん】 lottery; raffle; drawing (of lots)
- 潮【しお】 tide; current / sea water / opportunity; chance / thin soup of fish or shellfish boiled in seawater
- 天井【てんじょう】 ceiling / ceiling price; (price) ceiling
- 点検【てんけん】 inspection; examination; checking
- 当たり【あたり】 hit / success / guess; prediction / affability; friendliness / sensation; touch / bruise (on fruit) / situation in which a stone or chain of stones may be captured on the next move (in the game of go) / bite (of a fish on a hook); strike / per; each
- 同志【どうし】 like-mindedness; (being of the) same mind; shared sentiment / comrade; fellow; kindred soul
- 妊娠【にんしん】 conception; pregnancy
- 農地【のうち】 agricultural land; farmland
- 排除【はいじょ】 exclusion; removal; rejection; elimination; abatement; lifting (sanctions, etc.)
- 反響【はんきょう】 echo; reverberation / repercussion; reaction; response; influence
- 反撃【はんげき】 counterattack; counteroffensive; counterblow
- 品質【ひんしつ】 (material) quality
- 貧困【ひんこん】 poverty; penury; need; destitution / shortage; lack; want
- 不可欠【ふかけつ】 indispensable; essential
- 負債【ふさい】 debt; liabilities
- 分担【ぶんたん】 taking on one's share (e.g. of work); dividing (work, expenses, etc.) between; apportionment; allotment; allocation; assignment
- 放射能【ほうしゃのう】 radioactivity
- 妨害【ぼうがい】 disturbance; obstruction; hindrance; jamming; interference
- 暴動【ぼうどう】 insurrection; rebellion; revolt; riot; uprising
- 無効【むこう】 invalid; void; ineffective; unavailable
- 様相【ようそう】 aspect; phase; condition / modality (philosophy)
- 用紙【ようし】 blank form / sheets of paper; sheet of paper
- 養成【ようせい】 training; education; development; cultivation
- 了解【りょうかい】 comprehension; consent; understanding; agreement / OK; roger (on two-way radio)
- 連休【れんきゅう】 consecutive holidays
- 連帯【れんたい】 solidarity / joint; collective
- 幹【みき】 (tree) trunk; (arrow) shaft; (tool) handle; backbone; base
- 値【あたい】 price; cost / value; worth; merit / value
- 肝心【かんじん】 essential; important; crucial; vital; main
- 個々【ここ】 individual; one by one; separate
- 着【ちゃく】 counter for suits of clothing / arriving at ...
- 手当【てあて】 salary; pay; compensation; allowance (e.g. housing allowance); benefit; bonus / medical care; treatment / advance preparation
- 届【とどけ】 report; notification; registration
- 沿い【ぞい】 along
- 持ち【もち】 hold; charge; keep possession; in charge / wear; durability; life; draw / usage
- 委託【いたく】 entrusting (something to a person); consignment (of goods); putting in someone's charge; trust; commission
- 衣料【いりょう】 clothing
- 一帯【いったい】 whole area; whole region / stretch (of land); tract; belt; zone
- 一律【いちりつ】 uniform; even; across-the-board; equal
- 下位【かい】 low rank; lower position; subordinate position; lower order (e.g. byte)
- 化石【かせき】 fossil / petrifaction; petrification; fossilization; fossilisation
- 改良【かいりょう】 improvement; reform
- 階【かい】 storey; story; floor / stairs / stage (in chronostratigraphy) / counter for storeys and floors of a building
- 学芸【がくげい】 arts and sciences; liberal arts
- 刊行【かんこう】 publication; issue
- 慣行【かんこう】 customary practice; habit; traditional event
- 緩やか【ゆるやか】 loose; slack / gentle; easy; slow / lenient; liberal; lax
- 結束【けっそく】 union; unity; solidarity / bundling; binding; tying / putting on (clothes, armour, etc.)
- 言論【げんろん】 (one's) speech; expression of views; discussion
- 故人【こじん】 the deceased; the departed
- 巧み【たくみ】 skillful; adroit; dexterous; masterful; clever; ingenious; cunning
- 拘束【こうそく】 restriction; restraint; binding; constraint
- 控除【こうじょ】 subtraction; deduction (e.g. tax); subsidy
- 皇居【こうきょ】 Imperial Palace (of Japan); imperial residence
- 行【ぎょう】 line (i.e. of text); row; verse / carya (austerities) / samskara (formations) / running script (a semi-cursive style of kanji)
- 高まる【たかまる】 to rise; to swell; to be promoted
- 再発【さいはつ】 return; relapse; reoccurrence
- 採算【さいさん】 profit
- 採択【さいたく】 adoption; selection; choice
- 参照【さんしょう】 reference; bibliographical reference; consultation; browsing (e.g. when selecting a file to upload on a computer); checking out
- 山岳【さんがく】 mountains
- 思考【しこう】 thought; consideration; thinking
- 至って【いたって】 very much; exceedingly; extremely
- 飼育【しいく】 breeding; raising; rearing
- 持続【じぞく】 continuation; persisting; lasting; sustaining; enduring
- 若干【じゃっかん】 some; few; a number of; a little (bit) / somewhat; to a certain extent / many; a lot
- 受け入れる【うけいれる】 to accept; to receive; to agree
- 収容【しゅうよう】 accommodation; reception; housing / seating / custody (e.g. awaiting deportation); internment / admission; hospitalization / entering (e.g. in dictionary)
- 襲撃【しゅうげき】 attack; charge; raid
- 集計【しゅうけい】 totalization; totalisation; aggregation; tally (e.g. votes)
- 奨励【しょうれい】 encouragement; promotion; inducement; incitement; stimulation
- 照明【しょうめい】 illumination; lighting
- 上がり【あがり】 rise; increase; ascent / income; proceeds; return; profit; crop yield / freshly-drawn green tea (esp. in sushi shops) / completion; stop; finish / end result (e.g. of crafts like painting, pottery, etc.); how something comes out / after (rain, illness, etc.) / ex- (e.g. ex-bureaucrat) / northbound
- 上陸【じょうりく】 landing; disembarkation; landfall
- 情熱【じょうねつ】 passion; enthusiasm; zeal
- 制服【せいふく】 uniform
- 正規【せいき】 regular; normal; formal; legal; established; legitimate
- 清算【せいさん】 settlement (financial); squaring accounts; clearing debts / liquidation / ending (a relationship); breaking up (with); burying (the past); redeeming (one's faults)
- 船舶【せんぱく】 vessel; ship; shipping; seacraft
- 阻止【そし】 obstruction; check; hindrance; prevention; impediment; interdiction; preemption; blocking
- 炭素【たんそ】 carbon (C)
- 地獄【じごく】 hell
- 着陸【ちゃくりく】 landing; alighting; touch down
- 調理【ちょうり】 cooking; food preparation
- 伝説【でんせつ】 tradition; legend; folklore
- 土木【どぼく】 engineering works; civil engineering; public works
- 統制【とうせい】 regulation; control
- 特許【とっきょ】 patent; special permission; licence (license); concession; franchise; charter / proprietary
- 内訳【うちわけ】 itemization (of expenses); the items; breakdown; classification
- 日の丸【ひのまる】 outline of the sun (esp. represented as a red circle) / the Japanese flag
- 日ごろ【ひごろ】 normally; habitually
- 背後【はいご】 back; rear / background; behind the scenes
- 配置【はいち】 arrangement (of resources); deployment; stationing; posting; disposition; configuration; layout
- 発掘【はっくつ】 excavation; exhumation / discovery (e.g. new talent)
- 悲観【ひかん】 pessimism; disappointment
- 疲労【ひろう】 fatigue; weariness
- 品種【ひんしゅ】 kind (of goods); brand / (taxonomical) form / breed; cultivar
- 敏感【びんかん】 sensitive; alert; aware; susceptible
- 文化財【ぶんかざい】 cultural assets; cultural property
- 穂【ほ】 ear (of plant); head (of plant) / point; tip / scion (in grafting); cion
- 密接【みっせつ】 close (relationship, connection, etc.); intimate; near / close (together)
- 有機【ゆうき】 organic
- 誘導【ゆうどう】 guidance; leading; induction; introduction; incitement; inducement
- 用品【ようひん】 articles; supplies; parts
- 立体【りったい】 solid body; three-dimensional object / multi-storey car park
- 旅客【りょかく】 passenger / traveller; traveler; tourist
- 領域【りょういき】 area; domain; territory; field; range; region; regime
- 墓地【ぼち】 cemetery; graveyard
- 本文【ほんぶん】 text (of a book, document, etc.); body (of a letter) / this passage; this sentence
- 運送【うんそう】 transport; freight; shipping
- 取り締まり【とりしまり】 control; management; supervision
- 一重【ひとえ】 one layer; single layer
- 異論【いろん】 different opinion; objection
- 一括【いっかつ】 lumping together; summing up; bundle; lump; batch
- 園【その】 garden (esp. man-made); orchard; park; plantation / place; location
- 黄金【おうごん】 gold
- 何と【なんと】 what; how; whatever
- 家計【かけい】 household economy; family finances
- 過疎【かそ】 depopulation
- 海峡【かいきょう】 channel (e.g. between two land masses); strait
- 学歴【がくれき】 academic background
- 干渉【かんしょう】 interference; intervention; meddling
- 歓声【かんせい】 cheer; shout of joy
- 還元【かんげん】 restoration; return / reduction; resolution; deoxidization; deoxidation
- 期日【きじつ】 fixed date; settlement date
- 棄権【きけん】 abstention (from voting); renunciation (of a right); withdrawal (from a contest)
- 規格【きかく】 standard; norm
- 記載【きさい】 mention (in a document); record; entry; statement; listing
- 技能【ぎのう】 technical skill; ability; capacity
- 議決【ぎけつ】 resolution; decision; vote
- 及ぶ【およぶ】 to reach; to amount to; to befall; to happen to; to extend / to be up to the task; to come up to / to compare with; to be a match (for) / to commit (a crime) / to require (to do)
- 宮殿【きゅうでん】 palace
- 強める【つよめる】 to strengthen; to emphasize; to emphasise
- 教材【きょうざい】 teaching materials
- 脅迫【きょうはく】 threat; menace; coercion; terrorism
- 驚き【おどろき】 surprise; astonishment; wonder; amazement
- 均衡【きんこう】 equilibrium; balance
- 区【く】 ward; district; section
- 経歴【けいれき】 personal history; career
- 固める【かためる】 to harden; to freeze; to strengthen; to solidify; to make (a fist); to tramp down (snow, dirt) / to put together; to collect; to gather; to consolidate / to make secure; to stabilize; to settle down; to strengthen (belief, resolution, etc.); to establish (evidence) / to fortify; to reinforce; to support / to wear for a specific purpose (armor, coat, etc.) / to swear; to resolutely vow; to sincerely promise / to tie tightly; to fasten / to hold a bow fully drawn
- 固有【こゆう】 characteristic; traditional; peculiar; inherent; native; eigen-
- 孤独【こどく】 solitude; loneliness; isolation
- 公募【こうぼ】 public appeal (e.g. for contributions); public offering (of securities); public advertisement (of a post); open recruitment
- 洪水【こうずい】 flood; flooding
- 航海【こうかい】 voyage; navigation; sailing; passage; cruise
- 作用【さよう】 action; operation; effect; function
- 使い【つかい】 errand; mission; going as envoy / messenger; bearer; errand boy; errand girl / familiar spirit / use; usage; user; trainer; tamer; charmer
- 自覚【じかく】 self-consciousness; self-awareness
- 斜面【しゃめん】 slope; slanting surface; bevel
- 手軽【てがる】 easy; simple; informal; offhand; cheap
- 手順【てじゅん】 process; procedure; sequence; protocol; instruction
- 樹木【じゅもく】 tree; trees and shrubs
- 終始【しゅうし】 beginning and end / doing something from beginning to end; being unchanged from beginning to end / from beginning to end; the whole time; throughout; consistently
- 出血【しゅっけつ】 bleeding; haemorrhage; hemorrhage / bleeding money; red ink; selling below cost
- 詳細【しょうさい】 details; particulars; specifics / detailed; specific; minute
- 丈【たけ】 height; stature / length (esp. of clothing) / all (one has); everything / magnificence (of a waka poem, etc.)
