


  • ring; circle; loop
  • hoop フープ
  • wheel
  • circle (e.g. of friends)

英語eigono授業jugyoudeha時々tokidokiwaになってninatte座りsuwari読んでいるyondeiruhonについてnitsuite話し合いhanashiaiwoするsuruことkotomoありますarimasu In English class, sometimes we sit in a circle to talk about a book we are reading.

世界sekaino熱帯雨林nettaiurinhaこのkono惑星wakuseijouno生命seimeiga形成keiseiするsuru生態学seitaigaku的なtekina連鎖rensanonakadeかけがえのないkakegaenonaitamakiwoなしているnashiteirunoであるdearu The world's tropical rainforests are critical links in the ecological chain of life on the planet.



  • sum - Mathematics term
  • harmony; peace

noun / prefix noun / ~の noun:

  • Japan; Japanese-style

3角形の3kakugatanoすべてのsubetenokakunowaha180doni等しいhitoshii The sum of all the angles in a triangle equals 180 degrees.

スポーツSUPOOTSUdehaチームCHIIMUnowaga成功seikouにはniha欠かせませんkakasemasen In sport, team harmony is vital to success.



  • counter for birds and rabbits


  • I; me
  • oneself われ・わ
  • you われ・わ - archaism


  • prefix indicating familiarity or contempt - also 和 - archaism


  • counter for bundles


  • indicates emotion or admiration - at sentence end - female language
  • indicates emphasis - at sentence end - Kansai dialect


  • wah!
  • boo!


  • counter for stories, episodes of TV series, etc.

Partial results:



  • I; me

noun / ~の noun:

  • private affairs; personal matter; secrecy わたくし
  • selfishness わたくし

騒がしいsawagashiiホームHOOMUde誰かdarekaga私のwatashino名前namaewo呼んでいるyondeirunoga聞こえたkikoeta I could hear someone calling my name on the noisy platform.



  • sea; ocean; waters

何としてもnanitoshitemoumiwoひと目hitomemiたいtaiものmonoda I ache for a sight of the sea.

わたすwatasu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to ferry across (e.g. a river); to carry across; to traverse
  • to lay across; to build across
  • to hand over; to hand in; to pass; to give; to transfer

必要hitsuyou以上ijounoお金okanewo子供kodomoni渡すwatasuna Do not hand over more money than is necessary to a child.

わかるwakaru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow
  • to become clear; to be known; to be discovered; to be realized; to be realised; to be found out

hiroshi君のkimino気持ちkimochiha分かるwakaruyotoマイクMAIKUga言いますiimasu "I understand how you feel, Hiroshi," says Mike.

わかいwakai Inflection


  • young; youthful
  • immature; green
  • low (number); small

彼女kanojoha若いwakaiですかdesuka」「はいhai "Is she young?" "Yes, she is."

わるいwaruioldold Inflection


  • bad; poor; inferior
  • evil; sinful
  • unprofitable; unbeneficial
  • at fault; to blame; in the wrong
  • sorry

顔色がわるいkaoirogawaruiけどkedo具合guaiga悪いwaruinoかいkai」「そういうsouiuわけwakeでもないdemonaiyo "You look pale. Are you sick?" "Not exactly."

すいませんsuimasenあなたanatani悪いwaruiことkotowoしましたshimashita I'm sorry. I did you wrong.

これkoreha悪いwaruihanashiではないdehanaiでしょうdeshou This isn't an unappealing proposition, is it?

あなたanatanoおっしゃるossharuことkotoha認めるmitomeruにしてもnishitemowatashihaやはりyahariあなたanataga悪いwaruito思いますomoimasu Even given what you say, I still think you are to blame.

悪いwaruiけどkedoo豆腐toufu買ってkatteきてkiteくれないkurenai I really shouldn't ask, but could you go get some tofu for me?

わたるwataru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to cross over; to go across - usu. 渡る or 渉る
  • to extend; to cover; to range; to span - usu. 亘る or 亙る にわたって

老婦人roufujinga渡るwatarunowo助けたtasuketa I helped an old lady across.

わすれるwasureru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to forget; to leave carelessly; to be forgetful of; to forget about; to forget (an article)

約束yakusokuwo忘れるwasureruとはtohaあまりamari慎重shinchouではなかったdehanakattaですdesune It wasn't very discreet of you to forget the appointment.



  • reason; pretext; motive

どうしてdoushiteあなたanatanio詫び詫biするsuru理由riyuugaあるaruのですnodesuka Why should I apologize to you?


adverb / noun:

  • rate; ratio; percentage; proportion
  • comparatively
  • contrary to expectations

クラスKURASUno女生徒joseitono男生徒otokoseitoに対するnitaisuru割合wariaihataida The proportion of girls to boys in our class is three to two.



  • conclusion from reasoning, judgement or calculation based on something read or heard; reason; cause; meaning; circumstances; situation

そういうsouiuわけwakedewatashihaこんなにkonnani早くhayaku帰って来たkaettekitaのですnodesu That's why I came back so soon.



  • lost article; something forgotten

今日kyou忘れ物wasuremonowoしたshita I left behind something today.

わかれるwakareru Inflection

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to part (usu. of people); to part from; to part with; to be apart from
  • to separate (of a couple); to break up; to divorce
  • to lose (e.g. one's mother); to be bereaved

あなたanataga彼女kanojoto別れるwakarerunoha賢明kenmeiであるdearu You will do well to leave her.

