Results, #pref



  • seven - 漆 is used in legal documents


  • hepta-

noun / prefix noun:


  • fellow; guy; chap; bloke
  • male lover; boyfriend; man
  • manliness; manly honor; manly honour; manly reputation

karehaたぶんtabun良いyoiotokoであるdearuかもしれないkamoshirenai He may be a good man for all I know.

あんなannaotoko見てmitemo胸くそmunakusoga悪いwarui I can't bear the sight of him.



  • three - 参 is used in legal documents


  • tri-

noun / counter:

  • mountain; hill
  • mine (e.g. coal mine)
  • heap; pile


  • crown (of a hat); thread (of a screw); tread (of a tire); protruding part of an object
  • climax; peak; critical point
  • guess; speculation
  • criminal case; crime - used by policemen, crime reporters, etc.
  • mountain climbing; mountaineering
  • festival float (esp. one mounted with a decorative halberd) 山鉾
  • wall; wall tile - Mahjong term
  • temple; temple grounds - archaism

prefix noun:

  • wild

わたしwatashihamorinonakani入ってhaitteyamani駆け上がったkakeagattaことkotowo後悔koukaiしていないshiteinai。」tootoutoha答えたkotaeta "I do not regret having gone into the forest and up the mountain," replied the younger brother.

それsorehaお金okanenoyamawoかき集めるkakiatsumeruためにtameni用いられたmochiirareta It was used for raking together heaps of money.

watashihayamaniいましたimashita I was in the mountains.


noun / prefix noun:


  • female lover; girlfriend; mistress; (someone's) woman

karega戻ってきたmodottekitatokiにはnihaonnaha歩みayumi去っていたsatteita When he came back, the woman had walked off.



  • what


  • how many なん - followed by a counter 何か月
  • large number of; many なん - followed by (optional number), counter and も 何度も何日も


  • you-know-what; that


  • whatsit; what's the expression; what do you call them


  • what? - expressing surprise
  • hey! - expressing anger or irritability

imanoアナウンスANAUNSUhananiだったdattaのですnodesuka What did the announcement just say?

何度も何domoやめましょうyamemashouyoto言ったittaのにnoninanihaimoワインWAINwo飲み干しnomihoshi--ご覧の通りgorannotoori酔っ払ってyopparatteハイHAIになってninatteしまったshimattanoであるdearu I kept saying "Let's stop" but she drained cup after cup of wine -- and now, as you can see, she's completely drunk.

naniしてるshiteruno What're you doing?



  • dog (Canis (lupus) familiaris)
  • snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.)
  • loser; asshole - derogatory term

prefix noun:

  • counterfeit; inferior; useless; wasteful

彼女kanojoha吠えるhoeruinuwo怖がるkowagaru She is afraid of barking dogs.

気をつけてkiwotsukete警察keisatsunoinugaかぎ回ってるkagimawatteru Watch out! A police spy is snooping around.


noun / ~の noun:

  • blue; azure
  • green - mostly in compound words and in ref. to fruits, plants and traffic lights


  • green light (traffic) - abbreviation 青信号
  • black (horse coat color) 青毛


  • immature; unripe; young

信号shingougaaoni変わったkawatta The light turned green.

彼女kanojoha濃いkoiaonoスカーフSUKAAFUwoしていたshiteita She wore a dark blue scarf.


noun / prefix noun:

  • half; semi-

noun / suffix noun:

  • half-past


おそらくosoraku自分jibunにはnihahan覚醒kakuseino時間jikangaありariそのsonoためtame1日wo短くmijikaku感じているkanjiteiru It's quite possible that there are times I am half awake, and thus the day feels shorter.

郵便局yuubinkyokuhahanマイルMAIRU向こうmukouniあるaru The post office is half a mile away.


numeric / prefix:

  • one - 1 can also be read ワン. 壱, 弌 and 壹 are used in legal documents ワン

~の noun / suffix:

  • best

~の noun:

  • first; foremost


  • beginning; start
  • ace (playing card) エース
  • bottom string (on a shamisen, etc.)