- 紳士【しんし】 gentleman
- 親善【しんぜん】 friendship; goodwill; friendly relations; amity
- 人柄【ひとがら】 personality; character; personal appearance; gentility
- 誠に【まことに】 indeed; really; absolutely; truly; actually; very; quite
- 絶望【ぜつぼう】 despair; hopelessness
- 前例【ぜんれい】 precedent
- 存続【そんぞく】 duration; continuance
- 着工【ちゃっこう】 starting (construction) work
- 調和【ちょうわ】 harmony; accord; reconciliation; agreement
- 沈黙【ちんもく】 silence; being silent; quiet; hush / reticence; inaction
- 津波【つなみ】 tsunami; tidal wave
- 墜落【ついらく】 fall; crash (e.g. aircraft)
- 痛感【つうかん】 feeling keenly; fully realizing
- 定義【ていぎ】 definition
- 徒歩【とほ】 walking; going on foot
- 特有【とくゆう】 characteristic (of); peculiar (to)
- 肉親【にくしん】 blood relationship; blood relative
- 乳【ちち】 milk / breast / loop / decorative bump (on a hanging bell)
- 熱意【ねつい】 zeal; enthusiasm; ardor; ardour
- 粘り【ねばり】 stickiness; viscosity / tenacity; persistence
- 排水【はいすい】 drainage
- 反乱【はんらん】 insurrection; mutiny; rebellion; revolt; uprising
- 扉【とびら】 door; gate; opening / title page
- 美【び】 beauty
- 苗【なえ】 seedling; young plant / rice seedling
- 頻繁【ひんぱん】 frequent; incessant
- 赴任【ふにん】 moving to a different location to start a new job; (proceeding to) new appointment
- 部下【ぶか】 subordinate person
- 風土【ふうど】 natural features; topography; climate; spiritual features
- 分子【ぶんし】 numerator / molecule / member; element
- 補給【ほきゅう】 supply; supplying; replenishment
- 放棄【ほうき】 abandonment; renunciation; resignation; abdication (responsibility, right)
- 方策【ほうさく】 plan; policy
- 本気【ほんき】 seriousness; earnestness; truth; sanctity
- 麻【あさ】 cannabis (Cannabis sativa); hemp (plant) / hemp (fiber); linen; flax; jute
- 様式【ようしき】 style; form; pattern
- 利子【りし】 interest (on a loan, deposit, etc.)
- 恋愛【れんあい】 love; love-making; passion; emotion; affections
- 共存【きょうぞん】 coexistence
- 仕掛け【しかけ】 device; contrivance; mechanism; gadget / trick; trap; calculated manipulation; gambit / (small) scale; half finished / commencement; initiation / set up; laying out; preparation / challenge; attack
- 華やか【はなやか】 showy; brilliant; gorgeous; florid; gay
- 域外【いきがい】 outside the area
- 一変【いっぺん】 complete change; about-face
- 過労【かろう】 overwork; strain
- 簡易【かんい】 simplicity; convenience; easiness; quasi-
- 簡素【かんそ】 simple; plain; modest
- 喜劇【きげき】 comedy; funny show
- 気軽【きがる】 carefree; buoyant; lighthearted; sprightly / ease
- 規約【きやく】 agreement; rules; code; protocol; convention; bylaw
- 記す【しるす】 to write down; to note; to jot down / to remember
- 共感【きょうかん】 sympathy; empathy; response
- 勤労【きんろう】 labor; labour; exertion; diligent service
- 軽減【けいげん】 abatement; reduction
- 結核【けっかく】 tuberculosis; tubercule
- 血管【けっかん】 blood vessel; vein
- 元年【がんねん】 first year (of a specific reign)
- 戸籍【こせき】 family register / census
- 好意【こうい】 kindness; favor; favour; friendliness / goodwill; affection; liking (for someone); love
- 講習【こうしゅう】 short course; training
- 合間【あいま】 interval; break; pause; spare moment
- 合唱【がっしょう】 chorus; singing in a chorus
- 昆虫【こんちゅう】 insect; bug
- 市街【しがい】 urban areas; the streets; town; city
- 脂肪【しぼう】 fat; grease; blubber; lard; suet
- 視覚【しかく】 sense of sight; vision
- 主題【しゅだい】 subject; theme; motif
- 手元【てもと】 at hand; on hand; nearby; close at hand / way of moving one's arms; skill / money at hand; pocket money / grip; handle
- 衆議院【しゅうぎいん】 House of Representatives (lower house of the National Diet of Japan)
- 処置【しょち】 measure; step; dealing with / medical treatment
- 書評【しょひょう】 book review
- 女史【じょし】 Ms; Miss; Madame / highbrow (woman); cerebral
- 商【しょう】 quotient / dealing; dealer; store / second degree (of the Japanese & Chinese pentatonic scale) / Shang (dynasty of China)
- 小切手【こぎって】 cheque; check
- 沼【ぬま】 marsh; swamp; wetland; bog; pond
- 情【じょう】 feelings; emotion; sentiment / compassion; sympathy / passion; affection; love / the way things really are; the actual situation
- 信任【しんにん】 trust; confidence; credence
- 新興【しんこう】 rising; developing; emergent; burgeoning; new
- 新築【しんちく】 new building; new construction
- 真理【しんり】 truth
- 人格【じんかく】 personality; character; individuality; personhood
- 人体【じんたい】 human body
- 誠実【せいじつ】 sincere; honest; faithful
- 切り【きり】 end; finish; stop / bounds; limits / delivery date (of a futures contract) / finale (of a noh song); end of an act (in jōruri or kabuki); final performance of the day (in vaudeville) / counter for slices (esp. thick slices); counter for cuts (e.g. fish, meat) / only; just / since; after / remaining (in a particular state)
- 前途【ぜんと】 future; prospects; outlook / journey ahead; distance yet to cover
- 僧【そう】 monk; priest
- 送金【そうきん】 remittance; sending money
- 増強【ぞうきょう】 augment; reinforce; increase
- 他方【たほう】 one (esp. of two); the other; one way; the other way; one direction; the other direction; one side; the other side; one party; the other party / on the other hand
- 対処【たいしょ】 dealing with; coping with
- 対等【たいとう】 equality (esp. of status, on equal terms); equivalence / equivalent; equal
- 大筋【おおすじ】 outline; summary
- 単一【たんいつ】 single; simple; sole; individual; unitary
- 団結【だんけつ】 unity; union; solidarity; combination; teaming up
- 中枢【ちゅうすう】 centre; center; pivot; mainstay; nucleus; backbone; central figure; pillar; key man
- 著名【ちょめい】 well-known; noted; celebrated
- 停滞【ていたい】 stagnation; tie-up; standstill; congestion; delay; accumulation; falling into arrears
- 天国【てんごく】 paradise; heaven; Kingdom of Heaven
- 動員【どういん】 mobilization; mobilisation
- 同情【どうじょう】 sympathy; compassion; feeling pity for
- 任命【にんめい】 appointment; nomination; ordination; commission; designation
- 農場【のうじょう】 farm (agriculture)
- 配給【はいきゅう】 distribution (e.g. films, rice) / rationing (e.g. food, gasoline) / food ration
- 配偶者【はいぐうしゃ】 spouse; wife; husband; partner
- 倍率【ばいりつ】 magnification; leverage; amplification; scaling factor; scale factor / acceptance rate; pass rate (of an exam, etc.)
