Results, #nsuff



  • hand; arm - occ. pronounced た when a prefix お手【おて】
  • forepaw; foreleg - colloquialism お手【おて】
  • handle
  • hand; worker; help
  • trouble; care; effort
  • means; way; trick; move; technique; workmanship
  • hand; handwriting
  • kind; type; sort
  • one's hands; one's possession 手に入る
  • ability to cope 手に余る
  • hand (of cards)
  • direction 山の手

noun / suffix noun / counter:

  • move (in go, shogi, etc.)

こちらkochirani来るkuruようにyounitede合図aizuしたshita I made motions at him to come here with my hand.

ここkokonitenoないnaiナベNABEgaあるaru Here is a pan without handles.

いいiitewo思いついたomoitsuita I hit upon a good idea.

honha現在genzaidarenoteにもnimo入るhairu Books are now within the reach of everybody.

いいiitega配られたkubarareta I was dealt a good hand.


noun / suffix noun:

  • picture; drawing; painting; sketch

あのanoewo壁に掛けkabenikakeなさいnasai Hang that picture on the wall.


noun / prefix noun:

  • half; semi-

noun / suffix noun:

  • half-past


おそらくosoraku自分jibunにはnihahan覚醒kakuseino時間jikangaありariそのsonoためtame1日wo短くmijikaku感じているkanjiteiru It's quite possible that there are times I am half awake, and thus the day feels shorter.

郵便局yuubinkyokuhahanマイルMAIRU向こうmukouniあるaru The post office is half a mile away.


noun / suffix noun:

  • gate
  • branch of learning based on the teachings of a single master もん
  • division; phylum もん - Biology term


  • counter for cannons もん

2人no兵士heishigamonnoところtokorode見張りmihariwoしていたshiteita Two soldiers kept guard at the gate.

kimumonkyouhatetsudeできているdekiteiru The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron.


noun / suffix noun:

  • clothes (esp. Western clothes)

suffix / counter:

  • counter for doses of medicine, gulps of tea, drags of a cigarette, etc. 一服

kareha濡れたnuretafukuwohiniあぶってabutteかわかしたkawakashita He dried his wet clothes by the fire.

たくさんtakusan Inflection

~の noun / adjectival noun / noun / adverbial noun:

  • a lot; lots; plenty; many; a large number; much; a great deal; a good deal
  • enough; sufficient

suffix noun:

お父さんotousanha煙草tabakonokemurideたくさんtakusanwawo作れるtsukureru Dad can blow many smoke rings.

あまりamariあんまりanmariold Inflection

noun / ~の noun:

  • remainder; remnant; rest; balance; surplus; remains (of a meal); leftovers あまり


adjectival noun / ~の noun:

  • extreme; great; severe; tremendous; terrible

suffix noun:

  • more than; over あまり

ぎょうざgyouzanogunoあまりamariha餃子gyouzawoiede作りましたtsukurimashitagakawaga少なかったsukunakattaせいかseikaguga少しsukoshi余ってamatteしまいましたshimaimashita Gyoza stuffing? I made some gyoza at home but, possibly because I didn't have enough dough, I had some of the filling left over.

それsorehaあまりamari価値kachigaないnai It's not worth much.

ひなたぼっこhinatabokkowoしているshiteirutoあまりamarino気持ちよkimochiyosaniウトウトUTOUTOしてshiteしまったshimatta I felt so good as I lazed in the sunshine that I drifted off to sleep.

スイートルームSUIITORUUMUnoあまりamarino豪華さにgoukasaniウットリしたUTTORIshita We were entranced by the fabulous suite.

1か月1kagetsuあまりamari名古屋nagoyani居たitaことがあるkotogaaru I lived in Nagoya for over a month.


noun / ~の noun / adverbial noun:

  • near; neighbourhood; neighborhood; vicinity 近い

suffix noun:

  • nearly (e.g. "it took nearly one year"); close to


  • shortly; soon

彼女kanojoha風呂furo付きtsukino部屋heyawo探していたsagashiteitaのだnodagaこのkono近くchikakude見つけたmitsuketa She was looking for a room with a bath, and found one near here.

ji近くchikakuda学校gakkouhe行かなくてikanakuteha It is close to seven o'clock. We have to go to school.

国会kokkaiha近くchikaku解散kaisanするsuruだろうdarou The Diet will soon be dissolved.


noun / ~の noun / adverbial noun / suffix noun:

  • above; up; over; elder (e.g. daughter)
  • top; summit
  • surface; on
  • before; previous
  • superiority; one's superior (i.e. one's elder)
  • on top of that; besides; what's more
  • upon (further inspection, etc.); based on (and occurring after)
  • matters concerning...; as concerns ...
  • since (i.e. "for that reason") - as ...上は

suffix noun:

  • suffix indicating higher social standing - honorific language 父上
  • place of one's superior (i.e. the throne) - archaism
  • emperor; sovereign; shogun; daimyo - archaism
  • noblewoman (esp. the wife of a nobleman) - archaism

osekino上のuenotananonakani入ってhaitteおりますorimasu It's in the overhead compartment.

