Results, #trans
Showing results 276-300:
- 吐く☆【はく】 Inflection
godan ~く verb / transitive:
- to vomit; to throw up; to spit up
- to emit; to send forth; to breathe out
- to give (an opinion); to make (a comment); to express; to tell
- to confess
シンガポールでは道路に唾を吐くのは犯罪とされる。 In Singapore, it is a crime to spit on the ground.
今朝は冷えるね。ほら見て、吐く息が白いよ。 It's quite cold this morning. Look, my breath comes out white.
- 迫る★【せまる・せるobs.】逼る【せまる】 Inflection
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
- to approach; to draw near; to be imminent
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to press (someone for something); to urge; to compel
顕微鏡を使って、さらに一層、物質の核心近くまで迫ることはあるだろうが、微生物学でさえ、客観的なものであり、対象と観察者との間にスペースを置くことによって知識を拡大していくのである。 There may be microscopes involved, bringing us ever closer to the heart of the matter; but even microbiology is objective, adding to knowledge by putting space between an object and its observer.
- 努める★【つとめる】勉める・力める Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to endeavor (endeavour); to try; to strive; to make an effort; to exert oneself; to be diligent; to be committed (to doing something)
親は子供のことを考えないでいれば恐ろしい内容の電話や電報は絶対に来ないと望みつつ、子供のことを考えないように努めるのである。 Parents try not to think about it, hoping that if they blot the children out, the fateful call or cable will never come.
- 放る★【ほうる・ほる】抛る Inflection
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to throw; to fling; to hurl; to toss
- to neglect; to abandon; to leave alone; to give up on; to leave undone; to leave unfinished ➜ 放っておく
いい球を放るようになったな、恵一君。 You throw a good ball nowadays, Keiichi.
その車は何週間も放ってある。 The car has been kicking around the roadside for weeks.
- 広げる★【ひろげる】拡げる・展げる Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to spread; to extend; to expand; to enlarge; to widen; to broaden [広げる・拡げる]
- to unfold; to open; to unroll; to unwrap
- to scatter about; to spread around [広げる・拡げる]
- to make flourish; to cause to prosper [広げる・拡げる]
鷲の羽は広げると1メーターにもなる。 An eagle's wings are more than one meter across.
大学教育は知識を広げるためのものだ。 University education is designed to expand your knowledge.
- 見送る★【みおくる】 Inflection
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to see someone off (at a station, an airport, etc.); to escort (e.g. home)
- to follow something with one's eyes until it is out of sight
- to let pass; to pass up (an opportunity etc.); to let a pitch go by (baseball); to watch a batted ball go into the stands
- to shelve (a plan, deliberation on a bill, etc.); to postpone
- to have someone related or close to you die; to bury someone
- to take care of somebody until he dies
- to wait and see; to continue (e.g. in legal contexts)
彼の弟は彼を見送るため駅へ行った。 His brother went to the station to see him off.
- 見舞う★【みまう】 Inflection
godan ~う verb / transitive:
- to ask after (someone's health); to visit
- to attack; to strike; to meet with misfortune; to suffer an attack
病気の母を見舞うために帰郷しなければならないといった話をでっちあげた。 I'd made up some story about having to go home to see my sick mother.
- 押さえる★【おさえる】押える Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to pin down; to hold down; to press down - also written as 圧さえる
- to cover (esp. a part of one's body with one's hand); to clutch (a body part in pain); to press (a body part)
- to get a hold of; to obtain; to seize; to catch; to arrest
- to grasp (a point); to comprehend
- to quell; to subdue; to suppress; to repress; to hold back; to check; to curb; to contain ➜ 抑える【おさえる】
野茂が打者をおさえると観客がわきあがります。 It causes quite a sensation when Nomo pitches a no-hitter.
低血糖症の人は、感情を押さえる力がないので、すぐに怖がったり怒ったりする。 People suffering from low level of blood sugar disorder, because they lack the power to suppress their emotions, get easily frightened and angry.
- 寄せる★【よせる】 Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to come near; to let someone approach
- to bring near; to bring together; to collect; to gather
- to deliver (opinion, news, etc.); to send (e.g. a letter); to contribute; to donate
- to let someone drop by
- to add (numbers)
- to have feelings for (love, goodwill, trust, etc.)
- to rely upon for a time; to depend on
- to use as a pretext
- to put aside
- to press; to push; to force
- to include; to welcome (in a group); to let in - Kansai dialect
おまわりさんに車を片側に寄せるように合図された。 The patrolman motioned me to pull over.
警察官に車を路肩に寄せるように合図された。 The patrolman motioned me to pull over.
お巡りさんが車を路肩に寄せるように合図した。 The patrolman motioned me to pull over.
- 攻める★【せめる】 Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to attack; to assault; to assail
彼は私にその問題をいかに攻めるべきかについて教えてくれた。 He enlightened me on how I should attack the subject.
- 重ねる★【かさねる】 Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to pile up; to heap up; to stack up; to put on top of another
- to repeat many times over; to go through repeatedly; to accumulate
年齢を重ねるにつれ、だんだん遠視になってきている。 I'm getting farsighted as I get older.
- 埋める★【うめる】 Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to bury (e.g. in the ground)
- to fill up (e.g. audience fills a hall); to cause to be packed
- to plug (a gap); to stop (a gap); to bridge (a difference, a gap); to fill (a seat, a vacant position); to fill out
- to make up for (a loss, shortage, etc.); to make amends; to compensate for
- to put cold water (in a bath)
- to cover; to scatter something over
犬はよく骨を地面に埋める。 Dogs often bury bones.