それsorehaichiento計算keisanされているsareteiru It is computed at 10,000 yen.


adverb / conjunction / prefix:

  • again; and; also; still (doing something)

ありがとうarigatouまたmata次のtsuginohiniくるkuruようにしますyounishimasu Thanks. Maybe we'll come back.



  • kilo-; 1000 - From French



  • kilo-; 1024; 2^10 - IT term


  • postbox; mail box; pillar box
  • post; position
  • post (e.g. goalpost)

prefix noun:

  • post- (e.g. post-Cold War)


  • below; down; under; younger (e.g. daughter)
  • bottom
  • beneath; underneath
  • just after; right after - as 下から, 下より, etc.

noun / ~の noun:

  • inferiority; one's inferior (i.e. one's junior)


prefix noun:

ところでtokorodeyoそのsonoおめーome-noおとうさんotousanhaどこdokoniいんinnosa?」「横転outenしたshitaトラックTORAKKUnoshimonanyo。」 "By the way, where's your old man?" "Under that over-turned truck."

shitani署名shomeiしてshiteくださいkudasai Sign at the bottom, please.

amega私のwatashinoレインコートREINKOOTOnoshitaまでmadeしみとおったshimitootta The rain penetrated my raincoat.

一番ichibankanoimoutoga出世shusseしたshitaときtokiwatashiha我を忘れてwagawowasurete嫉妬shittoしたshita I was beside myself with jealousy when my youngest sister rose in the world.



  • sky; the air; the heavens
  • weather
  • far-off place; distant place
  • state of mind; feeling - often as 〜空もない
  • (from) memory; (by) heart - usu. as 空で
  • falsehood; lie

prefix noun:

  • somehow; vaguely - before an adjective
  • fake - before a noun or a verb

警棒keiboudesorawoなぐりつけnaguritsukeよろめいてyoromeite体勢taiseiwoたてなおしたtatenaoshitaガードマンGAADOMANha自分jibunni向かってmukatte突進tosshinしてshiteくるkuru金網kanaamiづくりzukurinoクズカゴKUZUKAGOwo見たmita The guard's truncheon hit air. Off balance, he regained his posture to see a metal-mesh rubbish bin flying towards him.

ワシWASHIgasorawo飛んでいるtondeiru An eagle is flying in the sky.

ほとんどhotondosoraなのでnanodeガソリンGASORINwo入れireなくてはなりませんnakutehanarimasen I need to put some gas in the car, as it's almost empty.


noun / ~の noun / suffix noun / prefix:

  • previous; prior; former; first; earlier; some time ago; preceding
  • point (e.g. pencil); tip; end; nozzle
  • head (of a line); front
  • ahead; the other side
  • the future; hereafter
  • destination
  • the other party

私のwatashinonochiからkara来るkuruhouhawatashini優るmasaruhouであるdearuwatashiよりyorisakiniおられたoraretaからkaraであるdearu。」toいったittanohaこの方konohounokotoですdesu This was he of whom I said, "He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me."

このkono先のsakino丸くmarukuなったnatta鉛筆enpitsudeha書けないkakenai I can't write with this dull pencil.

ここkokoからkarasakiにはniha行けませんikemasen You cannot go any farther.

20マイルMAIRUsakiniyamano頂上choujouga見えたmieta We could see the summit of a mountain twenty miles away.

de電話denwaしてshiteみたmitaらしいrashiinだけどdakedoそのsono電話denwa先のsakino相手aiteってttenoga問題mondaiだったdattanoyo And so it seems she tried phoning but it's who was on the other end of that phone that was the problem.



  • wind; breeze; draught; draft

noun / prefix noun:


私たちwatashitachihaこんなkonnakazeniしてshiteアイスクリームAISUKURIIMUwo作りますtsukurimasu This is how we make ice cream.



  • thing; object; article; stuff; substance
  • one's things; possessions; property; belongings - as 〜のもの, 〜のもん
  • things; something; anything; everything; nothing
  • quality
  • reason; the way of things
  • used to emphasize emotion, judgment, etc.; used to indicate a common occurrence in the past (after a verb in past tense); used to indicate a general tendency; used to indicate something that should happen - formal noun often used as 〜ものだ - usually written using kana alone

suffix noun:

  • item classified as ...; item related to ...; work of ...
  • cause of ...; cause for ...


