Results, #adji

Showing results 51-75:

かわいいkawaiiかわゆいkawayuiobs.atejiカワイイKAWAIIカワイいKAWAIi Inflection


  • cute; adorable; charming; lovely; pretty
  • dear; precious; darling; pet
  • innocent; childlike; childish; lovable
  • dainty; cute little; tiny

ジルJIRUhaかわいいkawaiiだけでなくdakedenakuatamamoよいyoi Jill is smart as well as pretty.

watashiにとってnitotte子供たちkodomotachiha目の中に入れてもいたくないmenonakaniiretemoitakunaiほどhodoかわいいkawaiiのですnodesu My children are very precious to me.

ゆりかごyurikagode眠っているnemutteiruかわいいkawaii赤ちゃんakachanwoご覧なさいgorannasai Look at the cute little baby sleeping in the cradle.

あたたかいatatakaiあったかいattakaiirr. Inflection


  • warm; mild; (pleasantly) hot - 暖かい usu. refers to air temperature
  • considerate; kind; genial 温かい
  • warm (of a colour); mellow 暖かい
  • having enough money 暖かい

彼女kanojohakokorono温かいatatakaihitoですdesu She has a kind heart.

暖かいatatakai軽いkarui空気kuukiha山越えyamagoeするsuruto上空joukuuni上昇joushoushi地上chijouにはniha下りてoriteこないkonaiことkotoなどnadokazeha地形chikeiによってniyotte変わりますkawarimasu When warm, light, air crosses mountains it rises into the upper atmosphere and does not fall back to the ground. In this, and other, ways wind changes with the terrain.

まるいmaruiまろいmaroiobs. Inflection


  • round; circular; spherical - 丸い usu. refers to ball-shaped, and 円い to disc-shaped objects
  • harmonious; calm 丸く収まる

コロンブスKORONBUSUha地球chikyuuga丸いmaruito信じていたshinjiteita Columbus believed that the Earth was round.

つまらないtsumaranai Inflection


  • dull; uninteresting; boring; tedious
  • insignificant; unimportant; trifling; trivial; worthless
  • absurd; foolish; silly; stupid
  • useless; pointless; disappointing

要するにyousuruni彼のkareno新しいatarashii小説shousetsuha期待はずれkitaihazurenoつまらないtsumaranai作品sakuhinto言えるieru To sum up, we can say that his new novel is disappointing.

彼女kanojohaつまらないtsumaranaikotodeすぐsugu気分kibunwo害するgaisuru She easily takes offence at trifles.

ぬるいnuruiぬくいnukui Inflection


  • lukewarm; tepid 温い・微温い - ぬくい is primarily used in Western Japan
  • lenient ぬるい 緩い【ゆるい】
  • slow; stupid ぬくい - archaism

このkonoコーヒーKOOHIIhaぬるいnuruiですdesu This coffee is not hot enough.

うるさいurusaiatejiatejiirr.ウルサイURUSAI Inflection


  • noisy; loud
  • annoying; troublesome; tiresome; persistent; importunate
  • fussy; finicky; picky; particular; nagging; fastidious; bossy


  • shut up!; be quiet!

隣のtonarino部屋heyagaうるさいurusaiのですnodesu It's noisy next door.

彼女kanojoha服装fukusouniうるさいurusai She is particular about what she wears.

あのanokohaなんてnanteうるさいurusaikoだろうdarou What a nuisance that child is!

おいしいoishiiオイシイOISHII Inflection


  • delicious; tasty; sweet
  • attractive; appealing; convenient; favorable; desirable; profitable

おいしいoishii食事shokujiwoありがとうarigatou Thanks for the delicious meal.

まずいmazuiマズイMAZUIマズいMAZUi Inflection


  • unappetising; unappetizing; unsavoury; unsavory; unpleasant
  • unskillful; unskilful; bungling; clumsy; poor 拙い
  • ugly; unattractive; homely; plain
  • awkward; problematic; troublesome; unfavorable; unfavourable; unwise 気不味い

すき腹sukiharaniまずいmazuiものmonoなしnashi Hunger is the best sauce.

彼のkareno筆跡hissekiha大変taihenまずいmazuiなにがなんだかnaniganandakaわからないwakaranai His handwriting is very poor, I cannot make head or tail of it.

aまずいmazuiガソリンGASORINga切れてkireteきたkita Oh, no! We're running out of gas.

おかしいokashiiirr. Inflection


  • funny; amusing; comical; laughable; ridiculous
  • strange; odd; funny; peculiar; weird; unusual; eccentric
  • improper; unsuitable; unbecoming
  • suspicious

多少tashouあいつaitsuおかしいokashiize More or less, he is crazy.

watashihaもっとmottotekino抵抗teikougaあるaruto踏んでた踏ndetaんだndaけどkedoむしろmushiro中枢chuusuuni進むsusumuほどhodotekiga減ってhetteきてるkiteru・・・。おかしいokashiito思わないomowanaiかしらkashira I had expected stronger resistance from the enemy but if anything there are less of them as we advance to the centre... Don't you think that's strange?