- 爆破【ばくは】 destructive blast; blowing up; explosion
- 発作【ほっさ】 fit; spasm; attack; seizure
- 繁殖【はんしょく】 breeding; multiplication; increase; propagation; reproduction
- 悲惨【ひさん】 disastrous; tragic; miserable; wretched; pitiful; woeful
- 匹敵【ひってき】 to be a match for; to rival; to equal; to compare with; to be equivalent to
- 不審【ふしん】 incomplete understanding; doubt; question; distrust; suspicion; strangeness; infidelity
- 不調【ふちょう】 bad condition; not to work out (i.e. a deal); disagreement; break-off; disorder; slump; out of form
- 不服【ふふく】 dissatisfaction; discontent; disapproval; objection; complaint; protest; disagreement
- 風俗【ふうぞく】 manners; customs / sex service; sex industry; sex-oriented entertainment
- 復旧【ふっきゅう】 restoration; restitution; rehabilitation
- 分配【ぶんぱい】 division; splitting; sharing; distribution; dissemination; allocation
- 偏見【へんけん】 prejudice; narrow view
- 保管【ほかん】 charge; custody; safekeeping; deposit; storage
- 補強【ほきょう】 compensation; reinforcement
- 奉仕【ほうし】 service; ministry; attendance; church work / offering goods at a reduced price; providing a service for free
- 面会【めんかい】 meeting (face-to-face); interview
- 網【あみ】 net; netting / web
- 野外【やがい】 outdoors; outside; open air / fields; outskirts; suburbs
- 優位【ゆうい】 predominance; ascendancy; superiority
- 余暇【よか】 leisure; leisure time; spare time
- 要する【ようする】 to need; to demand; to take; to require
- 利息【りそく】 interest (on a loan, deposit, etc.)
- 良好【りょうこう】 favorable; favourable; satisfactory
- 円滑【えんかつ】 smooth; undisturbed; uninterrupted; harmonious
- 威力【いりょく】 power; might; authority; influence
- 蔵【くら】 warehouse; storehouse; cellar; magazine; granary; godown; depository; treasury; elevator
- 建て前【たてまえ】 face; official stance; public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts) / ceremony for the erection of the framework of a house / tea ceremony procedures; tea ceremony etiquette
- 時折【ときおり】 sometimes
- 早める【はやめる】 to bring forward (e.g. by 3 hours); to advance; to hasten (e.g. one's death); to expedite; to precipitate / to quicken (e.g. one's step); to speed up; to accelerate
- 屋敷【やしき】 residence; estate; grounds; premises; mansion
- 理屈【りくつ】 theory; reason
- 問【もん】 counter for questions
- 碑【いしぶみ】 stone monument bearing an inscription (esp. memorial for future generations); stele; stela
- 忠実【ちゅうじつ】 faithful; devoted; loyal; honest; true
- 意地【いじ】 stubbornness; obstinacy; willpower; pride / disposition; nature / appetite; desire; greed
- 異議【いぎ】 objection; dissent; protest
- 異動【いどう】 change (personnel); transfer; reshuffle
- 移住【いじゅう】 migration; immigration
- 運搬【うんぱん】 transport; transportation; conveyance; carriage
- 回路【かいろ】 circuit (electric) / cycle (e.g. Krebs cycle)
- 開拓【かいたく】 reclamation (e.g. wasteland); cultivation; development / pioneering; opening up (e.g. new market); breaking new ground; trailblazing
- 楽観【らっかん】 optimism; taking an optimistic view
- 耐える【たえる】 to bear; to stand; to endure; to put up with / to support; to withstand; to resist; to brave / to be fit for; to be equal to
- 換算【かんさん】 conversion (e.g. yen to dollars); change; exchange; translation (numerical)
- 観衆【かんしゅう】 spectators; onlookers; members of the audience
- 器【うつわ】 bowl; vessel; container / ability; capacity; calibre; caliber
- 祈り【いのり】 prayer; supplication
- 客観【きゃっかん】 objectivity; objective; object (philosophical)
- 興奮【こうふん】 excitement; stimulation; agitation; arousal
- 群【ぐん】 group; bunch; crowd; throng; swarm; band / group
- 結び【むすび】 ending; conclusion / join; union; connecting / knot; knotting / rice ball
- 好ましい【このましい】 nice; likeable; desirable
- 考古学【こうこがく】 archaeology; archeology
- 行進【こうしん】 march; parade
- 鉱山【こうざん】 mine (ore)
- 高原【こうげん】 tableland; plateau
- 号【ごう】 number; edition; make; model; issue; part of that group / sobriquet; pen-name / suffix attached to names of ships, trains, airplanes, etc.
- 国有【こくゆう】 national ownership
- 根回し【ねまわし】 making necessary arrangements; laying the groundwork / digging around the roots of a tree (before transplanting)
- 根底【こんてい】 root; basis; foundation
- 細菌【さいきん】 bacterium; bacteria; germ
- 酸【さん】 acid / sourness; sour taste
- 志望【しぼう】 wish; desire; ambition
- 指令【しれい】 orders; instructions; directive; command
- 辞退【じたい】 declining; refusal; nonacceptance; turning down; withdrawal (e.g. candidacy); pulling out (e.g. race); excusing oneself
- 就業【しゅうぎょう】 employment; starting work
- 修了【しゅうりょう】 completion (of a course)
- 出動【しゅつどう】 sailing; marching; going out; dispatch
- 出品【しゅっぴん】 exhibit; display; putting up for sale
- 所在【しょざい】 whereabouts; place where one is; position; location
- 所持【しょじ】 possession; owning
- 消息【しょうそく】 news (from somebody); letter; contact / (somebody's) whereabouts; (somebody's) movements
- 信者【しんじゃ】 believer; adherent; devotee
- 振動【しんどう】 oscillation; vibration; swing (e.g. of a pendulum)
- 深める【ふかめる】 to deepen; to heighten; to intensify
- 責務【せきむ】 duty; obligation
- 素朴【そぼく】 simple; artless; naive; unsophisticated
- 装飾【そうしょく】 ornament; decoration
- 妥結【だけつ】 settlement; an agreement
- 弾力【だんりょく】 elasticity; flexibility
- 断言【だんげん】 assertion; declaration; affirmation
- 中断【ちゅうだん】 interruption; suspension; break
- 中毒【ちゅうどく】 poisoning / addiction
- 提示【ていじ】 presentation; exhibit; suggest; citation
- 天才【てんさい】 genius; prodigy; natural gift
- 転勤【てんきん】 job transfer; job relocation; intra-company transfer
- 田園【でんえん】 the country; countryside; rural districts / cultivated land; fields
- 電源【でんげん】 source of electricity; electrical power / power (button on TV, etc.)
- 土台【どだい】 foundation; base; basis / from the beginning; from the outset; by nature
- 動揺【どうよう】 shaking; trembling; pitching; rolling; oscillation / disturbance; unrest; agitation; excitement; commotion; turmoil; discomposure; feeling shaken
- 特権【とっけん】 privilege; special right
- 肉体【にくたい】 the body; the flesh
- 日取り【ひどり】 fixed date; appointed day
- 版画【はんが】 woodcut; woodblock print; art print
- 悲鳴【ひめい】 shriek; scream
- 封鎖【ふうさ】 blockade / freezing (funds)
- 分散【ぶんさん】 dispersion; breakup; scattering; decentralization; decentralisation; distribution / variance / dispersion
- 便宜【べんぎ】 convenience; accommodation; advantage; benefit; expediency
- 募る【つのる】 to grow violent; to become stronger; to become worse / to invite contributions, etc.; to solicit help, participation, etc.; to recruit (e.g. soldiers)
- 満たす【みたす】 to satisfy (conditions, one's appetite, etc.); to meet (e.g. demands); to fulfill; to gratify / to fill (e.g. a cup); to pack; to supply
- 無言【むごん】 silence
- 無断【むだん】 without permission; without notice
- 模型【もけい】 model; dummy; maquette
- 優勢【ゆうせい】 superiority; superior power; predominance; preponderance
- 乱用【らんよう】 abuse; misuse; misappropriation; using to excess
- 老衰【ろうすい】 senility; senile decay; infirmity (through age)
- 手がかり【てがかり】 clue; lead; key; trail; scent; track / handhold; hold
- 堂々【どうどう】 magnificent; grand; impressive; dignified; majestic; imposing; stately / fair; square; open; unashamed; brazen / grandly; boldly; confidently / fairly; squarely; unreservedly; brazenly
- 科【か】 department; section; faculty; school; arm / course (of study); branch of study; specialization / (taxonomical) family
- 改修【かいしゅう】 repair; improvement
- 外来【がいらい】 foreign; imported / outpatient; outpatient care; outpatient clinic; outpatient ward
- 確信【かくしん】 conviction; belief; confidence
- 感触【かんしょく】 feel (i.e. tactile sensation); touch; feeling; sensation; texture (e.g. food, cloth)
- 慣例【かんれい】 custom; precedent; of convention
- 貴族【きぞく】 noble; aristocrat; peer
- 戯曲【ぎきょく】 play; drama
- 究極【きゅうきょく】 ultimate; final; last; eventual
- 教え【おしえ】 teaching; instruction; teachings; precept; lesson; doctrine
- 教科【きょうか】 subject; curriculum
- 傾斜【けいしゃ】 inclination; slant; slope; bevel; list; dip; tilt; lean
- 激励【げきれい】 encouragement
- 好評【こうひょう】 popularity; favorable reputation; favourable reputation
- 行員【こういん】 bank clerk
- 合成【ごうせい】 composition; synthesis / composite; compound; synthetic; mixed; combined / (function) composition
- 最善【さいぜん】 the very best; utmost
- 雑貨【ざっか】 miscellaneous goods; general goods; sundries
- 仕様【しよう】 way; method; means; resource; remedy / (technical) specification
- 歯科【しか】 dentistry
- 実業家【じつぎょうか】 businessman; industrialist
- 祝賀【しゅくが】 celebration; congratulations
- 盾【たて】 shield; buckler; escutcheon; pretext
- 承諾【しょうだく】 consent; approval; acceptance; agreement; compliance
- 心情【しんじょう】 sentiment; emotions; one's feelings; one's heart
- 申し出【もうしで】 proposal; request; claim; report; notice; offer
- 親しむ【したしむ】 to be intimate with; to befriend
- 精密【せいみつ】 precise; exact; detailed; accurate; minute; close
- 切実【せつじつ】 earnest; sincere; acute; keen; fervent / pressing; urgent; serious; severe / pertinent; appropriate
- 先着【せんちゃく】 arriving first
- 組み込む【くみこむ】 to insert; to include; to incorporate; to cut in (printing)
- 対談【たいだん】 talk; dialogue; conversation
- 台本【だいほん】 script; libretto; scenario
