ひげを生やす【ひげをはやす】鬚を生やす Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
膝を崩す【ひざをくずす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
人手を増やす【ひとでをふやす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to add to the staff; to increase the staff
悪事を唆す【あくじをそそのかす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to entice a person to do something wrong
瞳を凝らす【ひとみをこらす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to strain one's eyes; to stare ➜ 目を凝らす
人を死に致す【ひとをしにいたす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to cause the death of a person - archaism
秘密を明かす【ひみつをあかす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
秘密を漏らす【ひみつをもらす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to betray a secret; to reveal a secret ➜ 秘密を暴露する
火を通す【ひをとおす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
非を鳴らす【ひをならす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to cry against; to denounce publicly
品質を落とす【ひんしつをおとす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
服を汚す【ふくをよごす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
不善を為す【ふぜんをなす】不善をなす Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to commit vice; to do evil
舟を出す【ふねをだす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to take out a boat; to put out a boat
物議を醸す【ぶつぎをかもす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to arouse criticism; to provoke; to cause a controversy; to give rise to hostile comment
塀を巡らす【へいをめぐらす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to fence in; to surround with a wall
部屋を散らかす【へやをちらかす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to scatter a room (with things); to leave a room a mess; to leave things lying about
返事を延ばす【へんじをのばす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
方向を指す【ほうこうをさす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
法を犯す【ほうをおかす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
程を過ごす【ほどをすごす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to go too far; to break bounds
本を出す【ほんをだす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to publish a book; to put out a book