Results, 犬枇杷 いぬびわinubiwa 《犬 枇 杷 ・天 仙 果 》 イヌビワINUBIWA noun:
Ficus erecta (species of ficus)
Kanji definition:
犬 常用 1年JLPT N4ケンKEN ・いぬ inu ・いぬ~ inu
Strokes: 4 Radical: 犬犭 dog SKIP: 4-4-4 UTF: 72ac JIS208: 24-4 Hangul: 견 [gyeon] Pinyin: quǎn / quán Stroke order: Example words:犬 【いぬinu 】dog (Canis (lupus) familiaris); / snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.); / loser; asshole; / counterfeit; inferior; useless; wasteful 盲導犬 【もうどうけんmoudouken 】guide dog for the blind; seeing eye dog 愛犬 【あいけんaiken 】pet dog; beloved dog 枇 人名用 ビBI ・ヒHI
loquat; spoon
Strokes: 8 Radical: 木 tree SKIP: 1-4-4 UTF: 6787 JIS208: 40-90 Hangul: 비 [bi] Pinyin: pí Stroke order: Example words:枇杷酒 【びわしゅbiwashu 】loquat wine 鬢枇 【びんそぎbinsogi 】cutting a person's sidelocks; evenly cut sidelocks (symbol of adulthood for noblewomen in the Heian era); ritual of cutting the sidelocks (coming-of-age ceremony for women from about 1568-1867) 杷 人名用 ハHA ・つか tsuka
kind of rake; loquat
Strokes: 8 Radical: 木 tree SKIP: 1-4-4 UTF: 6777 JIS208: 39-39 Nanori: わwa Hangul: 파 [pa] Pinyin: pá / ba Stroke order: Example words:枇杷酒 【びわしゅbiwashu 】loquat wine 竹杷 【さらいsarai 】farmer's rake
© Based on JMdict , KANJIDIC2 , and JMnedict , property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group , used in conformance with the Group's licence . Example sentences from the Tatoeba project (CC BY 2.0). Kanji stroke order data from the KanjiVG project by Ulrich Apel (CC BY-SA 3.0). See comprehensive list of data sources for more info.
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