Results, こ #n

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noun / ~の noun:

  • grain; cereal; corn

あなたanatano菜園saiende作れるtsukureru穀物kokumotsuya野菜yasaiwo食べてtabete生活seikatsuするsuruhougaずっとzutto安上がりyasuagarida It's much cheaper to live on grains and vegetables you can grow in your garden.

こんざつkonzatsu Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • congestion; crush; crowding; jam
  • confusion; disorder

そのsonomichihakurumade混雑konzatsuしているshiteiru The road is jammed with cars.

こうさいkousai Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • company; friendship; association; society; acquaintance

そのsonootokohatsumato交際kousaiし始めたshihajimeta The man took up with his wife.

こうふくkoufuku Inflection

noun / adjectival noun:

  • happiness; well-being; joy; welfare; blessedness

o金持ちkanemochiha必ずしもkanarazushimo幸福koufukuとはtohaかぎらないkagiranai The rich are not always happy.

こうかkouka Inflection

noun / adjectival noun:

彼女kanojoha高価koukaではないdehanaigaさっぱりとsapparitoしたshita服装fukusouwoしていたshiteita Though she did not wear expensive clothes, she was neatly dressed.

こんやくkon'yaku Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • engagement; betrothal

とうとうtoutou私のwatashinoaneha婚約kon'yakuしたshita Finally, my sister got engaged.



  • wheat

このkono小麦komugihakonaniされるsareru This wheat is made into flour.

こうりょkouryo Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • consideration; taking into account

彼らkarerani同行doukouしようshiyoukato考慮kouryochuuですdesu I'm considering going with them.

こくふくkokufuku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • conquest (of a difficulty, illness, handicap, etc.); overcoming; bringing under control; subjugation; victory over

kareha多くookuno困難konnanwo克服kokufukuしたshita He has overcome many obstacles.

こっせつkossetsu Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • bone fracture

右腕uwanwo骨折kossetsuしたshitaようyouですdesu I think my right arm is broken.



  • flour; meal; powder; dust

このkono小麦komugihakonaniされるsareru This wheat is made into flour.



これらのkorerano硬貨koukahaほとんどhotondo価値kachigaないnai These coins are of little value.

こううんkouun Inflection

noun / adjectival noun:

  • good luck; fortune Antonym: 不運

良いyoiベビーシッターBEBIISHITTAAga見つけられてmitsukerarete幸運kouunだったdatta I was lucky that I was able to find a good babysitter.



  • blackboard

watashihaそれsorewo黒板kokubanni書きましょうkakimashou I'll write it on the blackboard.



  • parcel; package

このkono小包kozutsumiwo船便funabinde送ってokutteくださいkudasai Please send this parcel by sea.


noun / adverbial noun / suffix noun:

  • (approximate) time; around; about; toward - ごろ when used as a suffix
  • suitable time (or condition) 食べ頃
  • time of year; season

大抵のtaiteino晩餐bansanha11jigoroni終わりますowarimasu Most dinner parties end about eleven o'clock.

あなたanataha結婚してkekkonshitemoよいyoiころkoroda It's about time you got married.

彼女kanojohanatsugoroからkara病気byoukiだったdatta She has been ill since about summer.



  • proverb; saying; aphorism; maxim

このkonoことわざkotowazaga使われるtsukawarerunowo聞いたkiita事がありますkotogaarimasu I have heard this proverb used.

こうりゅうkouryuu Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • (cultural) exchange; interchange; interaction; (inter-) mingling; (social, etc.) networking; intercourse
  • alternating current; AC

さらにsaranio年寄りtoshiyoriga互いにtagaini交流kouryuushiアメリカAMERIKAno生活seikatsunonakade何時までもmademo積極的にsekkyokutekini参加sankaしていられるshiteirareruようにyouni多くookuno団体dantaiga結成kesseiされているsareteiru In addition many groups have been formed so that the elderly can socialize with one another and remain active participants in American life.



  • structure; construction; makeup; framework; organization; pattern

このkono増加zoukaに加えてnikuwaete世界sekaino経済keizai構造kouzouno変化henkagaあったatta Along with this increase, there has been a change in the world's economic organization.


noun / ~の noun:

  • national

国立kokuritsu公園kouennaideno狩猟shuryouha禁止kinshisareteいるiru Hunting is prohibited in national parks.



  • nationality; citizenship
  • nationality (ship, airplane, etc.); registration; flag

我々warewareno真のshinno国籍kokusekiha人類jinruiであるdearu Our true nationality is mankind.


noun / ~の noun:

  • public; community; public service; society; communal

政府seifuha公共koukyou福祉fukushiwo促進sokushinするべきsurubekiであるdearu The government should promote common welfare.

こうじkouji Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • construction work

そのsono工事koujiha住民juuminからkarano強いtsuyoi反対hantaiにもかかわらずnimokakawarazu続けられたtsuzukerareta They carried on with the construction in the face of strong opposition from the residents.


~の noun / noun:

  • formal; official


  • formula (e.g. mathematical)

これらのkorerano要素yousowoすべてsubete包含houganするsuruようなyouna最良sairyouno公式koushikihaこれまでkoremadenoところtokoro提案teianされていないsareteinai The optimal formula which would encompass all these factors has not been proposed.

こうたいkoutai Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • alternation; change; relief; relay; shift; substitution (sports, etc.); taking turns

我々warewareha交替koutaidekurumawo運転untenしたshita We took turns driving the car.


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