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れんたいrentai Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • solidarity

noun or verb acting prenominally:

  • joint; collective

荷物nimotsuga遅れたokureta場合baai特別なtokubetsunaD—I(連帯rentai保険hokengaあるaru In case the shipment is delayed, we have special delay insurance.

れんあいren'ai Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • love; love-making; passion; emotion; affections

tokiha友情yuujouwo深めるfukameruga恋愛ren'aiwo弱めるyowameru Time, which strengthens friendship, weakens love.



  • company; lot; bunch; gang; pack; those guys; group - familiar or derogatory
  • troupe; company (of musicians) れんじゅう・れんぢゅう

あのano連中renchuuにはniha近づいてchikazuitehaいけないikenaiyo You must steer clear of that gang.


noun / suffix:

れいぞうreizou Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • cold storage; refrigeration
れいたんreitan Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • cool; indifferent; apathetic; half-hearted
  • cold; cold-hearted; heartless; unkind

彼女kanojohawatashini冷淡reitanda She is cold to me.

れいこくreikoku Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • cruelty; coldheartedness; relentless; ruthless

inuwo叩くtatakuなんてnantekareha冷酷reikokuda It was cruel of him to beat his dog.


noun / ~の noun:

  • cold war

冷戦reisenhaソビエトSOBIETOno崩壊houkaiと共にtotomoni終わったowatta The cold war ended along with the fall of the USSR.

れんりつrenritsu Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • coalition; alliance; union
  • standing side-by-side

新しいatarashii連立renritsu政府seifuhaこのkono難局nankyokuwo乗り切ろうnorikirouとしていますtoshiteimasu The new coalition government is trying to ride out the storm.

れんしょうrenshou Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • consecutive victories; series of victories

試合shiaini連勝renshouするsurunoha難しいmuzukashii It is hard to win four successive games.



  • association; federation
れんぱrenpa Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • successive championships

kareha世界選手権sekaisenshukende連覇renpawo成し遂げたnashitogeta He won four successive world championships.


adverbial noun / temporal noun:

  • average (normal, ordinary) year
  • every year; annually 毎年

今年kotoshiha例年reinenよりyorisakuraha早いhayaiだろうdarou The cherry blossoms will come out earlier than usual.

れきしてきrekishiteki Inflection

adjectival noun:

  • historic; historical; traditional

歴史的rekishiteki論点rontenhaダーウィニズムDAAUINIZUMUga3つmittsuno進展shinten段階dankaiwo得ているeteirutoいうiuことkotode要約youyakuできようdekiyou The historical thesis can be summarized by saying that Darwinism has undergone three stages of evolution.

れんぱいrenpai Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • consecutive defeats; series of defeats

みじめなmijimena連敗renpaide我々warewareha意気消沈ikishouchinしたshita A miserable sequence of defeats discouraged us.

れんけいrenkei Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • cooperation; coordination; link

noun / suffix noun:

  • command; order; dictation

国際貿易kokusaiboueki禁止kinshireigaそのsonokunino経済keizaiにとってnitotte最後saigono頼みtanomiでしょうdeshou An international trade ban could be the last straw for that country's economy.



  • twelve o'clock; midnight; noon

noun / ~の noun:

  • successive generations; successive emperors

今日kyouno土地tochi問題mondaiha歴代rekidaino政府seifuno無策musakuによるniyoruものであるmonodearu Today's land problems are the product of years of neglect by successive governments.

れんさいrensai Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • serialization; serialisation; serial story

このkono物語monogatariha朝日新聞asahishinbunni連載rensaiされたsareta This story appeared serially in the Asahi.

れんだrenda Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • repeated blows; striking repeatedly; barrage
  • consecutive hits (e.g. boxing, baseball)
れいきゃくreikyaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • cooling; refrigeration

tetsuha熱してnesshiteからkara急にkyuuni冷却reikyakuしてshite焼きを入れるyakiwoireru Iron is tempered by heating and sudden cooling.

れきほうrekihou Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • round of calls; tour of visitation
れんようren'you Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • continuous use


  • cool summer; cold summer; cooler-than-normal summer

今年kotoshinonatsumo冷夏reikaになりninariそうsouda It seems to be cold again this summer.


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