Results, いち #n


numeric / prefix:

  • one - 1 can also be read ワン. 壱, 弌 and 壹 are used in legal documents ワン

~の noun / suffix:

  • best

~の noun:

  • first; foremost


  • beginning; start
  • ace (playing card) エース
  • bottom string (on a shamisen, etc.)

それsorehaichiento計算keisanされているsareteiru It is computed at 10,000 yen.

いちichi Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • place; situation; position; location

君のkimino守備shubi位置ichihaどこdokoですかdesuka What position do you hold?



  • market; fair

shiha月曜getsuyouごとにgotoni立つtatsu The market is held every Monday.

Partial results:


noun / ~の noun:

  • number one; first; first place


  • best; most


  • game; round; bout


  • as a test; as an experiment; by way of experiment; by way of trial; tentatively 試しに


  • song (e.g. in noh); piece

このkonoネクタイNEKUTAIniしましょうshimashou一番ichibanよさそうyosasouだからdakara I will take this tie, as it seems to be the best.

お金okanewo稼ぎkasegiたいtaiならnaraアメリカAMERIKAga一番ichibanda If you want to earn money, America is the best.



  • one person - esp. 一人
  • alone; unmarried; solitary ひとり - esp. 独り

ジェーンJEENha学校gakkou時代jidai私のwatashino一番ichibanno友人yuujinnoひとりhitoriだったdattagaここのところkokonotokoro数年nouchiniだんだんdandanお互いにotagaini離れてhanarete行ったitta Jane used to be one of my best friends at school but we've drifted apart over the past few years.

kareしかもshikamokare独りhitoriだけdakega行かikaなければならないnakerebanaranai He, and he alone, must go.





  • one month

karehaひと月hitotsukinikai散髪sanpatsuするsuru He gets his hair cut once a month.


adverbial noun:

  • once; one time; on one occasion
  • temporarily; for a moment ひとたび
  • one degree; one tone; one musical interval いちど

karehaいちどichido金メダルkinmedaruwoもらったmorattaことがあるkotogaaru He's been awarded a gold medal once.



  • (town) market
  • (the) marketplace

誰かdarekaga例えばtatoebahitsujiとかtokaumawo市場shijouni出ているdeteiruものmonode等しいhitoshii価値kachigaあるaruto考えるkangaeruものmonoto交換koukanするsuruことが出来たkotogadekitanoであるdearu Somebody could exchange a sheep or a horse, for example, for anything in the marketplace that they considered to be of equal value.

贅沢品zeitakuhinno市場shijouha急速kyuusokuni成長seichouしているshiteiru The market for luxury goods is growing fast.


temporal noun:

  • one o'clock

adverbial noun / temporal noun:

  • once; at one time; formerly; before

adverbial noun / temporal noun / ~の noun:

  • for a time; for a while; for the time being; for the present; for the moment; temporarily - in weather forecasts, indicates that a given condition will hold for less than one-quarter of the forecast period


kareha一時ichijihaロンドンRONDONni滞在taizaiしていたshiteita He stayed in London for a time.

kirinoためにtameni交通koutsuuha一時ichiji不通futsuuになっているninatteiru Due to the fog, traffic is temporarily suspended.

ひとことhitokotoいちげんichigenいちごんichigonひとことhitokoto Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • single word; a few words; brief comment

一言hitokotode言えばiebakareha馬鹿bakadato思いますomoimasu In a word, I think he's a fool.

いっていitteiいちじょうichijou Inflection

noun / ~の noun / ~する noun / adjectival noun:

  • fixed; settled; constant; definite; uniform; regularized; regularised; defined; standardized; standardised; certain; prescribed

kareha口座kouzanonakano一定itteigakuwo子供用kodomoyouni用いたmochiita He had some money in an account that he'd set aside for his kids.


~と adverb / adverb:

  • more; much more; still more; all the more


この間konokanミュージカルMYUUJIKARUni見に行ったminiittandaけどkedomaeからkararetsumedesaもうmou憧れakogarenohitoga目の前menomaedeもうmou最高saikouだったdattane一段とichidantokarewo好きになったsukininatta I was at a musical recently, in the third row. Seeing the actor I love up close like that made me feel more smitten with him than ever.