- 大方【おおかた】 large part; greater part; majority / people in general; general public; public at large / mostly; for the most part; almost; nearly / probably; maybe; perhaps
- 恥【はじ】 shame; embarrassment; disgrace
- 蓄積【ちくせき】 accumulation; accumulate; store
- 徴収【ちょうしゅう】 collection (of fees, taxes, etc.); levy
- 追跡【ついせき】 chase; pursuit; tracking; stalking / following up; tracing
- 訂正【ていせい】 correction; revision; amendment
- 適応【てきおう】 adaptation; accommodation; conformity
- 投入【とうにゅう】 throwing into; inserting; depositing / investment; putting in (personnel, etc.) / release of a product / making (an electrical circuit)
- 同居【どうきょ】 coexistence; living together
- 内陸【ないりく】 inland
- 難【なん】 difficulty; trouble; hardship / accident; disaster; danger / fault; defect / criticism
- 入手【にゅうしゅ】 acquisition; obtaining; coming to hand
- 入浴【にゅうよく】 bathing / to bathe; to take a bath; to enter a bath
- 納入【のうにゅう】 payment (taxes, fees, etc.) / supply (of goods); delivery
- 配布【はいふ】 distribution
- 罰【ばち】 (divine) punishment; curse; retribution
- 比重【ひじゅう】 specific gravity; relative density / relative importance; weight
- 肥料【ひりょう】 manure; fertilizer; fertiliser
- 負傷【ふしょう】 injury; wound
- 歩み【あゆみ】 walking / progress; advance
- 膨張【ぼうちょう】 expansion; swelling; increase; growth
- 本場【ほんば】 home; habitat; center; centre; best place / authentic; genuine
- 膜【まく】 membrane; film
- 猛烈【もうれつ】 fierce; intense; severe; violent; strong; vehement; terrific; terrible
- 有望【ゆうぼう】 good prospects; full of hope; promising
- 落ち込む【おちこむ】 to feel down; to feel sad; to be depressed; to be in low spirits / to be in a slump (business, economy, etc.); to be in an unfavourable condition / to fall into (e.g. a hole)
- 林業【りんぎょう】 forestry
- はす《蓮》 sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera); Indian lotus; lotus / rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus)
- 連中【れんちゅう】 company; lot; bunch; gang; pack; those guys; group / troupe; company (of musicians)
- 朗読【ろうどく】 reading aloud; recitation
- 俺【おれ】 I; me
- 助言【じょげん】 advice; suggestion
- 生かす【いかす】 to make (the best) use of; to put to good use; to leverage (skills, attributes, experience, etc.); to capitalise on (experience, etc.) / to let live; to keep alive / to revive; to resuscitate; to bring back to life / to restore (a deleted passage; in proofreading)
- 区画【くかく】 division; section; compartment; block; plot; lot; partition; boundary
- 仕上げ【しあげ】 end; finishing touches; being finished
- 探検【たんけん】 exploration; expedition
- 並【なみ】 average; medium; common; ordinary / mid-grade (item); regular grade / same level as; equal to; equivalent to; on par with / each (e.g. month); every / row of (teeth, houses, etc.); line of
- 図る【はかる】 to plan; to attempt; to devise / to plot; to conspire; to scheme / to aim for; to strive for; to work towards; to seek / to deceive; to trick; to take in
- 膨れる【ふくれる】 to swell (out); to expand; to be inflated; to distend; to bulge / to get cross; to get sulky; to pout
- 頼み【たのみ】 request; favor; favour / reliance; dependence; trust; hope
- 衣類【いるい】 clothes; clothing; garments
- 闇【やみ】 darkness; the dark; dark / bewilderment; despair; hopelessness / black-marketeering; shady; illegal; under-the-table
- 育ち【そだち】 breeding; growth
- 一様【いちよう】 uniform; equal; even; the same; identical / common; ordinary; usual
- 鉛【なまり】 lead (Pb)
- 家畜【かちく】 domestic animals; livestock; cattle
- 荷【に】 load; baggage; cargo; freight; goods / burden; responsibility
- 街道【かいどう】 highway (esp. one existing from the Edo period); main road / highway (e.g. to success); path (to becoming ...)
- 気楽【きらく】 carefree; comfortable; at ease / easygoing; happy-go-lucky
- 休戦【きゅうせん】 cease-fire; truce; armistice
- 共働き【ともばたらき】 (husband and wife) both working; dual income
- 強行【きょうこう】 forcing; enforcement / forced; enforced
- 郷里【きょうり】 birth-place; home town
- 区切り【くぎり】 punctuation; pause; juncture / end; (place to) stop
- 経路【けいろ】 course; route; path; channel / process; means
- 結晶【けっしょう】 crystal; crystallization; crystallisation / fruits (of labor, union, etc.)
- 原子【げんし】 atom
- 厳密【げんみつ】 strict; close; precise; scrupulous
- 口頭【こうとう】 oral; verbal; parol
- 合致【がっち】 agreement; concurrence; conformance; compliance
- 差額【さがく】 balance; difference; margin
- 再現【さいげん】 reappearance; reemergence; return; revival / reproduction; reenactment; recreation
- 策【さく】 plan; policy; means; measure; stratagem; scheme
- 産婦人科【さんふじんか】 maternity and gynaecology department (gynecology); department of obstetrics and gynaecology (gynecology)
- 産物【さんぶつ】 product; produce / result; fruit
- 磁気【じき】 magnetism
- 自在【じざい】 freely; at will
- 手本【てほん】 copybook / model; pattern
- 所定【しょてい】 prescribed; designated; appointed; fixed
- 助け【たすけ】 assistance; help; aid; support; reinforcement
- 小柄【こがら】 small build; small stature; petite / small pattern
- 招き【まねき】 invitation
- 心がけ【こころがけ】 (mental) attitude; way of thinking; attention; care; prudence; intention
- 振り【ふり】 swing; shake; wave; swinging / appearance; behaviour / pretence (pretense); show; pretending (to) / going to restaurant, hotel etc. without a reservation or introduction / move (dance); postures / lead in (e.g. to a running joke, asking a question); lead up / unsewn part of a hanging sleeve on a traditional Japanese woman's garment / counter for swords, blades, etc. / not wearing underwear or pants
- 人情【にんじょう】 humanity; empathy; kindness; sympathy / human nature; common sense; customs and manners
- 迅速【じんそく】 quick; fast; rapid; swift; prompt; streamlined; expedited; expeditious
- 成熟【せいじゅく】 maturity; ripeness
- 静止【せいし】 stillness; repose; standing still
- 素早い【すばやい】 fast; quick; prompt; nimble; agile / quick (to understand); sharp (judgement)
- 阻む【はばむ】 to keep someone from doing; to stop; to prevent; to check; to hinder; to obstruct; to oppose; to thwart
- 壮大【そうだい】 magnificent; grand; majestic; splendid
- 待望【たいぼう】 waiting expectantly; waiting eagerly; looking forward to / long-awaited
- 着目【ちゃくもく】 attention; giving one's attention; focusing
- 転じる【てんじる】 to turn; to shift; to alter; to distract
- 伝達【でんたつ】 transmission (e.g. news, chemical signals, electricity); communication; delivery; conveyance; transfer; relay; propagation; conduction
- 特産【とくさん】 being produced in a particular region; local specialty
- 燃焼【ねんしょう】 burning; combustion
- 悩ます【なやます】 to afflict; to torment; to harass; to molest
- 版【はん】 edition; version; printing; impression; implementation (e.g. software) / plate; block; cast / editions of a publication
- 否決【ひけつ】 rejection; negation; voting down
- 描写【びょうしゃ】 depiction; description; portrayal
- 不景気【ふけいき】 economic slump; hard times; recession; depression / poor (business); dull; slack; inactive / gloomy; cheerless; dismal
- 負う【おう】 to bear; to carry on one's back / to take responsibility for; to accept a duty / to be injured / to owe
- 捕獲【ほかく】 capture; seizure
- 峰【みね】 peak; summit; ridge; top / back of a blade
- 味わい【あじわい】 flavour; flavor; taste / charm; appeal; interest; meaning; significance
- 未婚【みこん】 unmarried; not yet married
- 未知【みち】 not yet known; unknown; strange
- 密度【みつど】 density
- 無用【むよう】 useless; futile / unnecessary; needless / not on business; unrelated; unauthorised; unauthorized / prohibited; banned; forbidden
- 模索【もさく】 groping (for); exploring for a solution
- 役職【やくしょく】 post; official position / managerial position; executive position
- 利点【りてん】 advantage; point in favor; point in favour
- 旅券【りょけん】 passport
- 暦【こよみ】 calendar; almanac
- 露骨【ろこつ】 open; unconcealed; undisguised; blatant; plain; frank / broad; lewd; indecent; crude
- 一筋【ひとすじ】 one long straight object (e.g. strand of hair, beam of light, wisp of smoke) / a single bloodline / earnest; resolute; intent; devoted / ordinary; common
- 値引き【ねびき】 price reduction; discount
- 控え室【ひかえしつ】 waiting room; anteroom; antechamber; green room
- 前売り【まえうり】 advance sale; booking
- 領海【りょうかい】 territorial waters
- 高【たか】 quantity; amount; volume; number; amount of money
- 過ち【あやまち】 fault; error; indiscretion; faux pas
- 解剖【かいぼう】 dissection; autopsy / analysis
- 貝殻【かいがら】 seashell; shell
- 外観【がいかん】 outward appearance; exterior appearance; outward show; looks
- 勧め【すすめ】 recommendation; advice; suggestion; encouragement
- 勧誘【かんゆう】 invitation; solicitation; canvassing; canvasing; inducement; persuasion; encouragement
- 幹線【かんせん】 main line; trunk line
- 竿【さお】 rod; pole / neck (of a shamisen, etc.); shamisen / beam (i.e. the crossbar of a balance) / single line (esp. as a flying formation for geese) / penis / counter for flags (on poles); counter for long, thin Japanese sweets (e.g. youkan)
- 顔つき【かおつき】 (outward) looks; features; face; countenance; expression
- 義理【ぎり】 duty; sense of duty; honor; honour; decency; courtesy; debt of gratitude; social obligation / in-law; relation by marriage
- 弓【ゆみ】 bow (and arrow) / archery / bow (for a violin, etc.)