このkono踏台fumidaiwo使えばtsukaebaクローゼットKUROOZETTOnoueni手が届くtegatodokuyo If you stand on this stool, you can reach the top of the closet.

tsukuenoueniペンPENgahonありますarimasuka Are there any pens on the desk?

寒かったsamukattaうえuenikazega強かったtsuyokatta It was cold, and, in addition, it was windy.

彼らkareraha合意gouinouede敏速なbinsokuna行動koudouwoとったtotta They acted immediately by agreement.


noun / ~の noun / suffix noun / prefix:

  • previous; prior; former; first; earlier; some time ago; preceding
  • point (e.g. pencil); tip; end; nozzle
  • head (of a line); front
  • ahead; the other side
  • the future; hereafter
  • destination
  • the other party

私のwatashinonochiからkara来るkuruhouhawatashini優るmasaruhouであるdearuwatashiよりyorisakiniおられたoraretaからkaraであるdearu。」toいったittanohaこの方konohounokotoですdesu This was he of whom I said, "He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me."

このkono先のsakino丸くmarukuなったnatta鉛筆enpitsudeha書けないkakenai I can't write with this dull pencil.

ここkokoからkarasakiにはniha行けませんikemasen You cannot go any farther.

20マイルMAIRUsakiniyamano頂上choujouga見えたmieta We could see the summit of a mountain twenty miles away.

de電話denwaしてshiteみたmitaらしいrashiinだけどdakedoそのsono電話denwa先のsakino相手aiteってttenoga問題mondaiだったdattanoyo And so it seems she tried phoning but it's who was on the other end of that phone that was the problem.



  • thing; object; article; stuff; substance
  • one's things; possessions; property; belongings - as 〜のもの, 〜のもん
  • things; something; anything; everything; nothing
  • quality
  • reason; the way of things
  • used to emphasize emotion, judgment, etc.; used to indicate a common occurrence in the past (after a verb in past tense); used to indicate a general tendency; used to indicate something that should happen - formal noun often used as 〜ものだ - usually written using kana alone

suffix noun:

  • item classified as ...; item related to ...; work of ...
  • cause of ...; cause for ...


遠まわしにtoomawashinimonowo言うiuna Don't beat around the bush.

ロバートROBAATOha週末shuumatsuhamisedeよくyokuchichiwo手伝ったtetsudattaものmonoだったdatta Robert used to help his father in the store on weekends.

あなたanatano妹さんimoutosanni会いaiたいtaiものmonoですdesu I'd like to see your sister.

ウィルソンUIRUSONno解法kaihouha同じonaji定数teisuuwo使用shiyouしたshitaというtoiutendeハドソンHADOSONnoものmonoto類似ruijiしているshiteiru Wilson's solution is similar to Hudson's in that they used the same constants.

bokuha子どものころkodomonokoroよくyokuこのkono浜辺hamabeni来たkitaものmonoですdesu I used to come to this beach when I was a boy.



  • direction; way - also ほう
  • person; lady; gentleman - honorific language

noun / suffix noun:

  • method of; manner of; way of

suffix noun:

  • care of ...
  • person in charge of ... - also がた
  • side (e.g. "on my mother's side") - also がた

審判shinpannohouwoちらりとchirarito睨むniramuga審判shinpanha涼しいsuzushiikaoしてshite鼻クソhanaKUSOwoほじっていhojitteiやがったyagatta。「ちくしょうchikushou八百長yaochoukayo・・・」 I glared briefly in the referee's direction but he was putting on a calm face while picking his nose. "Dammit, the fight's a fixup!?"

グリーンGURIIN夫人fujinha私のwatashino子供たちkodomotachigautawo習っているnaratteiruhouですdesuga今度kondono日曜nichiyouni独唱会dokushoukaiwo開くhiraku予定yoteiですdesu Mrs. Green, from whom my children have lessons in singing, is to have a recital next Sunday.

そのsono少年shounenhaカーブKAABUno投げnagekatawo知っているshitteiru The boy knows how to throw a curve.

かんけいkankei Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • relation; relationship; connection
  • participation; involvement; concern
  • influence; effect

noun / ~する noun:

  • sexual relations; sexual relationship

suffix noun:

  • related to; connected to

これkoretoあれarehaどういうdouiu関係kankeigaあるaruno How is this connected to that?

犯人hannindato思っていたomotteitaotokoha事件jikentohananino関係kankeimoなかったnakatta The man I thought was the criminal didn't have any connection to the incident.


noun / suffix noun:


noun / suffix noun:

  • bird egg - archaism

suffix noun:

  • -er (often of young women) - after a noun or -masu stem

そのsonokoha母親hahaoyani甘えたamaeta The child played the baby to his mother.

kujiraha哺乳動物honyuudoubutsuであるdearu言い換えればiikaerebakonichichiwo与えるataeru A whale is a mammal; in other words it feeds milk to its young.

