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  • figure; form; shape
  • appearance; dress; guise
  • state; condition; picture; image
  • form (of a waka) 和歌

suffix noun:

  • dressed in ...; wearing ...

自分jibunno姿sugatawokagaminiうつしてutsushitemiなさいnasai Look at yourself in the mirror.

偽りitsuwarino姿sugatawo愛さaisaれるreruくらいkuraiならnara嫌わkirawaretahougaましmashida Better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not.



  • muscle; tendon; sinew
  • vein; artery
  • fiber; fibre; string
  • line; stripe; streak
  • reason; logic 筋が通る
  • plot; storyline
  • lineage; descent
  • school (e.g. of scholarship or arts)
  • aptitude; talent
  • source (of information, etc.); circle; channel
  • well-informed person (in a transaction)
  • logical move (in go, shogi, etc.)
  • ninth vertical line - Shōgi term
  • seam on a helmet
  • gristly fish paste (made of muscle, tendons, skin, etc.) - abbreviation 筋蒲鉾
  • social position; status - archaism

suffix noun / noun / ~の noun:

  • on (a river, road, etc.); along

suffix / counter:

  • counter for long thin things; counter for roads or blocks when giving directions
  • (Edo period) counter for hundreds of mon (obsolete unit of currency) - archaism

物語monogatarinosujihaあるarushimawo舞台butaini展開tenkaiするsuru The action of the story takes place on an island.

watashihaそのsonoニュースNYUUSUwo確かなtashikanasujiからkara得たeta I got the news from a reliable source.

きみkimiga言っているitteiruことkotohasujigaあまりamariよくyoku通っていないkayotteinai There isn't much logic in what you're saying.

そのsono小説shousetsunosujihaわからないwakaranai I don't understand this novel's plot.

watashiha去年kyonenそれsorewo別のbetsunosujiからkara聞いたkiita I heard about it from another source last year.

すいせんsuisen Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • recommendation; referral; endorsement 推奨

私達watashitachihakarewo議長gichouni推薦suisenしたshita We recommended him as chairman.



  • numeral; figure; digit; numeric character - Mathematics term

このkono数字suujinoretsuwo合計goukeishiなさいnasai Add up this column of figures.



  • level; standard
  • water level

君のkimino仕事shigotoha期待kitaiしているshiteiru水準suijunni達していないtasshiteinai Your work comes short of the expected standard.



temporal noun:

  • end; close (e.g. close of the month)

noun / ~の noun:


  • descendants; offspring; posterity - esp. 〜の末

temporal noun:

  • future
  • finally

noun / ~の noun:

  • trivialities

karehaデッドヒートDEDDOHIITOnosueそのsonoレースREESUni勝ったkatta He won a narrow victory in the race.

suenomusumeにはnihaいつもitsumoリンゴRINGOno3分の13bunno1ga与えられるataerareru One-third of an apple is always given to our youngest daughter.

kareha来月raigetsunosuedeここkokoni10年間nenkan住むsumuことになるkotoninaru He will have lived here for ten years by the end of next month.



  • already; too late

私たちwatashitachihaすでにsudeni仕事shigotowoしてshiteしまったshimatta We've already done our work.



  • assistant; helper
  • assistant (to a professor) じょしゅ

watashiha助手joshuwo探しているsagashiteiru I am looking for an assistant.

しゅうりshuuriしゅりshuriobs.すりsuriobs. Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • repair; mending; fixing; servicing

そのsonokurumaha修理shuuriするsuru価値kachigaないnai The car isn't worth repairing.


noun / ~の noun:

  • sleep

睡眠suiminhakusurini勝るmasaru Sleep is better than medicine.

するどいsurudoi Inflection


  • sharp (blade); pointed
  • sharp (pain); stabbing; cutting (remark); stinging; pointed (question or look); screeching (noise)
  • perceptive; keen; quick (mind); astute; shrewd; discerning
  • nimble; agile; quick

私のwatashinoナイフNAIFUnohahaとてもtotemo鋭いsurudoi My knife has such a fine edge.

少女shoujono鋭いsurudoi感性kanseini触れているfureteiru I am touched by the girl's acute sensitivity.

すばらしいsubarashiiすんばらしいsunbarashiiirr. Inflection


  • wonderful; splendid; magnificent

そのsonohiha実にjitsuniすばらしいsubarashiihiだったdatta It was a really beautiful day.

