Results, 国土交通相
Kanji definition:
- 国
- 常用2年JLPTN5
- Example words:
- 国民【こくみん】
- people (of a country); nation; citizen; national
- 国【くに】
- country; state; / region; / national government; central government; / home (i.e. hometown, home country); / province (of Japan); / land; earth
- 全国【ぜんこく】
- countrywide; nationwide; whole country; national
- 外国【がいこく】
- foreign country
- 外国人【がいこくじん】
- foreigner; foreign citizen; foreign national; alien; non-Japanese
- 土
- 常用1年JLPTN5
soil; earth; ground; Turkey
- Strokes:
- 3
- Radical:
- 土 earth
- 4-3-2
- UTF:
- 571f
- JIS208:
- 37-58
- Nanori:
- つ・つく・は・ひじ
- Hangul:
- 토 [to] ・ 두 [du]
- Pinyin:
- tǔ
- Example words:
- 土地【とち】
- plot of land; lot; soil; / locality; region; place
- 領土【りょうど】
- dominion; territory; possession
- 土曜【どよう】
- Saturday
- 土【つち】
- earth; soil; dirt; clay; mud; / the earth (historically, esp. as opposed to the heavens); the ground; the land; / low-quality torinoko-gami (containing mud); / (period of) refraining from construction in the direction of the god of the earth (in Onmyōdō)
- 国土【こくど】
- country; territory; domain; realm
- 交
- 常用2年JLPTN3
mingle; mixing; association; coming & going
- Strokes:
- 6
- Radical:
- 亠 pot lid
- 2-4-2
- UTF:
- 4ea4
- JIS208:
- 24-82
- Nanori:
- かた
- Hangul:
- 교 [gyo]
- Pinyin:
- jiāo
- Example words:
- 交渉【こうしょう】
- negotiations; discussions; / connection
- 交流【こうりゅう】
- (cultural) exchange; interchange; interaction; (inter-) mingling; (social, etc.) networking; intercourse; / alternating current; AC
- 外交【がいこう】
- diplomacy; / selling (e.g. door-to-door); canvassing
- 交通【こうつう】
- traffic; transportation; communication; exchange (of ideas, etc.); intercourse
- 交換【こうかん】
- exchange; interchange; switching; reciprocity; barter; substitution; replacement; clearing (of checks, cheques)
- 通
- 常用2年JLPTN4
traffic; pass through; avenue; commute; counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.
- Strokes:
- 10 or 9
- Radical:
- ⻌辵辶 walk
- 3-2-7
- UTF:
- 901a
- JIS208:
- 36-44
- Nanori:
- とん・どうし・どおり・みち
- Hangul:
- 통 [tong]
- Pinyin:
- tōng / tòng
- Example words:
- 通信【つうしん】
- correspondence; communication; transmission; news; signal; telecommunications
- 見通し【みとおし】
- unobstructed view; perspective; visibility; vista; / forecast; outlook; prospect; prediction; / insight; foresight
- 普通【ふつう】
- general; ordinary; usual; / normally; generally; usually; / local train; train that stops at every station
- 共通【きょうつう】
- common; shared; mutual; / to be common (to); to be shared (by); / -wide
- 通常【つうじょう】
- usual; ordinary; normal; regular; general; common
- 相
- 常用3年JLPTN3
inter-; mutual; together; each other; minister of state; councillor; aspect; phase; physiognomy
- Strokes:
- 9
- Radical:
- 目 eye
- 1-4-5
- UTF:
- 76f8
- JIS208:
- 33-74
- Nanori:
- あ・い・おう・さ・さが・すけ
- Hangul:
- 상 [sang]
- Pinyin:
- xiāng / xiàng
- Example words:
© Based on JMdict, KANJIDIC2, and JMnedict, property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, used in conformance with the Group's licence. Example sentences from the Tatoeba project (CC BY 2.0). Kanji stroke order data from the KanjiVG project by Ulrich Apel (CC BY-SA 3.0). See comprehensive list of data sources for more info.
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