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するsuru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

  • to print
  • to color or pattern fabric using a wooden mold
すむsumu Inflection

godan ~む verb / intransitive verb:

  • to become clear (water, air, etc.); to become transparent
  • to resonate clearly (e.g. voice)
  • to become serene; to become tranquil; to be free of worries
  • to pronounce as an unvoiced sound 清音


  • youngest child

watashiha末っ子suekkoですdesu I'm the youngest child in the family.

すまないsumanai Inflection


  • inexcusable; unjustifiable; unpardonable
  • sorry; remorseful; apologetic; conscience-stricken; contrite


邪魔jamawoしてshite済まないsumanaiちょっとchottohanashigaあるaruのだnoda Excuse me for interrupting, I've got something to tell you.

すっきりsukkiriスッキリSUKKIRI Inflection

adverb / ~と adverb / ~する noun:

  • refreshingly; with a feeling of relief; pleasantly; (a weight) off one's shoulder - onomatopoeia さっぱり
  • shapely; neatly; refinedly
  • cleanly; without trouble
  • clearly; plainly; distinctly はっきり
  • completely; thoroughly すっかり
  • not at all (with negative sentence); not even slightly さっぱり
そるsoruするsuru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

  • to shave

kareha毎朝maiasa電気カミソリdenkiKAMISORIdekaowoそるsoru He shaves with an electric razor every morning.



  • matter of taste

音楽ongakuno好みkonomihahitoによってniyotte好きずきsukizukiですdesu Music preferences vary from person to person.

すずむsuzumu Inflection

godan ~む verb / intransitive verb:

  • to cool oneself; to cool off; to enjoy the cool air
すれちがうsurechigau Inflection

godan ~う verb / intransitive verb:

  • to pass by one another
  • to miss meeting each other; to miss each other
  • to disagree

彼女kanojoha通りtoorideすれ違うsurechigautokiniwatashini微笑みかけたhohoemikaketa She smiled at me as she passed me in the street.

すいしんsuishin Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • propulsion; drive
  • promotion (e.g. of a government policy); furtherance; implementation

法案houan通過tsuukawo推進suishinしているshiteiruロビイストROBIISUTOha運動undou資金shikinni賄賂waironokinwoまぎれこませましたmagirekomasemashita Lobbyists for the bill funneled bribes into a campaign fund.


noun / suffix noun:

  • past; after
  • too (much); over- (e.g. eating) - usually written using kana alone

10ji過ぎsugiにはniha電話denwawoしないでshinaide下さいkudasai Don't call me up after ten o'clock.

スピードSUPIIDOno出しdashi過ぎsugiha危険kikenですdesu Driving too fast is dangerous.



  • (water-filled) paddy field

ブーBUUスカSUKA大好きdaisukino水田suidenさんsanha偶然guuzen入ったhaittamisedeめざとくmezatokuブースカグッズBUUSUKAGUZZUwo見つけmitsukete早速sassoku買うkauことkotonishita Ms. Mizuta likes that "Buska" character so much that last time she happened by a store that had Buska goods, she homed in on them and bought one on the spot.

すばやいsubayai Inflection


  • fast; quick; prompt; nimble; agile
  • quick (to understand); sharp (judgement)

そのsonoクモKUMOha素早いsubayai反撃hangekiwoするsuru The spider responds with a swift attack.

すすめsusume Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • recommendation; advice; suggestion; encouragement お勧め

もしmoshikarenoすすめsusumeni従っていたらshitagatteitara会社kaishani一銭moなくなっていたnakunatteitaかもしれませんkamoshiremasen The firm might have lost all its money if it had taken his advice.


noun / ~の noun:

  • help; aid; relief; (religious) salvation; (Christian) grace; providence

kamihaわれらwarerano救いsukuiであるdearuto司祭shisaiha言ったitta "God is our salvation," said the priest.

すえるsueru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to place (in position); to fix; to set (e.g. table); to lay (foundation)
  • to install; to seat (someone) 上座に据える
  • to settle (upon something); to fix (e.g. one's gaze)
  • to apply (moxa)

karewo議長gichouni据えるsueruことkotonidaremo異議igiwo唱えtonaeなかっnakata Nobody argued against choosing him as chairman.

すいそくsuisoku Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • guess; conjecture

あなたanatamo同意見douikendato推測suisokuしますshimasu I gather you'll agree with me.



  • source of river; fountainhead

kawano始まるhajimaruところtokoroga水源suigenであるdearu The place where a river starts is its source.

すいりsuiri Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • reasoning; inference; deduction


彼女kanojoha推理suiri作家sakkaとしてtoshite有名yuumeiになったninatta She became famous as a mystery writer.

すいせんsuisen Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • rinsing with water; flushing


  • hem; (trouser) cuff; shirttail
  • bottom edge
  • foot (of a mountain)
  • tips (of hair)
  • downstream - archaism

カレンKARENnosusoga捲れているmakureteiru Karen's skirt is riding up.

和服wafukuwokite椅子isunikoshiwoかけるkakeruto何となくnantonaku心細いkokorobosoisusoからkarakazegahaひるhiruやうyaunakigaするsuru I feel somewhat uneasy when I sit on a chair with Japanese clothes. I feel like the wind is blowing in from the cuff of my trousers.

すこやかsukoyaka Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • vigorous; healthy; sound

インコINKOyaオウムOUMUto仲良くnakayoku楽しくtanoshiku健やかsukoyakani暮らすkurasuためにtameni飼鳥kaidorino行動学koudougakuyaペットロスPETTOROSUについてnitsuite考えるkangaeru In order to live happily and healthily with parakeets or parrots, you should understand the science of animal behavior for domesticated birds, and consider the emotional effect of eventually losing them.

すますsumasu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to finish; to get it over with; to conclude
  • to settle; to pay back
  • to get along (without something); to make do with (without) - often with で なしで済ます

彼女kanojohahitono助けtasukewo借りないでkarinaideどうにかdounikaそのsono仕事shigotowoすますsumasuことができたkotogadekita She managed to finish the work on her own.

抜歯basshiしないでshinaide済ますsumasu方法houhouhaありますarimasuka Is there any other way besides extraction?

すうはいsuuhai Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • worship; adoration; admiration; cult

そのsono部族buzokuha祖先sosenwo崇拝suuhaiしているshiteiru That tribe worships its ancestors.

なめらかnamerakaすべらかsuberakairr. Inflection

adjectival noun:

  • smooth (of a surface); glassy; velvety; soft
  • smooth (of an action, proceedings, etc.); fluent (speech); fluid; trouble-free
  • continuously differentiable - Mathematics term

umiha穏やかにodayakaniそしてsoshiteなめらかnamerakani見えるmieru The sea looks calm and smooth.


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