- 救い【すくい】 help; aid; relief; (religious) salvation; (Christian) grace; providence
- 許容【きょよう】 permission; pardon
- 凶作【きょうさく】 bad harvest; poor crop
- 近づく【ちかづく】 to approach; to draw near; to get close / to get acquainted with; to get closer to; to get to know
- 経る【へる】 to pass; to elapse; to go by / to pass through; to go through / to experience; to go through; to undergo
- 茎【くき】 stalk; stem
- 見地【けんち】 point of view
- 賢明【けんめい】 wise; sensible; well-advised; intelligent; sagacious; prudent
- 護衛【ごえい】 guard; convoy; escort
- 交互【こうご】 mutual; reciprocal; alternate
- 再会【さいかい】 another meeting; meeting again; reunion
- 歳【さい】 -years-old
- 細工【さいく】 work; craftsmanship; tactics; trick
- 財【ざい】 fortune; riches / goods / incorporated foundation
- 残酷【ざんこく】 cruelty; harshness
- 時差【じさ】 time difference
- 主食【しゅしょく】 staple food
- 受身【うけみ】 the defensive / passive attitude; passivity; passiveness / the passive; passive voice / ukemi (the art of falling safely)
- 従事【じゅうじ】 engaging in (work); pursuing (e.g. studies); following (a profession); being involved in
- 獣【けもの】 beast; brute; animal
- 宿命【しゅくめい】 fate; destiny; predestination
- 出世【しゅっせ】 success in life; getting ahead; successful career; promotion; climbing the corporate ladder; eminence
- 出直し【でなおし】 adjustment; touch up
- 出費【しゅっぴ】 expenses; disbursements
- 処罰【しょばつ】 punishment; penalty
- 心がける【こころがける】 to keep in mind; to bear in mind; to try; to aim to do; to endeavor; to endeavour
- 心地【ここち】 feeling; sensation; mood / sensation of doing
- 新婚【しんこん】 newly-wed
- 進化【しんか】 evolution; progress
- 制する【せいする】 to hold back (e.g. emotions); to rein in (e.g. a horse, unruly people); to bridle / to get the better of / to control; to command
- 聖書【せいしょ】 Bible; scriptures
- 全盛【ぜんせい】 height of prosperity
- 像【ぞう】 image; figure; statue; picture; portrait / figure; form; shape; appearance / image
- 大金【たいきん】 large amount of money; great cost
- 地形【ちけい】 terrain; geographical features; topography
- 地主【じぬし】 landowner; landlord
- 痛む【いたむ】 to hurt; to ache; to feel a pain / to be injured; to be spoiled (e.g. food); to be damaged
- 天体【てんたい】 heavenly body; celestial body; astronomical object
- 転落【てんらく】 fall; tumble; spill; plunge; dive / degradation; comedown; demotion; slump
- 到達【とうたつ】 reaching; attaining; arrival
- 尿【にょう】 urine
- 任す【まかす】 to entrust; to leave to a person
- 把握【はあく】 grasp; catch; understanding
- 迫害【はくがい】 persecution; oppression
- 母校【ぼこう】 alma mater
- 放出【ほうしゅつ】 release; emission; ejection
- 牧師【ぼくし】 pastor; minister; clergyman; reverend
- 免除【めんじょ】 exemption; exoneration; discharge
- 目つき【めつき】 look; expression of the eyes; eyes
- 野心【やしん】 ambition; aspiration / sinister designs; treachery
- 抑圧【よくあつ】 check; restraint; oppression; suppression
- 欲望【よくぼう】 desire; appetite; lust
- 落ち着き【おちつき】 calmness; composure; presence of mind / stability; steadiness
- 流し【ながし】 sink (e.g. kitchen) / cruising (e.g. taxi); strolling (entertainer, musician, etc.) / washing area in a Japanese-style bath / back-washing service (in a public bath) / floating (something on water); setting adrift; washing away
- 了【りょう】 finish; completion; understanding
- 良心【りょうしん】 conscience
- 類似【るいじ】 resemblance; similarity; analogous; quasi / to resemble; to be similar; to be alike
- 和風【わふう】 Japanese style / light wind; moderate breeze
- 惑星【わくせい】 planet
- 情緒【じょうちょ】 emotion; feeling / atmosphere; mood; spirit
- 付き【つき】 furnished with; including / attached to / impression; appearance / luck / sociality / under; assistant (e.g. to a manager) / soup base
- 問屋【とんや】 wholesale store; wholesale dealer; wholesaler
- 大げさ【おおげさ】 grandiose; exaggerated
- 交わす【かわす】 to exchange (messages, greetings, arguments, etc.) / to intersect; to cross; to interlace / ... with one another; ... to each other
- 起源【きげん】 origin; beginning; rise
- 軌範【きはん】 model; standard; pattern; norm; criterion; example
- 小売【こうり】 retail
- 慎む【つつしむ】 to be careful; to be discreet / to do in moderation; to refrain (from overdoing); to abstain / to be reverent / to be purified; to be chaste
- 刺【とげ】 thorn; spine; prickle / splinter (esp. lodged in one's flesh); hard sharp item (esp. lodged in one's throat, e.g. fish bone) / biting words
- 普遍【ふへん】 universal; general; ubiquitous; omnipresent
- 付録【ふろく】 appendix; supplement; annex; extra (of a newspaper or magazine)
- 割り当て【わりあて】 allotment; assignment; allocation; quota; rationing / allocation
- まし《増し》 better; less objectionable; preferable / more; increase; extra / increase; growth
- お世辞【おせじ】 flattery; compliment
- 悪者【わるもの】 bad fellow; rascal; ruffian; scoundrel
- 圧迫【あっぱく】 pressure / oppression; suppression
- 安静【あんせい】 rest; quiet; repose
- 暗示【あんじ】 hint; suggestion
- 案の定【あんのじょう】 just as one thought; as usual; sure enough
- 異性【いせい】 the opposite sex / isomerism
- 一概に【いちがいに】 unconditionally; as a rule
- 一同【いちどう】 all present; all concerned; all of us
- 一部分【いちぶぶん】 part; portion; section
- 印鑑【いんかん】 stamp; seal
- 引き起こす【ひきおこす】 to cause; to induce; to bring about; to provoke / to pull upright; to help up (e.g. a fallen person)
- 引き取る【ひきとる】 to take over; to take back; to collect; to claim / to take charge of; to take custody of; to look after; to take care of; to adopt / to retire to a private place; to withdraw; to get out
- 引きずる【ひきずる】 to drag along; to pull / to force someone along / to prolong; to drag out / to influence strongly; to seduce
- 引っ掛ける【ひっかける】 to hang (something) on (something); to throw on (clothes) / to hook; to catch; to trap; to ensnare / to cheat; to evade payment; to jump a bill / to drink (alcohol) / to splash someone (with) / to hit the ball off the end of the bat
- 陰気【いんき】 gloomy; dismal; miserable; melancholy / spirit of yin
- 雨具【あまぐ】 rain gear
- 雨天【うてん】 rainy weather
- 営む【いとなむ】 to run (a business); to operate; to conduct; to practice (law, medicine, etc.) / to carry out; to perform; to lead (a life) / to hold (a Buddhist or Shinto ceremony)
- 栄える【さかえる】 to prosper; to flourish
- 英字【えいじ】 English letter; alphabetic character
- 液【えき】 liquid; fluid
- 閲覧【えつらん】 inspection; reading; perusal / browsing (the web)
- 円満【えんまん】 harmonious; peaceful; happy; amicable; smooth; free from trouble
- 延べ【のべ】 futures / credit (buying) / stretching / total (preceding counter, unit, etc.); aggregate; gross
- 沿う【そう】 to run along; to run beside; to stick to (a line) / to follow (a policy, plan, etc.); to act in accordance with; to align with
- 沿線【えんせん】 along railway line
- 演じる【えんじる】 to perform (a play); to play (a part); to act (a part); to commit (a blunder)
- 演ずる【えんずる】 to perform; to play
- 縁側【えんがわ】 veranda; porch; balcony; open corridor / bone at the base of a fin; meat at the base of a fin (esp. of a flatfish)
- 縁談【えんだん】 marriage proposal; marriage talks
- 遠ざかる【とおざかる】 to go away; to become more distant; to fade away; to die away / to be estranged
- 遠方【えんぽう】 long way; distant place
- 甥【おい】 nephew
- 臆病【おくびょう】 cowardice; timidity
- 下調べ【したしらべ】 preliminary investigation; preparation
- 下痢【げり】 diarrhoea; diarrhea
- 化ける【ばける】 to take the form of (esp. in ref. to a spirit, fox, raccoon dog, etc.); to assume the shape of; to turn oneself into; to transform oneself into / to disguise oneself as / to change radically; to metamorphose / to improve unexpectedly and dramatically (esp. of an actor, artist, rikishi, etc.)
