Results, な #v

Partial results:

ならぶnarabu Inflection

godan ~ぶ verb / intransitive verb:

  • to line up; to stand in a line
  • to rival; to match; to equal

必ずkanarazu全てのsubeteno品物shinamonoga一列ni並ぶnarabuようにしてyounishite下さいkudasai See to it that all the items are arranged in a row.

kareha古今kokonni並ぶnarabumononoないnai偉大なidaina政治家seijikaであるdearu He is the greatest statesman that ever lived.

ならうnarau Inflection

godan ~う verb / transitive:

  • to take lessons in; to be taught; to learn (from a teacher); to study (under a teacher); to get training in

chichihawatashiniピアノPIANOwo習うnarauようにyouni勧めたsusumeta My father encouraged me to study the piano.

なるnaru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to become; to get; to grow; to be; to reach; to attain
  • to result in; to prove to be
  • to consist of; to be composed of
  • to succeed; to be complete
  • to change into; to be exchanged for
  • to play a role 成り済ます
  • to be promoted - Shōgi term

godan ~る verb:

  • to do ... - as お+masu-stem+になる, ご+noun+になる, etc. - honorific language

edaga伸びnobimiga成るnaruことkotowo想定souteiしてshite接ぐtsugu場所bashowo選びましょうerabimashou Select the graft point after imagining how the branches will extend and fruit grow.

チームCHIIMUhaninno選手senshuからkara成るnaru Nine players make up a team.

年を取るtoshiwotoruto目ざとくmezatokuなるnaru As one grows old, one becomes a light sleeper.

ならべるnaraberu Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to line up; to set up; to arrange in a line
  • to enumerate; to itemize
  • to be equal (to); to compare well (with); to be as good (as)

身長shinchou順にjunni男の子otokonokowo並べるnaraberu Rank boys according to their height.

なくすnakusuirr. Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to lose (something); to mislay
  • to get rid of; to eliminate; to remove

タイポTAIPOみるmiruto答えるkotaerukiなくすnakusu When I see typos I lose interest in answering.

そのsonokunino財政zaiseino赤字akajiwoなくすnakusuにはnihaもっとmottoたくさんtakusanno外国gaikokuno援助enjowo注ぎ込まsosogikomaなければならなかったnakerebanaranakatta To get the nation's economy out of the red, more foreign aid had to be pumped in.

なくnaku Inflection

godan ~く verb / intransitive verb:

  • to sing (bird)
  • to make sound (animal); to call; to cry; to chirp
  • to make a meld call (e.g. pung, kong) 鳴く - Mahjong term

おんどりondoriよりもyorimoめんどりmendorinohouga大声oogoede鳴くnakuieha悲しいkanashiiieda It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.

hitsujiha何てnanite鳴くnakuno What sound does a sheep make?

なげるnageru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to throw; to cast away
  • to face defeat; to give up

nekoniishiwo投げるnageruna Don't throw a stone at a cat.

なおすnaosu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to cure; to heal - usu. 治す
  • to fix; to correct; to repair - usu. 直す

auxiliary verb:

  • to do over again - after -masu base of verb; usu. 直す
  • to replace; to put back as it was - usu. 直す - Kansai dialect
  • to convert (into a different state); to transform - usu. 直す

風邪kazewo治すnaosuのにnoni週間shuukanかかりましたkakarimashita It took me three weeks to get over the flu.

直すnaosuのにnoniどのくらいdonokurai時間がかかりますjikangakakarimasuka How long does it take to alter it?

なおるnaoru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to be cured; to get well; to be healed - esp. 治る
  • to get mended; to be repaired; to be fixed - esp. 直る

kusuriwo飲みnomi始めるhajimerutoすぐにsuguni痛みitamiなどnadono症状shoujouhaとれてtoreteきますkimasugaすぐにsuguni潰瘍kaiyougaなおるnaoruわけではありませんwakedehaarimasen When you start taking medicine it begins working on symptoms, like pain, right away, but that doesn't mean that the ulcer heals right away.

いったいittaiいつitsuになったらninattaraそのsonoケチKECHIha直るnaoruno When will you ever loosen your purse strings?

なるnaru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to sound; to ring; to resound; to echo; to roar; to rumble

動き出すugokidasuときtokiベルBERUgaちんちんchinchinto鳴るnaruだからdakaraちんちんchinchin電車densha When it sets off the bell rings, "ding-ding". Thus 'ding-ding-train'.

なれるnareru Inflection

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to get used to; to grow accustomed to; to become familiar with - esp. 慣れる
  • to become skilled in; to become experienced at - esp. 慣れる
  • to become tame; to become domesticated - esp. 馴れる

ichidan verb / auxiliary verb:

  • to get used to doing - after the -masu stem of a verb

hanashiwoするsuruことkotode自分jibunwo曝け出す曝kedasuことkotowo恐れずosorezu英語eigode他人tanintoしゃべるshaberuあらゆるarayuru機会kikaiwoとらえtoraeなさいnasaiそうすればsousurebaじきにjikini形式張らないkeishikiharanai会話kaiwano場面bamende気楽kirakuniなれるnareruであろうdearou Don't be afraid to show yourself through speech and take every opportunity to speak to others in English and soon you will feel right at home in informal conversational situations.

watashigaここkokono生活seikatsuni慣れるnarerunoni時間がかかりjikangakakariそうsouですdesu It seems like it will take me a while to get accustomed to life here.

