Results, #pref

Showing results 26-50:



  • god; deity; divinity; spirit; kami

noun / prefix noun:

  • incredible; fantastic - also written ネ申 - slang


  • "emperor of Japan" [figurative] - honorific language - archaism
  • thunder - archaism

人間ningenhakamiほどhodo万能bannouではないdehanai Man is not as almighty as God.

kamiha創造者souzoushaですdesutenmochimohitomokami以外igaiha全てsubete被造物hizoubutsuですdesu God is the creator. Heaven and Earth and people and everything apart from God are created.


noun / ~の noun:

  • basement; cellar; underground place


  • underground; below ground
  • secret; under cover


  • underground (railway); subway; metro - colloquialism - abbreviation

そしてsoshite汚水osuiwo流すnagasuためにtameni地下chikani下水道gesuidouwo持っていたmotteita The house has pipes under the ground to carry dirty water away.

kareha地下chika活動katsudouno疑いをかけられたutagaiwokakerareta He was suspected of underground action.



  • iron (Fe)

~の noun / noun:

  • strong and hard (as iron)

noun / suffix noun / prefix noun:

  • railway - abbreviation 鉄道

noun / prefix noun:

  • railway enthusiast - colloquialism

tetsuha最もmottomo有用なyuuyouna金属kinzokuですdesu Iron is the most useful metal.

kiha浮くukugatetsuha沈むshizumu Wood floats, but iron sinks.



  • plain; field
  • hidden (structural) member

prefix noun:

  • wild 野ウサギ
  • lacking a political post

彼女のkanojonohanashidehanonohanawo探してsagashitemoriwo歩いていたaruiteitaのだnodaそうだsouda She said she was walking through the woods, looking for wild flowers.

このkononoバラBARAha甘いamai香りkaoriwo放つhanatsu This wild rose gives off a sweet scent.



  • next (year, etc.)


  • since (last month, etc.)

さあsaaraiたまえtamae Come along.




  • very; extremely; super- おに - slang

来年rainennoことkotowo言えばiebaoniga笑うwarau Speak of the next year, and the devil will laugh.

同じonajikoro事務員jimuin有村arimuranatsumegumiha今月kongetsuを限りにwokagirini退職taishokuするsurumunewoonijouni申し入れたmoushiireta At the same time, the clerk Natsue Arimura told Gokijo of his intent to resign after this month.

kareha仕事のshigotonoonida He is an eager beaver.

ぎゃくgyaku Inflection

~の noun / adjectival noun / noun:

  • reverse; opposite

adjectival noun / noun:

  • converse (of a hypothesis, etc.)

prefix noun:

  • inverse (function) - Mathematics term

ottonohouga殴ったnaguttato彼女kanojoha言っているitteiruga実はjitsuhaそのsonogyakuだったdatta She said that her husband hit her, but in fact it was the other way around.



  • legume (esp. edible legumes or their seeds, such as beans, peas, pulses, etc.); beans; peas
  • soya bean (Glycine max); soybean; soy 大豆
  • female genitalia (esp. the clitoris) - colloquialism
  • kidney - colloquialism - usually written using kana alone - Food term

prefix noun:

  • miniature; tiny
  • child

飲むnomu分だけbundakemamewoローストROOSUTOしてshiteミルMIRUde挽くhikuんですndesu We roast just enough beans for the amount we're going to drink, and grind them in the coffee mill.

imoutohamamenokawawoむいたmuita My sister shelled the beans.

watashiha毎朝maiasa自分jibundeコーヒーKOOHIImamewo挽いhiiteいるiru I grind my own coffee beans every morning.



noun / prefix noun:

  • entirety; whole; full; complete


  • money; dough; moola - slang
  • enclosure inside a castle's walls - esp. 丸
  • soft-shelled turtle - Kansai dialect スッポン


  • suffix for ship names; suffix for names of people (esp. infants); suffix for names of swords, armour, musical instruments, etc.; suffix for names of dogs, horses, etc. - esp. 丸 麻呂

ジョンJONtoキャシーKYASHIIha興味kyoumimo性格seikakumo違うchigauそのsono二人wo一緒にisshoniさせようsaseyouとするtosurunohamaruanani角釘kakukugiwo打つutsuようなyounaものmonoda John and Cathy have different tastes and different characters. Trying to get them together is like putting a square peg in a round hole.