群衆がホールをうめつくした。 The crowd filled the hall.
問題は、この必要な隔たりを埋めるのが知覚であるという点にある。 The problem lies in the fact that the necessary gap is bridged by perception.
あいつの損を埋めてやらなくちゃならないんだ。 I have to cover his loss.
風呂が熱すぎるので水を埋めてぬるくする。 As the bath is too hot, I will run some cold water into it.
- 高める★【たかめる】 Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to raise; to lift; to boost; to enhance
社長は従業員に生産性を高めるように命じた。 The president instructed the employees to improve their productivity.
- 接する★【せっする】 Inflection
~する verb (spec.) / intransitive verb:
- to touch; to come in contact with; to border on; to adjoin; to be adjacent; to be close
- to receive (e.g. visitor); to attend to; to serve; to take care of; to look after; to deal with; to see
- to receive (news); to get; to hear
- to encounter; to come across
- to be tangent to - Mathematics term
~する verb (spec.) / transitive:
- to make touch; to bring into contact with; to bring adjacent to; to bring close; to connect
アブミ骨は内耳の前庭窓に接している。 The stirrup rests on the oval window of the inner ear.
メキシコは、アメリカ合衆国と国境を接する国だ。 Mexico is a country whose borders adjoin with those of the United States.
- 物語る★【ものがたる】 Inflection
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to tell; to indicate
子供が健康だということは母親の育て方が立派であるということを物語る。 The child's good health says a great deal for maternal care.
- 殴る★【なぐる】擲る・撲る Inflection
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to strike; to hit; to beat; to punch
痛い!由紀子!痛いよ。グーで殴るのはよせよ! Ow! Yukiko! That hurts! Quit hitting me with your fists!
- 改める★【あらためる】検める・革める Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to change; to alter; to revise; to replace [改める・革める]
- to reform; to correct; to mend; to improve [改める・革める]
- to examine; to check; to inspect [改める・検める]
- to do properly; to do formally [改める・革める]
まあ、過ちを改めるに遅すぎるということはない。 Well, there's no such thing as being too late to correct one's faults.
- 見直す★【みなおす】見なおす Inflection
godan ~す verb / transitive:
- to look at again
- to re-examine (policy, estimate, plan, etc.); to review
- to get a better opinion of; to see in a more positive light
godan ~す verb / intransitive verb:
- to improve; to recover (market, illness, etc.)
将来、このような決定がどういう形で実行されるかを見直すことが必要になるかもしれない。 In the future we may need to take another look at the way decisions such as this are actually implemented.
- 縛る★【しばる】 Inflection
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to tie; to bind; to fasten
- to restrict (freedom); to tie down (with rules, regulations, etc.); to fetter
- 絞る★【しぼる】搾る☆ Inflection
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to wring (towel, rag); to squeeze - esp. 絞る
- to squeeze (fruit to extract juice); to press; to extract; to milk; to express milk - esp. 搾る
- to rack (one's brains); to strain (one's voice)
- to extort; to exploit
- to chew out; to reprimand severely; to rake over the coals; to give a sound scolding; to tell someone off; to scold; to rebuke - often passive voice ➜ 油を絞る
- to drill into; to train
- to narrow down (one's focus); to whittle down
- to gather up (curtain, etc.); to tighten (drawstring)
- to stop down (lens)
- to turn down (e.g. radio)
- to bend (bow); to draw
- to hold down; to constrict; to immobilize - Sumo term
ああ、牛の乳はそんなふうに搾るのですか。 Oh, is that the way you milk a cow?
私は5ポンド絞る必要がある。 I need to lose five pounds.
何世紀にも、読み書きに焦点を絞る語学教育である。 For centuries, foreign language teaching focused on reading and writing.
- 狙う☆【ねらう】 Inflection
godan ~う verb / transitive:
- to aim at
- to be after (something); to have an eye on
レーシング.カーのドライバー達は、大金をねらうばかりでなく、また、レースのスリルを味わおうとするのである。 Racing car drivers aren't just in it for the prize money but also for the thrill of racing.
- 捉える☆【とらえる】捕らえる☆・捕える☆ Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to catch; to capture; to seize; to arrest; to grab; to catch hold of
- to grasp (e.g. meaning); to perceive; to capture (e.g. features)
- to captivate; to move (one's heart)
家のこちら側は朝日をとらえる。 This side of the house catches the morning sun.
なんであれ物事の本体を捕らえる事が肝心だ。 No matter what the problem is, it's essential to get at the heart of the matter.
- なす☆《為す・成す》 Inflection
godan ~す verb / transitive:
- to build up; to establish - esp. 成す
- to form; to become (a state) - esp. 成す
- to accomplish; to achieve; to succeed in
- to change into
- to do; to perform - esp. 為す
auxiliary verb:
- to intend to; to attempt; to try - archaism
彼はきっと一財産を成すでしょう。 He is bound to make a fortune.
あなたのいうことと成すことは違う。 You don't practice what you preach.
彼女は一時に二事をなす能力をもっている。 She has a faculty for doing two things at once.
- 近づける☆【ちかづける】近付ける☆ Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to bring near; to bring close; to let go near
- to associate with; to bring (people) together; to let come near (of a person)
電流が流れる電線にコイルを近づけると、コイルにも電気が流れます。 When a coil is moved near to a wire with current flowing in it current flows in the coil as well.
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