- なんだか《何だか》 (a) little; somewhat; somehow
- なんて《何て》 how ..!; what ..! / what (questioning)
- 家出【いえで】 running away from home; elopement / outing; going out / becoming a Buddhist monk; entering the priesthood
- 果たす【はたす】 to accomplish; to achieve; to carry out; to fulfill; to fulfil; to realize; to execute; to perform; to do / to do ... completely; to do ... entirely
- 火花【ひばな】 spark
- 火星【かせい】 Mars (planet)
- 花びら【はなびら】 (flower) petal
- 花粉【かふん】 pollen
- 荷造り【にづくり】 packing; baling; crating
- 貨幣【かへい】 money; currency; coinage
- 快い【こころよい】 pleasant; agreeable; comfortable; refreshing
- 改まる【あらたまる】 to be renewed; to change / to be improved; to be reformed; to be revised; to be corrected / to stand on ceremony; to be formal / to take a turn for the worse (of an illness); to take a serious turn
- 海運【かいうん】 maritime; marine transportation
- 海抜【かいばつ】 height above sea level
- 海流【かいりゅう】 ocean current
- 崖【がけ】 cliff; precipice
- 該当【がいとう】 corresponding to; being applicable to; being relevant to; coming under; falling under; fulfilling (requirements); meeting (conditions); qualifying for
- 格【かく】 status; position; rank / method; way; style / rule; regulation; law / grammatical case / figure (syllogism)
- 覚え【おぼえ】 memory; sense; experience
- 学説【がくせつ】 theory
- 楽譜【がくふ】 score; sheet music
- あご《顎》 chin; jaw
- 掛け【かけ】 credit / money owed on an account; bill / hot noodles in broth / proportion (of wholesale price, as tenths of list price) / in the midst of / rest; rack; hanger
- 滑らか【なめらか】 smooth (of a surface); glassy; velvety; soft / smooth (of an action, proceedings, etc.); fluent (speech); fluid; trouble-free / continuously differentiable
- 滑稽【こっけい】 funny; comical; humorous; laughable / ridiculous; silly; absurd
- 寒気【かんき】 chill; the shivers; shivering fit / cold; coldness; cold air
- 慣らす【ならす】 to accustom; to train (e.g. one's ear) / to tame; to domesticate; to train (an animal)
- 慣れ【なれ】 practice; practising; experience
- 慣習【かんしゅう】 usual (historical) custom
- 漢語【かんご】 Japanese word of Chinese origin; Sino-Japanese word / (ancient) Chinese language
- 甘える【あまえる】 to behave like a spoiled child; to fawn on / to take advantage of; to presume upon (e.g. another's benevolence); to depend on
- 緩む【ゆるむ】 to become loose; to slacken (e.g. rope) / to become less tense; to relax; to let one's guard down / to slacken (e.g. coldness, supervision); to become lax / to become softer (e.g. ground, facial expression); (of ice) to partially melt / to decrease (e.g. speed) / (of a market price) to go down slightly
- 丸める【まるめる】 to make round; to roll up; to curl up / to seduce; to cajole; to explain away / to round off (a fraction) / to lump together
- がん《癌》 cancer
- 眼科【がんか】 ophthalmology
- 頑固【がんこ】 stubborn; obstinate; pigheaded
- 頑丈【がんじょう】 solid; firm; stout; burly; strong; sturdy
- 願書【がんしょ】 (written) application; application form; written request; written petition
- 器官【きかん】 organ (of body, plant, etc.)
- 奇数【きすう】 odd number
- 期末【きまつ】 end of term
- 帰京【ききょう】 returning to Tokyo / returning to the capital
- 気兼ね【きがね】 constraint; reserve; feeling hesitant; being afraid of troubling someone
- 気質【きしつ】 disposition; temperament; nature; mentality; spirit; character; trait; turn of mind
- 汽船【きせん】 steamship; steamboat; steamer
- 脚色【きゃくしょく】 dramatization (e.g. of a novel); dramatisation; adaptation / dramatization; embellishment; exaggeration; embroidery
- 逆立ち【さかだち】 handstand; headstand / being upside down; being in reverse
- 丘陵【きゅうりょう】 hill
- 久しい【ひさしい】 long (time); long-continued; old (story)
- 休学【きゅうがく】 temporary absence from school
- 及び【および】 and; as well as
- 窮屈【きゅうくつ】 narrow; tight; cramped / formal; stiff; strict; ceremonious; rigid / constrained; uncomfortable / tight (e.g. finances)
- 拒絶【きょぜつ】 refusal; rejection
- 漁村【ぎょそん】 fishing village
- 共稼ぎ【ともかせぎ】 (husband and wife) earning a living together
- 叫び【さけび】 shout; scream; outcry
- 境遇【きょうぐう】 one's circumstances; environment; situation (in life)
- 強いる【しいる】 to force; to compel; to coerce
- 強まる【つよまる】 to get strong; to gain strength
- 脅す【おどす】 to threaten; to menace; to frighten (into doing)
- 郷愁【きょうしゅう】 nostalgia; homesickness
- 驚異【きょうい】 wonder; miracle; amazement; prodigy
- 仰ぐ【あおぐ】 to look up (at) / to look up to; to respect; to revere / to ask for (e.g. guidance); to seek; to turn to (someone) for / to depend on; to rely on / to gulp down; to quaff; to drink
- 極楽【ごくらく】 Sukhavati (Amitabha's Pure Land) / paradise
- 勤め先【つとめさき】 place of work
- 勤勉【きんべん】 diligent; industrious
- 禁じる【きんじる】 to prohibit
- 禁ずる【きんずる】 to forbid; to suppress
- 禁物【きんもつ】 taboo; forbidden thing
- 近視【きんし】 myopia; shortsightedness; nearsightedness
- 吟味【ぎんみ】 close examination; careful selection; testing; scrutiny / examination of criminal charges / reciting and appreciating traditional poetry
- 苦しめる【くるしめる】 to torment; to pain; to inflict (physical) pain; to hurt / to harass; to cause (emotional) pain; to afflict; to distress; to bother; to trouble; to stump; to baffle
- 駆ける【かける】 to run (race, esp. horse); to dash / to gallop (one's horse); to canter / to advance (against one's enemy)
- 駆け足【かけあし】 running fast; double time / cantering / doing things in a hurry
- 愚か【おろか】 foolish; stupid
- 愚痴【ぐち】 idle complaint; grumble / moha (ignorance, folly)
- 空腹【くうふく】 empty stomach; hunger
- 屈折【くっせつ】 bending; indentation / refraction / inflection / warping (e.g. of opinion, reasoning, etc.); distortion
- 群がる【むらがる】 to swarm; to gather
- 軍艦【ぐんかん】 warship; battleship
- 携わる【たずさわる】 to engage in; to participate in; to take part in; to be involved in
- 継ぐ【つぐ】 to succeed (a person, to a position, etc.); to inherit; to take over; to follow / to patch (clothes); to mend; to repair / to add (e.g. charcoal to the fire); to replenish with; to feed with; to follow up with (e.g. remarks); to gather (one's breath)
- 警部【けいぶ】 police inspector
- 軽快【けいかい】 light (of movements); nimble; sprightly; springy / light-hearted; cheerful; buoyant; jaunty; casual (e.g. clothing); rhythmical (e.g. melody) / taking a turn for the better (of an illness); receding of symptoms; recovery; convalescence
- 軽蔑【けいべつ】 scorn; disdain; contempt
- 軽率【けいそつ】 rash; thoughtless; careless; hasty; imprudent
- 欠乏【けつぼう】 want; shortage; famine
- 結合【けつごう】 combination; union; binding; catenation; coupling; joining / bond
- 月謝【げっしゃ】 monthly tuition fee
- 月並み【つきなみ】 every month / trite; commonplace; conventional; hackneyed
- 倹約【けんやく】 thrift; economy; frugality
- 健やか【すこやか】 vigorous; healthy; sound
- 一部【いちぶ】 one part; one portion; one section; some / one copy (e.g. of a document)
- 課題【かだい】 subject; theme; issue; matter / homework; assignment / task; challenge; problem; question
- 会見【かいけん】 interview; audience; meeting; (viewing) party
- 会談【かいだん】 conversation; conference (usu. between important people); discussion; interview
- 改革【かいかく】 reform; reformation; reorganization
- 開発【かいはつ】 development; exploitation
- 外相【がいしょう】 Foreign Minister
- 株式【かぶしき】 stock (company)
- 幹部【かんぶ】 management; (executive) staff; leaders; leadership; top brass; upper echelons
- 危機【きき】 crisis; critical situation; emergency; pinch
- 機構【きこう】 mechanism; organization; organisation
- 規制【きせい】 regulation; (traffic) policing; control; restriction
- 規模【きぼ】 scale; scope; plan; structure
- 協議【きょうぎ】 conference; consultation; discussion; negotiation
- 恐れ【おそれ】 fear; horror; anxiety; concern; uneasiness
- 業者【ぎょうしゃ】 trader; dealer; businessman; vendor; supplier; manufacturer / fellow trader; people in the same trade
- 軍事【ぐんじ】 military affairs
- 決議【けつぎ】 resolution; vote; decision
- 見方【みかた】 viewpoint; point of view / way of understanding; way of appreciating; how to look at something (e.g. noh, train schedule)
- 原則【げんそく】 principle; general rule
- 現地【げんち】 actual place; local; on-site
- 交渉【こうしょう】 negotiations; discussions / connection
- 行政【ぎょうせい】 administration; governance; the authorities; authority
- 合意【ごうい】 agreement; consent; mutual understanding; accord; consensus
- 国連【こくれん】 United Nations; UN
- 財政【ざいせい】 public finance / financial affairs; financial situation
- 削減【さくげん】 cut; reduction; curtailment
- 支持【しじ】 support; backing; endorsement; approval / support; holding up; propping
- 施設【しせつ】 institution; establishment; facility / home (for elderly, orphans, etc.)