我々warewarehamaru一ヶ月kanブロードウェーBUROODOUEEde出演shutsuen予定yoteiですdesu We're booked for the whole month on Broadway.

marunichiオンラインONRAINdekimiwomiないnaiなんてnanteびっくりbikkuridayo It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day.


noun / prefix:

  • ex-; former; old

官僚kanryouhakyuu法規houkino改正kaiseiに関してnikanshite成り行きnariyukiwo見守っていますmimamotteimasu Bureaucrats are testing the waters over revising old regulations.


suffix noun:

  • from the standpoint of; as a matter of (e.g. fact); in the field of; being of the type of
  • aboard (a ship or vehicle); on top of; on; above


noun / prefix:

  • superior quality; best; top; high class
  • going up
  • governmental; imperial
  • presenting; showing


  • ana- (medical, biol.)

会社kaishaha税金zeikinjouno目的mokutekide本社honsha所在地shozaichiwo香港honkonni移したutsushita The company moved its corporate domicile to Hong Kong for tax purposes.

あなたanataにはnihawazawaino前兆zenchouであるdearukabejouno書きものkakimonoga読めるyomeruかもしれないkamoshirenaigawatashiにはnihaちんぷんかんぷんchinpunkanpunda You may be able to read the handwriting on the wall, but it is Greek to me.

理論rironjou理論rironto実行jikkounomanihananino違いchigaimoないnaiga実際jissaiue違いchigaihaあるaruものmonoda In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.

なまnama Inflection

~の noun / adjectival noun / noun / prefix noun:

  • raw; uncooked; fresh
  • natural; as it is; unedited; unprocessed
  • unprotected (i.e. not wearing a condom) - colloquialism
  • live (i.e. not recorded)
  • inexperienced; unpolished; green; crude
  • impudence; sauciness - abbreviation 生意気
  • unpasteurized beer; draft beer; draught beer - abbreviation 生ビール


  • just a little; somehow; vaguely; partially; somewhat; half-; semi-
  • irresponsibly; half-baked


  • cash - archaism
  • tipsiness - abbreviation 生酔い

kareha生のnamanosakanawo食べないtabenai He doesn't eat raw fish.

あるaru批評家hihyoukagaバレーBAREEwo描いたegaita私のwatashinoewo見たらmitara生のnamanoバレーBAREE公演kouenwo見に行くminiiku必要hitsuyougaないnaito言ったittaことがありますkotogaarimasu A critic once said that if you saw my ballet paintings, you didn't have to go to a live performance.

ゴムGOMUwoするsuruto確かにtashikani性感seikanga落ちるochiruのでnode出来ればdekirebanamadeしたいshitaiですdesu The sensitivity certainly drops if I use a condom, so if possible I'd like to do it bareback.



  • several; a number of

noun / suffix noun:

  • quantity; amount


  • counting; figures; numbers
  • number; numeral; figure
  • grammatical number - Linguistics term
  • destiny; fate; course of events; trend

住宅juutakuno価格kakakuhaここkokosuuか月ka月動きugokigaありませんarimasen House prices have remained static for several months.

今年kotoshiha失業者shitsugyoushasuuga記録的kirokutekiになるninaruだろうdarou This year unemployment will reach record levels.

このkono空港kuukouhashin千歳空港chitosekuukouほどhodo便ga多くないookunaiのでnode送迎デッキsougeiDEKKIからkara見てmitemo最初saishoha飛行機hikoukigaいませんでしたimasendeshita This airport doesn't have as many flights as New Chitose Airport and even looking from the observation deck at first there were no planes.