うつくしいutsukushii Inflection


  • beautiful; lovely

あなたanataha美しいutsukushii蝶々chouchouですdesu You are a beautiful butterfly.

こまかいkomakai Inflection


meno細かいkomakai織りorinoカーペットKAAPETTOga一般的にippantekiniha価値kachiga高いtakai Tightly-knit carpets are generally more valuable.

わたしwatashihaこまかいkomakaitenまでmadeしらべましたshirabemashita I went into details.

必ずしもkanarazushimo成長seichou段階dankaino子供たちkodomotachiwoあまりamari細かいkomakai神経shinkeiwoつかってtsukatte扱うatsukauべきbekiでないdenai Growing children should not always be handled with kid gloves.

にがいnigai Inflection


  • bitter

watashiha苦いnigaiものmonoga好きsukida I have a fancy for bitter things.

かたいkataiirr. Inflection


  • hard; solid; tough - esp. 固い and 堅い for wood, 硬い for metal and stone
  • stiff; tight; wooden; unpolished (e.g. writing)
  • strong; firm (not viscous or easily moved)
  • safe; steady; honest; steadfast
  • obstinate; stubborn
  • bookish; formal; stuffy Antonym: 砕けた

このkononikuha固いkataiですdesune The meat is tough.

固いkataiことkoto言うiunayo You don't have to be so formal.

堅いkatai書き物kakimonoha大嫌いdaikiraida I utterly despise formal writing!

やさしいyasashii Inflection


  • tender; kind; gentle; graceful; affectionate; amiable

彼女kanojoha生まれつきumaretsukinokokorono優しいyasashiihitoda She is kindhearted by nature.

さびしいsabishiiさみしいsamishii Inflection


  • lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate

会えなくてaenakute淋しいsabishii I miss you.

きびしいkibishii Inflection


  • severe; strict; rigid; unsparing; relentless
  • intense (e.g. cold); harsh; tough

kareha厳しいkibishii批判hihanniさらされたsarasareta He was subjected to severe criticism.

kareha厳しいkibishii試練shirenwo受けたuketa He was subjected to severe trials.

ふかいfukai Inflection


  • deep Antonym: 浅い
  • profound
  • dense; thick
  • close (relationship)
  • intense; strong
  • late

このkono端午の節句tangonosekkuto関係kankeino深いfukaiしょうぶshoubuhahanaha美しくutsukushikuありませんarimasen The iris deeply associated with the Boys' Festival does not have a beautiful flower.

流れnagareno静かなshizukanakawahamizuga深いfukai Still waters run deep.

yokuno深いfukaiotokohaそのsono報酬houshuuにはniha決してkesshite満足manzokuしなかったshinakatta The greedy man was by no means satisfied with the reward.

ただしいtadashii Inflection


  • right; correct
  • proper; righteous; just; honest; truthful; lawful

これkorega正しいtadashiiかどうかkadouka自信jishingaないnai I'm not sure if this is correct.

あさいasai Inflection


  • shallow; superficial Antonym: 深い
  • slight (wound); light (sleep); pale (colour); inadequate (knowledge)
  • short (time); early; young

まだmada浅いasaineashiとどくtodoku」「結構kekkou遠浅tooasadana。よ.yoつばtsubamoまだmadaashiつくtsukuだろdaro "It's still shallow, eh. My feet still touch the bottom." "It's quite a shallow beach. Yotsuba, you can still touch the bottom can't you?"

はずかしいhazukashiiirr.irr.irr.irr. Inflection


  • embarrassing; embarrassed; ashamed; humiliated; shy
  • disgraceful; shameful

kimigaしたshitaことkotoha全くmattaku恥ずかしいhazukashiiことkotoda Your conduct is absolutely shameful.

めずらしいmezurashiiirr. Inflection


  • unusual; rare; curious
  • new; novel
  • fine (e.g. gift)

これkoreha珍しいmezurashii種類shuruinosakanaですdesu This is a strange kind of fish.

かなしいkanashiiold Inflection


  • sad; sorrowful

そんなsonna悲しいkanashiimede見ないでminaide Don't look at me with such sad eyes.

ねむいnemui Inflection


  • sleepy; drowsy; somnolent

夜更かしyorufukashiwoしたshitaのでnodeとてもtotemo眠いnemuiんだnda Since I stayed up late, I'm very sleepy.

こわいkowai Inflection


  • scary; frightening; eerie; dreadful


  • (I'm) afraid

karehakimigaヘビHEBIga恐いkowainoかしらkashirato思っているomotteiru He wonders if you are afraid of snakes.

やわらかいyawarakaiirr. Inflection


  • soft; tender; pliant; supple; limber; limp
  • gentle; mild; mellow
  • informal; light; flexible (e.g. thinking)

watashiha柔らかいyawarakaiベッドBEDDOde眠るnemurunoga好きsukiですdesu I like to sleep on a soft bed.


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