Results, good
Showing results 126-150:
- よさそう《良さそう》 Inflection
adjectival noun:
このネクタイにしましょう、一番よさそうだから。 I will take this tie, as it seems to be the best.
- ノリがいい《ノリが良い》のりがいい《乗りがいい・乗りが良い》 Inflection
expression / ~よい adjective:
- good at playing along; up for anything; carefree; social; positive
- uplifting; upbeat
- あやかる《肖る》 Inflection
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
- to share (someone's) good luck; to follow (someone's) example; to enjoy the same benefits (of someone or something)
- to be named after
- うまい汁を吸う【うまいしるをすう】旨い汁を吸う Inflection
expression / godan ~う verb:
- to be onto a good thing; to make money without working; to line one's pockets - idiom
- 一つ着る物【ひとつきるもの】
expression / noun:
- one's only good set of clothes (suit, kimono, etc.) - obscure term ➜ 一帳羅【いっちょうら】
- 良縁【りょうえん】
- good match; suitable candidate (for marriage)
- good opportunity to be saved by Buddha - Buddhism term
- 牛にひかれて善光寺参り【うしにひかれてぜんこうじまいり】牛に引かれて善光寺参り
expression / noun:
- doing or receiving something good by accident or through the invitation of somebody else; being pulled to the Zenkoji temple by a cow [literal] - idiom
- 良いこと【よいこと】良い事・好い事・好いこと
expression / noun:
- good thing; nice thing ➜ いい事【いいこと】
- good excuse; good grounds; good opportunity - usu. as 〜を良いことに(して) ➜ いい事【いいこと】
- interjection used to impress an idea or to urge a response - female language ➜ いい事【いいこと】
- 有害無益【ゆうがいむえき】
- more harm than good; harmful and of no use - four character idiom
この本は君にとって有害無益だろう。 This book will do you more harm than good.
- 渋皮がむける【しぶかわがむける】渋皮が剥ける Inflection
expression / ichidan verb / intransitive verb:
- (a woman) to lose her roughness and become urbane and good-looking; to become experienced in worldly affairs
- 合縁【あいえん】合い縁・相縁・愛縁
noun / ~の noun:
- good relationship
- affectionate relationship; loving relationship [愛縁] - archaism
- 多芸は無芸【たげいはむげい】
- being multi-talented means never really being especially good at any one thing; jack of all trades, master of none
- 良薬【りょうやく】
- good medicine
良薬は口に苦し。 The advice you find the hardest to take is often the most useful.
- 毒にも薬にもならない【どくにもくすりにもならない】 Inflection
expression / adjective:
- That will do neither harm nor good - idiom
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