わらうwarau Inflection

godan ~う verb / intransitive verb:

  • to laugh
  • to smile
  • to sneer; to ridicule - esp. 嗤う
  • to be dumbfounded; to be flabbergasted - as 笑ってしまう or 笑っちゃう

naなにかnanika笑うwarauところtokoroありましたarimashitaあすかasukaギャグってましたGYAGUttemashita Did I say something funny? Did I make a joke?

非常にhijouni苦しいkurushiiさなかsanakaにもnimo笑うwarauことkotoha感情のkanjouno激しいhageshiihitoにはniha容易youiniできるdekiruことkotoではないdehanai Being able to smile while in great distress is not duck soup for a passionate individual.

わかすwakasu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to boil; to heat 沸かす
  • to excite 沸かす
  • to melt (metal) - archaism
わくwaku Inflection

godan ~く verb / intransitive verb:

  • to grow hot (e.g. water); to boil
  • to get excited (at); to erupt (in applause, cheering, etc.); to be in a ferment; to take place energetically
  • to ferment
  • to melt (of metal)

彼女kanojohaお茶ochawo入れるirerumaeniお湯oyuga沸くwakuまでmade待ったmatta She waited until the water boiled before making the tea with it.

われるwareru Inflection

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to break; to be smashed
  • to split; to crack; to fissure; to be torn
  • to be divided (opinion, vote, etc.); to split (e.g. of a party)
  • to come to light; to become clear; to be identified; to be revealed
  • to be distorted (of a sound)
  • to be divisible (without a remainder)
  • to go below a minimum

atamaga割れるwareruようにyouni痛かったitakattaのでnodewatashihaいつもよりitsumoyori早くhayaku寝たneta Having a cracking headache, I went to bed earlier than usual.

通りtoorideガラスGARASUga粉々にkonagonani割れるwarerunoga聞こえたkikoetawa We heard glass shattering in our street.

君のkiminoomosaじゃjakooriga割れるwareruyo As heavy as you are, the ice will break.


noun / ~の noun:

  • topic; subject

そのsono話題wadaiha話し合うhanashiau価値kachigaあるaru That topic is worth discussing.



  • we

noun / suffix noun:

  • bay; gulf; inlet

kawahayamaからkara下ってkudattewanni注いでいるsosoideiru The river descends from the mountains to the bay below.



  • laugh; laughter 笑う
  • smile 笑う
  • sneer - esp. 嗤い 笑う
  • sex aids (e.g. dildos, pornographic books, erotic woodblock prints, etc.)

赤ん坊akanbouha敵意tekiinoあるaru笑いwaraigaできるdekiruほどhodo年をとってtoshiwotottehaいないinai The baby is not old enough to be capable of hostile laughter.

日本nippon文化bunkano文脈bunmyakunonakadeha当然touzenと思われるtoomowareru微笑みbiemimo外国人gaikokujinnomadeha不気味なbukimina笑いwaraiとしてtoshite多くookuno混乱konranwo生みumiまたmata悪評akuhyouga高いtakai Our smile, which is understandable in the context of Japanese culture, sometimes causes a lot of confusion and is notorious among foreign people as a mysterious smile.

わけるwakeru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to divide (into); to split (into); to part; to separate; to divide up; to classify; to sort out; to divide out
  • to share; to distribute; to deal out; to dish out
  • to distinguish; to discriminate; to differentiate (between)
  • to break up (a fight); to mediate
  • to call a draw; to tie
  • to push one's way through (a crowd)
  • to sell - also written as 頒ける

kiriga深かったfukakattaのでnode歩いているaruiteiru人たちhitotachino姿sugatawoni分けるwakerunoha困難konnanだったdatta It was foggy, so it was hard to make out the figures of people walking.

彼らkareraha寒いsamui季節kisetsuno到来touraiwo感じkanji分けるwakeruことが出来るkotogadekiru They can sense the approach of cold weather.

赤道sekidouha地球chikyuuwo二つfutatsuno半球hankyuuni分けるwakeru The equator divides the globe into two hemispheres.



  • parting; separation; farewell; (lateral) branch; fork; offshoot; division; section

会うauha別れwakarenoはじめhajime To meet is to part.



  • cotton plant (Gossypium spp.)
  • batting; wadding; padding

我々warewareha綿menno代わりにkawariniピーナッツPIINATTSUwo植えたueta We planted peanuts instead of cotton.

茶碗chawanwo投げればnagereba綿menにてnite受けよukeyo A soft answer is a specific cure of anger.

あっこうakkouわるくちwarukuchiわるぐちwaruguchiold Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • abuse; insult; slander; evil speaking; bad mouth

watashihakarega私のwatashino悪口waruguchiwo言っているitteiruところtokorowo押さえたosaeta I caught him speaking ill of me.



feathers; counter for birds, rabbits


wheel; ring; circle; link; loop; counter for wheels and flowers

© Based on JMdict, KANJIDIC2, and JMnedict, property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, used in conformance with the Group's licence. Example sentences from the Tatoeba project (CC BY 2.0). Kanji stroke order data from the KanjiVG project by Ulrich Apel (CC BY-SA 3.0). See comprehensive list of data sources for more info.

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