ふふっfufu・・・そのsonoko人間ningenじゃないjanainoロボットROBOTTOnanoyoア・ン・ド・ロ・イ・ドA/N/DO/RO/I/DO Ha-ha ... She isn't human. She's a robot; A-n-d-r-o-i-d.

karehaきっすいのkissuinoロンドンRONDONkoですdesu He was born within the sound of the Bow bells.


noun / suffix noun:

  • within; inside of; less than

1週間以内inaini電話denwaしますshimasu I will call you within a week.


noun / suffix noun:

  • fire; flame; blaze

いすisuwoもっとmottohino近くchikakuni寄せyoseなさいnasai Draw your chair closer to the fire.


noun / suffix noun:

  • sound; noise; report
  • note - Music term
  • fame おと
  • Chinese-derived character reading おん 訓【くん】

ここkokoからkarauminootoga聞こえるkikoeru We can hear the ocean from here.

彼女kanojohaピアノPIANOde高いtakaiotowo出したdashita She struck high notes on the piano.


noun / suffix noun:

  • line; stripe; stria
  • line (e.g. telephone line); wire
  • ray (e.g. X-ray); beam X線
  • line (e.g. of a railroad); track; route; lane
  • outline; contours; form
  • level
  • division
  • line (of action); position; approach; policy; principle いい線
  • impression one leaves; air one gives off 線が太い線が細い

運転者untenshaha一時停止ichijiteishisennoところtokorode停止teishiしなければならないshinakerebanaranai Drivers must stop at the stop line.

このkonosenno終点shuutenhaどこdokoですかdesuka Where is the end of this line?

必要hitsuyounoないnaikatarihaどれでもdoredemosenwo引いてhiite消さkesaねばならないnebanaranai You should cross out any word you don't need.


noun / suffix noun:

  • playing
  • play (margin between on and off, gap before pressing button or lever has an effect) - usually written using kana alone

あなたanataha海外kaigaihe遊びasobide行きましたikimashitakaそれともsoretomo商売shoubaiでしたdeshitaka Did you go abroad for pleasure or on business?



  • ship; boat; watercraft; vessel; steamship 船・舟 - 舟 is often small and hand-propelled
  • tank; tub; vat; trough

suffix noun / counter:

  • counter for boat-shaped containers (e.g. of sashimi) 船・舟

彼らkarerahafunewokishini引き上げたhikiageta They dragged their boat onto the beach.


noun / suffix noun:

  • spot; mark
  • point; dot
  • mark (e.g. in exam); score; points


  • comma
  • aspect; matter; respect


  • counter for goods, items, articles of clothing, works of art, etc.

どんなdonna小さなchiisanatenでもdemo見るmiruことができるkotogadekiru I can see the tiniest spot.

合格goukakuしたshita生徒seitono名前namaenomaenitenwoつけてtsukete下さいkudasai Will you put a dot before the names of the successful students?

我々warewarenoチームCHIIMUgatenリードRIIDOしているshiteiru Our team is two points ahead.

部屋heyaにはniha家具kagugatenあったatta There were four pieces of furniture in the room.

彼女のkanojonoギャラリーGYARARIInitenほどhodo出展shuttenするsurunoyo I'm going to have two pieces in her gallery.


noun / suffix noun:

  • thread; yarn; string

おばあちゃんobaachanha身をかがめてmiwokagameteitono付いたtsuitahariwo拾ったhirotta My grandma bent over to pick up a needle and thread.


noun / suffix noun:

  • corner; nook; recess


  • downstage right (on a noh stage) - obscure term 目付柱

sumi部屋heyadeお願いしますonegaishimasu I'd like a room in the corner of the building.

いっぱいippaiold Inflection

adjectival noun / adverb / noun / ~の noun:

  • amount necessary to fill a container (e.g. cupful, spoonful, etc.); drink (usu. alcoholic)
  • full
  • one squid, octopus, crab, etc.; one boat

adverb / ~の noun / adjectival noun:

  • fully; to capacity - usually written using kana alone
  • a lot; much - usually written using kana alone

suffix noun / adverbial noun:

  • all of ...; the entire ... - usually written using kana alone

karehaガールフレンドGAARUFURENDOwo無理やりmuriyariいっぱいippai付き合わせたtsukiawaseta He made his girlfriend go out for a drink with him.

老人roujinhaラバRABAnisunanoいっぱいippai入ったhaittafukurowoのせたnoseta The old man loaded his mule with bags full of sand.

手を貸してtewokashiteくれkureそうしたらsoushitarakimini一杯ippaiおごるogoruからkara Give me a hand. If you do, I'll buy you a drink later.

ハワイHAWAIにはnihaサーフSAAFUkyougaいっぱいippaiいるiru There are a lot of beach bums in Hawaii.


noun / suffix noun:

  • city

shiha月曜getsuyouごとにgotoni立つtatsu The market is held every Monday.


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