Results, 沖縄蕎麦
Kanji definition:
- 沖
- 常用中学校JLPTN1
open sea; offing; rise high into sky
- ➜
- 冲
- Strokes:
- 7
- Radical:
- 水氵氺 water
- 1-3-4
- UTF:
- 6c96
- JIS208:
- 18-13
- Hangul:
- 충 [chung]
- Pinyin:
- chōng
- Example words:
- 縄
- 常用中学校JLPTN1
straw rope; cord
- ➜
- 繩
- Strokes:
- 15
- Radical:
- 糸糹 silk, thread
- 1-6-9
- UTF:
- 7e04
- JIS208:
- 38-76
- Hangul:
- 승 [seung]
- Pinyin:
- shéng
- Example words:
- 沖縄【おきなわ】
- Okinawa (prefecture); region comprising most of Japan's southwestern archipelago (esp. Okinawa Island); / Okinawa (city)
- 沖縄開発庁長官【おきなわかいはつちょうちょうかん】
- Director General of Okinawa Development Agency
- 縄文【じょうもん】
- Jōmon period; / straw-rope pattern
- 縄【なわ】
- rope; cord; / policeman's rope
- 縄張り【なわばり】
- stretching a rope around; roping off; cordoning off; demarcation; / one's turf; domain; territory; jurisdiction; sphere of influence
- 蕎
- 人名用
- Strokes:
- 15
- Radical:
- 艹艸䒑 grass
- 2-4-12
- UTF:
- 854e
- JIS208:
- 22-30
- Hangul:
- 교 [gyo]
- Pinyin:
- qiáo
- Example words:
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