Results, も
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Showing results 76-100:
- 模索☆【もさく】摸索 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- groping (for); exploring for a solution
政府は、政治問題に関するネット上の会話を監視し、誤った情報と判断した場合にそれを訂正する方法を模索している。 The government is looking for ways to monitor online chatter about political issues and correct what it perceives as misinformation.
- 模倣☆【もほう】摸倣 Inflection
noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:
- imitation; copying
全ての子供には、尊敬し模倣する人が必要だ。 Every child needs someone to look up to and copy.
- 設ける☆【もうける】 Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to prepare ahead of time
- to create; to establish
最悪・・・入場制限を設けるしかないでしょう。整理券の配布とかで。 What a mess...I suppose there's nothing for it but restricting admissions. Handing out numbered tickets or something.
- 保つ☆【たもつ・もつirr.】 Inflection
godan ~つ verb / transitive:
- to keep; to preserve; to hold; to retain; to maintain; to sustain
godan ~つ verb / intransitive verb:
- to last; to endure; to keep well (food); to wear well; to be durable
- 物好き☆【ものずき】もの好き・物数奇 Inflection
noun / adjectival noun:
- (idle) curiosity; fancifulness; whimsy; (having) strange tastes
- 盛り上がる☆【もりあがる】盛りあがる・盛り上る・盛上がる・盛上る Inflection
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
- to swell; to rise; to bulge; to be piled up
- to rouse; to get excited
あの曲を聞いてみんなは盛り上がる。 Everyone listens to the song and gets excited.
- 催す☆【もよおす】 Inflection
godan ~す verb / transitive:
- to hold (an event); to give (a dinner, party, etc.)
- to feel (sensation, emotion, call of nature, etc.); to show signs of
彼は勉強を始めるとどうして眠気を催すのだろうか。 Why does he become drowsy whenever he begins to study?
- もっぱら☆・もはらobs.《専ら》
adverb / ~の noun:
- wholly; solely; entirely; exclusively; devotedly; fixedly
- principally; mostly; chiefly; mainly
その特権はもっぱらご婦人だけに限られている。 The privilege is reserved exclusively for women.
- 物足りない☆【ものたりない】 Inflection
- unsatisfied; unsatisfactory; insufficient
このドラマは単純な勧善懲悪もので、今一つ深みに欠けて物足りない。 This drama is missing something. All it is is a simple cautionary tale with no real depth.
- 漏らす☆【もらす】洩らす Inflection
godan ~す verb / transitive:
- to let leak; to reveal
- to wet one's pants
- to give utterance; to vent; to express
- to omit; to leave out
彼女が絶えず不満をもらすことに彼はがっかりした。 Her constant complaints frustrated him deeply.
彼は秘密をもらすような人ではない。 He is the last person to give away the secret.
- 目録☆【もくろく】
- catalogue; catalog; inventory; index; list
- certificate indicating an impending gift
7月22日付けのお手紙につきまして私共の最新の目録を同封します。 With regard to your letter of July 22nd, I enclose our most recent catalogue.
- 申し出る☆【もうしでる】 Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to report to; to tell; to suggest; to submit; to request; to make an offer; to come forward with information
- もがく☆《藻掻くateji・踠くold》 Inflection
godan ~く verb / intransitive verb:
- to struggle; to writhe; to wriggle; to squirm
- to act franticly; to make desperate efforts
- もしくは☆《若しくは》
conjunction / expression:
- or; otherwise
「ちがうちがう僕らは求めてる笑顔はあんなじゃない」 それは『嗤い』もしくは『嘲笑』。 "No, no! That isn't the smiling face we are looking for." It was a 'smirk' either that or a 'sneer'.
- もたらす☆《齎す・齎らすirr.》 Inflection
godan ~す verb / transitive:
- to bring; to take; to bring about
子どもから高齢者まで適度な運動は体にとってよい効果をもたらす。 From children to the elderly, sensible exercise has a good effect on the body.
- もろい☆《脆い》 Inflection
- brittle; fragile; weak; frail
- tender-hearted; sentimental; easily moved
- もめる☆《揉める》 Inflection
ichidan verb / intransitive verb:
- to disagree; to dispute; to fight (over)
その子供たちはいつも親ともめる。 Those children always get into trouble with their parents.
- 持てる☆【もてる】 Inflection
ichidan verb / intransitive verb:
- to be able to possess (hold, get, etc.) ➜ 持つ
- to be well liked; to be popular; to be pampered (spoiled, doted upon, etc.); to be welcomed ➜ モテる
- to endure (the tests of time, the elements, etc.); to last
noun or verb acting prenominally:
- possessed; held
- rich; wealthy; affluent
その箱は子供が持てるほど軽い。 The box is light enough for a child to carry.
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