Results, ヒト免疫不全ウイルス
Kanji definition:
- 免
- 常用中学校JLPTN1
excuse; dismissal
- Strokes:
- 8
- Radical:
- 儿 legs
- 2-6-2
- UTF:
- 514d
- JIS208:
- 44-40
- Nanori:
- め
- Hangul:
- 면 [myeon] ・ 문 [mun]
- Pinyin:
- miǎn / wèn
- Example words:
- 免許【めんきょ】
- license; permit; licence; certificate
- 免疫【めんえき】
- immunity; immunization; immunisation; / being hardened (to); being unaffected (by); being accustomed (to)
- 免除【めんじょ】
- exemption; exoneration; discharge
- 免税【めんぜい】
- tax exemption; duty exemption
- 減免【げんめん】
- reduction and exemption (e.g. taxes); mitigation and remission (e.g. in criminal law)
- 疫
- 常用中学校JLPTN1
- Strokes:
- 9
- Radical:
- 疒 sickness
- 3-5-4
- UTF:
- 75ab
- JIS208:
- 17-54
- Hangul:
- 역 [yeog]
- Pinyin:
- yì
- Example words:
- 免疫【めんえき】
- immunity; immunization; immunisation; / being hardened (to); being unaffected (by); being accustomed (to)
- 検疫【けんえき】
- quarantine; medical inspection
- 防疫【ぼうえき】
- communicable disease control (e.g. by quarantine, disinfection, etc.); prevention of epidemics
- 疫病【えきびょう】
- infectious disease; plague; epidemic
- 検疫所【けんえきしょ】
- quarantine station
- 不
- 常用4年JLPTN4
negative; non-; bad; ugly; clumsy
- Strokes:
- 4
- Radical:
- 一 one
- 3-3-1
- UTF:
- 4e0d
- JIS208:
- 41-52
- Hangul:
- 부 [bu] ・ 불 [bul]
- Pinyin:
- bù / bú
- Example words:
- 不況【ふきょう】
- recession; depression; slump
- 不満【ふまん】
- dissatisfaction; displeasure; discontent; complaints; unhappiness; disgruntled
- 不動産【ふどうさん】
- real estate
- 不安【ふあん】
- anxiety; uneasiness; insecurity; suspense
- 不明【ふめい】
- unclear; obscure; indistinct; uncertain; ambiguous; / unknown; unidentified; / ignorance; lack of wisdom; lack of insight
- 全
- 常用3年JLPTN3
whole; entire; all; complete; fulfill
- Strokes:
- 6
- Radical:
- 入𠆢 enter
- 2-2-4
- UTF:
- 5168
- JIS208:
- 33-20
- Nanori:
- たけ・まさ
- Hangul:
- 전 [jeon]
- Pinyin:
- quán
- Example words:
© Based on JMdict, KANJIDIC2, and JMnedict, property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, used in conformance with the Group's licence. Example sentences from the Tatoeba project (CC BY 2.0). Kanji stroke order data from the KanjiVG project by Ulrich Apel (CC BY-SA 3.0). See comprehensive list of data sources for more info.
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