- 資金【しきん】 funds; capital
- 事業【じぎょう】 project; enterprise; business; industry; operations; venture; service / act; deed; conduct
- 首脳【しゅのう】 head; leader; top / important part
- 従来【じゅうらい】 up to now; so far / traditional; conventional; usual; existing
- 初【はつ】 first; new
- 情勢【じょうせい】 state of things; state of affairs; condition; situation; circumstances
- 条約【じょうやく】 treaty; pact; convention; agreement
- 職員【しょくいん】 staff member; personnel
- 審議【しんぎ】 deliberation
- 推進【すいしん】 propulsion; drive / promotion (e.g. of a government policy); furtherance; implementation
- 勢力【せいりょく】 influence; power; might; strength; potency; force; energy
- 政権【せいけん】 (political) administration; political power
- 政策【せいさく】 political measures; policy
- 宣言【せんげん】 declaration; proclamation; announcement
- 選挙【せんきょ】 election
- 措置【そち】 measure; step; action
- 捜査【そうさ】 search (esp. in criminal investigations); investigation; inquiry; enquiry
- 総会【そうかい】 general meeting
- 対応【たいおう】 correspondence (to); equivalence / suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate (for) / dealing with; coping with; response; reception; reaction / compatibility (with technology, software, etc.); capability; support (for)
- 大幅【おおはば】 big; large; drastic; substantial / full-width cloth (approx. 72 cm wide for traditional Japanese clothing; approx. 140 cm wide for Western clothing)
- 地元【じもと】 home area; home town / local
- 調べ【しらべ】 investigation; inspection; examination / tune; note; melody
- 投資【とうし】 investment
- 動き【うごき】 movement; move; motion / trend; development; change; fluctuation
- 内閣【ないかく】 cabinet (of a government); ministry
- 派遣【はけん】 dispatch; despatch; deployment / temporary employee (esp. from an agency); temporary worker; agency temp
- 背景【はいけい】 background; scenery; backdrop; setting; circumstance; context / backing; support (from behind the scenes)
- 発言【はつげん】 statement; remark; observation; utterance; speech; proposal
- 判決【はんけつ】 judicial decision; judgement; judgment; sentence; decree
- 不況【ふきょう】 recession; depression; slump
- 部門【ぶもん】 division (of a larger group); branch; field; class (subclass); group; category; department
- 保護【ほご】 protection; safeguard; guardianship; custody; patronage / preservation; conservation
- 報道【ほうどう】 information; report; journalism; news / to report
- 防衛【ぼうえい】 defense; defence; protection
- 民主【みんしゅ】 democracy; popular sovereignty / democratic
- 野党【やとう】 opposition party; political opposition; opposition
- 与党【よとう】 ruling party; government party; party in power; government
- 領土【りょうど】 dominion; territory; possession
- 連邦【れんぽう】 commonwealth; federation of states; confederation; union
- 意向【いこう】 intention; idea; inclination
- おす《雄》 male (animal)
- 総合【そうごう】 synthesis; coordination; putting together; integration; composite / comprehensive
- 取引【とりひき】 transactions; dealings; business
- 見通し【みとおし】 unobstructed view; perspective; visibility; vista / forecast; outlook; prospect; prediction / insight; foresight
- 民族【みんぞく】 people; race; nation; ethnic group; ethnos
- 運営【うんえい】 management; administration; operation
- 映像【えいぞう】 reflection; image; picture (e.g. on a television); shot / video; film; footage; clip; video recording / image in one's mind; mental picture
- 開催【かいさい】 holding (a conference, exhibition, etc.); opening; hosting (e.g. the Olympics)
- 核【かく】 pit (of a fruit); stone / core / nucleus; nuclear / nuclear weaponry / kernel
- 確保【かくほ】 guarantee; maintain; ensure; insure; secure; reservation
- 革命【かくめい】 revolution / 58th year of the sexagenary cycle (in Onmyōdō)
- 官僚【かんりょう】 bureaucrat; government official; bureaucracy
- 監視【かんし】 monitoring; watching; observation; surveillance; guarding; inspection
- 緩和【かんわ】 relief; mitigation; alleviation; relaxation; softening
- 関税【かんぜい】 tariff (import tax); duty; customs
- 企画【きかく】 planning; project; plan; design
- 協会【きょうかい】 association; society; organization; organisation
- 協定【きょうてい】 arrangement; pact; agreement
- 業【ごう】 karma (i.e. actions committed in a former life)
- 緊急【きんきゅう】 urgency; emergency
- 決算【けっさん】 settlement of accounts; closing accounts; financial results; reporting (of accounts)
- 決勝【けっしょう】 decision of a contest; finals (in sports)
- 権力【けんりょく】 (political) power; authority; influence
- 雇用【こよう】 employment (long term); hire
- 公演【こうえん】 public performance / exhibition in a foreign country
- 公開【こうかい】 opening to the public; making available to the public; putting on display; exhibiting; showing (play, movie, etc.); holding (interview, etc.); open; public
- 構想【こうそう】 plan; plot; idea; conception; vision; scheme
- 行為【こうい】 act; deed; conduct
- 購入【こうにゅう】 purchase; buy
- 国防【こくぼう】 national defence; national defense
- 黒字【くろじ】 (being in) the black; surplus / black letter
- 採用【さいよう】 use; adoption; acceptance / appointment; employment; engagement; recruitment
- 作戦【さくせん】 tactics; strategy / military operation; naval operation
- 死【し】 death; decease / death penalty (by strangulation or decapitation) / (an) out
- 資産【しさん】 property; fortune; means; assets
- 治療【ちりょう】 medical treatment; cure
- 自己【じこ】 self; oneself
- 自信【じしん】 self-confidence; confidence (in oneself)
- 実態【じったい】 true state; actual condition; reality
- 主催【しゅさい】 sponsorship (i.e. conducting under one's auspices); promotion; organizing; organising; hosting; staging
- 取材【しゅざい】 news coverage; collecting data (e.g. for an article); covering (something for media) / interview
- 処分【しょぶん】 disposal; throwing away; selling off / dealing with (a problem); measure / punishment; penalty / putting down (e.g. diseased animal)
- 所得【しょとく】 income; earnings
- 勝利【しょうり】 victory; triumph; conquest; success; win
- 上昇【じょうしょう】 rising; ascending; climbing
- 新人【しんじん】 new face; newcomer; rookie; fresh recruit / modern humans (from Cro-Magnon man onwards)
- 進出【しんしゅつ】 advance (into a new market or stage of progress); launching (a new career or venture); expanding (into a new market); stepping forward; emerging
- 人民【じんみん】 people; public
- 世代【せだい】 generation; the world; the age
- 制裁【せいさい】 sanctions; punishment
- 成果【せいか】 (good) result; outcome; fruits (of one's labors); product; accomplishment
- 正常【せいじょう】 normalcy; normality; normal
- 声明【せいめい】 declaration; statement; proclamation
- 赤字【あかじ】 (being in) the red; deficit / red letter; red writing / corrections (by a teacher or proofreader) written in red
- 設置【せっち】 establishment; institution / installation (of a machine or equipment)
- 戦闘【せんとう】 battle; fight; combat
- 前提【ぜんてい】 preamble; premise; reason; prerequisite; condition; assumption; hypothesis; given
- 訴訟【そしょう】 litigation; lawsuit
- 体験【たいけん】 personal experience; physical experience; one's own experience
- 対話【たいわ】 dialogue; discussion; conversation; interaction
- 遅れ【おくれ】 delay; lag; postponement; falling behind
- 柱【はしら】 pillar; post / support; prop; mainstay / counter for buddhas, gods, nobles, etc.
- 長官【ちょうかん】 secretary (government); director; chief
- 通常【つうじょう】 usual; ordinary; normal; regular; general; common
- 当選【とうせん】 being elected / being selected (to win a prize, etc.) / winning (in a lottery, raffle, etc.)
- 統合【とうごう】 integration; unification; unity; combination; consolidation; synthesis
- 導入【どうにゅう】 introduction; bringing in; leading in; installation
- 独自【どくじ】 original; unique; distinctive; characteristic; peculiar / independent; one's own; personal
- 内部【ないぶ】 interior; inside; internal
- 認識【にんしき】 recognition; awareness; perception; understanding; knowledge; cognition; cognizance; cognisance
- 反発【はんぱつ】 opposition; rebellion; revolt; resistance; backlash; refusal / rebounding; recoiling; repulsion / rally (e.g. in stock prices); recovery
- 比例【ひれい】 proportion
- 秘書【ひしょ】 (private) secretary / treasured book; secret book
- 美術【びじゅつ】 art; fine arts
- 不動産【ふどうさん】 real estate
- 不明【ふめい】 unclear; obscure; indistinct; uncertain; ambiguous / unknown; unidentified / ignorance; lack of wisdom; lack of insight
- 負担【ふたん】 burden; load; responsibility
- 武装【ぶそう】 arms; armament
- 武力【ぶりょく】 armed might; military power; the sword; force
- 福祉【ふくし】 welfare; well-being; social welfare; social security; social service
- 紛争【ふんそう】 dispute; trouble; strife
- 保険【ほけん】 insurance; guarantee
- 保守【ほしゅ】 maintenance / conservatism; conservativeness; conservation
- 崩壊【ほうかい】 collapse; crumbling; breaking down; caving in / (radioactive) decay; disintegration
- 法案【ほうあん】 bill (law); measure
- 名誉【めいよ】 honor; honour; credit; prestige
- 問う【とう】 to ask; to inquire / to blame (someone) for; to accuse of; to pursue (question of responsibility); to charge with / to care about; to regard as important / to call into question; to doubt; to question
- 有力【ゆうりょく】 influential; prominent / strong; likely; plausible; potent
- 融資【ゆうし】 financing; loan
- 予想【よそう】 expectation; anticipation; prediction; forecast; conjecture
- 要請【ようせい】 appeal; call for something; request; claim; demand / axiom
- 論議【ろんぎ】 discussion; argument; debate
- 文書【ぶんしょ】 document; writing; letter; paperwork; note; records; archives / document addressed to someone in particular (jargon used in paleography)
- 意欲【いよく】 will; desire; ambition; urge (e.g. creative urge)
- 取っ手【とって】 handle; grip; knob
- 同盟【どうめい】 alliance; union; league
- 世論【せろん】 public opinion; popular voice; public sentiment; consensus
- 圧力【あつりょく】 pressure; stress / pressure (e.g. political); coercion; arm-twisting
- 運輸【うんゆ】 transportation
- 運用【うんよう】 making use of; application; practical use; effective management (e.g. of funds) / operation; handling; steering (esp. a boat)
- 演出【えんしゅつ】 production (e.g. play); direction
- 応募【おうぼ】 application; subscription; entry (competition, raffle, etc.); enlistment
- 解除【かいじょ】 cancellation; rescinding; release; calling off; lifting (sanctions); delisting
- 格差【かくさ】 qualitative difference; disparity; gap
- 活発【かっぱつ】 lively; active; vigorous; animated; brisk
- 感染【かんせん】 infection; contagion
- 基金【ききん】 fund; foundation
- 規定【きてい】 stipulation; prescription; provision; regulation; rule
- 疑惑【ぎわく】 doubt; misgivings; distrust; suspicion
- 救援【きゅうえん】 relief; rescue
- 拒否【きょひ】 refusal; rejection; denial; veto
- 距離【きょり】 distance; range
- 強制【きょうせい】 compulsion; coercion; forcing (to do); enforcement
- 業績【ぎょうせき】 achievement; performance; results; work; contribution
- 業務【ぎょうむ】 business; affairs; duties; work; procedure; task; action; function; (business) operations; operational
- 曲【きょく】 composition; piece of music; song; track (on a record) / tune; melody; air / enjoyment; fun; interest; pleasure
- 勤務【きんむ】 service; duty; work
- 経費【けいひ】 expenses; cost; outlay
- 警戒【けいかい】 vigilance; caution; alertness; precaution; being on guard
- 決意【けつい】 decision; determination; resolution
- 決断【けつだん】 decision; determination
- 結成【けっせい】 formation; combination
- 権限【けんげん】 power; authority; jurisdiction
- 原油【げんゆ】 crude oil
- 減少【げんしょう】 decrease; reduction; decline
- 現行【げんこう】 present; current; in operation
- 向上【こうじょう】 elevation; rise; improvement; advancement; progress
- 好調【こうちょう】 favourable; favorable; promising; satisfactory; in good shape
- 国交【こっこう】 diplomatic relations
- 再建【さいけん】 rebuilding; reconstruction; rehabilitation / protoform reconstruction
- 災害【さいがい】 calamity; disaster; misfortune
- 殺人【さつじん】 murder; homicide; manslaughter
- 志【こころざし】 will; resolution; intention; ambition; aim; goal / kindness; goodwill; kind offer / gift (as a token of gratitude)
- 指揮【しき】 command; direction
- 資格【しかく】 qualifications; requirements; capabilities
- 自主【じしゅ】 independence; autonomy; self-reliance
- 軸【じく】 axis; shaft; axle / center; centre; focal point; key point / stalk; stem / hanging scroll
- 収支【しゅうし】 income and expenditure
- 従業員【じゅうぎょういん】 employee; worker
- 塾【じゅく】 coaching school; cramming school; juku
- 出演【しゅつえん】 performance; appearance (in a stage, film, TV show, etc.)