花嫁hanayome姿sugatano彼女kanojoha一段とichidanto美しかったutsukushikatta She was all the more beautiful dressed in her wedding costume.


~の noun / noun:

  • first-class; top grade; foremost; top-notch; leading
  • characteristic; peculiar; unique


  • school (e.g. of a performance art)
  • one flag; one banner; one streamer - also written as 一旒

こんなkonna一流ichiryuu選手senshuga相手aitedeha勝ち目kachimegaないnai We have no chance against those top players.

彼女kanojohaなかなかnakanakaやるyaruようだyoudaga一流ichiryuuじゃないjanaine She's pretty good at it, but she lacks class.


adverb / ~の noun:

  • more or less; though not quite satisfactorily; after a fashion; pretty much; roughly; so far as it goes


  • tentatively; for the time being
  • just in case
  • once

ええee先方senpouからkara一応ichiou返事henjihaありましたarimashita Yeah, there was some sort of reply from them.

一応ichiou聞きkikiますmasugaなにnaniwoするsuruつもりtsumoriですdesuka I'll ask just in case. What are you trying to do?


adverb / noun:

  • one-by-one; separately
  • every single; each and every; without omission; fully; in detail

ジョンJONga品物shinamonowoいちいちichiichi手に取ってtenitotte見たmita John picked up the articles one by one and examined them.

kareha私のwatashinoしたshitaことkotoniいちいちichiichi文句monkuwo言うiu He finds fault with everything I do.


adverbial noun / noun:

  • one part; one portion; one section; some
  • one copy (e.g. of a document)

一部ichibuno人々hitobitoha日本nippongaすべてsubete一番ichibandato思っているomotteiru Some people believe that Japan is No.1 in everything.


noun / ~の noun:

  • series; chain; sequence 一連


  • two reams (i.e. 1000 sheets of paper)
  • verse; stanza 一連

彼らkareraha一連ichirenno音楽会ongakukaiwo開催kaisaiしたshita They gave a series of concerts.



  • one face; one surface
  • the whole surface
  • one aspect; one side

noun / adverbial noun:

  • (on) the other hand
  • one broad, flat object
  • front page (e.g. newspaper)
いちりつichiritsu Inflection

~の noun / adjectival noun / adverbial noun / noun:

  • uniform; even; across-the-board; equal
いちようichiyou Inflection

adjectival noun / ~の noun / noun:

  • uniform; equal; even; the same; identical Antonym: 多様
  • common; ordinary; usual

noun / suffix noun:

  • all present; all concerned; all of us

我々wareware一同ichidou恐怖kyoufuniさいなまれたsainamareta We were all assailed with fears.



  • part; portion; section

そのsono建物tatemonono一部分ichibubunだけdakega地震jishinde破壊hakaiされたsareta Only part of the building has been destroyed by the earthquake.

いちべつichibetsu Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • parting
いちもくichimoku Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • look; glance


  • stone (in the game of go)

どこかdokokaおかしいokashiito一目ichimokudewatashiにはnihaわかりますwakarimasu I could tell at a glance that something was wrong.



  • first visit to inn, restaurant, etc. without an introduction

あのanomise一見kazumiさんsanでもdemo入れるirerunoかなkana I wonder if that restaurant accepts unfamiliar customers.


adverbial noun:

  • January

watashiha1968nenno1月ichigatsu2日ni生まれたumareta I was born on January 2 in 1968.


noun / ~の noun:

kareha大きなookina市立shiritsu病院byouinni勤務kinmuしてshiteおられますoraremasu He works in a big city hospital.


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© Based on JMdict, KANJIDIC2, and JMnedict, property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, used in conformance with the Group's licence. Example sentences from the Tatoeba project (CC BY 2.0). Kanji stroke order data from the KanjiVG project by Ulrich Apel (CC BY-SA 3.0). See comprehensive list of data sources for more info.

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