


  • plain; field
  • hidden (structural) member

prefix noun:

  • wild 野ウサギ
  • lacking a political post

彼女のkanojonohanashidehanonohanawo探してsagashitemoriwo歩いていたaruiteitaのだnodaそうだsouda She said she was walking through the woods, looking for wild flowers.

このkononoバラBARAha甘いamai香りkaoriwo放つhanatsu This wild rose gives off a sweet scent.



  • indicates possessive - occasionally ん, orig. written 乃 or 之
  • nominalizes verbs and adjectives
  • substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases
  • (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion - often ん
  • (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis - female language
  • (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question


  • possessive particle - 之 used esp. on tombs, etc. - archaism


  • shaft (of an arrow) - archaism
  • arrow bamboo (Pseudosasa japonica) - archaism 矢竹

noun / suffix noun / counter:

  • unit of measurement for cloth breadth (30-38 cm) - after a number in the hito-, futa-, mi- counting system

Partial results:

のむnomuoldirr. Inflection

godan ~む verb / transitive:

  • to drink; to gulp; to swallow; to take (medicine) - 呑む is often used metaphorically; 服む is often used for medicine
  • to smoke (tobacco) - also written 喫む 喫む
  • to engulf; to overwhelm
  • to keep down; to suppress
  • to accept (e.g. demand, condition)
  • to make light of; to conceal

くれるkureruno?」「いやあiyaaホテルHOTERUde呑むnomuんですndesuyo」「だろうdaroune "Can I have it?" "Sorry, I drank it at the hotel!" "Thought so."

あなたanatahaそのsonokusuriwo飲むnomuことkotowo断るkotowaruべきbekiであるdearu You must refuse to drink this drug.

sakewo飲むnomuto打解けuchitokete来るkuru As we drink, we open up to each other.

のるnoruold Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to get on (train, plane, bus, ship, etc.); to get in; to board; to take; to embark
  • to get on (e.g. a footstool); to step on; to jump on; to sit on; to mount 載る【のる】
  • to reach; to go over; to pass
  • to follow; to stay (on track); to go with (the times, etc.)
  • to take part; to participate; to join
  • to get into the swing (and sing, dance, etc.)
  • to be deceived; to be taken in
  • to be carried; to be spread; to be scattered - usu. with an adverb of manner, e.g. よく乗る
  • to stick; to attach; to take; to go on - usu. with an adverb of manner, e.g. よく乗る

11時のjino列車resshani乗るnoruつもりtsumoriですdesu I'm catching the 11:00 train.

そんなにsonnani沢山takusanパンPANni乗るnorunka You really put that much in the sandwich?

飛行機hikoukini乗るnorunohaこれkorega2度目ですdesu This is the second time I've flown.

のぼるnoboruold Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to ascend; to go up; to climb
  • to ascend (as a natural process, e.g. the sun); to rise - usu. 昇る
  • to go to (the capital)
  • to be promoted
  • to add up to
  • to advance (in price)
  • to swim up (a river); to sail up
  • to come up (on the agenda)

kareha簡単にkantannikiniのぼるnoboru He has no trouble climbing trees.

そのsonoときtoki太陽taiyougaのぼるnoboruところtokoroだったdatta The sun was coming up then.

彼のkareno借金shakkinha総計soukei2000ドルDORUniのぼるnoboru His debts amount to $2,000.



  • drink; beverage

何かnanika飲み物nomimonowoいただけますitadakemasuka May I have something to drink?



  • vehicle; conveyance; transport
  • ride (playground, fair, carnival); playground facility

乗り物norimonoha子供kodomo向けmukeであるdearu Rides in the cars are for kids.

のこるnokoru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to remain; to be left

そのsonoekiからkara溶剤youzaiwo揮発kihatsuさせるsaseru残るnokorunoha香りkaori成分seibunto植物shokubutsuワックスWAKKUSUnokatamari Vaporise the solvent from the liquid. What's left is the perfume component and a lump of vegetable wax.

のりかえるnorikaeru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to transfer (trains); to change (bus, train)
  • to change one's mind; to move on to (e.g. a new love interest); to change methods; to change one's way of thinking

新宿shinjukude電車denshawo乗り換えるnorikaerundayo You have to change trains at Shinjuku.


noun / ~の noun:

  • agriculture

海外kaigai向けmuke食品shokuhinno輸出yushutsuha農業nougyou関連kanren産業sangyounohashirano一つhitotsuですdesu Overseas food exports are one of the mainstays of agribusiness.



  • ability; faculty

karehaすぐれたsugureta能力nouryokuwoもっていたmotteita His talent was of a high order.



  • farmer; farming family
  • farmhouse

農家noukanokoになりninariたいtaikane Would you like to be a farm boy?


noun / ~の noun:

  • remnant; residue; remaining; left-over

彼女のkanojonodainokurumahadaigaaode残りnokorihashiroda One of her three cars is blue and the others are white.

のこすnokosu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to leave (behind, over); to bequeath; to save; to reserve

にはnihaこれらのkoreranoyanouenikinunoitowoさらにsarani張りharisuno中央chuuouni滑らかnamerakade粘りnebarinoないnai部分bubunwo残すnokosu Then it draws more silky lines across these spokes, leaving a smooth, non-sticky patch in the middle of the web.


noun / ~の noun:

  • farmer; peasant

watashiha貧しいmazushii農民nouminに過ぎないnisuginai I am nothing but a poor peasant.