- 少数【しょうすう】 minority; few
- 証人【しょうにん】 witness
- 審査【しんさ】 judging; inspection; examination; investigation; review
- 是正【ぜせい】 correction; revision; redressing; rectifying
- 正義【せいぎ】 justice; right; righteousness; correct meaning
- 設立【せつりつ】 establishment; founding; incorporation (of a business)
- 争い【あらそい】 dispute; strife; quarrel; dissension; conflict; rivalry; contest
- 相場【そうば】 market price / speculation (e.g. on stocks) / reputation (according to conventional wisdom); estimation; esteem
- 蔵相【ぞうしょう】 Minister of Finance
- 促進【そくしん】 promotion; acceleration; encouragement; facilitation; spurring on
- 損失【そんしつ】 loss (of assets, profit, etc.)
- 多様【たよう】 diverse; varied
- 妥協【だきょう】 compromise; giving in
- 打撃【だげき】 blow; shock; strike; damage / batting
- 態勢【たいせい】 attitude; posture; preparedness; readiness
- 秩序【ちつじょ】 order; discipline; regularity; system; method
- 挑戦【ちょうせん】 challenge; defiance; dare; attempt; try
- 提供【ていきょう】 offer; tender; providing; supplying; making available; donating (blood, organs, etc.) / sponsoring (a TV program)
- 転換【てんかん】 conversion; diversion; changeover; commutation; switchover
- 登録【とうろく】 registration; accession; register; entry; record
- 動向【どうこう】 trend; tendency; movement; attitude
- 同士【どうし】 fellow; mutual; companion; comrade
- 年生【ねんせい】 pupil in ... year; student in ... year
- 燃料【ねんりょう】 fuel
- 脳【のう】 brain / brains; mind
- 破壊【はかい】 destruction; disruption / (application) crash
- 廃止【はいし】 abolition; repeal
- 賠償【ばいしょう】 compensation; reparations; indemnity; damages
- 発生【はっせい】 outbreak; spring forth; occurrence; incidence / generation (e.g. of power or heat); genesis; origin / ontogeny; development of complex multicellular structures from cell(s) in a simple state
- 反応【はんのう】 reaction; response
- 比率【ひりつ】 ratio; proportion; percentage
- 腐敗【ふはい】 decomposition; putrefaction; putrescence; spoilage / corruption; degeneracy; decay; depravity
- 兵器【へいき】 arms; weapon; ordnance
- 兵士【へいし】 soldier
- 返還【へんかん】 return; restoration
- 補助【ほじょ】 assistance; support; aid; help / subsidy; supplement; subvention; grant-in-aid / auxiliary; subsidiary / spot (in bodybuilding)
- 補償【ほしょう】 compensation; reparation
- 方式【ほうしき】 form; method; system; formula
- 優先【ゆうせん】 preference; priority; precedence
- 預金【よきん】 deposit; bank account
- 要因【よういん】 main cause; primary factor
- 流通【りゅうつう】 circulation (money, goods, etc.); distribution / circulation (air, water, etc.); ventilation; flow / negotiable (e.g. shares); distributional; circulating
- 連盟【れんめい】 league; federation; union; alliance
- 合併【がっぺい】 merger (of companies, towns, etc.); combination; union; amalgamation; consolidation; coalition; fusion; annexation; affiliation; incorporation
- 発足【ほっそく】 starting; inauguration; launch; founding; establishment; start-up
- 仕組み【しくみ】 structure; construction; arrangement; contrivance; mechanism; workings / plan; plot; contrivance
- 勝る【まさる】 to excel; to surpass; to exceed; to have an edge; to be superior; to outrival / to outweigh; to preponderate
- 見込み【みこみ】 hope; promise; possibility; chance; probability; likelihood / expectation; anticipation; forecast; estimate / side of a structural member
- 悪化【あっか】 (suffer) deterioration; growing worse; aggravation; degeneration; corruption
- 依然【いぜん】 still; as yet; as it has been
- 遺跡【いせき】 historic ruins (remains, relics); archeological site
- 一気【いっき】 chug!; drink!
- 一切【いっさい】 all; everything; the whole; lock, stock, and barrel / absolutely not (with negative); without exception; entirely not
- 一連【いちれん】 series; chain; sequence / two reams (i.e. 1000 sheets of paper) / verse; stanza
- 横綱【よこづな】 yokozuna (highest rank in sumo); grand champion / best in its field; crème de la crème; cream of the crop
- 加入【かにゅう】 becoming a member; joining; entry; admission; subscription; affiliation; adherence; signing
- 画【かく】 stroke (of a kanji, etc.)
- 介入【かいにゅう】 intervention
- 回収【かいしゅう】 collection; recovery; withdrawal; retrieval
- 獲得【かくとく】 acquisition; possession
- 確立【かくりつ】 establishment; settlement / to establish; to settle
- 逆転【ぎゃくてん】 (sudden) change; reversal; turn-around; coming from behind (baseball)
- 救済【きゅうさい】 relief; aid; rescue; salvation; help
- 協調【きょうちょう】 cooperation; conciliation; harmony; coordination
- 検事【けんじ】 public prosecutor
- 源【みなもと】 source (of a river); fountainhead / source; origin; root
- 個性【こせい】 individuality; personality; idiosyncrasy; character; individual characteristic
- 個別【こべつ】 particular case; discrete; individual; separate
- 公認【こうにん】 official recognition; authorization; authorisation; licence; license; accreditation
- 効率【こうりつ】 efficiency
- 工作【こうさく】 handicraft / work; construction; manufacturing / maneuvering; manoeuvering
- 抗議【こうぎ】 protest; objection
- 根拠【こんきょ】 basis; foundation
- 再生【さいせい】 resuscitation; regeneration; restoration to life / reformation; rehabilitation / playback; regeneration (sound, etc.); view (of a video clip) / reclamation; recovery / rebirth; reincarnation
- 採決【さいけつ】 vote; ballot; division
- 細胞【さいぼう】 cell
- 財源【ざいげん】 source of funds; resources; finances
- 司法【しほう】 administration of justice
- 指示【しじ】 indication; denotation; designation / instructions; directions
- 指摘【してき】 pointing out; identification
- 視点【してん】 opinion; point of view; visual point
- 試み【こころみ】 attempt; trial; experiment / endeavour (endeavor); effort; venture; initiative
- 事前【じぜん】 prior; beforehand; in advance; before the fact; ex ante
- 治安【ちあん】 public order
- 辞職【じしょく】 resignation
- 実質【じっしつ】 substance; essence / real (in economics, vs. nominal, e.g. real interest rate); substantive; substantial; essential; tangible
- 主権【しゅけん】 sovereignty; supremacy; dominion
- 主体【しゅたい】 main constituent; core; nucleus / subject (philosophical); protagonist
- 主導【しゅどう】 leadership; initiative; spearhead
- 守備【しゅび】 defense; defence
- 趣旨【しゅし】 meaning; point (e.g. of a statement); gist; effect / goal; intent; object; aim; point
- 受け入れ【うけいれ】 receiving; acceptance; reception
- 充実【じゅうじつ】 fullness; completion; perfection; substantiality / enhancement; improvement; enrichment; upgrading / replenishment; repletion
- 柔軟【じゅうなん】 flexible; lithe; soft; pliable
- 所属【しょぞく】 belonging to (a group, organization, etc.); affiliation (with); being attached to; being under the control of
- 床【とこ】 bed; bedding / sickbed / alcove / riverbed / seedbed / straw "core" of a tatami mat / floor
- 証拠【しょうこ】 evidence; proof
- 証言【しょうげん】 testimony; (verbal) evidence
- 上位【じょうい】 superior (in rank); top; ranking / higher order (e.g. byte) / host computer (of connected device)
- 振興【しんこう】 promotion; encouragement
- 進展【しんてん】 progress; development
- 人材【じんざい】 capable person; talented person / human resources; personnel
- 制【せい】 system; organization; organisation; imperial command; laws; regulation; control; government; suppression; restraint; holding back; establishment