Results, れ
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Showing results 51-75:
- 連行★【れんこう】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- taking (a suspect to the police); dragging (someone) away
警察が容疑者を尋問するために連行していったよ。 The police have hauled in a suspect for questioning.
- 冷害☆【れいがい】
- cold-weather damage (to crops)
東北地方は大変な冷害に見舞われた。 The Tohoku district was badly hit by the cold weather.
- 礼状☆【れいじょう】
- acknowledgment; acknowledgement; letter of thanks
あなたは彼らにお礼状を書くべきだと思いませんか。 Don't you think you ought to write them a thank-you note?
- 礼服☆【れいふく】
- ceremonial dress; evening dress; dress suit; morning suit ➜ 平服
将軍は礼服を着てひときわ目立っていた。 The general cut a distinguished figure in his dress uniform.
- 冷や汗☆【ひやあせ】冷汗☆【ひやあせ・れいかん】
- cold sweat
会議で川添さんの追及を受けて冷や汗ものだったよ。 When Kawazoe pinned me down at the meeting, I broke out in a cold sweat.
- 劣等感☆【れっとうかん】
- inferiority complex
あなたはだれにも劣等感を感じる理由はない。 There is no reason for you to feel inferior to anyone.
- 礼拝☆【れいはい・らいはい】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:
- worship (esp. Christian); adoration; divine service [れいはい]
noun / ~する noun:
- worship (esp. Buddhist and Shinto) [らいはい]
彼は今礼拝中だ。 He's at church right now.
「ところで神社を知っていますか?」「軽く触れる程度には。信仰対象となった存在、いわゆるところの神格を祭る礼拝施設ね」 "By the way, do you know what a Shinto shrine is?" "I've a little bit of knowledge on the subject. It's a religious facility where that which is the object of worship, that called the genius loci, is enshrined."
- 連動☆【れんどう】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- operating together; working together; gearing; linkage
noun or verb acting prenominally:
- linked; coupled; interlocking
肩関節は、単独で動くほか、腕の動きにも連動して動きます。 The shoulder joints, as well as moving on their own, also move in conjunction with arm movements.
- 連投☆【れんとう】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- pitching in consecutive games - Baseball term
- making multiple posts (on a website); posting multiple comments
- 列挙☆【れっきょ】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- enumeration; list
徳川家の系図を列挙しなさい。 Recite the names of the members of the Tokugawa clan.
- 連結☆【れんけつ】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun / adjectival noun / ~の noun:
- concatenation; coupling; connection; linking; consolidation (e.g. of company accounts)
ここでも、このアプローチがマシュー・アーノルドの「どこにも連結がある」という考えに由来していることを見て取ることができる。 Again, we can see this approach as deriving from Matthew Arnold's idea that everywhere there is connection.
- 連作☆【れんさく】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- planting a field with the same crop each year; repeated cultivation
- collaborative literary work; story made up by several writers working on it in turn
- series (of novels); cycle (of poems, songs); sequence
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