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  • odour; odor; scent; smell; stench - 臭い usu. has a negative connotation
  • aura; whiff; smacks of ...; sense; flavour; flavor

あのanohanahaにおいnioiga強いtsuyoi That flower has a strong smell.

にあうniau Inflection

godan ~う verb / intransitive verb:

  • to suit; to match; to become; to be like

あのanoドレスDORESUha彼女kanojoniよくyoku似合うniau That dress really becomes her.

にぎるnigiru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

  • to clasp; to grasp; to grip; to clutch
  • to make (nigirizushi, rice ball, etc.); to form; to press into shape; to mold; to mould
  • to seize (power, etc.); to take hold of

成功seikouhenokagiwo握るnigirunoha教育kyouikuであるdearu It is education that is key to the success.



  • Japan

日本nipponha中国chuugokuno東方touhouniあるaru Japan is to the east of China.



  • Sunday - abbreviation 日曜


  • day (of the month) - also んち or ち

suffix / counter:

  • counter for days - also んち or ち

noun / suffix noun / prefix noun:

  • Japan - abbreviation 日本

郵便配達yuubinhaitatsuhanichiおきにokiniやって来ますyattekimasu The mailman comes around every three days.

13nichino金曜日kin'youbiha不吉なfukitsunahidaと言われているtoiwareteiru It is said that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day.

そのsono知らせshirasega届いたtodoitanoha2・3nichiたってtatteからkaradata It was not until few days later that the news arrived.

にっこりnikkoriニッコリNIKKORIにこりnikoriニコリNIKORI Inflection

adverb / ~と adverb / ~する noun:

  • sweetly (smiling); broadly (grinning) - onomatopoeia ニコニコ


  • schedule; program; programme; agenda

あすasuameno場合baaiha別のbetsuno日程nitteiwo組まなくちゃkumanakucha In case it rains tomorrow, we should make another arrangement.

にゅうしゃnyuusha Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • joining a company; getting a job with a company; entering a company

kareha高校koukou卒業sotsugyou直後chokugoni入社nyuushaしたshita He joined the company right after he got through high school.



  • date and time

あなたanatano都合のいいtsugounoii日時nichijiniミーティングMIITEINGUwo組み直してkuminaoshiteくださいませんkudasaimasenka Could you please reschedule the meeting at a time that is convenient for you?



  • wife (esp. one's own wife)
  • court lady; female court attache; woman who served at the imperial palace にょうぼう・にゅうぼう
  • woman (esp. as a love interest) にょうぼう・にゅうぼう - archaism

女房nyoubouha店員ten'inさんsanよりyori一回り小さい一mawarichiisaiteda My wife's hands are slightly smaller than the shop assistant's.

にごるnigoru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to become muddy; to become cloudy; to get impure (of a liquid, gas, etc.)
  • to become dull (of a sound, color, etc.); to become hoarse
  • to become impure (of a heart, society, etc.); to be corrupted; to be polluted
  • to become voiced; to add voiced consonant marks 濁り【にごり】
にるniru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

くたくたにkutakutani煮るniru Reduce to pulp by boiling.

にくむnikumu Inflection

godan ~む verb / transitive:

  • to hate; to detest

自分jibunwo憎むnikumumonoにもnimo親切shinsetsunishiなさいnasai Do good to those who hate you.



  • daily lesson; daily work; daily routine

朝食choushokumaeni新聞shinbunwo読むyomunoga私のwatashino日課nikkaですdesu My routine is to read the newspaper before breakfast.



  • daily necessities

このkono商店街shoutengaiha地元jimotodeha唯一のyuiitsunoショッピング街SHOPPINGUgaide日用品nichiyouhinからkara勉強benkyouni必要なhitsuyounaものmonoまでmade一通り揃って一toorisorotteしまうshimau This shopping district is the only high street in the local area; it stocks the whole line-up from products for daily life to school study equipment.

にがすnigasuold Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to set free; to let go; to release
  • to miss (e.g. a chance); to lose; to let get away; to fail to catch

好機koukiwo逃がすnigasuna Strike while the iron is hot.

にぶいnibuiのろいnoroi Inflection


  • dull (e.g. a knife); blunt にぶい
  • thickheaded; obtuse; stupid - のろい is usu. in kana
  • dull (sound, color, etc.); dim (light) にぶい
  • slow; sluggish; inert; lethargic
  • indulgent (esp. to the opposite sex); doting のろい

大きくてookikuteのろくてnorokute無口mukuchiでしたdeshita He was big and slow and silent.

風邪kazede彼のkareno味覚mikakuha鈍くnibukuなっていたnatteita A cold dulled his taste.



  • rainbow

nijiha自然現象shizengenshouであるdearu A rainbow is a natural phenomenon.

におうniou Inflection

godan ~う verb / intransitive verb:

  • to be fragrant; to smell (good) - usu. 匂う
  • to stink; to smell (bad) - usu. 臭う
  • to glow; to be bright
  • to smack of; to show hints of

この辺konoatari臭うnioundaけどkedo Something stinks here.

にくらしいnikurashii Inflection


  • odious; hateful; detestable; horrible 憎たらしい
  • (speaking ironically) darling
ニコニコNIKONIKOにこにこnikoniko Inflection

adverb / ~と adverb / ~する noun:

  • with a friendly grin; smilingly - onomatopoeia
にらむniramu Inflection

godan ~む verb / transitive:

  • to glare at; to scowl at; to glower at
  • to stare intensely at; to examine carefully
  • to estimate; to guess; to suspect; to judge
  • to keep an eye on someone (e.g. a suspicious or untrustworthy person); to watch - often as 睨まれる 睨まれる
  • to take account of; to take into consideration

審判shinpannohouwoちらりとchirarito睨むniramuga審判shinpanha涼しいsuzushiikaoしてshite鼻クソhanaKUSOwoほじっていhojitteiやがったyagatta。「ちくしょうchikushou八百長yaochoukayo・・・」 I glared briefly in the referee's direction but he was putting on a calm face while picking his nose. "Dammit, the fight's a fixup!?"

吸血鬼kyuuketsukiha睨むniramuだけdakedehitowo金縛りkanashibariniするsuru A vampire can paralyze people just by looking at them.

にわかniwaka Inflection

adjectival noun / ~の noun / noun:

  • sudden; abrupt; unexpected; improvised; hasty; offhand


  • impromptu skit - sometimes 仁輪加 (ateji) - abbreviation 俄狂言

にわかniwaka仕込みshikomino知識chishikidehaそのsono問題mondaiha解けなかったtokenakatta Hastily acquired knowledge was not enough to solve the problem.

にえるnieru Inflection

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to be boiled; to be cooked

タマネギTAMANEGIhaジャガイモJAGAIMOよりyoriはやくhayaku煮えるnieru Onions cook more quickly than potatoes.

にくいnikui Inflection


  • hateful; abominable; poor-looking; detestable
  • amazing; fantastic; admirable; lovely; wonderful - often with irony

フランス語furansugoga憎いnikui I hate French.


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