なくnakuirr. Inflection

godan ~く verb:

  • to cry; to weep; to sob; to howl

さぁsaa笑っwarate泣くnakunohago Smile now, cry later!

なくなるnakunaru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to die

毎年maitoshi交通事故koutsuujikode亡くなるnakunaru老人roujinga多いooi Lots of old people are killed in traffic accidents every year.

なくなるnakunaru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to be lost (e.g. luggage); to be missing
  • to be used up; to be run out; to be exhausted; to be consumed; to be reduced to zero; to not occur any more
  • to disappear (e.g. pain); to be lost (e.g. a dream, confidence)

やがてyagateこの世konoyoからkara戦争sensougaなくなるnakunaruhigaくるkuruだろうdarou The day will soon come when there will be no more wars in the world.


godan ある verb (spec.) / transitive:

  • to do - honorific language

病気byoukiga全快zenkaiなさるnasaruようにyouni I hope you will be completely cured.

ながすnagasu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to drain; to pour; to spill; to shed (blood, tears) 涙を流す
  • to wash away
  • to distribute (e.g. electricity over wires, music over a PA system, etc.); to circulate; to broadcast; to beam
  • to cruise (e.g. taxi)
  • to float; to set adrift
  • to call off (a meeting, etc.)
  • to exile; to banish

あんなanna恐ろしいosoroshiiotokonoためにtameni流すnagasunamidahaないnai I cannot shed a tear for that horrible man.

mizuni流すnagasu Don't cry over spilled milk.

kareha夕方yuugatanoニュースNYUUSUdeそのsono殺人satsujinno裁判saibanwo最初saishoni流すnagasuことkotoni決めたkimeta He decided to put the murder trial first in the evening news.

ながれるnagareru Inflection

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to stream; to flow (liquid, time, etc.); to run (ink)
  • to be washed away; to be carried
  • to drift; to float (e.g. clouds); to wander; to stray
  • to sweep (e.g. rumour, fire); to spread; to circulate
  • to be heard (e.g. music); to be played
  • to lapse (e.g. into indolence, despair)
  • to pass; to elapse; to be transmitted
  • to be called off; to be forfeited
  • to disappear; to be removed

shiroからkaraそのsonoふもとfumotowoゆるやかにyuruyakani湾曲wankyokuしてshite流れるnagarerukawa全体zentaiga見えましたmiemashita From the castle we could see the whole curve of the river around its base.

アルフォンスARUFUONSUgasorawo見上げたmiagetaままmama速くhayaku流れるnagarerukumowo見つめていたmitsumeteita Alphonse looked at the racing clouds, his eyes turned to the sky.

電流denryuuga流れるnagareru電線densenniコイルKOIRUwo近づけるchikazukerutoコイルKOIRUにもnimo電気denkiga流れますnagaremasu When a coil is moved near to a wire with current flowing in it current flows in the coil as well.

ながめるnagameru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to look at; to gaze at; to watch; to stare at
  • to look out over; to get a view of; to admire (e.g. the scenery)
  • to look on (from the sidelines); to stand by and watch; to observe

karehatoriga頭上zujouwo飛んでtondeいくikunowo眺めるnagamerunoga好きsukiですdesu He likes to watch the birds fly above his head.

なやむnayamu Inflection

godan ~む verb:

  • to be worried; to be troubled

彼女kanojonoことkotodeそんなにsonnani真剣にshinkenni悩むnayamu必要hitsuyouhaなかったnakattaのにnoni You need not have worried about her so seriously.

なまけるnamakeru Inflection

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to be idle; to slacken

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to neglect (e.g. one's work) 怠る

概してgaishite人間ningenha怠けるnamakeru傾向keikouniあるaru As a rule, man is inclined to be lazy.

なるnaru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to bear fruit

kinnoなるnarukihaないnaindayo Money doesn't grow on trees, you know.

なぐるnaguru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

  • to strike; to hit; to beat; to punch

痛いitai由紀子yukiko痛いitaiyoグーGUUde殴るnagurunohaよせyoseyo Ow! Yukiko! That hurts! Quit hitting me with your fists!

なすnasu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to build up; to establish - esp. 成す
  • to form; to become (a state) - esp. 成す
  • to accomplish; to achieve; to succeed in
  • to change into
  • to do; to perform - esp. 為す

auxiliary verb:

  • to intend to; to attempt; to try - archaism

karehaきっとkitto一財産wo成すnasuでしょうdeshou He is bound to make a fortune.

あなたanatanoいうiuことkototo成すnasuことkotoha違うchigau You don't practice what you preach.

彼女kanojoha一時ichijinigotowoなすnasu能力nouryokuwoもっているmotteiru She has a faculty for doing two things at once.

ならうnarau Inflection

godan ~う verb / intransitive verb:

  • to imitate; to follow; to emulate
ながびくnagabiku Inflection

godan ~く verb / intransitive verb:

  • to be prolonged; to drag on

そのsono経済学者keizaigakushaha長引くnagabiku不況fukyouwo予期yokiしていたshiteita The economist anticipated a prolonged depression.


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