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  • shelf; shelves; ledge; rack
  • trellis

そのsonohonhaいちばん上のichibanjounotanani置いてoiteくださいkudasai Put the book on the top shelf.



  • tatami mat; Japanese straw floor coverings

karehatataminoueni大の字dainojiになったninatta He lay on the mat at full length.

退たいいんtaiin Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • leaving hospital; discharge from hospital

彼女kanojoha1時間maeni退院taiinしましたshimashita She left the hospital an hour ago.

たすtasu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to add (numbers)
  • to add (something); to top up (with something)
  • to take care of (e.g. one's business) 用を足す

伯父ojiさんsanha言ったitta。「3足すtasuha幾つikutsu?」 Uncle asked: "What is three plus four?"

たりるtariru Inflection

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to be sufficient; to be enough
  • to be worth doing; to be worthy of; to deserve - in the form に足りる after a verb 取るに足りない
  • to do (the job); to serve; to answer

これだけkoredakenoryouno食料shokuryoude一週間noキャンプKYANPUni足りるtariruでしょうかdeshouka Will this much food do for a week's camping?

たずねるtazuneru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to ask; to enquire; to inquire
  • to search; to look for; to look into; to investigate

友人yuujingawatashiha元気genkikatoたずねるtazuneru手紙tegamiwoくれたkureta My friend sent me a letter asking how I was.

ただしいtadashii Inflection


  • right; correct
  • proper; righteous; just; honest; truthful; lawful

これkorega正しいtadashiiかどうかkadouka自信jishingaないnai I'm not sure if this is correct.

たいていtaitei Inflection

adjectival noun / adverb / noun:

  • mostly; ordinarily; usually; generally
  • probably

~の noun / noun:

  • most; almost all
  • ordinary - before a neg. form

adjectival noun:

  • proper; appropriate; moderate - usu. as 〜にする

記号kigouha数学suugakudehaたいていtaitei未知数michisuuwo表すarawasu The symbol "X" usually stands for an unknown quantity in mathematics.

大抵taiteinohitohabokuwo気違いkichigaidato思っomoteいるiru Most people think I'm crazy.

たのしむtanoshimuirr. Inflection

godan ~む verb:

  • to enjoy (oneself)

これkorehaスキーSUKIItoバーベキューBAABEKYUUtoパーティーPAATEIIwo日帰りhigaeride楽しむtanoshimuいいとこ取りiitokotorino計画keikakuda Skiing, barbecues, parties: with this plan you get the best of everything and can enjoy it all on a one-day visit.

たてるtateru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to build; to construct

chichihakabewo建てるtateruのにnoni忙しいisogashii Father is busy putting up a wall.

たてるtateru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to stand up; to put up; to set up; to erect; to raise - also written as 起てる
  • to thrust into; to bury into; to dig into
  • to make (a noise); to start (a rumour); to raise (a cloud of dust, etc.); to cause
  • to make; to establish; to set up; to develop; to formulate
  • to put up (a political candidate); to make (one's leader)
  • to treat with respect; to give (someone) their due; to make (someone) look good; to avoid embarrassing (someone)
  • to sharpen; to make clear
  • to shut; to close 閉てる
  • to make tea (matcha); to perform the tea ceremony 点てる
  • to divide by

suffix / ichidan verb:

  • to do ... vigorously - after the -masu stem of a verb

kareha怒るokorutoよくyoku大声oogoewoたてるtateru He is liable to shout when angry.

失敗shippaiしたshitaもっとmotto余裕yoyuuwoもってmotte計画keikakuたてるtateruべきbekiだったdatta I choked! I should have come up with a proper plan first.

人生jinseitohatano予定yoteiwo立てるtateruことkotoni忙しくisogashikushiteいるirutokini起こるokoru現象genshounoことkotoda Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.


adverb / suffix:

  • occasionally; once in a while

基本kihonhaアスカASUKAgaシンジSHINJIwoいじめるijimerudeたまにtamaniキレたKIREtaシンジSHINJIgaアスカASUKAwo襲うosouそのsonotokinoアスカASUKAhaやけにyakeniしおらしいshiorashii The key is that Asuka abuses Shinji. So, rarely, Shinji flips and assaults Asuka. Then Asuka is surprisingly meek.


noun / ~の noun:

  • convention; tournament; mass meeting; rally

あなたanatahaシートベルトSHIITOBERUTOwoちゃんとchanto使用shiyouしていたshiteitaとしてtoshiteカリフォルニアKARIFUORUNIAshuu交通安全koutsuuanzen大会taikaiにおいてnioite賞金shoukin5000ドルDORUwo獲得kakutokuされましたsaremashita You have just won a prize of $5000 in a California state safety competition for proper use of your seatbelt.


noun / ~の noun:

  • target; object (of worship, study, etc.); subject (of taxation, etc.)

このkono歴史書rekishishoha高校生koukouseiwo対象taishouni書かれているkakareteiru This History textbook is intended for High school students.



  • position; situation
  • viewpoint; standpoint; point of view

o答え答eできるdekiru立場tachibaniありませんarimasen I'm not in a position to answer.

彼女のkanojono立場tachibaからkaraそのsono問題mondaiwoとらえるtoraeruようにしyounishiなさいnasai Try to see the problem from her point of view.

たいほtaiho Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • arrest; apprehension; capture

そのsono男性danseihaスパイSUPAIとしてtoshite逮捕taihoされたsareta The man was arrested as a spy.

たんとうtantou Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • being in charge (of an area of responsibility); being responsible (for a work role, etc.)

ジョンJONha関東kantou地区chikuそしてsoshite太郎tarouha関西kansai地区chikuwo担当tantouしているshiteiru John covers the Kanto area and Taro covers the Kansai area.


noun / ~の noun:

  • attitude; manner; behaviour

watashiha彼のkareno態度taidoga癪に障ったshakunisawatta I was annoyed at his behavior.


noun / ~の noun:

  • ambassador

大使taishihaワルシャワWARUSHAWAからkara召還shoukanされたsareta The ambassador was recalled from Warsaw.



  • valley

taniha彼のkareno呼び声yobigoedeこだまkodamaしたshita The valley echoed with his call.



  • battle; fight; struggle; conflict

戦いtatakaiha人間ningenno獣性juuseiwoよびおこすyobiokosu War arouses the animal in man.

たんじょうtanjou Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • birth; creation; formation

生命seimeihaいつitsu誕生tanjouしたshitaのですnodesuka When did life come into being?



  • unit; denomination
  • credit (in school)

ここkokodehasakanahaポンドPONDO単位tan'ide売られていますurareteimasu Fish is sold by the pound here.

このkono科目kamokuhanani単位tan'iですかdesuka How many credits is this course?


noun / ~の noun:

  • majority; more than half; most (of)

adverbial noun:

  • mostly; largely; mainly; predominately; nearly

ここkokono学生gakuseiha大半taihanga真面目majimeであるdearu The students are for the most part diligent.



  • physical education

体育taiikuha必修科目hisshuukamokuですかdesuka Is physical education a required course?


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