バトンを渡す【バトンをわたす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to pass the baton (e.g. in a relay race)
- to pass the baton; to hand on the torch - idiom
影を落とす【かげをおとす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to cast a shadow - literal or figurative
手を汚す【てをよごす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
胸をときめかす【むねをときめかす】胸を時めかす Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to make one's heart flutter
言葉を交わす【ことばをかわす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
心を許す【こころをゆるす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to trust; to relax one's guard (around)
太鼓判を押す【たいこばんをおす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to give the stamp of approval
体を壊す【からだをこわす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
風を吹かす【かぜをふかす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to exercise one's authority as a (noun); to act as a (noun) - after noun ➜ 先輩風を吹かす
名を残す【なをのこす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to be remembered; to go down in history
気を晴らす【きをはらす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
恐れをなす【おそれをなす】恐れを成す Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
胸を焦がす【むねをこがす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to yearn for; to pine for
血を流す【ちをながす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
肩を落とす【かたをおとす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
口を閉ざす【くちをとざす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to keep one's mouth shut; to refuse to talk
借金を踏み倒す【しゃっきんをふみたおす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
手足を伸ばす【てあしをのばす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
身を隠す【みをかくす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
息を切らす【いきをきらす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
吐き気を催す【はきけをもよおす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to feel nauseated; to feel sick
名を汚す【なをけがす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to shame the name (of); to blot the reputation (of)
太ももを出す【ふとももをだす】太腿を出す Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to expose one's thighs; to bare one's buttocks
間に合わす【まにあわす】 Inflectionexpression / godan ~す verb:
- to make something be done in time
仕事を間に合わすため彼は徹夜で働いた。 He worked all night so that he could get the job done in time.
科す【かす】 Inflectiongodan ~す verb:
- to inflict; to impose (a fine, etc.) ➜ 科する
日本が不当な関税を撤廃しない限り、合衆国は制裁を科すだろう。 Unless Japan eliminates its unfair tariffs, the U.S. will impose sanctions.