Results, #kana

Showing results 26-50:



  • legume (esp. edible legumes or their seeds, such as beans, peas, pulses, etc.); beans; peas
  • soya bean (Glycine max); soybean; soy 大豆
  • female genitalia (esp. the clitoris) - colloquialism
  • kidney - colloquialism - usually written using kana alone - Food term

prefix noun:

  • miniature; tiny
  • child

飲むnomu分だけbundakemamewoローストROOSUTOしてshiteミルMIRUde挽くhikuんですndesu We roast just enough beans for the amount we're going to drink, and grind them in the coffee mill.

imoutohamamenokawawoむいたmuita My sister shelled the beans.

watashiha毎朝maiasa自分jibundeコーヒーKOOHIImamewo挽いhiiteいるiru I grind my own coffee beans every morning.

かまうkamau Inflection

godan ~う verb:

  • to mind; to care about; to be concerned about; to have a regard for 構わない

godan ~う verb / intransitive verb:

  • to be an issue; to matter; to create inconvenience

godan ~う verb:

  • to keep company; to care for; to look after; to entertain; to pay attention to; to spend time with - usually written using kana alone

godan ~う verb / intransitive verb:

  • to interfere with; to meddle in

godan ~う verb / transitive:

  • to tease
  • to banish; to prohibit - archaism

たとえtatoe失敗shippaiしてshitemoかまうkamauものかmonoka If he fails, so what?

彼女kanojogaいつitsu結婚しようkekkonshiyoutoかまうkamauものかmonoka Who cares when she gets married?

大統領daitouryouhaかまうkamauものmonokato言ったitta The president said, "I don't give a damn."

ちょうだいchoudai Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • receiving; reception; getting; being given - humble language
  • eating; drinking; having - humble language


  • please; please do for me - also used after -te forms - familiar language - female language - usually written using kana alone

いすisudeyukawoこすらないkosuranaideちょうだいchoudai Don't scrape your chair on the floor.

このkonoバラBARAちょうだいchoudai I'll take these roses.

市民shiminno皆様minasamanogo意見ikenwoちょうだいchoudaiするsuru予定yoteiですdesu We plan to elicit opinions from the public.



  • string; cord
  • man who is financially dependent on a woman; gigolo; pimp - oft. as ヒモ - usually written using kana alone

何かnanikawo記録kirokuするsuruためにtameni彼らkarerahaラマRAMAkaアルパカARUPAKAno毛糸keitodeできたdekita結び目musubimenoついたtsuitaひもhimowo使ったtsukatta To record something, they used knotted cords made of the wool of the llama or alpaca.

くさるkusaru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to rot; to go bad; to decay; to spoil; to fester; to decompose; to turn sour (e.g. milk)
  • to corrode; to weather; to crumble
  • to become useless; to blunt; to weaken (from lack of practice)
  • to become depraved; to be degenerate; to be morally bankrupt; to be corrupt
  • to be depressed; to be dispirited; to feel discouraged; to feel down 気が腐る【きがくさる】

auxiliary verb / godan ~る verb:

  • to have the audacity to; to be bastard enough to - after the -masu stem of a verb; indicates scorn or disdain for another's action - usually written using kana alone - Kansai dialect やがる

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to lose a bet - archaism
  • to be drenched; to become sopping wet - archaism

karehaお金okanewo腐るkusaruほどhodo持っているmotteiru He's got money to burn.

nikuwo冷蔵庫reizoukoni入れireなさいnasaiさもないとsamonaito腐るkusaruyo Put the meat in the refrigerator, or it will rot.

天気tenkiga暖かいatatakaitonikuhaすぐsugu腐るkusaru Meat decays quickly in warm weather.

きれるkireru Inflection

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to break; to snap; to be cut; to split; to crack
  • to be injured
  • to wear out; to be worn out
  • to break; to burst; to collapse
  • to wear off; to stop working; to go dead
  • to expire (time limit, etc.); to run out; to become due
  • to run out (of stock, etc.); to be exhausted; to be used up; to be sold out; to be out of
  • to be broken off (e.g. of a relationship); to break up; to have severed ties; to be cut off; to be disconnected
  • to cut well; to be sharp
  • to be sharp-minded; to be keen; to be shrewd; to be quick-witted; to be able
  • to be short of; to drop under (a certain figure); to beat (e.g. a record time)
  • to dry off
  • to curve; to veer
  • to shuffle (cards)
  • to get angry; to snap; to blow one's top; to lose one's temper; to flip - colloquialism キレる

auxiliary verb / ichidan verb:

  • to be able to do completely - after the -masu stem of a verb - usually written using kana alone

二人no子供kodomohatsunaga切れるkireruまでmade引っ張りhippariあったatta The two children pulled at the rope until it broke.

