Results, change
Showing results 51-75:
- 改める★【あらためる】検める・革める Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to change; to alter; to revise; to replace [改める・革める]
- to reform; to correct; to mend; to improve [改める・革める]
- to examine; to check; to inspect [改める・検める]
- to do properly; to do formally [改める・革める]
まあ、過ちを改めるに遅すぎるということはない。 Well, there's no such thing as being too late to correct one's faults.
- 一変★【いっぺん】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- complete change; about-face
夫妻は化学を近代科学へと一変させた。 The couple transformed chemistry into a modern science.
- 切り替える☆【きりかえる】切替える・切り換える・切りかえる・切換える・切り変える Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to change; to exchange; to convert; to renew; to throw a switch; to replace; to switch over
- 小銭☆【こぜに】
- small change; coins
- small sum of money
私は小銭の持ち合わせがない。 I don't have any small change on me.
彼は就寝前にポケットから小銭を取り出して、テーブルの上にどさっと置く。 Before going to bed, he usually takes all the coins from his pockets and dumps them on the table.
- 化する☆【かする】 Inflection
~する verb (spec.) / suffix:
- to change into; to convert into; to transform; to be reduced; to influence; to improve (someone)
- 違える【ちがえる】 Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- 転職★【てんしょく】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- change of occupation
転職後、彼の収入は減った。 His income has been reduced after he changed his job.
- 着替える☆【きかえる・きがえる】着換える Inflection
ichidan verb:
- to change one's clothes
私は服を着替えるために家へ帰った。 I went home in order to change my clothes.
- 衣替え☆【ころもがえ】更衣・衣更え Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- seasonal change of clothing; changing (one's) dress for the season - reading is gikun for 更衣 ➜ 更衣【こうい】
- renovation; facelift; changing appearance
- 寝返る☆【ねがえる】 Inflection
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
- to change sides; to double-cross; to betray
- 一新☆【いっしん】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- complete change; reform; restoration; remodeling; remodelling; renewal
その罪人はキリスト教徒になり、生活を一新した。 The criminal became a Christian and turned over a new leaf.
- 辞令☆【じれい】
- notice of personnel change (appointment, dismissal, etc.)
- wording; choice of language; phraseology
彼は辞令を受けるように結局説得された。 He was eventually prevailed upon to accept the appointment.
- 変更届☆【へんこうとどけ】変更届け
- notification of change; alteration report; registration of modification - abbreviation ➜ 在留届
在留届に変更があったり、未だに変更届を提出されていない方は、至急提出頂きますようお願いします。 We ask that those who have had a change to their residence report and have not yet submitted a change report please do so as quickly as possible.
- 気分転換☆【きぶんてんかん】
- change of pace; change of mood; (mental) break (e.g. going for a walk); refreshment - four character idiom
- トラバーユ☆ Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- job change; change of occupation - From French "travail"
- work; labour; labor
- 変調☆【へんちょう】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- change of tone; variation (music); irregularity; anomaly; abnormality
- modulation (in radio)
- 変心☆【へんしん】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- change of mind; inconstancy; apostasy
僕は彼女の突然の変心にとても驚いた。 I was very much surprised by her sudden change of mind.
- 変じる☆【へんじる】 Inflection
ichidan verb / intransitive verb:
- to change into; to be transformed; to be transfigured; to transform; to alter; to convert
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