話術☆【わじゅつ】noun / ~の noun:
彼は、話術が巧みだ。 He has a good art of talking.
何言っても和製英語は日本語だ。 No matter what you say, waseieigo is Japanese.
分け合う☆【わけあう】 Inflectiongodan ~う verb / transitive:
彼は友達と喜びを分け合うのが好きだ。 He likes to share his pleasure with his friends.
割り増し【わりまし】割増☆・割増しnoun / ~の noun:
- premium; bonus; extra wages; (after a number) tenths increase
割り増し料金はいくらでしたか。 How much was the additional charge?
- laughingstock; butt of ridicule
彼らはしばしば上司を笑いものにする。 They often make fun of the boss.
忘れ去る☆【わすれさる】 Inflectiongodan ~る verb / transitive:
- to forget completely; to leave behind
悪ふざけ☆【わるふざけ】悪巫山戯ateji Inflectionnoun / ~する noun:
- prank; practical joke; horseplay; mischievous trick
トムは私に悪ふざけをしては笑う。 Tom enjoys playing tricks on me.
- I; me - archaism
- you (referring to one's inferior) - archaism - familiar language
彼女はわが身の不遇にじっと耐えねばならなかった。 She had to smile at her misfortune.
これは若木だからまだ実はみのらない。 This tree is too young to bear fruit.