Results, も
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Showing results 51-75:
- 燃やす☆【もやす】燃す☆【もやす・もす】 Inflection
godan ~す verb / transitive:
- to burn
- to burn with (emotion, feeling); to be fired up
石炭や石油やガスを燃やすと、様々なガスが発生する。 If we burn fuels such as coal, oil and gas, they give off various gases.
- 物指☆【ものさし】物指し☆・物差☆・物差し☆
- ruler; measure
ものさしでその棒の長さを測りなさい。 Measure the length of the stick with a ruler.
- 盛る☆【もる】 Inflection
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to serve (in a bowl, on a plate, etc.); to dish out; to dish up; to fill (a bowl) with
- to pile up; to heap up; to fill up; to stack up
- to administer (medicine, poison); to dose out; to prescribe
- to put into (e.g. information in a report, meaning in a statement)
- to mark out (e.g. scale); to graduate (e.g. thermometer)
- to exaggerate; to apply heavy makeup - slang
- 儲かる☆【もうかる】 Inflection
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
- to be profitable; to yield a profit
競馬で稼ぐ!ありえないほど儲かる競馬ノウハウ集! Earn money on the races! Know-how collection on horse racing will have you raking it in!
- もしかしたら☆《若しかしたら》
expression / adverb:
- perhaps; maybe; perchance; by some chance; by any chance
この空模様だと、もしかしたら午後にはひと雨降るかもしれません。 From the look of the sky, it may rain in the afternoon.
- 儲ける☆【もうける】 Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to profit; to get; to earn; to gain
- to have (bear, beget) a child
- to have a stroke of luck
例えば、結婚しないで同棲して子供をもうける人が増えている。 For example, more people are choosing to live together and have children without getting married.
- ねじる☆《捩る・捻る・拗る・捩じるirr.・捻じるirr.・拗じるirr.》よじる・もじる《捩る》 Inflection
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to screw; to twist
- to distort; to parody; to make a pun - esp. もじる
- to torture; to wrest
その取っ手を右にねじると箱は開きます。 Twist that knob to the right and the box will open.
- もむ☆《揉む》 Inflection
godan ~む verb / transitive:
- to rub; to crumple
- to massage
- to argue; to have a heated discussion
- to train; to coach
- to jostle; to crowd; to shake; to rock
- to have various experiences (out in the world) - as もまれる
- もったいない☆《勿体ない・勿体無い・物体ない・物体無い》 Inflection
- impious; profane; sacrilegious
- too good; more than one deserves; unworthy of
- wasteful
- ものすごい☆《物凄い・もの凄い》 Inflection
- earth-shattering; staggering; to a very great extent
- terrible; frightful; horrible; ghastly
- もたれる☆《凭れる・靠れる》 Inflection
ichidan verb / intransitive verb:
- to lean against; to lean on; to recline on
- to lie heavy (on the stomach); to be uneasily digested
- 潜る【もぐる・むぐるobs.】 Inflection
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
- to dive (into or under water)
- to get under; to get into; to get in; to creep into; to crawl under; to bury oneself; to burrow into; to dig oneself into; to snuggle under
- to hide oneself (esp. from the government); to conceal oneself; to go underground ➜ 地下に潜る
ロッククライミングも、海で深く潜ることもしたし、インドネシアの熱帯雨林で眠ったこともある。 I've done rock climbing and deep-sea diving and slept in an Indonesian jungle.
- 文書★【ぶんしょ・もんじょ】
- document; writing; letter; paperwork; note; records; archives
- document addressed to someone in particular (jargon used in paleography) [もんじょ]
この文書はあなたのお目にだけ留めていただきたい。 This document is for your eyes only.
- 申し込み★【もうしこみ】申込み☆・申込☆
- application; entry; request; subscription; offer; proposal; overture; challenge
- 持ち★【もち】
noun / suffix noun:
- hold; charge; keep possession; in charge
- wear; durability; life; draw
- usage
近頃は多くの人が花粉症持ちだ。 A lot of people are dealing with hay fever now.
© Based on JMdict, KANJIDIC2, and JMnedict, property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, used in conformance with the Group's licence. Example sentences from the Tatoeba project (CC BY 2.0). Kanji stroke order data from the KanjiVG project by Ulrich Apel (CC BY-SA 3.0). See comprehensive list of data sources for more info.
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