100メートルMEETORU、10byou切れるkireru Will they break the ten-second mark in the hundred-metre race?

karehaatamaga切れるkireruでもなくdemonaku機知kichini富むtomuわけwakeでもないdemonai He is not witty or bright.


adverb / ~の noun:

  • really; truly; entirely; completely; wholly; perfectly
  • indeed


  • good grief (expression of exasperation) - abbreviation - usually written using kana alone 全くもう

あとato一台パソコンPASOKONwo購入kounyuuするsuru君のkiminoanhaまったくmattaku問題にならないmondaininaranai Your plan to buy another PC is out of the question.

彼女kanojohaきれいkireidane」「まったくmattakuda "She is lovely." "So she is."



  • article; item; thing; goods; stock - esp. 品
  • quality
  • flirtatiousness; coquetry - esp. 科 - usually written using kana alone 科を作る

karehashinagaないnai He is a common sort of man.

ここkokodeお買い上げokaiagenoshinaha無料muryoude配達haitatsuしますshimasu Articles bought here will be delivered free of charge.



  • purple; violet
  • Lithospermum erythrorhizon (species of gromwell) - usually written using kana alone
  • type of soy sauce 醤油

そのsonoirohaピンクPINKUというよりtoiuyorimurasakida The color is purple rather than pink.



  • first; firstly; first of all; to begin with; in the beginning; at the beginning
  • Introduction; Preface - as section heading of a book, etc. - usually written using kana alone
退のけるnokeruどけるdokeruのけるnokeru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to put something out of the way; to move (something, someone) aside
  • to remove; to exclude; to take away 除ける
  • to set aside; to keep apart のける
  • to remove (someone) from the group; to shun のける

ichidan verb / auxiliary verb:

  • to do well despite difficulties; to accomplish despite adversity のける - after the -te form of a verb - usually written using kana alone
  • to do resolutely; to do boldly のける - after the -te form of a verb - usually written using kana alone

そのsono自転車jitenshawoどけてdokete下さいkudasai Get the bicycle out of the way.

私たちwatashitachihakabanwoどけてdokete老婦人roufujinga座れるsuwareruようにyouni場所bashowoあけたaketa We moved our bags to make room for the elderly lady to sit down.

じゃまjamaなのでnanodeそのsono椅子isuwoのけてnokete下さいkudasai Please remove that chair because it is in the way.

つるtsuru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

  • to hang; to suspend; to sling; to wear (e.g. a sword); to put up (e.g. a shelf)
  • to hang oneself - in the form 首を吊る 首を吊る
  • to hoist an opponent off of his feet by his loincloth - Sumo term

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to turn upwards (as if being pulled); to be slanted (of eyes) - usually written using kana alone
  • to pucker (e.g. of a seam); to be pulled tight - usually written using kana alone


  • holiday; day off; absence - polite language
  • sleep; rest - honorific language




  • bomb
  • alcohol with liquor added (esp. wine-based shochu highball, also beer with whiskey) - usually written using kana alone

このkono爆弾bakudanhaたくさんtakusannohitowo殺すkorosuことができるkotogadekiru This bomb can kill many people.



  • beach; seashore
  • captured pieces (in the game of go); captured stones - abbreviation - usually written using kana alone 揚げ浜
  • Yokohama - abbreviation 横浜
  • riverbank; riverside - archaism - Ōsaka dialect

私たちwatashitachihahamahe泳ぎoyogini行ったitta We went swimming at the beach.

namigahamani打ち寄せているuchiyoseteiru Waves are beating the shore.


noun / suffix noun:

  • past; after
  • too (much); over- (e.g. eating) - usually written using kana alone

10ji過ぎsugiにはniha電話denwawoしないでshinaide下さいkudasai Don't call me up after ten o'clock.

スピードSUPIIDOno出しdashi過ぎsugiha危険kikenですdesu Driving too fast is dangerous.

けいたいkeitaiケイタイKEITAIケータイKEETAI Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • something carried (in the hand); handheld; portable


  • mobile telephone; cell phone - abbreviation - colloquialism - usually written using kana alone 携帯電話

アメリカ人AMERIKAjinha武器bukino携帯keitaiwo許されているyurusareteiru Americans have the right to bear arms.

最近のsaikinno女子高生joshikouseiha携帯keitaideメールMEERUしているshiteiruらしいrashii Lately high school girls are using their cell phones to exchange e-mail.