  • honorific/polite/humble prefix - usu. before a term with a kun-yomi reading; おん is more formal - honorific language - polite language - humble language 御【ご】

そちら様sochirasamanoo電話番号denwabangouwoいただけますitadakemasuka May I please have your telephone number?


noun / prefix / suffix:

  • medium; average; middle


  • moderation
  • middle school - abbreviation 中一中学校
  • China - abbreviation 中国
  • volume two (of three) - abbreviation 中巻

suffix noun:

  • during (a certain time when one did or is doing something); under (construction, etc.); while 話し中
  • in; out of (e.g. three out of ten people) 中【じゅう】

いとこitokoたちtachiha2、3日chuuniくるkuruでしょうdeshou My cousins are coming in a few days.

うわさuwasano正体shoutaiwoつきとめるtsukitomeruためにtameni会社kaishachuuwo調べshirabe回っているmawatteiruんだnda I've been nosing around the office trying to find out the news.

そのsono学校gakkouhanakakou一貫ikkankoudatoいうiuことkotowoatamano片隅katasuminiでもdemo入れてireteおいてoite下さいkudasai Bear in mind that that school is an integrated junior high and high school.

これらのkorerano数字suujiga示すshimesunoha大学daigaku年生nenseinoninchuu3人ga政治seijini無関心mukanshindatoいうiuことkotoda These figures indicate three in five college first-year students are indifferent to politics.

10ninchuu3人haビデオBIDEOwo持っているmotteiru Three out of ten persons have a video.

そのsonoピアニストPIANISUTOno演奏ensouchuu彼らkareraha一心にisshinnimimiwo傾けたkatamuketa They were all ears while the pianist was playing.



  • Sunday - abbreviation 日曜


  • day (of the month) - also んち or ち

suffix / counter:

  • counter for days - also んち or ち

noun / suffix noun / prefix noun:

  • Japan - abbreviation 日本

郵便配達yuubinhaitatsuhanichiおきにokiniやって来ますyattekimasu The mailman comes around every three days.

13nichino金曜日kin'youbiha不吉なfukitsunahidaと言われているtoiwareteiru It is said that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day.

そのsono知らせshirasega届いたtodoitanoha2・3nichiたってtatteからkaradata It was not until few days later that the news arrived.



  • no

prefix noun:

  • no; without; not needed; not allowed


  • un-; non-; negative prefix

まともmatomona無神mushinronshahakaminofu存在sonzaiwo証明shoumeiしよshiyoutohashiないnai No atheist worth his salt will try to prove that God does not exist.



  • nothing; naught; nought; nil; zero


  • un-; non-

mu回答kaitouwo拒否kyohiするsuru Refuse to take no answer.


noun / prefix noun:

  • smallness; small item
  • short month (i.e. having fewer than 31 days) 小の月
  • elementary school - abbreviation 小学校
  • younger or inferior (of two items or people with the same name)
  • unit of field area (approx. 400 sq m) - archaism

daikashouka Large or small?

福島fukushimakende取っtotashou女子joshiからkara基準kijunchiwo超えるkoeruryouno放射houshaseiセシウムSESHIUMUga検出kenshutsusareましmashita Radioactive cesium in amounts exceeding limits has been measured on young lancefish caught in Fukushima prefecture.


noun / ~の noun / adverbial noun / prefix noun:

  • former; ex-; past; one-time

やってyatteしまったshimattaことkotohamotoni戻らないmodoranai What is done cannot be undone.



  • un-; non-
  • bad ...; poor ...

noun / ~の noun / prefix:

  • front; frontage; facade; main

正面のshoumennoドアDOAha鍵がかかったkagigakakattaままmamaだったdatta The front door remained locked.

センチSENCHI Inflection



  • centi-; 10^-2

adjectival noun:



  • milli-; 10^-3 - From French



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