すくうsukuu Inflection

godan ~う verb / transitive:

  • to rescue from; to help out of; to save

平和heiwaしかshika世界sekaiwo救うsukuuことはできないkotohadekinai Nothing but peace can save the world.

すすめるsusumeru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to recommend (someone to do); to advise; to encourage; to urge 勧める・奨める
  • to recommend (a book, someone for a position, etc.); to suggest - esp. 薦める
  • to offer (a drink, cigarette, seat, etc.) 勧める・奨める

米国beikokunooyanonakaにはniha息子musukowo麻薬mayakuni近づけないchikazukenaiためにtameniフットボールFUTTOBOORUwo勧めるsusumeruものmonoga多いooi Many American parents encourage their sons to play football to keep them away from drugs.

atejiすてきsutekiatejiateji Inflection

adjectival noun:

  • lovely; wonderful; nice; great; fantastic; superb; cool

あなたanatatachiha本当にhontouni素敵sutekiなおnaoda You're such a lovely audience.


adverb / conjunction:

  • that is; namely; i.e.

すなわちsunawachikarehaそれsorewoしたくないshitakunaiのだnoda In other words, he doesn't want to do it.

すごすsugosu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to pass (time); to spend
  • to overdo (esp. of one's alcohol consumption); to drink (alcohol)
  • to take care of; to support - archaism

godan ~す verb / auxiliary verb:

  • to overdo; to do too much
  • to ... without acting on it

若いwakai男女danjoga人里離れたhitozatohanareta洋館youkande恐怖kyoufuno一夜ichiyawo過ごすsugosuというtoiuホラーHORAAno定番teibanスタイルSUTAIRUda This is a horror staple - young men and women spend a night of terror in an isolated house.

名古屋nagoyanonatsuwo涼しくsuzushiku過ごすsugosuにはniha扇風機senpuukiga必須hissuda In Nagoya summers a fan is essential to help stay cool.

すぐれるsugureru Inflection

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to surpass; to outstrip; to excel

健康kenkougatomini優れるsugureruというtoiuことkotoha言うまでもないiumademonai It goes without saying that health is above wealth.



  • several; a number of

noun / suffix noun:

  • quantity; amount


  • counting; figures; numbers
  • number; numeral; figure
  • grammatical number - Linguistics term
  • destiny; fate; course of events; trend

住宅juutakuno価格kakakuhaここkokosuuか月ka月動きugokigaありませんarimasen House prices have remained static for several months.

今年kotoshiha失業者shitsugyoushasuuga記録的kirokutekiになるninaruだろうdarou This year unemployment will reach record levels.

このkono空港kuukouhashin千歳空港chitosekuukouほどhodo便ga多くないookunaiのでnode送迎デッキsougeiDEKKIからkara見てmitemo最初saishoha飛行機hikoukigaいませんでしたimasendeshita This airport doesn't have as many flights as New Chitose Airport and even looking from the observation deck at first there were no planes.


expression / adverb:

  • anything of; not one bit (with negative sentence)

コックKOKKUさんsanha少しもsukoshimoかけていないkaketeinai The cook hasn't put any on it.


noun / ~の noun:

  • everything; all; the whole


  • entirely; completely; wholly; all

このkonotamagohaすべてsubete新しいatarashiiとはtohaかぎらないkagiranai Not all of these eggs are fresh.

すくsuku Inflection

godan ~く verb / intransitive verb:

  • to become less crowded; to thin out; to get empty
  • to be hungry お腹が空く

どのdono車両sharyougaすいていますsuiteimasuka Which car is less crowded?

私達watashitachihaまだmadaあまりamariお腹onakaha空いていないaiteinai We aren't very hungry yet.

すませるsumaseru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to finish; to make an end of; to get through with; to let end


  • excuse me; pardon me; I'm sorry - polite language
  • thank you - polite language
すすめるsusumeru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to advance; to move forward; to put (a clock, watch) forward
  • to carry forward (plans, work, etc.); to proceed with; to make progress in; to further; to advance; to hasten; to speed up
  • to raise; to elevate; to promote; to develop; to stimulate (e.g. one's appetite)

調べshirabewo進めるsusumeruうちuchini頭蓋骨zugaikotsuga何かnanika重いomoi一撃ichigekiwo受けてukete打ち砕かれているuchikudakareteirunoga明らかになったakirakaninatta Closer examination revealed that the skull had been crushed by some heavy blow.


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