  • attack; offence; offense
  • dominant partner of a homosexual relationship - usually written using kana alone - colloquialism タチ受け




  • end; finish; stop
  • bounds; limits 切りがない切りのない
  • delivery date (of a futures contract) - esp. 限り,限
  • finale (of a noh song); end of an act (in jōruri or kabuki); final performance of the day (in vaudeville)

suffix / counter:

  • counter for slices (esp. thick slices); counter for cuts (e.g. fish, meat)


  • only; just - senses 6-8 are sometimes pronounced ぎり, esp. in old-fashioned speech - usually written using kana alone っ切り【っきり】
  • since; after - usu. in a negative sentence - usually written using kana alone
  • remaining (in a particular state) - usually written using kana alone

karehaそこsokoni行ったittaきりkiri2度と2doto帰ってこなかったkaettekonakatta He went there, never to return.

彼女kanojohaひとりhitoriきりkiriになったninattaとたんtotanそのsono手紙tegamiwoあけたaketa The moment she was alone, she opened the letter.

彼女kanojohanenmaeniiewo出たdetaきりkirideその後sonogo何のnanino消息shousokumoありませんarimasen She left home five years ago, and has never been heard of since.


noun / counter:

  • swing; shake; wave; swinging


  • appearance; behaviour - usually written using kana alone
  • pretence (pretense); show; pretending (to) - oft. after a noun+の or verb in the dictionary form - usually written using kana alone 振りをする

noun / ~の noun:

  • going to restaurant, hotel etc. without a reservation or introduction - usually written using kana alone


  • move (dance); postures
  • lead in (e.g. to a running joke, asking a question); lead up - oft. as フリ - usually written using kana alone 前振り
  • unsewn part of a hanging sleeve on a traditional Japanese woman's garment

suffix / counter:

  • counter for swords, blades, etc.


  • not wearing underwear or pants - archaism

kareha彼女のkanojono話しhanashi振りfuriga気に入らなかったkiniiranakatta He did not like her manner of speech.

hitonoふりfuri見てmite我がwagaふりfuri直せnaose Learn wisdom from the faults of others.

watashihakareno言っているitteirukotogaわからないwakaranaiふりfuriwoしたshita I pretended not to understand what he was saying.


noun / suffix noun:

  • furnished with; including
  • attached to
  • impression; appearance


  • luck - usually written using kana alone
  • sociality

noun / suffix noun:

  • under; assistant (e.g. to a manager) お付き
  • soup base

ああaaバスBASU付きtsukigaいいiina Oh, a bath, please.

つきtsukigaずっとzutto廻ってmawatteこないkonaitoあきらめないakiramenai賭博師tobakushiha危機kikiwoおかしてokashite大金taikinwo狙わnerawaざるをえなくzaruwoenakuなるnaru After a streak of bad luck, a persistent gambler will be forced to play for high stakes.

つきtsukigaいいiiほうhouではないdehanaiのでnodeパチンコPACHINKOmoしないshinaishi宝くじtakarakujimo買いませんkaimasen I don't have good luck, so I don't play pachinko or buy lottery tickets.



noun / suffix noun:

  • proportion (of wholesale price, as tenths of list price)


  • in the midst of - after a -masu stem
  • rest; rack; hanger - after a noun

長くnagakuつき合うtsukiauにはniha掛けkakeha禁物kinmotsu Short accounts make long friends.

kareha上着uwagiwoコートKOOTO掛けkakeniかけたkaketa He hung his coat on a hook.



  • aim; object; purpose; end
  • expectations; prospects; hopes
  • something that can be relied upon
  • snack served with alcoholic drink - Kansai dialect

suffix noun:

  • pad; guard

suffix noun / prefix noun:

  • blow; strike


  • addressed to 宛・宛て
  • per - also written as 充て - usually written using kana alone

ここkokoniあなたanataあてateno手紙tegamigatsuukaありますarimasu Here are some letters for you.

あのano人達hitotachino助力joryokuhaあてateniできないdekinaiyo You can't count on their help.

まずmazu市長shichouあてateni請願書seiganshowo提出teishutsuしてshite署名運動shomeiundouwoしていますshiteimasu First, we will present a petition to the mayor and collect signatures.


~の noun / adverbial noun / temporal noun:

  • side; edge; beside; besides; nearby 傍らに

adverbial noun:

  • while (doing); in addition to; at the same time - usually written using kana alone

メアリーMEARIIha読書dokushowoしてshiteおりori、1hikinonekogaかたわらkatawarade眠っていたnemutteita Mary was reading, with a cat sleeping beside her.



  • jar; pot; vase
  • dice cup
  • depression (i.e. the basin of a waterfall)
  • target (when aiming an arrow) - archaism
  • (figurative) bull's-eye - usually written using kana alone 思うつぼ
  • key point (of a conversation, etc.) - usually written using kana alone
  • acupuncture point; moxibustion point - usually written using kana alone
  • nodes on a fingerboard (of a shamisen, etc.) - often ツボ - usually written using kana alone

kareha粘土nendode優雅なyuuganatsubowo形作ったkatachizukutta He fashioned an elegant pot out of clay.


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