Results, prevent
- 押っ付け【おっつけ】
- technique of holding one's opponent's arm to prevent him from getting a hold on one's belt - Sumo term
- シャンプーハット
- broad-rimmed topless cap worn (esp. by young children) to prevent shampoo getting into one's eyes - trademark of Pip Co., Ltd. - From English "shampoo hat"
- 天魔【てんま】
- demon of the sixth heaven in the realm of desire who tries to prevent people from doing good - Buddhism term ➜ 四魔
- 一坪運動【ひとつぼうんどう】
- campaign to prevent a public construction work by acquiring a minuscule tract of land - four character idiom
- 雉も鳴かずば撃たれまい【きじもなかずばうたれまい】
- avoiding unnecessary talk can prevent disaster falling on one; there is safety in silence; the pheasant would not be shot but for its cries [literal] - proverb
- やらずの雨【やらずのあめ】遣らずの雨
- rain that starts to fall as though trying to prevent a guest from leaving
- 別火【べっか・べつび】
- cooking over a second fire to prevent contamination from one's everyday fire for performing Shinto rites; cooking over a second fire to prevent contamination from mourning people, menstruating women, etc.
- ワゴンモール
- plastic moulding over cables to prevent damage by wheels; cable protector - From English "wagon mould"
- 不受理申出【ふじゅりもうしで】
- agreement used to prevent unauthorized or faked divorce by couples in Japan in the future
- 腕を返す【かいなをかえす】 Inflection
expression / godan ~す verb:
- to place one's arms under those of the opponent and lift them up, in order to prevent an overhand grip on one's mawashi - Sumo term
- 間紙【あいがみ・あいし】
- paper put between newly completed prints to prevent the ink from smudging; interleaf; slip sheet
- 妨げる☆【さまたげる】 Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to disturb; to prevent; to obstruct; to hinder
- 阻む☆【はばむ】沮む Inflection
godan ~む verb:
- to keep someone from doing; to stop; to prevent; to check; to hinder; to obstruct; to oppose; to thwart
- 薪を抱いて火を救う【たきぎをいだいてひをすくう】
- having one's good intentions backfire dangerously; causing harm when trying to prevent it; trying to put out a fire while carrying kindling [literal] - idiom
- 食い止める☆【くいとめる】食止める☆・食いとめる・くい止める Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to check; to hold back; to keep at bay; to stop; to prevent; to stem; to curb; to halt
漏えいはすぐに食いとめる必要がある。 The leak needs to be stopped immediately.
- 雪吊り【ゆきづり・ゆきつり】雪吊・雪釣りirr.・雪釣irr.
- placing ropes or wires around trees to protect them from the snow; ropes stretched from the top of a tree to the lower branches to prevent their breaking under heavy snow ➜ 雪折れ
- 脱酸素剤【だつさんそざい】
- oxygen absorber; oxygen scavenger; small packet placed in packaged food to absorb oxygen and prevent oxidation
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