Results, change



  • change (for a purchase) - polite language 釣り

ごめんgomenお釣りotsuriga無いnai I'm sorry, I don't have change.

へんかhenka Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • change; variation; alteration; mutation; transition; transformation; transfiguration; metamorphosis
  • variety; diversity
  • inflection; declension; conjugation
  • sidestepping - Sumo term

このようなkonoyouna接しsesshikatano変化henkaha他のtano変化henkamoそうsouであるdearuga他のtanokuniにおいてnioitemo起こっているokotteiru Like other changes, this change in attitude has occurred in other countries, too.

この辺konoatarino山々yamayamaha変化henkani富んでいるtondeiru The mountains in this part of the country are full of variety.

このkono動詞doushino変化henkawo言えますiemasuka Can you conjugate this verb?

へんこうhenkou Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • change; modification; alteration; revision; amendment

そのsono規則kisokuha絶対zettai変更henkouできないdekinai The rule is utterly inflexible.

りょうがえryougae Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • change; money exchange

これkorewoドルDORUni両替ryougaeしてshiteくださいkudasai Please change this to dollars.

へんどうhendou Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • change; fluctuation

人口jinkouha変動hendouしないでshinaideいるiru The population remains stationary.

ぎゃくてんgyakutenirr. Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • (sudden) change; reversal; turn-around; coming from behind (baseball)

形勢keiseiha逆転gyakutenしたshita Now the shoe is on the other foot.

へんかくhenkaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • change; transformation; innovation; reform; revolution; revolutionizing; upheaval
  • Reformation

大統領daitouryouno演説enzetsuhaアメリカAMERIKA国民kokuminni変革henkakuwoもたらしたmotarashita The President's speech brought about a change in the American people.

いどうidou Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • change (personnel); transfer; reshuffle
チェンジCHENJI Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • change
へんせんhensen Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • change; transition; vicissitudes

表面上hyoumenjou本書honshono大部分daibubunha一連ichirenno事例jireino変遷hensenwo記録kirokuしたshitaものであるmonodearu On the surface the book consists mostly of a series of case histories.



  • change; alteration
  • unusual state or event; accident; abnormality
  • difference; distinction


  • change; alteration; substitute; spare; proxy
  • rate of exchange - usu. 換え

シャツSHATSUno替えkaegaないnai I don't have a spare shirt.

へんかんhenkan Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • change; conversion; transformation
  • transformation - Mathematics term

このkonoファイルFUAIRUwoウインドウズUINDOUZU95対応taiounoファイルFUAIRUni変換henkanしてshite再送saisouしてshiteくれますkuremasuka Could you convert this file into a Windows 95 compatible file and re-send it?

こうてつkoutetsu Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • change (of personnel); reshuffle (e.g. of a cabinet); shake-up; dismissal (e.g. of a minister); replacement

田中tanakazen外相gaishouno更迭koutetsuni続くtsuzuku政治seiji混乱konrangaそのsono象徴shouchouであるdearu The dismissal of foreign minister Tanaka is symbolic of the continuing political turmoil.

へんいhen'i Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • change; alteration; transmutation; mutation


  • change (e.g. season)

青年期seinenkiha移り変わりutsurikawarino時期jikiと見られているtomirareteiru Adolescence is viewed as time of transition.

かせいkasei Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • change; transformation


  • change (e.g. for dollar)

つり銭tsurisennoいらないiranaiようにyouniお願いしますonegaishimasu Exact change, please.

てんかtenka Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • change; transformation; inversion


  • change; transition; return present
かいへんkaihen Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • change; innovation; transformation


  • change; alteration; modification


  • change; changing; vicissitudes
  • fading; waning

靜子shizukoga季節kisetsuno移ろいutsuroiwoshini綴りましたtsuzurimashita Shizuko composed a poem about the change of the seasons.

おおばけoobake Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • change; metamorphosis; transformation
こうたいkoutai Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • alternation; change; relief; relay; shift; substitution (sports, etc.); taking turns

我々warewareha交替koutaidekurumawo運転untenしたshita We took turns driving the car.


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