  • talent; gift; function
  • noh (theatre)

nouha伝統的なdentoutekina日本nipponno芸術geijutsuであるdearu Noh is a traditional Japanese art.



  • wish; desire; hope
  • prospect; expectation; (one's) hopes

あなたanatano望みnozomiga実現jitsugenするsurutoいいiiですdesune I hope your wish will come true.

あのanoチームCHIIMUhaあるaruとしてもtoshitemoまずmazu優勝yuushouno望みnozomihaないnai That team has little, if any, chance of winning.

のせるnoseru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to place on (something)
  • to give (someone) a ride; to give a lift; to pick up; to help on board - esp. 乗せる
  • to load (luggage); to carry; to take on board - esp. 載せる
  • to send out (on the airwaves, etc.)
  • to deceive; to take for a ride
  • to (sing) along with (musical accompaniment)
  • to let (someone) take part
  • to excite (someone)
  • to publish (an article); to run (an ad) 載せる

彼らkareraha人工衛星jinkoueiseiwo軌道kidouni乗せるnoseruことkotoni成功seikouしたshita They succeeded in putting an artificial satellite in orbit.

karehaatamawoのせるnoseruためtame二三noクッションKUSSHONwo持ってきたmottekita He fetched a few cushions to prop up her head.

彼のkareno母親hahaoyagakarewokurumani乗せるnoseruためにtameni来たkita His mother came to pick him up.

のぞむnozomu Inflection

godan ~む verb / transitive:

  • to desire
  • to wish for; to expect
  • to see; to command (a view of)

私のwatashino望むnozomunoha安らぎyasuragito静けさshizukesaだけdakeですdesu All I want is peace and quiet.

のびるnobiru Inflection

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to stretch; to extend; to lengthen; to grow (of hair, height, grass, etc.)
  • to straighten out; to be flattened; to become smooth
  • to spread (of paint, cream, etc.)
  • to stretch out (e.g. of a hand); to extend
  • to lose elasticity; to become slack; to become soggy (e.g. noodles)
  • to make progress; to develop; to expand; to increase; to improve 伸びる
  • to be exhausted; to be groggy; to pass out; to collapse 伸びる
  • to be prolonged (meeting, life span, etc.); to be extended (e.g. deadline); to lengthen (e.g. of the days) 延びる
  • to be postponed; to be delayed; to be put off 延びる

時間jikanni縛られたshibarareta社会shakaidehatokihasenのようにnoyouniつまりtsumari過去kakoからkara現在genzaiwo通ってtootte未来miraini向かってmukatte延びるnobiruhonno直線chokusenと見られているtomirareteiru In a time-bound society time is seen as linear- in other words as a straight line extending from the past, through the present, to the future.

消費shouhiha心持ちkokoromochi伸びるnobiru程度teidoでしょうdeshou Spending will grow only a touch faster.

身長shinchouってtteどうdouやっyaたらtara伸びるnobirunだろdarou How can I get taller?



  • throat
  • singing voice

今日kyou起きたらokitaranodogaいがらっぽかったigarappokattaですdesu When I got up today my throat felt a little sore.

のばすnobasu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to grow long (e.g. hair, nails) - esp. 伸ばす
  • to lengthen; to extend; to stretch
  • to reach out; to hold out - esp. 伸ばす
  • to straighten; to smooth out
  • to spread evenly (dough, cream, etc.)
  • to dilute; to thin out
  • to postpone - esp. 延ばす
  • to prolong
  • to strengthen; to develop; to expand

そのsono男の子otokonokohaあくまでもakumademo髪の毛kaminokewo伸ばすnobasuことkotoniこだわったkodawatta The boy persisted in wearing his hair long.

暗闇kurayaminonakaoreha遠ざかるtoozakaru後姿ushirosugatani必死にhisshinitewo伸ばすnobasu In the darkness, I frantically reach out towards the receding figure.

そのsono仕事shigotowo明日ashitaまでmade延ばすnobasuna Don't put off the work till tomorrow.

委員会iinkaino目的mokutekiha子供kodomono音楽ongakuno才能sainouwo伸ばすnobasuことkotoniありますarimasu The purpose of the committee is to develop children's musical talent.



  • eaves
  • narrow aisle surrounding the core of a temple building

彼女kanojoha鳥かごtorikagowonokiからkaraつるしたtsurushita She hung the cage from the eaves.

のべるnoberu Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to state; to express; to mention

bokuha君のkimino意見ikenni不賛成fusanseidagaそれsorewo述べるnoberu君のkimino権利kenriha最後までsaigomade護ってmamotteやろうyarou I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.


noun / ~の noun:

  • later; afterwards; since
  • future
  • after one's death
  • descendant - archaism

funega沈没chinbotsuしてshiteしまってshimatteのちnochifuneno残骸zangaiga引き上げられたhikiagerareta The wreckage of the ship was salvaged after it had gone to Davy Jones's locker.

雨天utennonochiにはniha晴天seitenga来るkuru After rain comes fair weather.

のぞくnozoku Inflection

godan ~く verb / transitive:

  • to remove; to eliminate; to eradicate
  • to exclude; to except

急所kyuushowo除くnozokuすべてのsubeteno攻撃kougekiwo認めるmitomeru I'm allowing all attacks except on vital organs.

のんびりnonbiri Inflection

adverb / ~と adverb / ~する noun:

  • carefree; at leisure - onomatopoeia



plains; field; rustic; civilian life


of; this

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