遠まわしにtoomawashinimonowo言うiuna Don't beat around the bush.

ロバートROBAATOha週末shuumatsuhamisedeよくyokuchichiwo手伝ったtetsudattaものmonoだったdatta Robert used to help his father in the store on weekends.

あなたanatano妹さんimoutosanni会いaiたいtaiものmonoですdesu I'd like to see your sister.

ウィルソンUIRUSONno解法kaihouha同じonaji定数teisuuwo使用shiyouしたshitaというtoiutendeハドソンHADOSONnoものmonoto類似ruijiしているshiteiru Wilson's solution is similar to Hudson's in that they used the same constants.

bokuha子どものころkodomonokoroよくyokuこのkono浜辺hamabeni来たkitaものmonoですdesu I used to come to this beach when I was a boy.




  • this; present
  • main; head
  • real; regular

suffix / counter:

  • counter for long cylindrical things; counter for films, TV shows, etc.; counter for goals, home runs, etc.; counter for telephone calls - sometimes pronounced ぼん or ぽん

昨日kinouhaそのsonohonwo80ページPEEJIまでmade読んだyonda I read the book up to page 80 yesterday.

性能seinounoよさyosatoデザインDEZAINno優美さyuubisaga両々ryou々相まってaimattehon機種kishuno声価seikawo高めてtakameteきたkita The high performance and the elegant design of this model have combined to give it a high reputation.

自販機jihankideコーヒーKOOHIIwo買おうkaouto100en入れてireteボタンBOTANwo押したらoshitara一気にikkinihonmoどかどかとdokadokato落ちてochiteきたkita When I put 100 yen in and pressed the button to buy a coffee at the vending machine, four cans dropped down all at once!

ウイスキーUISUKIIwohon持っていますmotteimasu I have a bottle of whiskey.



  • but; however; though; nevertheless; still; yet; even so; also; as well


  • even
  • however; no matter how; even if; even though
  • ... or something
  • either ... or ...; neither ... nor ... - as 〜でも〜でも


  • pseudo-; quack; in-name-only - before an occupation, etc.
  • for lack of anything better to do - before an occupation, etc. でもしか


  • grass; weed; herb; thatch
  • ninja - archaism


  • not genuine; substandard


  • laughter; LOL - slang

tsukiにはnihakusaga生えてhaete無いnai There is no grass on the moon.

amega降ってfuttedoni湿り気shimerikegaあるarutokusaha取りtoriやすくyasukuなるnaru After it rains and the ground is damp, it's easier to pull weeds.

へんhenold Inflection

adjectival noun / noun:

  • strange; odd; peculiar; weird; curious; queer; eccentric; funny; suspicious; fishy
  • unexpected
  • change
  • incident; disturbance; disaster; accident

prefix noun:

そのsonoオレンジORENJIha後味atoajigahenだったdatta The orange left a strange taste in my mouth.

kareha時々tokidokihenですdesu He's strange sometimes.

べつbetsuべちbechiobs. Inflection

~の noun / adjectival noun / noun / suffix noun / prefix noun:

  • distinction; difference; different; another; particular; separate; extra; exception

またmata別のbetsunoときtokiniチェスCHESUwoしましょうshimashou Let's play chess another time.



  • married couple; spouses; husband and wife; couple; pair

prefix noun:

  • his and hers; pair of objects, one larger (for man), one smaller (for woman) めおと 夫婦茶碗

go夫婦fuufudeおこしokoshiくださいkudasai Please come over with your wife.


noun / prefix noun / ~の noun:

  • custom; practice; habit; usual
  • said; aforementioned
  • instance; example; case; illustration; usage
  • precedent

怒るokorutokarehaトラTORAになるninaruというのはtoiunoha隠喩in'yunoreiであるdearu "He's a tiger when he's angry" is an example of metaphor.

kareha父親chichioyanoreiniならってnaratteいったitta He followed in his father's footsteps.


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