Results, ご
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Showing results 26-50:
- ゴム☆・ごむ《護謨ateji》
- gum; rubber - From Dutch "gom"
- eraser - abbreviation ➜ 消しゴム
- condom - colloquialism
タイヤはゴムと路面の摩擦によってすり減る。 Tires wear down because of friction between the rubber and the road surface.
- ご無沙汰☆【ごぶさた】御無沙汰☆・ご不沙汰・御不沙汰 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- not writing or contacting for a while; neglecting (failing) to write (call, visit, etc.); long silence ➜ 無沙汰
- ごらん☆《ご覧・御覧》
- (please) try to - after the -te form of a verb - abbreviation ➜ ご覧なさい
- (please) look - abbreviation ➜ ご覧なさい
- seeing; looking; watching - honorific language
あの木のてっぺんを見てごらん。 Look at the top of that tree.
あの黒い雲をごらん。じきに雨が来そうだ。 Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain.
- ごちそうさま☆《ご馳走さま・ご馳走様・御馳走様》
- thank you (for the meal); that was a delicious meal
- thank you (for displaying lovey-dovey behaviour) - humorous term
彼女は料理人にご馳走様でしたと言いました。 She said, "Thank you for the meal," to the cook.
- ごめん☆《御免・ご免》
- your pardon; sorry; no thanks
- not wanting; objecting to; being fed up with; wishing to avoid - usu. 〜はごめんだ
- permission; leave; dismissal; discharge
- ごめんください☆《ご免ください・御免下さい・ご免下さい・御免ください》
- may I come in?
- please forgive me; I'm sorry - polite language
- 合意★【ごうい】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:
- agreement; consent; mutual understanding; accord; consensus
- 期日★【きじつ・きにち・ごじつobs.】
noun / ~の noun:
- fixed date; settlement date
お支払いの期日を二ヶ月間延長していただけませんでしょうか。 May we therefore ask you for a two months' extension of credit?
- 号★【ごう】號
noun / suffix noun:
- number; edition; make; model; issue; part of that group
- sobriquet; pen-name
- suffix attached to names of ships, trains, airplanes, etc.
あなたの定期購読予約は六月号で切れます。 Your subscription expires with the June issue.
- 合成★【ごうせい】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- composition; synthesis
~の noun:
- composite; compound; synthetic; mixed; combined
- (function) composition - Mathematics term
その、ベッドの側に、合成アルミニュームのロボットが人体と——肌と、同じように巧妙に塗料を施されたゴムを密着して、裸体のまま突立っていた。 Near the bed, the composite aluminium robot, with a human shape and with a rubber skin, cleverly painted to resemble human skin, glued to its body, was standing naked.
- 誤差☆【ごさ】
- measurement error; calculation error
我々は誤差を見込んで余裕をとっておいた。 We left a margin for error in our estimates.
- 語源☆【ごげん】語原irr.
- word root; word derivation; etymology
これらの語は同じ語源から出ている。 These words are derived from the same root.
- 語彙☆【ごい】語い
- vocabulary; lexicon; lexis; terminology - Linguistics term
読書は語彙を増やすのに役に立つ。 Reading helps you build up your vocabulary.
- ごまかす☆《誤魔化すateji・誤摩化すateji・胡麻化すateji・誤魔かすateji・胡魔化すateji》 Inflection
godan ~す verb / transitive:
- to deceive; to falsify; to misrepresent; to cheat; to swindle; to tamper; to juggle; to manipulate
- to dodge; to beg the question (issue, difficulties)
- to varnish over; to gloss over
© Based on JMdict, KANJIDIC2, and JMnedict, property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, used in conformance with the Group's licence. Example sentences from the Tatoeba project (CC BY 2.0). Kanji stroke order data from the KanjiVG project by Ulrich Apel (CC BY-SA 3.0). See comprehensive list of data sources for more info.
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